Optimizing tiled maps in cocos2d-iphone - objective-c

My cocos2d-iphone game has tiled maps. The tilesets textures are rather big. I got around 5 tilesets and each one is 2048x2048 (retina).
My maps are around 80x80. They have around 8 layers and each one is obviously using one tileset.
The frame rate falls (it goes around 30 sometimes. I know 30 is rather aceptable, but still, I want 50+).
So given that textures are huge I can't afford to make many layers (since each one loads a texture of these).
So how about I divide my tileset textures into much smaller tilesets (like 1024x1024 each)? That will allow me to use many more layers for my maps, right?
Are there any other tips for huge retina display tile maps?

Texture with 2048x2048 and 32-Bit colors equals 16 MB (!) of memory. Five times that is 80 MB of memory just for the textures. Ouch! For a tilemap that is relatively tiny (80x80) that's an enormous amount of texture memory.
First order of optimization would be to use PVR textures if you really can't reduce the number of tilesets or images within them. You lose some image quality but the memory consumption will go down dramatically, and the rendering performance of PVR textures is a lot better. Of course while working with Tiled you'll have to use the (presumably) PNG texture which you then convert to PVR for use in the project, for example using TexturePacker.
8 tile layers can be pretty hefty, but depends on how you use them and how many tiles of each layer are actually drawn. Try this: set all but one layer to visible = NO. Then turn the layers back on one by one and see how that affects the framerate.
Finally you should know that Cocos2D's tilemap implementation is utterly inefficient past a certain number of tiles. There have been attempts to improve the tilemap renderer, for example this one (HKTMXTiledMap) may be worth giving a shot.

I had the same problem. My solution is simply convert .png files to .pvr.ccz, and both the file size and in memory footprint reduce dramatically. Here are my steps:
use TexturePacker to convert tileset files (png files) to pvr.ccz. Make sure it's a 1:1 mapping (same size, no rotation, no border padding, no trim...), and they should be the same size (e.g. 2048 x 2048)
open your .tmx file and change the png file path to your pvr.ccz file.
that's it! It works for cocos2d-x in my case. Before the change my game takes 106 MB in memory, and only ~90MB after the change, and this is only for 1 tileset texture.


How to improve MTKView rendering when using MPSImageScale and MTLBlitCommandEncoder

TL;DR: From within my MTKView's delegate drawInMTKView: method, part of my rendering pass involves adding an MPSImageBilinearScale performance shader and zero or more MTLBlitCommandEncoder requests for generateMipmapsForTexture. Is that a smart thing to do from within drawInMTKView:, which happens on the main thread? Do either of them block the main thread while running or are they only being encoded and then executed later and entirely on the GPU?
Longer Version:
I'm playing around with Metal within the context of an imaging application. I use Core Image to load an image and apply filters. The output image is displayed as a 2D plane in a metal view with a single texture. This works, but to improve performance I wanted to experiment with Core Image's ability to render out smaller tiles at a time. Each tile is rendered into its own IOSurface.
On each render pass, I check if there are any tiles that have been recently rendered. For each rendered tile (which is now an IOSurface), I create a Metal texture from a CVMetalTextureCache that is backed by the surface.
I think use a scaling MPS to copy from the tile-texture into the "master" texture. If a tile was copied over, then I issue a blit command to generate the mipmaps on the master texture.
What I'm seeing is that if my master texture is quite large, then generate the mipmaps can take "a bit of time". The same is true if I have a lot of tiles. It appears this is blocking the main thread because my FPS drops significantly. (The MTKView is running at the standard 60fps.)
If I play around with tile sizes, then I can improve performance in some areas but decrease it in others. For example, increasing the tile size that Core Image renders it creates less tiles, and thus less calls to generate mipmaps and blits, but at the cost of Core Image taking longer to render a region.
If I decrease the size of my "master" texture, then mipmap generation goes faster since only the dirty textures are updates, but there appears to be a lower bounds on how small I should make the master texture because if I make it too small, then I need to pass in a large number of textures to the fragment shader. (And it looks like that limit might be 128?)
What's not entirely clear to me is how much of this I can move off the main thread while still using MTKView. If part of the rendering pass is going to block the main thread, then I'd prefer to move it to a background through so that UI elements (like sliders and checkboxes) remain fully responsive.
Or maybe this isn't the right strategy in the first place? Is there a better way to display really large images in Metal other than tiling? (i.e.: Images larger than Metal's texture size limit of 16384?)

Is there any way to optimizing image upload?

I have tried the following methods,
normal image upload.
encoding and decoding.
these two methods are taking long time to upload the image.
Any suggestion?
There are some simple ways:
Reduce the size of the image. From 1000x1000 to 500x500
Reduce the bpp of the image. For example instead of RGBA representation (32 bits per pixel) use RGB_565 (16bits per pixel) or even gray level image (8bits)
Reduce the quality of the image. Save it as .jpg. This will make the image much smaller. You can play with the quality parameter of jpeg. 100% means very high quality and large files, 1% means extremely tiny images (~40 times smaller) but all the details will be lost.
Save the image in Jpeg200 format. It reduces the size even further. Not every browser supports this format, so you might need to convert it to regular jpeg.
Use pyramids of images. For example. You have 1000x1000 image. Reduce its size by 2 to get 500x500, reduce again and again. Now you got 4 images 1000x1000, 500x500, 250x250, 125x125. You upload the 4 of them. Starting from the smallest to the largest. The smallest image will be uploaded very quick and you will be able to display it (though it is in lower resolution). Next when a better image arrives you update the display and resolution enhances. The effect would be that the basic image is loaded extremely fast and over time the resolution is enhanced. The transfer time of the 4 images will take only 30% more time than the original but the first one will arrive 64 times faster than the original
These are the basic solutions. If they are not what you needed please refine the question

How does OpenGLES(iPhone) render a huge quad

I need to support the fast rendering of huge quads in the order of 10,000 x 10,000 pixels.
Either in general or specifically to the iPhone, does OpenGLES clip texture drawing to the current viewport automatically? Or do I need to add some code to trim these vertices down to the size of the screen?
I've seen talk about optimizing for a lot of vertices, but what about only 4 vertices in a very large textured quad?
The OpenGL rendering pipeline performs clipping and culling before rasterisation — so there's no per-pixel cost for parts of geometry outside of the viewport.
If you know that your geometry will always exactly fill the viewport then you have more information than you've disclosed to OpenGL and could in theory write code to get to your output geometry in fewer operations. In your case, you'd want to work backwards to project into the world and find the four points that go at screen edges, probably in a vertex shader. However the difference should be so negligible, even if you wrote an absolutely optimal solution, as for it not to be worth the extra code burden.

About animating frame by frame with sprite files

I used to animate my CCSprites by iterating through 30 image files (rather big ones) and on each file I changed the CCSprite's texture to that image file.
Someone told me that was not efficient and I should use spritesheets instead. But, can I ask why is this not efficient exactly?
There are two parts to this question:
OpenGL ES requires textures to have width and height's to the power of 2 eg 64x128, 256x1024, 512x512 etc. If the images don't comply, Cocos2D will automatically resize your image to fit the dimensions by adding in extra transparent space. With successive images being loaded in, you are constantly wasting more and more space. By using a sprite sheet, you already have all the images tightly packed in to reduce wastage.
Speed. Related to above, it takes time to load an image and resize it. By only calling the 'load' once, you speed the entire process up.

SpriteSheet, AtlasSprite, Sprite and optimization

I'm developing an iPhone Cocos2D game and reading about optimization. some say use spritesheet whenever possible. others say use atlassprite whenever possible and others say sprite is fine.
I don't get the "whenever possible", when each one can and can't be used?
Also what is the best case for each type?
My game will typically use 100 sprites in a grid, with about 5 types of sprites and some other single sprites. What is the best setup for that? guidelines for deciding for general cases will help too.
Here's what you need to know about spritesheets vs. sprites, generally.
A spritesheet is just a bunch of images put together onto one big image, and then there will be a separate file for image location data (i.e. image 1 starts at coordinate 0,0 with a size of 100,100, image 2 starts at coordinate 100,0, etc).
The advantage here is that loading textures (sprites) is a pretty I/O and memory-alloc intensive operation. If you're trying to do this continually in your game, you may get lags.
The second advantage is memory optimization. If you're using transparent PNGs for your images, there may be a lot of blank pixels -- and you can remove those and "pack" your texture sizes way down than if you used individual images. Good for both space & memory concerns. (TexturePacker is the tool I use for the latter).
So, generally, I'd say it's always a good idea to use a sprite sheet, unless you have non-transparent sprites.