Does NserviceBus finishes message handling if windows service is stopped? - nservicebus

I have nservicebus program installed as windows service.
When I stop windows service, does NserviceBus waits until current message handler is completed?
If the answer is no, then I may do a half of the work, and appear in incorrect state(if my program uses database).
I have done an experiment - created a program that does Thread.Sleep(100 * 1000) when it receives message.
When I stop windows service while message processing, it stops quickly and do not wait 100 seconds. So I assume that the answer is no.
If the answer is yes, please point me to the place in source code, where such stuff occurs.

NSB does not wait so the current message will rollback to the queue. All handlers are run in a transaction so there should be no risk to get in an inconsistent state. Assuming that your database is enlisted in the dtc transaction. If not you'll be inconsistent anyway so all bets are off.


Messages being lost on consumer falling over

This seems like a pretty basic question, but I seem to be losing messages when the consumer falls over before acknowledging them. I have set up the broker with an exchange audit:exchange and a queue bound to it audti:queue. Both are durable, and as expected if I send messages when no consumer is active they sit on the queue and get processed by the consumer when it starts up. However if I put a break point in the consumer and kill the process half way through, the message is not requeued - it just seems to get lost. The consumer is set up using the annotation
public void process(Message message) {
routeMessage(message) //stop here and kill process - message removed from q
I can't reproduce your issue.
With the breakpoint triggered, I see the message still in the queue (unacked=1) on the rabbit console.
When the process is killed; the message goes back to ready.
Have you configured the listener container factory to use Acknowledgemode.NONE?
That will exhibit the behavior you describe.
The default is AUTO which means the message will only be acknowledged when the listener returns successfully.
If you still think there's an issue; please supply the complete test case.
Sorry this was my bad (I just wasted a few hours .. sigh). I was killing the app from within my ide. Which probably detaches and then kills the process - allowing time for it to proceed just enough that it actually does send the ack. When I just killed the process from a terminal it worked exactly as expected. Particualr apologies to you Gary for wasting your time as well.

WCF Timeouts - Is the thread killed or allowed to complete

Say I have the following chain of execution in my WCF Service:
ServiceMethod calls and waits for Method1, then calls and waits for Method2, which calls and waits for Method3. Finally ServiceMethod calls and waits for Method4 before returning.
What happens if the service's configured timeout is hit during the execution of Method 3 (or any of those methods)? Does the thread executing ServiceMethod just get terminated immediately? With no further execution? Or does the process allow the thread to continue to the end, without returning any result?
My concern is in knowing how far processing went before the timeout was encountered. If the thread is allowed to complete, then one can know that all completed anyway (even though no result was returned). But if the thread just gets terminated immediately, one would have to design the ServiceMethod so that one can trace how far it got, and then try again from there.
The operation is allowed to run to completion on the server - it's the WCF channel that times out. In fact, some people have asked here for a way to force the server side processing to abort when a timeout occurs, and it's generally agreed that doing that cleanly would be difficult:
Why doesn’t WCF support service-side timeouts?
After the service instance has been created by the host, it will continue to run until either process is terminated, your logic completes and exits the entry point (operation) or uncaught exception is thrown. The timeout you are concerned with is between the client and the host.
Client will get an exception on the channel signalling the timeout as the channel fault. This tells the client that channel is not safe for use and it will have to be re-created.
Small comment on the call chain. You are better of encapsulate your step by step logic in a single workflow or manager which can help you with requirements for re-startability or compensation logic. Have a single entry point in your service which then can execute the workflow.
+1 on the answer for Why doesn't WCF support service-side timeouts from "500-internal server"

NServiceBus delay retries

We need to be able to specify a delay in retrying failed messages. NServiceBus retries more or less instantly up to n times (as configured) before moving the message to error queue.
What I need to be able to do is for a given message type specify that its not to be retried for an arbitrary period of time
I've read the post here:
NServiceBus Retry Delay
but this doesn't give what I'm looking for.
Kind regards
This isn't supported as of right now. What you can do is let the messages go to the error queue and setup and endpoint to monitor that queue. Your code could then determine the rules for replaying messages. You could use a Saga to achieve this in combination with the Timeout manager.
Typically you'll have some rules around when to replay messages. In NSB 3.0 we have a better way to do this using the FaultManager. This gives you options on where to put failed messages and includes the exception. One of the options is a DB which you could then set up a job to inspect the exception and determine what to do with it.
Lastly a low tech way of getting this is to schedule a job that runs the ReturnToSourceQueue tool periodically to "clean up". We are doing this and including an alert so we don't endlessly cycle messages around.

Monitor and handle MSGW messages on a job on an IBM i-series (AS/400) from Java

Does anyone know how one can automatically reply to messages with status MSGW that block a job on an IBM i-series (AS/400)?
I'm using the jt400/jtopen library to access a program on an AS/400 from Java. I'm using the class, which works fine, unless the program fails for some reason. As with almost any program, failures will happen sometimes, but unfortunately, in this case, it does not result in a status message or an exception. Instead, the calling thread just hangs. What's worse, any call to the AS/400 to get information on the Job (another class in jt400 that mostly does what you would expect) backing the queue will hang as well.
I could of course monitor the thread in which the call runs and simply kill it after waiting for a while, but that's a last resort. Getting an error message back from the system would be nice.
You could try execute this command before invoke your pcml with method:
It sets 'C' as default answer for all messages.
but you should ensure you have log of the messages in order to know the problem which generates this message
I don't believe Java can directly trap errors that occur on the other side of that API. What I've done is to 'harden' the RPG (IBM i side) program so that it monitors for errors rather than let the default error handler get them. When an error occurs, the RPG program gracefully terminates and passes back an error code or even the entire message back to the Java application.
I've found that you can use the timeout mechanism of ExecutorService to interrupt a ProgramCall in MSGW.
You must discard the AS400 object afterwards, and the server job is still in MSGW, but at least you can continue on the Javaside.
(You need to use a separate AS400 object if you want to investigate on the hanging job.)

NServiceBus Retry Delay

What is the optimal way to configure/code NServiceBus to delay retrying messages?
In its default configuration retry happens almost immediately up to the number of attempts defined in the configuration file. I'd ideally like to retry again after an hour, etc.
Also, how does HandleCurrentMessageLater() work? What does the Later aspect refer to?
The NSB retries is there to remedy temporary problems like deadlocks etc. Longer retries is better handled by creating another process that monitors the error queue and puts them back into to the source queue at the interval you like. Take a look at the ReturnToSourceQueue.exe that comes with NSB for reference.
Edit: NServiceBus now supports this , we call it Second Level Retries, see for more details
Here is a blog post on why NServiceBus doesn't include a retry delay that I wrote after asking Udi this very same question in his distributed systems architecture course:
NServiceBus Retries: Why no back-off delay?
And here is a discussion thread covering some of the points involved in building an error queue monitor/retry endpoint:
As far as HandleCurrentMessageLater(), all that does is puts the current message back at the end of the queue. If there are no other messages waiting, it's going to be processed again immediately.
As of NServiceBus 3.2.1, they provide an out of the box solution to handle back off delays in the event of consecutive message failures. The previously existing retry mechanism still retries failures without a delay to handle cases like Database deadlocks, quickly self healing network issues, etc.
Once a message has been retried the configured number of times, the message is moved to a "Second Level Retry" queue. This queue, as configured below, will retry after a 10, 20, and 30 second delay, then the message will be moved to the configured error queue. You're free to change these values to something that better suites your environment.
You can also check out this link: