Determining search results quality in Lucene - lucene

I have been searching about score normalization for few days (now i know this can't be done) in Lucene using mailing list, wiki, blogposts, etc. I'm going to expose my problem because I'm not sure that score normalization is what our project need.
In our project, we are using Solr on top of Lucene with custom RequestHandlers and SearchComponents. For a given query, we need to detect when a query got poor results to trigger different actions.
Inmutable index (once indexed, it is not updated) and Same query tipology (dismax qparser with same field boosting, without boost functions nor boost queries).
We know that score normalization is not implementable. But is there any way to determine (using TF/IDF and boost field assumptions) when search results match quality are poor?
Example: We've got an index with science papers and other one with medcare centre's info. When a user query against first index and got poor results (inferring it from score?), we want to query second index and merge results using some threshold (score threshold?)
Thanks in advance

You're right that normalization of scores across different queries doesn't make sense, because nearly all similarity measures base on term frequency, which is of course local to a query.
However, I think that it is viable to compare the scores in this very special case that you are describing, if only you would override the default similarity to use IDF calculated jointly for both indexes. For instance, you could achieve it easily by keeping all the documents in one index and adding an extra (and hidden to the users) 'type' field. Then, you could compare the absolute values returned by these queries.
Generally, it could be possible to determine low quality results by looking at some features, like for example very small number of results, or some odd distributions of scores, but I don't think it actually solves your problem. It looks more similar to the issue of merging of isolated search results, which is discussed for example in this paper.


Is that possible to use full text index to find closest match strings? What does Statistical Semantics do in Full Text Indexing

I am looking for SQL Server 2016 full text indexes and they are awesome to make searches for finding multiple words containing strings
When i try to compose the full text index, it shows Statistical Semantics as a tickbox. What does statistical semantics do?
Moreover, I want to find did you mean queries
For example lets say i have a record as house. The user types hause
Can i use full text index to return hause as closest match and show user did you mean house efficiently ? thank you
I have tried soundex but the results it generates are terrible
It returns so many unrelated words
And since there are so many records in my database and i need very fast results, i need something SQL server natively supports
Any ideas? Any way to achieve such thing with using indexes?
I know there are multiple algorithms but they are not efficient enough for me to use online. I mean like calculating edit distance between each records. They could be used for offline projects but i need this efficiency in an online dictionary where there will be thousands of requests constantly.
I already have a plan in my mind. Storing not-found results in the database and offline calculating closest matches. And using them as cache. However, i wonder any possible online/live solution may exists? Consider that there will be over 100m nvarchar records
Short answer is no, Full Text Search cannot search for words that are similar, but different.
Full Text Search uses stemmers and thesaurus files:
The stemmer generates inflectional forms of a particular word based on the rules of that language (for example, "running", "ran", and "runner" are various forms of the word "run").
A Full-Text Search thesaurus defines a set of synonyms for a specific language.
Both stemmers and thesaurus are configurable and you can easily have FT match house for a search on hause, but only if you added hause as a synonym for house. This is obviously a non-solution as it requires you to add every possible typo as a synonym...
Semantic search is a different topic, it allows you to search for documents that are semantically close to a given example.
What you want is to find records that have a short Levenshtein distance from a given word (aka. 'fuzzy' search). I don't know of any technique for creating an index that can answer a Levenshtein search. If you're willing to scan the entire table for each term, T-SQL and CLR implementations of Levenshtein exists.

Optimize query to fetch tuples from index directly

I want to optimize a large SQL query that has around 500 SQL lines and is a little slow, it takes 1 to 5 seconds to execute in an interactive system.
I saw this munin graph
That is not the same as this graph
What I understand from the first graph (showing scans) is that the indexes are being used in where or order by sentences, only to search a tuple that matches some rules (boolean expression).
The second graph I'm not really sure what it means by "tuple access"
Question1: What is the meaning of "tuple access"?
So I'm thinking that I can make an optimization step forward if I could rewrite some parts of this big query to fetch more tuples using the indexes and less sequentially, using the information in the second graph.
Question2: Am I correct? Would it be better that the second graph show more index fetched and less sequentially read?
Question3: In case this is correct, could you provide a SQL example in which the tuples are index-fetched opposed to one in which they are sequentially read?
Note: In the questions, I'm only referring to the second graph
In general, trying to optimize graphs like this is a mistake unless you have a specific performance problem. It is not in fact always better to retrieve tuples from the indexes. These things are very complex decisions which depend on specifics of table, table access, the sort of material you are retrieving and more.
The fact is that a query plan that works for one quantity of data may not work as well for another.
Particularly if you have a lot of small tables, sequential scans will, for example, always beat index scans.
So what you want to do is to start by finding the slow queries, running them under EXPLAIN ANALYZE and looking for opportunities to add appropriate indexes. You can't do this without looking at the query plan and the actual query, which is why you always want to look at that.
In other words, your graph just gives you a sense of access patterns. It does not give you enough information to do any sort of real performance optimizations.

Lucene: Query at least

I'm trying to find if there's a way to search in lucene to say find all documents where there is at least one word that does not match a particualar word.
E.g. I want to find all documents where there is at least one word besides "test". i.e. "test" may or may not be present but there should be at least one word other than "test". Is there a way to do this in Lucene?
Lucene could do this, but this wouldn't be a good idea.
The performance of query execution is bound to two factors:
the time to intersect the query with the term dictionary,
the time to retrieve the docs for every matching term.
Performant queries are the ones which can be quickly intersected with the term dictionary, and match only a few terms so that the second step doesn't take too long. For example, in order to prohibit too complex boolean queries, Lucene limits the number of clauses to 1024 by default.
With a TermQuery, intersecting the term dictionary requires (by default) O(log(n)) operations (where n is the size of the term dictionary) in memory and then one random access on disk plus the streaming of at most 16 terms. Another example is this blog entry from Lucene committer Mike McCandless which describes how FuzzyQuery performance improved when a brute-force implementation of the first step was replaced by something more clever.
However, the query you are describing would require to examine every single term of the term dictionary and dismiss documents which are in the "test" document set only!
You should give more details about your use-case so that people can think about a more efficient solution to your problem.
If you need a query with a single negative condition, then use a BooleanQuery with the MatchAllDocsQuery and a TermQuery with occurs=MUST_NOT. There is no way to additionaly enforce the existential constraint ("must contain at least one term that is not excluded"). You'll have to check that separately, once you retrieve Lucene's results. Depending on the ratio of favorable results to all the results returned from Lucene, this kind of solution can range from perfectly fine to a performance disaster.

How to Optimize Queries in a Database - The Basics

It seems that all questions regarding this topic are very specific, and while I value specific examples, I'm interested in the basics of SQL optimization. I am very comfortable working in SQL, and have a background in hardware/low level software.
What I want is the tools both tangible software, and a method to look at the mysql databases I look at on a regular basis and know what the difference between orders of join statements and where statements.
I want to know why an index helps, like, exactly why. I want to know specifically what happens differently, and I want to know how I can actually look at what is happening. I don't need a tool that will breakdown every step of my SQL, I just want to be able to poke around and if someone can't tell me what column to index, I will be able to get out a sheet of paper and within some period of time be able to come up with the answers.
Databases are complicated, but they aren't THAT complicated, and there must be some great material out there for learning the basics so that you know how to find the answers to optimization problems you encounter, even if could hunt down the exact answer on a forum.
Please recommend some reading that is concise, intuitive, and not afraid to get down to the low level nuts and bolts. I prefer online free resources, but if a book recommendation demolishes the nail head it hits I'd consider accepting it.
You have to do a look up for every where condition and for every join...on condition. The two work the same.
Suppose we write
select name
from customer
where customerid=37;
Somehow the DBMS has to find the record or records with customerid=37. If there is no index, the only way to do this is to read every record in the table comparing the customerid to 37. Even when it finds one, it has no way of knowing there is only one, so it has to keep looking for others.
If you create an index on customerid, the DBMS has ways to search the index very quickly. It's not a sequential search, but, depending on the database, a binary search or some other efficient method. Exactly how doesn't matter, accept that it's much faster than sequential. The index then takes it directly to the appropriate record or records. Furthermore, if you specify that the index is "unique", then the database knows that there can only be one so it doesn't waste time looking for a second. (And the DBMS will prevent you from adding a second.)
Now consider this query:
select name
from customer
where city='Albany' and state='NY';
Now we have two conditions. If you have an index on only one of those fields, the DBMS will use that index to find a subset of the records, then sequentially search those. For example, if you have an index on state, the DBMS will quickly find the first record for NY, then sequentially search looking for city='Albany', and stop looking when it reaches the last record for NY.
If you have an index that includes both fields, i.e. "create index on customer (state, city)", then the DBMS can immediately zoom to the right records.
If you have two separate indexes, one on each field, the DBMS will have various rules that it applies to decide which index to use. Again, exactly how this is done depends on the particular DBMS you are using, but basically it tries to keep statistics on the total number of records, the number of different values, and the distribution of values. Then it will search those records sequentially for the ones that satisfy the other condition. In this case the DBMS would probably observe that there are many more cities than there are states, so by using the city index it can quickly zoom to the 'Albany' records. Then it will sequentially search these, checking the state of each against 'NY'. If you have records for Albany, California these will be skipped.
Every join requires some sort of look-up.
Say we write
from transaction
join customer on transaction.customerid=customer.customerid
where transaction.transactiondate='2010-07-04' and customer.type='Q';
Now the DBMS has to decide which table to read first, select the appropriate records from there, and then find the matching records in the other table.
If you had an index on transaction.transactiondate and customer.customerid, the best plan would likely be to find all the transactions with this date, and then for each of those find the customer with the matching customerid, and then verify that the customer has the right type.
If you don't have an index on customer.customerid, then the DBMS could quickly find the transaction, but then for each transaction it would have to sequentially search the customer table looking for a matching customerid. (This would likely be very slow.)
Suppose instead that the only indexes you have are on transaction.customerid and customer.type. Then the DBMS would likely use a completely different plan. It would probably scan the customer table for all customers with the correct type, then for each of these find all transactions for this customer, and sequentially search them for the right date.
The most important key to optimization is to figure out what indexes will really help and create those indexes. Extra, unused indexes are a burden on the database because it takes work to maintain them, and if they're never used this is wasted effort.
You can tell what indexes the DBMS will use for any given query with the EXPLAIN command. I use this all the time to determine if my queries are being optimized well or if I should be creating additional indexes. (Read the documentation on this command for an explanation of its output.)
Caveat: Remember that I said that the DBMS keeps statistics on the number of records and the number of different values and so on in each table. EXPLAIN may give you a completely different plan today than it gave yesterday if the data has changed. For example, if you have a query that joins two tables and one of these tables is very small while the other is large, it will be biased toward reading the small table first and then finding matching records in the large table. Adding records to a table can change which is larger, and thus lead the DBMS to change its plan. Thus, you should attempt to do EXPLAINS against a database with realistic data. Running against a test database with 5 records in each table is of far less value than running against a live database.
Well, there's much more that could be said, but I don't want to write a book here.
Let's say you're looking for a friend in another city. One way would be to go from door to door and ask whether this is the house you're looking for. Another way is to look at the map.
The index is the map to a table. It can tell the DB engine exactly where the thing you're looking for is. Thus, you index every column that you think you will have to search for, and leave out the columns that you are just reading data from, and never searching for.
Good technical reading about indices and about ORDER BY optimization. And if you want to see what exactly is happening, you want the EXPLAIN statement.
Don't think about optimizing databases. Think about optimizing queries.
Generally, you optimize one case at the expense of others. You just have to decide which cases you're interested in.
I don't know about MySql tools but in MS SqlServer you have a tool that shows all of the operations a query would take and how much of the processing time of the entire query would take.
Using this tool helped me to understand how queries are optimized by the query optimizer much more than I think any book could help because what the optimizer does is often not easy to understand. By tweaking the query and possibly the underlining database I could see how each change affected the query plan. There are certain key points in writing queries but to me it looks like you already have an idea of those so optimizing in your case is much more about this than any general rules. After a few years of db development I did look at a few books specifically aimed at database optimization on the SQL Server and found very little useful info.
Quick googling came up with this: which sounds like a similar tool.
This was of course on a query level, database level optimizations are again a different kettle of fish, but there you are looking at parameters such as how your database is divided on the hard drives etc. At least in SqlServer you can select to divide tables to different hdd's and even disk plates and this can have a big effect because the drives and drive heads can work in parallel. Another is how you can build your queries so that the database can run them in several threads and processors in parallel, but both of these issues again depend on the database engine and even version you are using.
[Caution: Most of this Answer does not apply to MySQL. I bring this up because the OP tagged the Question with mysql.]
"I'm interested particularly in how indices will affect joins"
As an example, I'll take the case of equijoin (SELECT FROM A,B WHERE A.x = B.y).
If there are no indexes at all (which is possible in theory but I think not in SQL), then basically the only way to compute the join is to take the entire table A and partition it over x, take the entire table y and partition it over y, then match the partitions, and finally for each pair of matching partitions compute the result rows. That's costly (or even outright impossible due to memory restrictions) for all but the smallest tables.
Same story if there do exist indexes on A and/or B, but not any of them has x resp. y as its first attribute.
If there does exist an index on x, but not on y (or conversely), then another possibility opens up : scan table B, for each row pick value y, lookup that value in the index and fetch the corresponding A rows to compute the join. Note that this still won't win you much if no other further restrictions apply (AND z = ...) - except in the case where there are only few matches between x and y values.
If ordered indexes (hash-based indexes are not ordered) exist on both x and y, then a third possibility opens up : do a matching scan on the indexes themselves (the indexes themselves are likely to be smaller than the tables themselves, so scanning the index itself will take a shorter time), and for the matching x/y values, compute the join of the corresponding rows.
That's the baseline. Variations arise for joins on x>y etc.

Multiple or single index in Lucene?

I have to index different kinds of data (text documents, forum messages, user profile data, etc) that should be searched together (ie, a single search would return results of the different kinds of data).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having multiple indexes, one for each type of data?
And the advantages and disadvantages of having a single index for all kinds of data?
Thank you.
If you want to search all types of document with one search , it's better that you keep all
types to one index . In the index you can define more field type that you want to Tokenize or Vectore them .
It takes a time to introduce to each IndexSearcher a directory that include indeces .
If you want to search terms separately , it would better that index each type to one index .
single index is more structural than multiple index.
In other hand , we can balance our loading with multiple indeces .
Not necessarily answering your direct questions, but... ;)
I'd go with one index, add a Keyword (indexed, stored) field for the type, it'll let you filter if needed, as well as tell the difference between the results you receive back.
(and maybe in the vein of your questions... using separate indexes will allow each corpus to have it's own relevency score, don't know if excessively repeated terms in one corpus will throw off relevancy of documents in others?)
You should think logically as to what each dataset contains and design your indexes by subject-matter or other criteria (such as geography, business unit etc.). As a general rule your index architecture is similar to how you would databases (you likely wouldn't combine an accounting with a personnel database for example even if technically feasible).
As #llama pointed out, creating a single uber-index affects relevance scores, security/access issues, among other things and causes a whole new set of headaches.
In summary: think of a logical partitioning structure depending on your business need. Would be hard to explain without further background.
Agree that each kind of data should have its own index. So that all the index options can be set accordingly - like analyzers for the fields, what is stored for the fields for term vectors and similar. And also to be able to use different dynamic when IndexReaders/Writers are reopened/committed for different kinds of data.
One obvious disadvantage is the need to handle several indexes instead of one. To make it easier, and because I always use more than one index, created small library to handle it: Multi Index Lucene Manager