flare prefuse Dependency Graph error - flash-builder

I am using Flash Builder 4 to display a dependency graph.
The source code is in this location - dependency graph sample application
I get the error -
A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'flare.apps'.
I have imported App.as
Can anyone help?

The file /src/com/example/Foo.as should begin with package com.example and define the Foo class. This is a common OO setup that Flash Builder requires.
Recreate the flare/apps/App.as directory structure in your project's /src folder and you'll be all set.


javascript as target in kotlin multiplatform library

I'm building a Kotlin multiplatform library. One of the targets in this project is javascript. In the source set I have added a dependency like this:
val jsMain by getting {
dependencies {
implementation(npm("libphonenumber-js", "1.10.13"))
The gradle sync was successful, now I want to import the files in jsMain directory. How can I achieve this?
Add npm dependency with generateExternals as you already did
implementation(npm("libphonenumber-js", "1.10.13", generateExternals = true))
generateExternals = true triggers a tool called Dukat that generates Kotlin external declarations from the Typescript definition file of that npm module.
Once your project syncs, it would have externals folder under your shared module's build folder like shown below,
(Ignore kmp-lib-1621 in above image. That would be your module/library name instead)`
Now copy and paste these files in your project (jsMain source set) and remove generateExternal = true from your dependency otherwise it would generate this files everytime. (1) you would lose any manual change (2) if you update the library version then it can potentially break your project
You should be able to call generated external code from Kotlin code, whether you keep it in build folder or you pasted it in your project code.
Important Note: Dukat tool is experiemental and known to create externals that may not work 100% times. So remove all unnecessary code from external generated code so you only end up having few references of classes you want to use from the npm library. Do some trial and error and you would be fine.
Hope this helps!
You have to use js(IR) backend and generate externals
implementation(npm("libphonenumber-js", "1.10.13", generateExternals = true)).

Is it possible to apply dbt seed configurations to all projects that use a given package?

I built a dbt package for internal use. I'd like to specify the seed configurations in the dbt_project.yml of that package, and have those configurations apply to all projects that use the package. So far, I'm not sure if there's an issue with my syntax or if this just isn't possible.
The package dbt_project.yml includes the following:
+quote_columns: false
column_name: varchar(127)
In a project that uses this package, there is a file data/seed_name.csv. When I run dbt seed for that project, I want the configuration defined in the package to apply to this seed. Instead, it seems to be ignored. To be clear, the .csv is included in the project that uses the package, not in the package itself.
It works if I move the above code out of the package and into the project-specific dbt_project.yml. However, this would mean that anyone using my package needs to copy that code into their file, which I'd prefer to avoid.

Mule 3 Import | The selected folder does not contain a valid Studio project (missing mule-project.xml file)

As the error indicates, when I am trying to import a Mule project, I am getting error saying "Missing mule-project.xml" but the source I received does not contain it. Is there any workaround for this please?
Would it be possible to create a new project in the development environment, copy the mule-project.xml file from that to your old project and then, if needed, make manual modifications to the mule-project.xml in the old project?
The doppelganger for this in Mule 4 is the Missing pom.xml.
Same solution suggested by Ivan can be followed in Mule 4 as well.
Just to add more value for this question to help newbies.
Never import an previously exported jar unless it's a mule deployable archive. The pom.xml file needs to be present on the top level of the directory.
If your pom.xml is not present in the root upper most level of the directory, then there is a possible folder manipulation occurred.
To make sure you indeed are using the correct code.
Always check your project structure.
Jar archives tends to manipulate your folder structure as per its needs to properly execute ; Just making them useful for deployments but useless for code rework.

How to open pom.xml project using IDEA

I am trying to learn about annotation processing by looking at this sample.
I've cloned it to my local machine and used IDEA to open it.
However IDEA tells me:
Project SDK not set up.
After setting up Java SDK, the project is not opening correctly. So how can I open this project?
The project structure :
I tried opening annotationprocessing10 (root) directly and also tried factory directly but neither worked. Here is a screenshot of the directory structure:
The given repo is not a maven module (no POM.xml in the base directory), the maven modules are the projects inside.
Make sure you import the modules inside the root directory in IDEA to identify it as a maven project.

Play 2 dependency on a local module in Intellij Idea

I am kind of new to PlayFramework 2 and can not figure out how to resolve play 2 application dependencies. I need to add dependency on a local module loaded in IntellijIdea, not a jar file or repository.
While adding module dependencies in Idea project setting works just fine and ide itself is able to resolve them (autocompletion, imports etc are working), when trying to run in play2, its compiler cannot resolve any dependencies.
I manually configured Build.scala (adding val appDependencies = Seq("" % "" % "")) but am puzzled as to what resolvers I should use. I cannot point to a jar file, as it is a work in progress and such a file should be updated too often. Doing so would defeat the whole purpose of managed dependencies.
Play's main build mechanism uses SBT, which needs to know how to find all sources required for the build. There are several options for this:
make your module an SBT project itself and publish it to your local ivy repository. However that might be somewhat complex at this stage, and would involve adding your local ivy repository to the resolvers and re-publishing every time you change something in the module
declare your module as a sub-project. Play's documentation describes the process of working with sub-projects, I think this is the way you'd like to try out since then the idea command on Play's console will generate the IntelliJ configuration for the main application and the module.