What is the meaning of id? - objective-c

I am (trying to) learn Objective-C and I keep coming across a phrase like:
-(id) init;
And I understand id is an Objective C language keyword, but what does it mean to say "the compiler specifically treats id in terms of the pointer type conversion rules"?
Does id automatically designate the object to its right as a pointer?

id is a pointer to any type, but unlike void * it always points to an Objective-C object. For example, you can add anything of type id to an NSArray, but those objects must respond to retain and release.
The compiler is totally happy for you to implicitly cast any object to id, and for you to cast id to any object. This is unlike any other implicit casting in Objective-C, and is the basis for most container types in Cocoa.

id is a pointer to any Objective-C object (objc_object). It is not just a void pointer and you should not treat it as so. It references an object that should have a valid isa pointer. The values that can be stored in id are also not just limited to NSObject and its descendants, which starts to make sense of the existence of the NSObject protocol as well as the NSProxy class which does not even inherit from NSObject. The compiler will allow you to assign an object referenced by type id to any object type, assign any object type to id, as well as send it any message (that the compiler has seen) without warning.

id is a generic type. This means that the compiler will expect any object type there, and will not enforce restrictions. It can be useful if you're expecting to use more than one class of objects there; you can then use introspection to find out which class it is. id automatically assumes a pointer, as all objects in Objective-C are passed as pointers/references.
Some Additional Resources:
id vs NSObject vs id*
Objective-C Programming (Wikibooks)
Dynamic Typing

id is a data type of object identifiers in Objective-C, which can
be use for an object of any type no matter what class does it have.
id is the final super type of all objects.
In java or c# we use like this
Object data = someValue;
String name =(Object)data;
but in objective c
id data= someValue;
NSString *name= data;

Yes and no. It's true that having id x designates x as a pointer, but saying that the pointer type conversion rules apply is wrong, because "id" has special type conversion rules. For example, with a void * pointer you can't do this:
void *x;
char *y = x; // error, this needs an explicit cast
On the contrary, it's possible with id:
id x;
NSString *y = x;
See more usage of type id in objective c examples.
In addition in the "modern" Objective C it's preferred to use instancetype instead of "id" on "init" methods. There's even an automatic conversion tool in Xcode for changing that.
Read about instancetype: Would it be beneficial to begin using instancetype instead of id?


ObjC: restrict id to some types

In Objective-C, is it possible to restrict id to just a few types? I want to write a method having an id parameter, but this method applies only to some ObjC types: using id could lead to runtime errors. Is there any LLVM convention or something like that?
id is a generic Objective-C object pointer, ie it means any object.
The only way you could restrict the type would be using protocols:
id <myProtocol>
Therefore, in this way, you point to any object which adopts the myProtocol protocol.
As long as you're dealing with objects, you can ask for it's class:
id anId;
if ([anId isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
"restricting" id is not something Objective-C has. Anyways, if you pass an object of which the type doesn't match the type specified in the method declaration, you would only get a warning and not a compiler error (unless you compile using -Werror), so the compiler can't really prevent you from doing this.
Yes, this is runtime-error-prone, but that's how Objective-C works. One thing you should do is documenting which types are accepted.
One thing you can do is checking the type at runtime, either by using the isKindOfClass: or isMemeberOfClass: methods of NSObject. Also, if there are a common set of messages the object should respond to, you can wrap them into a protocol and require an expression of type id <MyProtocol>.

confusion regarding "id" in obj-c programming guide of Apple

In Objective-C, object identifiers are of a distinct data type: id. This type is the general type for any kind of object regardless of class and can be used for instances of a class and for class objects themselves.
id anObject;
Till here its simple and clear
For the object-oriented constructs of Objective-C, such as method return values, id replaces int as the default data type. (For strictly C constructs, such as function return values, int remains the default type.)
didn't understand what its talking about id replaces int? and in last inside brackets int remains the default value?
The keyword nil is defined as a null object, an id with a value of 0. id, nil, and the other basic types of Objective-C are defined in the header file objc/objc.h.
id is defined as pointer to an object data structure:
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
the above is not a obj-c syntax what is it and what it is explaining?
Every object thus has an isa variable that tells it of what class it is an instance. Since the Class type is itself defined as a pointer:
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
the isa variable is frequently referred to as the “isa pointer.”
also didn't understand this last para.
For the object-oriented constructs of Objective-C, such as method return values, id replaces int as the default data type. (For strictly C constructs, such as function return values, int remains the default type.)
Your book's just being a bit confusing here. All it's saying is that if you're working with objects and you don't want to get more specific, id is a good data type to use.
id is defined as pointer to an object data structure:
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
the above is not a obj-c syntax what is it and what it is explaining?
That's the internal representation of an object. Your book is trying to show that an objective C object isn't magic: under the surface it's just a struct. The data type id is a pointer to such a struct.
Every object thus has an isa variable that tells it of what class it is an instance. Since the Class type is itself defined as a pointer:
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
the isa variable is frequently referred to as the “isa pointer.”
In its internal data structure, each object has a pointer to another object that represents its class.
You don't need to know this stuff if you're just interested in programming in Objective-C (at least not while you're learning). It does come in handy if you're doing some advanced stuff, such as when you're interacting with the Objective-C runtime directly.
didn't understand what its talking about id replaces int?
Objective-C is a superset of C.
In C, a function must have a return value. If a return value is not specified, then a function returns int by default.
Objective-C overrides this default behaviour of C and returns id as a default value from any class method that doesn't specify its return value. But at the same time leaves the default behaviour for other (C-)functions the same (i.e. int is still the default return value for everything else)

Objective C Instance Method Help *Beginner*

Can you guys help me understand a concept real quick, I'm having trouble understanding the conversion from C to objective-C:
If I had a particular instance method that look like this:
-(void)addOwnerNamesObject:(NSString *)n;
// ownerNames defined as NSMutableSet
[ownerNames addObject:n];
I understand a few things...
It is an instance method that can be called by the program.
In C this would not return anything (just execute the code in the curlies)
In C, the syntax is slightly less confusing - (void)InstanceMethod(Char *nameOfArgument)
Here's where I need help:
When you call this method are you still sending it an argument?
If so, is that argument an NSString instance that the method names n?
And finally... off topic
If you have a method...
-(id)someMethod:(NSString *)pn
What is the (id) for? does that tell the compiler that it can return any type of object?
Thanks for helping the Newbie... Much appreciated.
First of all, you should really take a look at the basic Objective-C documentation.
In Objective-C, a method can be preceded by a + or - sign.
+ is for class methods, - is for instance methods.
Then you have the return type, inside parenthesis, and the method name.
- ( int )foo;
An instance method named foo, returning an int.
A similar C function would be:
int foo( void );
In Objective-C, the method name is a bit special when you have arguments.
For instance:
- ( int )foo: ( double )num;
A member method named foo:, returning an int and taking a double argument named num.
Similar C function:
int foo( double num );
Now with multiple arguments:
- ( int )foo: ( double )num1 bar: ( float )num2;
A member method named foo:bar:, returning an int and taking a double argument named num1 and a float argument named num2.
Similar C function:
int foo( double num1, float num2 );
About your question on id, it's simply the method return type.
id is a typedef used for Objective-C instances.
Basically, it's a void *.
id does represent an Objective-C object pointer, for any class.
You already know what you're talking about.
1.) When you call this method are you still sending it an argument?
yes, whatever is after the colon
add multiple colons to pass additional parameters...
-(void)addOwnerNamesObject:(NSString *)n withSomeIntYouWantToPass:(int)value;
2.) If so, is that argument an NSString instance that the method names 'n'?
3.) What is the (id) for? Does that tell the compiler that it can return any type of object?
yes, you will return an NSObject or subclass of NSObject
First the dash (-) in the method name says that this is an instance method which means you need an instance to send this message to. The call would look something like this:
NSString* s = #"a string";
[someInstance addOwnersNameObject:s];
In this case you are passing the NSString instance s to the addOwnersNameObject message.
id is like void * in C.
To add to those very valid answers already given with a further discussion of id:
Objects in Objective-C are typeless, which means that at a fundamental level you don't need to know the type to be able to talk to the object. That's one of the big differences between Objective-C and, say, C++.
Pointers to objects are usually typed, such as NSString * to make the code more readable and to indicate your intentions to the compiler so that it can provide suitable warnings if you do anything odd.
id is a typeless pointer to an object. Any object type can be passed as id and any id value can be assigned to any object pointer without casting.
99.99% of the time, id could be replaced with NSObject * since 99.99% of objects inherit from NSObject, meaning that you could use the fact of inheritance rather than the fact of typeless objects to pass things around generically. However NSObject is a little bit special in being both an object and a protocol and some objects aren't actually subclasses of NSObject — NSProxy and the classes that represent blocks jump immediately to mind. You'll rarely be particularly interested in those special cases but id is nevertheless often used as a convention because people prefer the semantics of passing an object with no indication of its type to passing an object with a known ancestor.

Would it be beneficial to begin using instancetype instead of id?

Clang adds a keyword instancetype that, as far as I can see, replaces id as a return type in -alloc and init.
Is there a benefit to using instancetype instead of id?
Yes, there are benefits to using instancetype in all cases where it applies. I'll explain in more detail, but let me start with this bold statement: Use instancetype whenever it's appropriate, which is whenever a class returns an instance of that same class.
In fact, here's what Apple now says on the subject:
In your code, replace occurrences of id as a return value with instancetype where appropriate. This is typically the case for init methods and class factory methods. Even though the compiler automatically converts methods that begin with “alloc,” “init,” or “new” and have a return type of id to return instancetype, it doesn’t convert other methods. Objective-C convention is to write instancetype explicitly for all methods.
Emphasis mine. Source: Adopting Modern Objective-C
With that out of the way, let's move on and explain why it's a good idea.
First, some definitions:
#interface Foo:NSObject
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar; // initializer
+ (id)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar; // class factory
For a class factory, you should always use instancetype. The compiler does not automatically convert id to instancetype. That id is a generic object. But if you make it an instancetype the compiler knows what type of object the method returns.
This is not an academic problem. For instance, [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] writeData:formattedData] will generate an error on Mac OS X (only) Multiple methods named 'writeData:' found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes. The reason is that both NSFileHandle and NSURLHandle provide a writeData:. Since [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] returns an id, the compiler is not certain what class writeData: is being called on.
You need to work around this, using either:
[(NSFileHandle *)[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] writeData:formattedData];
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput];
[fileHandle writeData:formattedData];
Of course, the better solution is to declare fileHandleWithStandardOutput as returning an instancetype. Then the cast or assignment isn't necessary.
(Note that on iOS, this example won't produce an error as only NSFileHandle provides a writeData: there. Other examples exist, such as length, which returns a CGFloat from UILayoutSupport but a NSUInteger from NSString.)
Note: Since I wrote this, the macOS headers have been modified to return a NSFileHandle instead of an id.
For initializers, it's more complicated. When you type this:
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar
…the compiler will pretend you typed this instead:
- (instancetype)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar
This was necessary for ARC. This is described in Clang Language Extensions Related result types. This is why people will tell you it isn't necessary to use instancetype, though I contend you should. The rest of this answer deals with this.
There's three advantages:
Explicit. Your code is doing what it says, rather than something else.
Pattern. You're building good habits for times it does matter, which do exist.
Consistency. You've established some consistency to your code, which makes it more readable.
It's true that there's no technical benefit to returning instancetype from an init. But this is because the compiler automatically converts the id to instancetype. You are relying on this quirk; while you're writing that the init returns an id, the compiler is interpreting it as if it returns an instancetype.
These are equivalent to the compiler:
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
- (instancetype)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
These are not equivalent to your eyes. At best, you will learn to ignore the difference and skim over it. This is not something you should learn to ignore.
While there's no difference with init and other methods, there is a difference as soon as you define a class factory.
These two are not equivalent:
+ (id)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
You want the second form. If you are used to typing instancetype as the return type of a constructor, you'll get it right every time.
Finally, imagine if you put it all together: you want an init function and also a class factory.
If you use id for init, you end up with code like this:
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
But if you use instancetype, you get this:
- (instancetype)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
It's more consistent and more readable. They return the same thing, and now that's obvious.
Unless you're intentionally writing code for old compilers, you should use instancetype when appropriate.
You should hesitate before writing a message that returns id. Ask yourself: Is this returning an instance of this class? If so, it's an instancetype.
There are certainly cases where you need to return id, but you'll probably use instancetype much more frequently.
There definitely is a benefit. When you use 'id', you get essentially no type checking at all. With instancetype, the compiler and IDE know what type of thing is being returned, and can check your code better and autocomplete better.
Only use it where it makes sense of course (i.e. a method that is returning an instance of that class); id is still useful.
Above answers are more than enough to explain this question. I would just like to add an example for the readers to understand it in terms of coding.
#interface ClassA : NSObject
- (id)methodA;
- (instancetype)methodB;
Class B
#interface ClassB : NSObject
- (id)methodX;
#import "ClassA.h"
#import "ClassB.h"
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[[[[ClassA alloc] init] methodA] methodX]; //This will NOT generate a compiler warning or error because the return type for methodA is id. Eventually this will generate exception at runtime
[[[[ClassA alloc] init] methodB] methodX]; //This will generate a compiler error saying "No visible #interface ClassA declares selector methodX" because the methodB returns instanceType i.e. the type of the receiver
You also can get detail at The Designated Initializer
This keyword can only be used for return type, that it matches with return type of receiver. init method always declared to return instancetype.
Why not make the return type Party for party instance, for example?
That would cause a problem if the Party class was ever subclassed. The subclass would inherit all of the methods from Party, including initializer and its return type. If an instance of the subclass was sent this initializer message, that would be return? Not a pointer to a Party instance, but a pointer to an instance of subclass. You might think that is No problem, I will override the initializer in the subclass to change the return type. But in Objective-C, you cannot have two methods with the same selector and different return types (or arguments). By specifying that an initialization method return "an instance of the receiving object," you would never have to worry what happens in this situation.
Before the instancetype has been introduced in Objective-C, initializers return id (eye-dee). This type is defined as "a pointer to any object". (id is a lot like void * in C.) As of this writing, XCode class templates still use id as the return type of initializers added in boilerplate code.
Unlike instancetype, id can be used as more than just a return type. You can declare variables or method parameters of type id when you are unsure what type of object the variable will end up pointing to.
You can use id when using fast enumeration to iterate over an array of multiple or unknow types of objects. Note that because id is undefined as "a pointer to any object," you do not include an * when declaring a variable or object parameter of this type.
The special type instancetype indicates that the return type from the init method will be the same class as the type of object it is initializing (that is, the receiver of the init message). This is an aid for the compiler so that it can check your program and flag potential
type mismatches—it determines the class of the returned object based on context; that is, if you’re sending the init message to a newly alloc’ed Fraction object, the compiler will infer that the value returned from that init method (whose return type has been declared as type instancetype) will be a Fraction object. In the past the return type from an initialization method was declared as type id. This new type makes more sense when you consider subclassing, as the inherited initialization methods cannot explicitly define the type of object they will return.
Initializing Objects, Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in Objective-C, 6th Edition

Why id is generic pointer?

I want to know why id is a weak reference pointer,how it is able to handle any class type pointer and at run time how can we detect that which type of class pointer is assigned to id.
Why is id a weak reference pointer?
id is not a weak reference pointer, at least not in the ARC ownership sense. Whether an id-typed reference to an object is weak or not depends on the reference having been declared __weak (and variations) and the object’s class actually supporting weak references.
However, you could say that id provides weak typing, although I think that dynamic/duck typing is a more accurate description. Since an id- typed reference contains no compile-time class-type information, the compiler isn’t able to, for example, determine if the underlying object can respond to a given selector, which could lead to runtime errors.
How is it able to handle any class type pointer?
That’s part of the definition of the Objective-C language. The compiler recognises id as being the supertype of every Objective-C class, and it treats id differently. See the answer below as well.
At runtime, how can we detect that which type of class pointer is assigned to id?
In Apple’s Objective-C runtime, the first bytes in the memory allocated to an object must point to that object’s class. You might see this referenced elsewhere as the isa pointer, and that’s how Apple’s runtime finds out the class of every1 object. The id type is defined to have this information as well. In fact, its only attribute is the isa pointer, which means that all1 Objective-C objects conform to this definition.
If you have an id reference and want to discover the class of the referenced object, you can send it -class:
id someObject;
// Assign something to someObject
// Log the corresponding class
Class c = [someObject class];
NSLog(#"class = %#", c);
// Test whether the object is of type NSString (or a subclass of NSString)
if ([someObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSLog(#"it's a string");
1Tagged pointers are a notable deviation of this structure, and (partly) because of them one shouldn’t access the isa pointer directly.
It's nice to have a generic object type, so you can define collection types that can hold any kind of object, and other generic services that work with any object without knowing what kind of object it is.
There is no trick to make id work. At a binary level all pointers are interchangeable. They just represent a memory address as a numerical value. To make id accept any type of pointer, it's only necessary to disable the rules of the compiler that normally require pointer types to match.
You can find out information about the class of an id type variable in these kinds of ways:
id theObject = // ... something
Class theClass = [theObject class];
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(theClass);
NSClassDescription *classDescription = [NSClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:theClass];
But it's rarely necessary to do those kinds of things in code. More often, you want to test if your id variable is an instance of a particular class, and if so cast it to that class and start treating it as that type.
if ([theObject isKindOfClass:[MySpecializedClass class]]) {
MySpecializedClass *specialObject = (MySpecializedClass *)theObject;
[specialObject doSomethingSpecial];
If you were to use -class to find out the class, but it returned a class you know nothing about, then there's nothing special you can do with the object based on its class anyway. So there is no reason to do anything but check if it matches classes you know about, and only if you intend to do special handling for those classes anyway.
You can sometimes use isMemberOfClass instead of isKindOfClass. It depends whether you want an exact match or to include subclasses.
It may be worth to take a look on header file objc/objc.h to find internals of id.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
typedef struct objc_selector *SEL;
typedef id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...);