Why id is generic pointer? - objective-c

I want to know why id is a weak reference pointer,how it is able to handle any class type pointer and at run time how can we detect that which type of class pointer is assigned to id.

Why is id a weak reference pointer?
id is not a weak reference pointer, at least not in the ARC ownership sense. Whether an id-typed reference to an object is weak or not depends on the reference having been declared __weak (and variations) and the object’s class actually supporting weak references.
However, you could say that id provides weak typing, although I think that dynamic/duck typing is a more accurate description. Since an id- typed reference contains no compile-time class-type information, the compiler isn’t able to, for example, determine if the underlying object can respond to a given selector, which could lead to runtime errors.
How is it able to handle any class type pointer?
That’s part of the definition of the Objective-C language. The compiler recognises id as being the supertype of every Objective-C class, and it treats id differently. See the answer below as well.
At runtime, how can we detect that which type of class pointer is assigned to id?
In Apple’s Objective-C runtime, the first bytes in the memory allocated to an object must point to that object’s class. You might see this referenced elsewhere as the isa pointer, and that’s how Apple’s runtime finds out the class of every1 object. The id type is defined to have this information as well. In fact, its only attribute is the isa pointer, which means that all1 Objective-C objects conform to this definition.
If you have an id reference and want to discover the class of the referenced object, you can send it -class:
id someObject;
// Assign something to someObject
// Log the corresponding class
Class c = [someObject class];
NSLog(#"class = %#", c);
// Test whether the object is of type NSString (or a subclass of NSString)
if ([someObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSLog(#"it's a string");
1Tagged pointers are a notable deviation of this structure, and (partly) because of them one shouldn’t access the isa pointer directly.

It's nice to have a generic object type, so you can define collection types that can hold any kind of object, and other generic services that work with any object without knowing what kind of object it is.
There is no trick to make id work. At a binary level all pointers are interchangeable. They just represent a memory address as a numerical value. To make id accept any type of pointer, it's only necessary to disable the rules of the compiler that normally require pointer types to match.
You can find out information about the class of an id type variable in these kinds of ways:
id theObject = // ... something
Class theClass = [theObject class];
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(theClass);
NSClassDescription *classDescription = [NSClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:theClass];
But it's rarely necessary to do those kinds of things in code. More often, you want to test if your id variable is an instance of a particular class, and if so cast it to that class and start treating it as that type.
if ([theObject isKindOfClass:[MySpecializedClass class]]) {
MySpecializedClass *specialObject = (MySpecializedClass *)theObject;
[specialObject doSomethingSpecial];
If you were to use -class to find out the class, but it returned a class you know nothing about, then there's nothing special you can do with the object based on its class anyway. So there is no reason to do anything but check if it matches classes you know about, and only if you intend to do special handling for those classes anyway.
You can sometimes use isMemberOfClass instead of isKindOfClass. It depends whether you want an exact match or to include subclasses.

It may be worth to take a look on header file objc/objc.h to find internals of id.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
typedef struct objc_selector *SEL;
typedef id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...);


How to cast Class object to conformance witih protocol

I'm trying to cast a Class object to a certain protocol, which defines class methods (+) that that class implements.
I know how to do this with (id< protocol>), as outlined in this question, but I can't seem to figure out the right way for Class objects.
The basic scenario is as follows.
I have a protocol:
#protocol Protocol <NSObject>
+ (id)classMethod:(id)arg;
I then have a function which accepts a Class object, which it knows sometimes conforms to the protocol based on another argument (this is obviously very simplified):
- (id)someMethodWithClass:(Class)cls andUseArg:(BOOL)arg
id instance;
if (arg != nil) {
instance = [(Class<Protocol>)cls classMethod:arg];
Now I don't get any warnings on this, and it looks right to me. (I'm not going to see any errors in any case, because I can guarantee that if arg != nil then the class conforms.)
However, I'm not getting autocompletion in Xcode, which makes me wonder if this is the right way to do it. Any thoughts? (Note that I am not interested in instance being id< Protocol>.)
If you want to determine whether cls conforms to a particular protocol (and assuming that classMethod: is a required class method of that protocol), you can simply:
- (id)someMethodWithClass:(Class)cls andUseArg:(BOOL)arg
id instance;
if ([cls conformsToProtocol:#protocol(Protocol)]) {
instance = [cls classMethod:arg];
return instance;
Alternatively, just see if it responds to a particular class method selector:
- (id)someMethodWithClass:(Class)cls andUseArg:(BOOL)arg
id instance;
if ([cls respondsToSelector:#selector(classMethod:)]) {
instance = [cls classMethod:arg];
return instance;
The question is 11 years old and there is nothing wrong with the Rob's answer, but I find it unfortunate that the centrepiece part of it (whether type-casting a Class object with a protocol is a correct syntax) never got proper attention.
First of all static typing in Objective-C is very artificial thing, and it exists solely for the compiler to emit a warning (not even an error). Let's start with what Class objects really is - if you take a look at the documentation, you will find that the Class type is actually an alias for objc_class * type:
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
You can find definition of objc_class type in the source codes of Apple's objc runtime library:
// inherits objc_object with some adjustments
struct objc_class : objc_object { ... }
As you can see, objc_class is just an extension to a objc_object. Any Objective-C class is in fact instance of this objc_object. E.g. here is how NSObject or id aliases look like:
// "translation" of an Objective-C class declaration
typedef struct objc_object NSObject;
// the same for `id` type but with the pointer type included
typedef struct objc_object *id;
It means that "static typing" doesn't exist in Objective-C, the "typing" of an instance happens via introspection of a given instance (different kind of meta-information objc_object stores). It makes all Objective-C classes compatible with each other (first - because it's a pointer, second - because it's a pointer to the same structure). E.g. you can write code like this:
Class obj = [NSObject new];
..and it will happily compile.
However this purely dynamic nature of the language makes it very error-prone, exposing all kinds of mistakes a programmer can make. In order to avoid that clang in fact does compile time checking of the specified types, but it purely relies on the programmer to provide correct data for a type of an instance, and if the types are incompatible from Objective-C perspective, the compiler can emit a warning for you. This works for instance objects, but unfortunately there is no syntax in Objective-C to type a class object other than with the Class alias. It means that for the compiler all such objects are indistinguishable during compile time.
And all of this is true for protocols typing. Here I mean that when you add a protocol conformance token to a variable type (id<TDWLoadable> var) you merely ask the compiler to check whether the assigned to the variable object conforms to the given protocol:
#protocol TDWLoadable
+ (void)classMethod;
- (void)instanceMethod;
#interface TDWObject : NSObject
// Initializing '__strong id<TDWLoadable>' with an expression of incompatible type 'TDWObject *'
id<TDWLoadable> loadable = [TDWObject new];
For a class object, however, the same check is just ignored, because Class objects cannot be typed:
Class<TDWLoadable> loadable = [[TDWObject new] class];
This behavior is described in the Type Checking section of Protocols part in The Objective-C Programming Language (emphasis mine):
...the declaration
id <Formatting> anObject;
groups all objects that conform to the Formatting protocol into a type, regardless of their positions in the class hierarchy. The compiler can make sure only objects that conform to the protocol are assigned to the type.
In each case, the type groups similar objects—either because they share a common inheritance, or because they converge on a common set of methods.
The two types can be combined in a single declaration:
Formatter <Formatting> *anObject;
Protocols can’t be used to type class objects. Only instances can be statically typed to a protocol, just as only instances can be statically typed to a class. (However, at runtime, both classes and instances respond to a conformsToProtocol: message.)
Also, if we take into account that objc_class is in fact just an extension to objc_object then two expressions of kind:
Class<TDWLoadable> classObj;
id<TDWLoadable> obj;
Should follow the same contract (i.e. + (void)classMethod has to refer to metaclass of classObj and - (void)instanceMethod to the class object itself).
Having that said, since the syntax essentially has no effect and just ignored by the compiler, you are free to come up with your own convention to the Class<Protocol> typing.

Are selector IDs sensitive to argument types?

When you retrieve the ID of a selector with #selector(), is the selector value different depending on the types of the arguments?
Here's what I mean. I have a method that takes an object reference and a selector, then calls it with a parameter:
-(void)CallLater:(NSObject*) Obj Sel: (SEL)Sel
//Some stuff, then:
[Obj performSelector: Sel withObject: SomeOtherObject];
I'm using this method with a selector to a function that takes a typed object reference, not an id:
-(void)MyMethod: (MyObject*) a
[self CallLater: self Sel:#selector(MyMethod:)];
It seems to work, but my senses are tingling. In a statically typed language like C# this would be a foul, an upcast - CallLater is expecting a selector for a function that takes an id and I'm giving it a function that takes a MyObject.
On the other hand, the compiler does not complain, and both id and concrete object references seems to be mere pointers deep down, trivially castable to one another. Then again, there are many fouls that Objective C compiler does not complain about.
So the real question is - is it safe? Language lawyers welcome.
It's safe; objects are objects. A selector parameter for an NSObject * is exactly the same as a selector parameter for a MyObject *.
If you want MyMethod to verify that it's being called with an object of a particular type, it should do a NSParameterAssert on it:
NSParameterAssert([obj isKindOfClass: [MyObject class]]);
Personally, I rarely do this check. It's enough that the actual object acts like the type I want it to be, and if it doesn't I'll get a runtime error (usually unrecognized selector). You'll get a compiler warning in the simple cases, and it's worth paying attention to this warning (and silencing it with an id cast when necessary).
I'm a bit confused here about your use of id in your question, so I want to make sure you understand this: An NSObject * is exactly as much an id as a MyObject * is. id is a generic instance pointer class, whereas NSObject * is a NSObject instance (or a subclass of NSObject). You can have objects that don't descend from NSObject. But you're unlikely to ever have to know this.
Other notes, re: convention:
Selectors (both the name and parameters) start with lowercase letters, so CallLater:Sel: should be callLater:sel:.
Variable and parameter names start with lowercase letters; Obj above should be obj.
Class names do start with an uppercase letter. :)

What is the meaning of id?

I am (trying to) learn Objective-C and I keep coming across a phrase like:
-(id) init;
And I understand id is an Objective C language keyword, but what does it mean to say "the compiler specifically treats id in terms of the pointer type conversion rules"?
Does id automatically designate the object to its right as a pointer?
id is a pointer to any type, but unlike void * it always points to an Objective-C object. For example, you can add anything of type id to an NSArray, but those objects must respond to retain and release.
The compiler is totally happy for you to implicitly cast any object to id, and for you to cast id to any object. This is unlike any other implicit casting in Objective-C, and is the basis for most container types in Cocoa.
id is a pointer to any Objective-C object (objc_object). It is not just a void pointer and you should not treat it as so. It references an object that should have a valid isa pointer. The values that can be stored in id are also not just limited to NSObject and its descendants, which starts to make sense of the existence of the NSObject protocol as well as the NSProxy class which does not even inherit from NSObject. The compiler will allow you to assign an object referenced by type id to any object type, assign any object type to id, as well as send it any message (that the compiler has seen) without warning.
id is a generic type. This means that the compiler will expect any object type there, and will not enforce restrictions. It can be useful if you're expecting to use more than one class of objects there; you can then use introspection to find out which class it is. id automatically assumes a pointer, as all objects in Objective-C are passed as pointers/references.
Some Additional Resources:
id vs NSObject vs id*
Objective-C Programming (Wikibooks)
Dynamic Typing
id is a data type of object identifiers in Objective-C, which can
be use for an object of any type no matter what class does it have.
id is the final super type of all objects.
In java or c# we use like this
Object data = someValue;
String name =(Object)data;
but in objective c
id data= someValue;
NSString *name= data;
Yes and no. It's true that having id x designates x as a pointer, but saying that the pointer type conversion rules apply is wrong, because "id" has special type conversion rules. For example, with a void * pointer you can't do this:
void *x;
char *y = x; // error, this needs an explicit cast
On the contrary, it's possible with id:
id x;
NSString *y = x;
See more usage of type id in objective c examples.
In addition in the "modern" Objective C it's preferred to use instancetype instead of "id" on "init" methods. There's even an automatic conversion tool in Xcode for changing that.
Read about instancetype: Would it be beneficial to begin using instancetype instead of id?

Get the address of an Objective-c property (which is a C struct)

I have an Objective-C class which contains a C-style struct. I need to call a C function passing a pointer to this object member (a.k.a. property). For the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the address of this C struct. Using the traditional & operator to get the address, I'm getting an LValue compiler error.
typedef struct _myStruct
int aNumber;
}MyStruct, *pMyStruct;
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
MyStruct mystruct;
#property (readwrite) MyStruct myStruct;
The following code results in a compiler error:
MyClass* myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
MyStruct* p = &(myClass.myStruct);
How do I get a pointer to the myStruct member of the myClass object?
There are often pretty good reasons to do what the original post is asking, given that Objective-C apps often have to work with C/C++ API's that take pointers to structs and similar types, but in a Cocoa app you'll often want to store such data in Objective-C classes for data management, collection in arrays and dictionaries, etc.
Though this question has been up for awhile I don't see the clear answer, which is: you can have a method that returns the address of the data that's backing your property, but in that method don't use "self" or it will go through the accessor and still not work.
- (const MyStruct*) getMyStructPtr
return &mystruct;
Note that I'm using the declared property from the OP, but not referencing it as self.mystruct, which would generate a compiler error (because that invokes the synthesized getter method).
MyStruct mystruct is private in MyClass, I assume when you do myClass.myStruct you are only refering to generated accessor method not the actual structure.
I don't think you can access the instance variable (structure in this case) from outside because it is private.
To get a pointer to the myStruct instance variable, you need to write a method that returns a pointer to that instance variable.
- (void)getMyStructPointer:(MyStruct **)outStruct {
*outstruct = &myStruct;
I don't really think this is a good idea, though. Other objects should not be mutating that object's ivar out from under it, and that's the only thing you can do with a pointer to the struct that you can't do with a copy of the struct returned by value.
The question itself demostrates a lack of understanding of at least the terminology.
A property is an interface consisting of two (or one for readonly) methods made public by the object, namely the getter and setter methods, in this case:
- (MyStruct) myStruct;
- (void) setMyStruct: (MyStruct) newMyStruct;
It makes no sense to talk about "taking the address of a property".
You can take the address of an instance variable (ivar). In this case you have an ivar named mystruct, and you can take the address of it with &mystruct in a method of MyClass. Since it is marked #protected (by default), you can take the address of it in a subclass using &self->mystruct. If you mark it #public, then you could take the address of it using &myobj->mystruct. This is a terrible idea, and you should really really rethink this, but you could do it.
If you just want the address of the ivar for some short lived purpose (for example, if MyStruct was large) you could do this, but it would be very unusual, and you'd be better off writing an explicitly named method like:
- (MyStruct*) getAddressForSettingMyStruct;
and if it is just read only, even better would be to use const MyStruct*.

What's the difference between declaring a variable "id" and "NSObject *"?

In Objective-C, what's the difference between declaring a variable id versus declaring it NSObject *?
With a variable typed id, you can send it any known message and the compiler will not complain. With a variable typed NSObject *, you can only send it messages declared by NSObject (not methods of any subclass) or else it will generate a warning. In general, id is what you want.
Further explanation: All objects are essentially of type id. The point of declaring a static type is to tell the compiler, "Assume that this object is a member of this class." So if you send it a message that the class doesn't declare, the compiler can tell you, "Wait, that object isn't supposed to get that message!" Also, if two classes have methods with the same name but different signatures (that is, argument or return types), it can guess which method you mean by the class you've declared for the variable. If it's declared as id, the compiler will just throw its hands up and tell you, "OK, I don't have enough information here. I'm picking a method signature at random." (This generally won't be helped by declaring NSObject*, though. Usually the conflict is between two more specific classes.)
id means "an object", NSObject * means "an instance of NSObject or one of its subclasses". There are objects in Objective-C which are not NSObjects (the ones you'll meet in Cocoa at the moment are NSProxy, Protocol and Class). If some code expects an object of a particular class, declaring that helps the compiler check that you're using it properly. If you really can take "any object" - for instance you are declaring a delegate and will test all method sends with respondsToSelector: calls - you can use an id.
Another way to declare an object variable is like "id <NSObject>", which means "any object which implements the NSObject protocol.
From my limited understanding of Objective-C, not all objects are derived from NSObject (unlike Java where all objects derive from Object). You can theoretically have other root objects. id could apply to any of those non-NSObject derived objects.
I would like to add another difference. When you add a protocol to id, it does not longer mean that it will be of type NSObject *, it just means that it will be any class that confirms to that protocol.
So, for example, this code will not throw any error, since NSObject's category NSDelayedPerforming has that method:
id testId;
[testId performSelector:#selector(isKindOfClass:) withObject:[NSObject class] afterDelay:.5];
However, this code will show the error No known instance method for selector "performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:":
id<NSMutableCopying> testId;
[testId performSelector:#selector(isKindOfClass:) withObject:[NSObject class] afterDelay:.5];