Where can I download the Core Audio SDK for Xcode? (Not apple developer site it seems) - objective-c

As per the instructions here:
It says:
The Core Audio SDK assumes you will use Xcode as your development environment.
You can download the latest SDK from http://developer.apple.com/sdk/. After installation, the SDK files are located in /Developer/Examples/CoreAudio.
I looked at all the SDKs and did a search for Core audio. Nothing shows up. Does anyone know where I can find the Core Audio SDKs?

The Core Audio framework is just a standard framework in /System/Library/Frameworks, so you already have the headers and libraries. The additional SDK stuff is now installed as part of the Xcode 4 installation - you'll find it at /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio after installing Xcode 4.

The document you referred to is kinda old (written in 2007) and you've discovered that Apple isn't always super good at updating their documentation.
The Core Audio SDK has been folded into the SDK's for MacOS and iOS.
At least one of sample programs referenced on the instruction page, PlaySequence, can be downloaded as sample code from Apple's developer website. I'm not sure what happened to PlayFile.

It seems the CoreAudio SDK was renamed Core Audio Utility Classes, and can be found there:

The documentation is out of date. Core Audio SDK is included with current Xcode 4.2. You need to link to it like this:
and of course include its header file.


How to upgrade from iTunesLibrary in Catalina

I have an app that that uses the iTunes XML file to access the local library of songs. With the upgrade to Catalina the only way to do this is to manually generate the XML file, which is something I'd rather not ask of my users.
I did think of trying to see if the iTunesLibrary framework still works, but on my 2 Macs with Catalina installed the framework no longer contains the header files.
I've scoured the internet but found nothing that that will fix this. Any ideas?
As it turns out the instructions in the MacOS Developer documentation were wrong. In Catalina the framework is included standard and not in a separate folder, so it's easy to just include the framework and build

xcode 8 searching for editor extensions

Xcode8 now officially support editor extensions, and forbids code injection, preventing previous extensions (served by Alcatraz for example) to execute.
It may be a dumb question, but I'm totally unable to find an answer:
Where can I search for existing Xcode8 extensions?
For example, with Alcatraz there was a panel in Window > Extensions, which presented a list with all available extensions. With Xcode 8.0 (official release) there is no such option.
In WWDC video, the guy talks abound downloading them from the mac App Store. But again, I'm unable to find a category or any one of them.
(note: I'm still on El Capitain)
This is all I could find:
Awesome native Xcode extensions
The Xcode extensions can be found on the App Store, for example i have been able to find this one: Text Toolset
They have to be enabled after installing by going to the system preferences > extensions.
Overall they are really hard to find, as they do not have a separate category on the App Store.

Google Api 64bit Objective-C

I want to implement in my Mac application the google API for uploading file on Gdocs, sadly I discovered that Google api for Objective-C are still in 32bit while my app is in 64bit with the new ARC support.
So before converting my app to 32bit I tried to build the google api in 64bit, I downloaded the .diff patch found here:
and applied it.
Then I tried to rebuild the Google api in 64bit and it succeded (before there were errors), so I copied the Gdata framework in my project and I was able to build it without errors.
BUT, when I click play this is the error I retrieve:
dyld: Library not loaded: #loader_path/../Frameworks/GData.framework/Versions/A/GData
Referenced from: /Users/Xeo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GdocSync-fpcfhxbalzflkxdigudsndijtiol/Build/Products/Debug/GdocSync.app/Contents/MacOS/GdocSync
Reason: image not found
The framework is linked, I set it in the frameworks to link, soI don't really know how to do this, I would like to waste another bit of time before converting the app to 32bit!
EDIT: i was able to build it under xcode 4 with arc support only adding the sources into my app and building directly from there as explained in the google wiki.
No luck with the framework!
Try deleting the derived data from your app in the Xcode 4 organizer, give the target a good scrubbing and build again.

Carbide.c++ 1.2.2 not displaying SDK S60 2nd Edition CW templates

I downloaded Carbide.c++ 1.2 and also downloaded the SDK S60 2nd Edition CW.
I installed the SDK and it is recognized in the Window->Preferences->Carbide C++->SDK preferences.
but when I try to create a new project, the templates related to the SDK aren't displayed.
and the editor seems not to detect the SDK.
has anyone ever experienced this ?
how do you solve it ?
Attilah, these are quite old versions of both the SDK and Carbide. But if you need to develop an app for an S60 2nd edition device this makes sense. I don't have either of this installed currently, so it's hard to diagnose exactly.
You said the SDK is recognized. In the SDK preferences, if the checkbox next to the SDK is turned off then the SDK is disabled. Make sure it's enabled.
One thing you could try is to turn of the "Filter templates based on enabled SDKs" checkbox in the new Symbian OS C++ project wizard.
Also, you could try importing one of the example apps from the SDK to confirm you can import and build the project OK.
If you decide to do any work with 3rd or 5th edition phones then you can get the latest Carbide from http://developer.symbian.org/main/tools_and_kits/downloads/view.php?id=2

json-framework doesn't work with iPhone SDK 3.0

I can't seem to get my app to compile when using JSON-framework http://code.google.com/p/json-framework/ with iPhone SDK 3.0.
My app compiles fine for the simulator, but when I go to compile for my device I get a 'codesign error' code 1. I've followed all of the installation instructions correctly, and when I remove the 'Additional SDK' reference and 'Other Linker Flags: -Obj-C -ljson' it compiles just fine...but obviously I then can't use JSON in my app.
Any ideas?
You may want to just switch to the code version and not link in the static lib.
It should compile and work fine on 3.0.
On my own project, I too ran into this problem. I was not able to build my app for iPhone OS 2.x using the iPhone 3.0 SDK.
The fix was to set the following at the project level (Get Info):
BaseSDK to iPhone Device 3.0
iPhone Deployment Target to iPhone OS 2.x
Code Signing Resource Rules Path to the same 2.x plist (e.g. /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.0.sdk/ResourceRules.plist)
The last bit allows a distribution (app store) build to code sign correctly... Otherwise you'll encounter an error "object file format invalid or unsuitable" since the code signer by default will use the same resource rules as the BaseSDK (i.e. 3.0), which is unsuitable for a 2.x app.
Also, be sure to clear any of the above settings at the target level (again, via Get Info).
Codesign error means you do not have a valid provisioning profile for the device you are trying to compile to, using the current built settings.
Can you build and deploy sample apps to your phone?
I started using the lovely json-framework for the iPhone but then suddenly found that if I compiled for anything greater than 2.1 for a device, that it would pop up with:
Codesign error: “object file format invalid or unsuitable”
It took me a long time to figure out what was going on, but thanks to a blog post, the fix is this:
On the project settings, on the build tab, search for “Code Signing Resource Rules Path” and set “$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist” as its value.
I’m not sure how it works as it looks like that is the path it already has, but hey, it seems to work!
that solves the codesign error i was getting, but now I cant compile on 3.0 for some other reason. i'm going to try to link to the code rather than the library.
Sounds like an issue you would want to discuss with the developers, see the support group.
It seems like the code signing isn't extending to the framework. Have you tried linking the framework differently?
And for French persons, here is a tutorial too here too (en Français)
But for your problem I think it's not about JSON but more with your key developer.