How can I optimize this? - optimization

I'm currently learning to code Erlang. I have a web application on top of Chicago Boss.
I have a model called Todo, and I would like to offer CRUD operations on it as a REST API.
In my PUT method I have this code:
index('PUT', [Id]) ->
Todo = boss_db:find(Id),
Body = element(2, mochijson:decode(Req:request_body())),
%% Set the new values
NewTodo = Todo:attributes([
{subject, proplists:get_value("subject", Body)},
{done, proplists:get_value("done", Body)}
{json, [{todo, element(2, NewTodo:save())}]}.
How can I optimize this code fragment? Or is this already the best possible?
Is there some "smarter" way to change the keys of a proplist to atom keys? Like this:
[{"subject", "Foo"}] -> [{subject, "Foo"}].
I also find it kind of tedious to assign a Todo variable and then have a NewTodo. Sadly I can't find some good example Erlang Chicago Boss apps on github that I can check out.

You always can do something like this:
t([{"subject", V}|T]) -> [{subject, V}|t(T)];
t([{"done" , V}|T]) -> [{done, V}|t(T)];
t([_ |T]) -> t(T) ; % optional garbage ignoring clause
t([]) -> [].
But I doubt, it will be significant speed improvement in your case.
May be you will be able squeeze last bit from this:
-compile({inline, [t/1]}).
t(L) -> t(L, []).
t([{"subject", V}|T], A) -> t(T, [{subject, V}|A]);
t([{"done" , V}|T], A) -> t(T, [{done, V}|A]);
t([_ |T], A) -> t(T, A); % optional garbage ignoring clause
t([], A) -> A.
Which is worth only for benchmark code competitions ;-) (Note there is not lists:reverse/1 call in last clause. It would be ruining improvement form previous version.)
P.S.: If you think I'm micro-optimization freak, you are right, so I would replace lists:reverse/1 call with lists:reverse/2 to use BIF directly and save some more time ;-)

Unfortunately I cannot comment on Hynek's answer, but as Erlang newbie, my first guess would have been to go for something along the lines of:
lists:map(fun({A, B}) -> {list_to_atom(A), B} end, [X || {Y, Z}=X <- List, is_list(Y)]).
You cannot really avoid the NewTodo assignment

How about
index('PUT', [Id]) ->
Body = element(2, mochijson:decode(Req:request_body())),
OldTodo = boss_db:find(Id),
NewTodo = OldTodo:attributes([ {list_to_atom(A),B} || {A,B}<-Body ]),
{json, [{todo, element(2, NewTodo:save())}]}.


The relative clause (which) in GF

"Play Toy Story which was published last year"
Sentence = mkUtt( mkImp (mkVP
(mkV2 "play")
(mkNP (mkCN
(mkCN (mkN "Toy Story"))
(mkS pastTense simultaneousAnt(mkCl (mkVP
(mkV2 "publish")
(mkNP (mkCN (mkN "last yser")))
When creating a relative clause sentence in GF it always the syntax S for sentence will add that between the two of the sentences is there is any way to replace that with which.
First of all, the structure you made isn't a relative clause, but this structure:
mkCN : CN -> S -> CN -- rule that she sleeps
Relative clause has the type RS in the RGL.
How to construct an actual RS
Here I build the RS gradually. Feel free to put these steps back to a single expression, if you wish so, but I find it clearer to to things like this.
last_year_Adv : Adv = ParadigmsEng.mkAdv "last year" ;
published_last_year_VP : VP = mkVP (passiveVP (mkV2 "publish")) last_year_Adv ;
which_is_published_last_year_RCl : RCl = mkRCl which_RP published_last_year_VP ;
which_was_published_last_year_RS : RS = mkRS pastTense which_is_published_last_year_RCl ;
play_TS = mkUtt (mkImp (mkVP
(mkV2 "play")
(mkNP (mkPN "Toy Story"))
) ;
Now when we test it on the GF shell, we see that despite the name, which_RP is actually "that".
> l play_TS
play Toy Story , that was published last year
How to change "that" into "which"
The first thing to check when you want to create a new lexical item is Paradigms module. Unfortunately, there is no mkRP for English. Things like relative pronouns are usually thought of as closed class: there's only a small, fixed amount of them. Other examples of closed classes are basic numerals (you can't just make up a new integer between 4 and 5!) and determiners. Contrast this to open classes like nouns, verbs and adjectives, those pop up all the time. For open classes, Paradigms modules have many options. But not for closed classes, like relative pronouns.
So if Paradigms doesn't help, the next thing to check is the language-specific Extra module.
Check language-specific Extra modules
If you have the RGL source on your own computer, you can just go to the directory gf-rgl/src/english and grep for which. Or you can use the RGL browser to search for interesting functions.
And there is indeed a relative pronoun in ExtraEng, also called which_RP. (There is also one called who_which_RP.) So now you can do these modifications in your grammar:
concrete MyGrammarEng of MyGrammar =
open SyntaxEng,
ExtraEng -- Need to open ExtraEng in the concrete!
in ** {
-- … as usual, except for
which_is_published_last_year_RCl : RCl =
mkRCl ExtraEng.which_RP -- Use the ExtraEng.which_RP!
published_last_year_VP ;
And the rest of the code is like before. This produces the result you want.
> l play_TS
play Toy Story , which was published last year
Last-resort hack
So you have looked in all possible modules and found nothing. Consider making it into an issue in the gf-rgl repository, if it's something that's clearly wrong or missing.
But in any case, here's a general, unsafe hack to quickly construct what you want.
First, let's look at the lincat of RP in CatEng, {s : RCase => Str ; a : RAgr}. Then let's look at its implementation in RelativeEng. There you see also the explanation why it's always "that": unlike who and which, "that" works for animate and inanimate NPs.
So I would do this to force the string "which":
myWhich_RP : RP = which_RP ** {s = table {_ => "which"}} ;
The ** syntax means record extension. We use all other fields from the original which_RP, but in the s field, we put a table whose all branches contain the string "which". (You can read more about this technique in my blog.)
Then we use the newly defined myWhich_RP in forming the relative clause:
which_is_published_last_year_RCl : RCl = mkRCl myWhich_RP published_last_year_VP ;
This works too, but it's unsafe, because whenever the RGL changes, any code that touches the raw implementation may break.

Many inputs to one output, access wildcards in input files

Apologies if this is a straightforward question, I couldn't find anything in the docs.
currently my workflow looks something like this. I'm taking a number of input files created as part of this workflow, and summarizing them.
Is there a way to avoid this manual regex step to parse the wildcards in the filenames?
I thought about an "expand" of cross_ids and config["chromosomes"], but unsure to guarantee conistent order.
rule report:
files=expand("output/{chrom}/{cross}.in", chrom=config["chromosomes"], cross=cross_ids)
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(input.files), columns=["stat", "chrom", "cross"])
for i, fn in enumerate(input.files):
# open fn / make calculations etc // stat =
# manual regex of filename to get chrom cross // chrom, cross =
df.loc[i] = stat, chrom, choss
This seems a bit awkward when this information must be in the environment somewhere.
(via Johannes Köster on the google group)
To answer your question:
Expand uses functools.product from the standard library. Hence, you could write
from functools import product
product(config["chromosomes"], cross_ids)

What is the ideal way to select rows by projected keys in Groundhog Haskell

I'm trying to create a many to many table using Groundhog in Haskell, which basically looks like this if I cut away all the other logic I have:
data FooRow = FooRow {
fooRowUUID :: UUID
deriving instance Show FooRow
data BarRow = BarRow {
barRowUUID :: UUID
deriving instance Show BarRow
data FooToBarRow = FooToBarRow {
fooToBarRowUUID :: UUID,
fooToBarRowFoo :: DefaultKey FooRow,
fooToBarRowBar :: DefaultKey BarRow
deriving instance Show FooToBarRow
Now, trying to define operations, I can get and insert all of these records just fine, however I'm not sure how to go from having a FooRow, with it's ID, and then get all the related BarRows by way of the many to many table. Right now I've played with something like this:
getBarsForFoo fooID = do
barKeys <- project
(FooToBarRowFooField ==. (Foo_FooKey fooID))
select $ (BarRowUUIDField `in_` barKeys)
However this doesn't typecheck, with the error:
Couldn't match type 'UUID' with 'BarRow'
Inspecting just the results of the project with putStrLn, I can see that the type of barKeys is:
[Bar_BarKey UUID]
but I don't quite understand how to make use of that within my query. I don't see any examples like this in the Groundhog documentation, so I'm hoping someone will be able to put me on the right path here.
I'm quite certain there are more efficient ways to go about this (there's going to be a bunch of underlying queries with this approach), but this does at at least get the job done for now.
getBarsForFoo fooID = do
barKeys <- project
(FooToBarRowFooField ==. (Foo_FooKey fooID))
q <- mapM (getBy) barKeys
return (catMaybes q :: [BarRow])

Calling deleteRecord() too often or too fast at a time?

I want to delete all records of the model "Article" (around five pieces). I'm doing it like that:
CMS.ArticlesController = Em.ArrayController.extend
deleteAll: ->
#get("content").forEach (article) ->
However, while executing, it says after three articles:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'deleteRecord' of undefined
It works though when using a little delay:
CMS.ArticlesController = Em.ArrayController.extend
deleteAll: ->
#get("content").forEach (article) ->
setTimeout( (->
), 500)
Why is that?
(Im using Ember.js-rc.1 and Ember Data rev 11 together with the ember-localstorage-adapter by #rpflorence, but I don't think that matter since I didn't call commit() yet...)
Update 1
Just figured out it also works with
Update 2
I opened a GitHub issue:
As discussed on GitHub, the forEach()-loop breaks, because it breaks the index while removing items.
The solution:
"Copy" it in another array using toArray():
#get("content").toArray().forEach(article) ->
The nicer approach, if there was a function like forEachInReverse, is to loop backwards, so even though items are removed, the missing index wouldn't hurt the loop.
I still had issues with the above answer. Instead, I used a reverse for loop:
for(var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
items.objectAt(i).destroyRecord(); // or deleteRecord()
This destroys each item without disrupting the index.

Passing options to JS function with Amber

I'm trying to write the equivalent of:
$( "#draggable" ).draggable({ axis: "y" });
in Amber smalltalk.
My guess was: '#draggable' asJQuery draggable: {'axis' -> 'y'} but that's not it.
Not working on vanilla 0.9.1, but working on master at least last two months ago is:
'#draggable' asJQuery draggable: #{'axis' -> 'y'}
and afaict this is the recommended way.
P.S.: #{ 'key' -> val. 'key2' -> val } is the syntax for inline creation of HashedCollection, which is implemented (from the aforementioned two-month ago fix) so that only public (aka enumerable) properties are the HashedCollection keys. Before the fix also all the methods were enumerable, which prevented to use it naturally in place of JavaScript objects.
herby's excellent answer points out the recommended way to do it. Appearently, there is now Dictionary-literal support (see his comment below). Didn't know that :-)
Old / Alternate way of doing it
For historical reasons, or for users not using the latest master version, this is an alternative way to do it:
options := <{}>.
options at: #axis put: 'y'.
'#draggable' asJQuery draggable: options.
The first line constructs an empty JavaScript object (it's really an JSObjectProxy).
The second line puts the string "y" in the slot "axis". It has the same effect as:
options.axis = "y"; // JavaScript
Lastly, it is invoked, and passed as a parameter.
Array-literals vs Dictionaries
What you were doing didn't work because in modern Smalltalk (Pharo/Squeak/Amber) the curly-brackets are used for array-literals, not as an object-literal as they are used in JavaScript.
If you evaluate (print-it) this in a Workspace:
{ #elelemt1. #element2. #element3 }.
You get:
a Array (#elelemt1 #element2 #element3)
As a result, if you have something that looks like a JavaScript object-literal in reality it is an Array of Association(s). To illustrate I give you this snippet, with the results of print-it on the right:
arrayLookingLikeObject := { #key1 -> #value1. #key2 -> #value2. #key3 -> #value3}.
arrayLookingLikeObject class. "==> Array"
arrayLookingLikeObject first class. "==> Association"
arrayLookingLikeObject "==> a Array (a Association a Association a Association)"
I wrote about it here: