Modern File Structuring for Website Development - indexing

So I am fairly new to website development, PHP, Mysql, etc. so it's a given if I get some downvotes for my sheer lack of intelligence, I just want the answer haha.
I have probably jumped the band wagon or probably inherited a completely bad coding practice; instead of simplistic website structures such as (displaying content based on GET data), or making it even more simplistic such as, etc, we have the seemingly straight forward
So what's the weird magic going on?

It's likely you're looking for mod_rewrite.

mod_rewrite will work but it really won't improve your actual file structure on the site (behind the scenes.)
For that you would use a PHP framework. I would suggest starting with CodeIgniter which is simpler than Zend. (I don't have experience with CakePHP so I won't comment on that.)
You will need to configure routing to trap a url so that it maps to a certain controller the use a function to capture the rest of the url as parameters.
function _remap($params = array()) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'index'), $params);
Then, in the same controller change the index function like this:
function index($id = null) {
$data['question'] = /* get your data from the database */;
$this->load->view('index', $data);
return true;
This assumes you started with the welcome controller example in the zip file.
But, to answer your question more directly, there isn't really any magic going on. The browser is requesting a certain resource and the server is returning that resource according to it's own logic and how it is configured. The layout of files on the server is an internal issue, the browser only sees the representation of the server's state. Read up on the REST principle to understand this better.


How to organize endpoints when using FeathersJS's seemingly restrictive api methods?

I'm trying to figure out if FeathersJS suits my needs. I have looked at several examples and use cases. FeathersJS uses a set of request methods : find, get, create, update, patch and delete. No other methods let alone custom methods can be implemented and used, as confirmed on this other SO post..
Let's imagine this application where users can save their app settings. Careless of following method conventions, I would create an endpoint describing the action that is performed by the user. In this case, we could have, for instance: /saveSettings. Knowing there won't be any setting-finding, -creation, -updating (only some -patching) or -deleting. I might also need a /getSettings route.
My question is: can every action be reduced down to these request methods? To me, these actions are strongly bound to a specific collection/model. Sometimes, we need to create actions that are not bound to a single collection and could potentially interact with more than one collection/model.
For this example, I'm guessing it would be translated in FeathersJS with a service named Setting which would hold two methods: get() and a patch().
If that is the correct approach, it looks to me as if this solution is more server-oriented than client-oriented in the sense that we have to know, client-side, what underlying collection is going to get changed or affected. It feels like we are losing some level of freedom by not having some kind of routing between endpoints and services (like we have in vanilla ExpressJS).
Here's another example: I have a game character that can skill-up. When the user decides to skill-up a particular skill, a request is sent to the server. This endpoint can look like POST: /skillUp What would it be in FeathersJS? by implementing SkillUpService#create?
I hope you get the issue I'm trying to highlight here. Do you have some ideas to share or recommendations on how to organize the API in this particular framework?
I'm not an expert of featherJs, but if you build your database and models with a good logic,
these methods are all you need :
for the settings example, saveSettings corresponds to setting.patch({options}) so to the route settings/:id?options (method PATCH) since the user already has some default settings (created whith the user). getSetting would correspond to setting.find(query)
To create the user AND the settings, I guess you have a method to call setting.create({defaultOptions}) when the user CREATE route is called. This would be the right way.
for the skillUp route, depends on the conception of your database, but I guess it would be something like a table that gives you the level/skills/character, so you need a service for this specific table and to call skillLevel.patch({character, level})
In addition to the correct answer that #gui3 has already given, it is probably worth pointing out that Feathers is intentionally restricting in order to help you create RESTful APIs which focus on resources (data) and a known set of methods you can execute on them.
Aside from the answer you linked, this is also explained in more detail in the FAQ and an introduction to REST API design and why Feathers does what it does can be found in this article: Design patterns for modern web APIs. These are best practises that helped scale the internet (specifically the HTTP protocol) to what it is today and can work really well for creating APIs. If you still want to use the routes you are suggesting (which a not RESTful) then Feathers is not the right tool for the job.
One strategy you may want to consider is using a request parameter in a POST body such as { "action": "type" } and use a switch statement to conditionally perform the desired action. An example of this strategy is discussed in this tutorial.

How can I run Zend Framework code alongside legacy (non-ZF) code on the same server on the same HTTP port?

I have a large codebase that I am trying to eventually convert to Zend-Framework-powered stack.
I at times write new modules to where I have a choice:
keep writing using legacy routing/initialization/etc
somehow figure out how to use ZF for the new module only while the rest of the legacy code works "as before"
Is this possible?
To give you an idea, code I have now uses proprietary multiple routing files, where everything in ZF goes through one single router file.
So legacy code is called like so i.e.:
May be similar to zend framework 2 in a subdirectory
Zend Middleware approach
I was able to follow and implement an IndexMiddleware class. I can see that IndexMiddleware::process() method is being called. But I am not certain how to go further, and how to engage my legacy web application to return data as before.
Legacy App - index.php
$module = filter($_GET['p']);
if (!empty($module))
$inc = 'portal/{$module}.php'; //prep a legacy module
require($inc); //run module
There are many solutions there... Depends on how much new code you have, and addresses you want.
Long story short, you could work at the server level (aliases, rewrite, etc), or at the PHP code level.
Something you could do is use the index.php from the Zend Skeleton for instance, and the default url routing through index.php. Then look at the application lifecycle, especially the route event. I believe that's a good point to add a listener that would dispatch the old application. You can find numbers of Listeners in the Zend MVC code to base your code on (look at the middleware one for instance).

Flash player API for browser extension

let's say we have a P2P multi-player Flash based game hosted on a website. Would it be possible to create a browser extension that would listen to what is going on within the Flash application? For example, I would like to know when a player connects to a room, gets kicked or banned, or simply leaves by himself. I'm sorry this is not really a specific question but I need a direction to start. Thanks in advance!
I can see a few ways to communicate between Flash and a browser plugin.
One is to open a socket to a server running on the local machine. Because of the security sandbox, this may not be the easiest approach, but if feasible, it is of course probably the one to go for because you've already got your socket-handling code written, and listening/writing to a additional socket isn't terribly complicated. For this approach, you just need your plugin to start listening on a socket, and get the flash applet to connect to it.
Another way might be to try something with passing messages in cookies. Pretty sure this would just cause much grief, though.
Another way, and I suspect this may turn out to be the easier path, is to communicate between Flash and JavaScript using the ExternalInterface class, then from JavaScript to the plugin. Adobe's IntrovertIM example should get you started if you can find a copy on the web.
In Flash, create two functions, a jsToSwf(command:String, args:Array<String>):Dynamic function, to handle incoming messages from JS that are sent to that callback, and a swfToJs(command:String, args:Array<String> = null):Dynamic function, which calls"swfToJs", command, args);.
To set it up, you need to do something like:
if (flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("jsToSwf", jsToSwf);
swfToJs("IS JS READY?");
(The two parameters to addCallback are what the function is called in JS, and what it's called in Flash. They don't have to be the same thing, but it sort of makes sense that they do)
In JS, you need the same functions: function swfToJs(command, params) accepts commands and parameter lists from Flash; and jsToSwf(command, params) calls getSwf("Furcadia").jsToSwf(command, params);.
getSwf("name") should probably be something like:
/** Get ref to specified SWF file.
// Unfortunately, document.getElementById() doesn't
// work well with Flash Player/ExternalInterface. */
function getSwf(movieName) {
result = '';
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
result = window[movieName];
} else {
result = document[movieName];
return result;
The only fiddly bit there is that you need to do a little handshake to make sure everyone's listening. So when you have Flash ready, it calls swfToJs("IS JS READY?"); then the JS side, on getting that command, replies with jsToSwf("JS IS READY!"); then on getting that, Flash confirms receipt with swfToJs("FLASH IS READY!"); and both sides set a flag saying they're now clear to send any commands they like.
So, you've now got Flash talking with JS. But how does JS talk with a browser extension? And, do you mean extension, or add-on, since there's a difference! Well, that becomes a whole 'nother can of worms, since you didn't specify which browser.
Every browser handles things differently. For example, Mozilla has port.emit()/port.on() and the older postMessage() as APIs for JS to communicate with add-ons.
Still, I think ExternalInterface lets us reduce a hard question (Flash-to-external-code comms) to a much simpler question (Js-to-external-code comms).

Porting PHP API over to Parse

I am a PHP dev looking to port my API over to the Parse platform.
Am I right in thinking that you only need cloud code for complex operations? For example, consider the following methods:
// Simple function to fetch a user by id
function getUser($userid) {
return (SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=$userid LIMIT 1)
// another simple function, fetches all of a user's allergies (by their user id)
function getAllergies($userid) {
return (SELECT * FROM allergies WHERE userid=$userid)
// Creates a script (story?) about the user using their user id
// Uses their name and allergies to create the story
function getScript($userid) {
$user = getUser($userid)
$allergies = getAllergies($userid).
return "My name is {$user->getName()}. I am allergic to {$allergies}"
Would I need to implement getUser()/getAllergies() endpoints in Cloud Code? Or can I simply use Parse.Query("User")... thus leaving me with only the getScript() endpoint to implement in cloud code?
Cloud code is for computation heavy operations that should not be performed on the client, i.e. handling a large dataset.
It is also for performing beforeSave/afterSave and similar hooks.
In your example, providing you have set up a reasonable data model, none of the operations require cloud code.
Your approach sounds reasonable. I tend to put simply queries that will most likely not change on the client side, but it all depends on your scenario. When developing mobile apps I tend to put a lot of code in cloud code. I've found that it speeds up my development cycle. For example, if someone finds a bug and it's in cloud code, make the fix, run parse deploy, done! The change is available to all mobile environments instantly!!! If that same code is in my mobile app, it really sucks, cause now I have to fix the bug, rebuild, push it to the app store/google play, wait x number of days for it to be approved, have the users download it... you see where I'm going here.
Take for example your
SELECT * FROM allergies WHERE userid=$userid query.
Even though this is a simple query, what if you want to sort it? maybe add some additional filtering?
These are the kinds of things I think of when deciding where to put the code. Hope this helps!
As a side note, I have also found cloud code very handy when needing to add extra security to my apps.

Why is Mage_Persistent breaking /api/wsdl?soap

I get the following error within Magento CE
Warning: session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dev/env/var/www/user/dev/wdcastaging/lib/Zend/Controller/Response/Abstract.php:586) in /home/dev/env/var/www/user/dev/wdcastaging/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php on line 119
when accessing /api/soap/?wsdl
Apparently, a session_start() is being attempted after the entire contents of the WSDL file have already been output, resulting in the error.
Why is magento attempting to start a session after outputting all the datums? I'm glad you asked. So it looks like controller_front_send_response_after is being hooked by Mage_Persistent in order to call synchronizePersistentInfo(), which in turn ends up getting that session_start() to fire.
The interesting thing is that this wasn't always happening, initially the WSDL loaded just fine for me, initially I racked my brains to try and see what customization may have been made to our install to cause this, but the tracing I've done seems to indicate that this is all happening entirely inside of core.
We have also experienced a tiny bit of (completely unrelated) strangeness with Mage_Persistent which makes me a little more willing to throw my hands up at this point and SO it.
I've done a bit of searching on SO and have found some questions related to the whole "headers already sent" thing in general, but not this specific case.
Any thoughts?
Oh, and the temporary workaround I have in place is simply disabling Mage_Persistent via the persistent/options/enable config data. I also did a little bit of digging as to whether it might be possible to observe an event in order to disable this module only for the WSDL controller (since that seems to be the only one having problems), but it looks like that module relies exclusively on this config flag to determine it's enabled status.
UPDATE: Bug has been reported:
I'd report this is a bug to the Magento team. The Magento API controllers all route through standard Magento action controller objects, and all these objects inherit from the Mage_Api_Controller_Action class. This class has a preDispatch method
class Mage_Api_Controller_Action extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
public function preDispatch()
$this->setFlag('', self::FLAG_NO_START_SESSION, 1); // Do not start standart session
return $this;
which includes setting a flag to ensure normal session handling doesn't start for API methods.
$this->setFlag('', self::FLAG_NO_START_SESSION, 1);
So, it sounds like there's code in synchronizePersistentInf that assumes the existence of a session object, and when it uses it the session is initialized, resulting in the error you've seen. Normally, this isn't a problem as every other controller has initialized a session at this point, but the API controllers explicitly turns it off.
As far as fixes go, your best bet (and probably the quick answer you'll get from Magento support) will be to disable the persistant cart feature for the default configuration setting, but then enable it for specific stores that need it. This will let carts
Coming up with a fix on your own is going to be uncharted territory, and I can't think of a way to do it that isn't terribly hacky/unstable. The most straight forward way would be a class rewrite on the synchronizePersistentInf that calls it's parent method unless you've detected this is an API request.
This answer is not meant to replace the existing answer. But I wanted to drop some code in here in case someone runs into this issue, and comments don't really allow for code formatting.
I went with a simple local code pool override of Mage_Persistent_Model_Observer_Session to exit out of the function for any URL routes that are within /api/*
Not expecting this fix to need to be very long-lived or upgrade-friendly, b/c I'm expecting them to fix this in the next release or so.
public function synchronizePersistentInfo(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
if ($request->getRouteName() == 'api') {