Accessing AMQP connection from Resque worker when using Thin as Web Server - ruby-on-rails-3

trying to work past an issue when using a resque job to process inbound AMQP messages.
am using an initializer to set up the message consumer at application startup and then feed the received messages to resque job for processing. that is working quite well.
however, i also want to process a response message out of the worker, i.e. publish it back out to a queue, and am running into the issue of the forking process making the app-wide AMQP connection unaddressable from inside the resque worker. would be very interested to see how other folks have tackled this as i can't believe this pattern is unusual.
due to message volumes, taking the approach of firing up a new thread and amqp connection for every response is not a workable solution.

my bust on this, had my eye off the ball and forgot about resque forking when it kicks off a worker. going to go the route suggested by others of daemonizing the process instead....


Why did we only receive the response half of the time (round-robin) with "Spring Cloud DataFlow for HTTP request/response" approach deployed in PCF?

This issue is related to 2 earlier questions:
How to implement HTTP request/reply when the response comes from a rabbitMQ reply queue using Spring Integration DSL?
How do I find the connection information of a RabbitMQ server that is bound to a SCDF stream deployed on Tanzu (Pivotal/PCF) environment?
As you can see the update for the question 2 above, we can receive the correct response back from the rabbit sink. However, it only works half of the time alternated as round-robin way (success-timeout-success-timeout-...). The outside http app was implemented with Spring Integration showed in question 1 - sending the request to the request rabbit source queue and receiving the response from the response rabbit sink queue. This only happened in PCF environment after we deployed both the outside http app and created the stream (see following POC stream) there. However, it's working locally all the time (NOT alternately). Did we miss anything? Not sure what's the culprit in PCF. Thanks.
rabbitSource: rabbit --queues=rabbitSource | my-processor | rabbitSink: rabbit --routing-key=pocStream.rabbitSink.pocStream
Sounds like you have several instances of your stream in that PCF environment. This way there are more then one (round-robin feels like two) subscribers to the same RabbitMQ queue. Where only one consumer must be for that queue since only initiator of the request waits for reply, but odd (or even) replies go to different consumer of the same queue. I don't place it as an answer, just because it is the best guess what is going on since you don't see a problem locally.
Please, investigate your PCF environment and how does it scale instances for your stream. There also might be some option of SCDF which does scaling for us.

how to resove "connection.blocked: true" in capabilities on the RabbitMQ UI

"rabbitmqctl list_connections" shows as running but on the UI in the connections tab, under client properties, i see "connection.blocked: true".
I can see that messages are in queued in RabbitMq and the connection is in idle state.
I am running Airflow with Celery. My jobs are not executing at all.
Is this the reason why jobs are not executing?
How to resolve the issue so that my jobs start running
I'm experiencing the same kind of issue by just using celery.
It seems that when you have a lot of messages in the queue, and these are fairly chunky, and your node memory goes high, the rabbitMQ memory watermark gets trespassed and this triggers a blocking into consumer connections, so no worker can access that node (and related queues).
At the same time publishers are happily sending stuff via the exchange so you get in a lose-lose situation.
The only solution we had is to avoid hitting that memory watermark and scale up the number of consumers.
Keep messages/tasks lean so that the signature is not MB but KB

In RabbitMQ, do we need to manage Connections and Channels in a separate thread?

I am new to the world of Message Queues and I am currently evaluating RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ and Kafka. I see that in RabbitMQ, the Producer will create a Connection to the RabbitMQ server and the thread holding the Connection will remain active until the connection is closed. This leads me to believe that there MUST be a separate thread which delivers information to the RMQ Producer thread which will simply publish the message to the queue and keep looping until connection to the RMQ Server is closed? Is this assumption correct? Any thoughts/inputs would be appreciated.
P.S: This isn't the behaviour with Kafka. [ Apache Kafka: Java Producer reusability ]
in general, you should have a single RMQ connection per application instance. that connection can be opened as soon as your application starts.
having a connection does not yet give you the ability to publish or consume messages, though.
to do that, you need to create a channel.
the general best practice is one channel per thread in your application. need to publish a messages from this thread? create a channel for the thread. done with publishing it and not doing any other RMQ work on this channel? close the channel.
unlike connections, channels are cheap and easy to create. they work over the existing RMQ connection, and they take very little resources to create.
you can create thousands of channels in a single connection (though you might want to limit that number for performance reasons)

RabbitMQ dropping messages after the first one

I'm using celery 3.0.18 with RabbitMQ 3.0.2. I have a task sent to another application by using celery.send_task, and I can see the send_task call in my logs, I can see the packets leaving the worker instance, and I can see the packets reaching the RabbitMQ instance when I call tcpflow -ce -i any port 5672, however, only the first message gets to the queue. They all have the same routing key, I tried recreating the exchange and bindings, and even a new RabbitMQ instance, and nothing seems to work. This used to work fine for months, until we had to rebuild the RabbitMQ from scratch after a crash in our AWS infrastructure. Strangely, I have the exact same setup working on other application, using the same broker and the same exchange, binding and queue, and it works perfectly there. Also, it works when I send the messages to the same exchange using the same call from a management script, running from the shell on the same instance, but it doesn't work when it's sent from the celery task in the worker process.
Any ideas on what the problem might be?
Eventually, I figured what's wrong, but it's not clear if this is the expected behavior, a celery bug, or a RabbitMQ bug.
What happens is that besides our application tasks, I have a custom logging handler used to send logs to a central location using RabbitMQ, using celery.send_task. This logging handler sends messages to an exchange named application.logger, with a routing key like, application.logger.warning, etc, and have bindings to route some logging levels to specific queues. This exchange, bindings and queues were created directly in RabbitMQ and not defined in Celery routes.
When the worker tries to send a message to this exchange and it doesn't exist, Celery would log a 404 NOT_FOUND error. After that, tasks sent to other exchanges using the same connection weren't delivered. They were sent by the worker instance, we could see the packets arriving and the RabbitMQ management screen for that connection even shows the data arriving from the client in kb/s, but no messages were delivered.

message deleted from queue

I have used BlockingQueue implementation to process my events by services from a queue. However in case if the server goes down, all my events from that queue are getting deleted and hence I am missing events to process. (I am looking for some internal DB where server can store the event/messages from queue and if server goes down and up again, it can load all events/messages to process again, without manually intervention).
Any help on this. I am not sure if I should use Apache ActiveMQ. I am using apache servicemix.
Thanks in advance.
I can not answer about how to do this with BlockingQueue.
But ActiveMQ has two features that you will benefit from:
Persistent Queues and possibly you might also want to look at Durable Queues
It has a built in database that just does this under the hood and allows messages to be persisted in queue even if broker or consumer has to restart.