Google Chart API & GeoMaps - api

I'm stuck with an issue.
Hope someone already faced it and fixed it.
I would like to create a interactive geo maps like in Google Analytics. I mean a zoomable map from world to country to display geo infos.
I already have all the data split by regions, country and cities.
I'm able to put them on a Google geomap at one level. But when the user clicks on a country, I would like he can get more in Analytics at the end.
I have tried to add listeners on the geomap to get the event and I hoped to change the options of the geomap on the fly but no luck...
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks for your help.

I'll share it in case someone is interested.
In javascript,
You need to catch the region click event.
To be able to do this, you need to change the options of the geomap by speficying the region you're zooming in.
In it, you need to get the e['region'] value and to adapt your geo data accordingly.
Pass them to your geomap, redraw it and that's it.


How to implement instagrams location search

Please point me to the right directions, I want to implement this on my app:
The image above came from instagram app after tapping on Add to Photo Map option, 3rd page when adding a new image.
From what I understand so far, core location can give me the exact position of the device but not
the other locations I see on the page above as suggestions.
Those location names come from facebook places, you have call the facebook graph API for places and then find the corresponding instagram location id, here is related question with the answer:
So we decided to use foursquare's api.

Show users heading location(north,east west,soth) using Google Map SDK for iOS

I am working on an application where is want to show the user his heading location, like in Apple maps (magnetic direction) which is a small triangle and will rotate as the user moves physically using the app. I am using Google Maps SDK and would like to know if Google provides this option, i have researched a bit but dint get. Also, their official Google Map App doesn't have the feature.
Also i would like to know if there is any other better option for the same.
Simply add mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES; should works for your require.
Except you want this feature works well in China.

Ideas of display data like most social network apps

I want to display data like most social network apps use now. They use a lot of separated frames. In each frame it has texts, pictures, buttons and something else. I absolutely don't know how to do this. I think I can use table view and use grouped style (remove group name label) to display it but I don't know whether I can put button on it and whether it is the smartest way to fix my problem.
Can you explain clearly for me or just give me tutorial, links or something related to it?
An experience shared by a Facebook developer on how they built the iOS app.

How do I make legends in Google Maps with a Google Fusion Tables Layer work?

i am using Google Fusion Tables and Google Maps to display geographical data (e.g. markers). My map needs to have a legend, for example by inserting a div on top of the map and the layer. As i am not used to work with API of any kind, i got stuck with this legend problem.
I tried several example codes (most of them provided by google), but none worked for me. I guess that the problem of displaying divs on a map has got something to do with either the styling of the map canvas, the div implementation within the body of the html document or with the framework used (google appengine). But this is just guessing. As i am not a professional with coding, i maybe missed a important point. Maybe the folks here can help me out?
Every hint is appreciated. Thanks.
You can have a look at the code and my example [here (deleted)]. There example includes a code which should display a div, but it doesn't. I've taken it from here (Stackoverflow).
The code you're using is v2 of the Maps API. You'll want to use code that works with v3 of the Maps API, since that is the version you're using on your site.
Have you tried the sample code here?
Copy and paste the legend code from this example into your initialize method, remove the old legend code. If this doesn't work, let me know.

How to get iTunes volume control widget?

Anyone know of a way to get a volume control widget similar to iTunes?
Not sure how close you'll get but the tutorial below shows how to apply custom themes via images to a UISlider. I haven't tried it yet but I was looking at it the other day.
I found it when browsing the site below which is also a good resource when trying to find controls
Hope that helps