Property vs. ivar in times of ARC - objective-c

It is my understanding that setting an ivar now retains the object being assigned to it, since setting variables defaults to the strong qualifier. Because ivars are in the scope of the object they are declared in and strong retains objects within the scope of the variable, this means the ivars value would never be released while the object containing the ivar is still alive.
Is this correct?
If so, am I right in thinking that there is, in terms of memory management, no difference between a retaining (strong) property and a simple ivar anymore?

If a variable:
Is declared in a class using ARC.
Is used solely for class implementation (not exposed as part of the class interface).
Does not require any KVO.
Does not require any custom getter/setter.
Then it is appropriate to declare it as an ivar without a corresponding #property/#synthesize, and to refer to it directly within the implementation. It is inline with Encapsulation to declare this ivar in the class implementation file.
// MyClass.h
#interface MyClass : ParentClass
// MyClass.m
#implementation MyClass {
NSString *myString;
- (void)myMethod {
myString = #"I'm setting my ivar directly";
This ivar will be treated as __strong by the ARC compiler.
It will be initialized to nil if it is an object, or 0 if it is a primitive.

You can't use KVO and do custom getter and setters with instance variables other than that they are very similar when using ARC.


Subclass does not have ivar of parents' public property

I'm learning objective-c and there is something I couldn't find an answer to.
I have declared a property in the public interface of a class.
In that class I can access the ivar directly by using underscore, without synthesizing the property.
For example:
// Class.h
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *someString;
// Class.m
_someString = something;
But if I subclass that class, I can access the setter and getter without any extra code, but I can't access the ivar directly, unless I explicitly synthesize the property, which was not necessary step in the superclass.
I know for a fact that it does create ivars specific for the subclass, because I have 2 subclasses of the same superclass, and each have their own values for the superclass's properties.
I just don't understand why I need to explicitly synthesize the subclass if I want to access the ivars directly.
It isn't really a problem, but more of a curiosity.

Overriding setter methods (strong vs. assign) using ARC

When defining a strong property in an interface, like so:
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *petColor;
It is no longer required to add #synthesize, or #dynamic, or to manually define the internal ivar as _petColor, this all just works. The setters/getters are automatically generated, and you can access _petColor internally without any additional code.
However, I'm a little confused as to how (if at all), when overriding a setter, ARC knows whether to insert the retain/release calls depending on whether the property is strong or weak? For example, if I have two properties:
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *petColor;
#property (nonatomic, weak) SomeClass *petDelegate;
If I want to override the setters for these properties, it seems they would be almost exactly the same?
- (void)setPetColor:(UIColor *)theColor {
if (![theColor isEqual:petColor]) {
_petColor = theColor;
- (void)setPetDelegate:(SomeClass *)theDel {
if (theDel != petDelegate) {
_petDelegate = theDel;
Is this correct? And if so, is ARC automatically inserting the proper retain/release calls in both of those setters, or only in the overridden setter for the strong property?
Further: Does the weak property behavior differ, in this situation, from the assign property behavior?
It's even simpler than that. When synthesizing, the instance variables get the respective qualifiers:
#implementation MyClass {
// this is what is added by the auto synthesize
UIColor * __strong _petColor;
SomeClass * __weak _petDelegate;
So when you assign to the instance variables using own setters, everything is fine, except for the copy qualifier. That one cannot be used for an instance variable, so then assign a copy to the instance variable.
Regarding assign (or the equivalent unsafe_unretained) for object properties, the instance variable would just be a pointer, and be synthesized to
SomeClass * __unsafe_unretained _petDelegate;
So if the object assigned to the property is deallocated, the pointer would not be set to nil as with weak, but point to where the deallocated object lived before. That may lead to crashes. As a rule of thumb, if you write your code for iOS 5 or later, always use weak instead of assign or unsafe_unretained on object properties.
Setting the strong, weak, or assign attributes of a property tells the compiler the storage class of the underlying data. If that is an auto-generated iVar, then it maps as following:
strong -> __strong
weak -> __weak
assign -> __unsafe_unretained
If you don't use an auto-generated iVar, then whatever data you have feeding the property is expected to conform to those storage class mappings.
See: Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) : Property declarations

#property vs just declaring getter and setter

Is there any difference in behaviour - either at compile time or at run time - between this code...
// MyClass.h
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) SomeType myProperty;
// MyClass.m
#implementation MyClass
... and this code?
// MyClass.h
#interface MyClass : NSObject
// MyClass.m
#implementation MyClass {
SomeType _myProperty;
-(SomeType)myProperty {
return _myProperty;
-(void)setMyProperty:(SomeType)myProperty {
_myProperty = myProperty;
Obviously, the former version is more succinct and readable, but is there any difference in behavior? Do the synthesized getter and setter do anything more sophisticated than my straightforward implementation here? Is the declaration of a property distinguishable by introspection functions from declaration of a getter and setter? Are there any other differences I haven't thought of?
Short answer: No difference. However, some property attributes (copy or atomic) may require different accessor methods.
Long answer: There is a group of introspection functions that allow you to access all #properties declared for given class or protocol:
I don't think any of these functions is useful in production code, because this is basically an implementation detail of the class. Also, there may be a getter/setter exposed in the public interface and a private property hidden in class extension.
Oh, and there's one other difference: Xcode highlights properties and plain getters differently :)
One difference is memory management. You can configure your properties to for example copy the object being set or to use a weak variable. Your code seem to be assuming ARC is active, since you are not releasing the old object and retaining the new object.
Before ARC a typical setter would to something like
-(void)setMyProperty:(SomeType *)myProperty {
if (myProperty == _myProperty) return;
[_myProperty release];
_myProperty = myProperty;
[_myProperty retain];
When you say you use ARC, then there is only a small difference. But none that matters.
Your ivar is #protected.
A #property creates an ivar which is #private.
Generally speaking:
So when you subclass, it is possible for your subclass to directly access the ivar you created, but not the one the property created.
BUT since you put your ivar in the #implementation block, the ivar is never seen by the subclass.
Without ARC however and SomeType being not an Objective-C object, there is a big difference. Then your setter/getter wouldn't have retain/release messages included.

Autosynthesized property 'delegate' will use synthesized instance variable '_delegate', not existing instance variable 'delegate'

I'm following the guide here to create a custom delegate. It runs fine but I get the following warning in xcode
DetailViewController.m:23:1: Autosynthesized property 'delegate' will
use synthesized instance variable '_delegate', not existing instance
variable 'delegate'
Can anyone advise how to get rid of the warning
The most idiomatic way to handle this situation is simply to remove your delegate ivar declaration. If you were using your delegate ivar, you should use the implicit ivar _delegate instead.
Why does this work?
As of Xcode 4.4 (LLVM Compiler 4.0), instance variables and accessor methods are synthesized automatically for a property if the #synthesize directive is not used explicitly for that property. As Apple's documentation on encapsulation states
By default, [...] accessor methods are synthesized automatically for you by the compiler, so you don’t need to do anything other than declare the property using #property in the class interface.
The ivar that is used for a property (which is gotten and set by the automatically synthesized property accessor methods) is named _<propertyName> (i.e. the ivar's name is the property's name prefixed with an underscore).
In this case the property name is delegate, so the the ivar that is used is _delegate. This is already happening in your code. When you call -delegate and -setDelegate:, this ivar _delegate will be gotten and set.
However, you've also declared your own ivar delegate. Of course, the ivar you explicitly declared (delegate) will not be gotten and set by the instance methods -delegate and -setDelegate: since the automatically synthesized ivar (_delegate) is being gotten and set. However, (almost always--if it wasn't, your code is ambiguous) your intent was for your ivar delegate to be the thing that your property's accessors would get and set. Luckily, the compiler is clever enough to notice what you've done, and that's why it is emitting this warning:
warning: autosynthesized property 'delegate' will use synthesized instance variable '_delegate', not existing instance variable 'delegate' [-Wobjc-autosynthesis-property-ivar-name-match]
It's telling you that your property delegate will use the automatically synthesized ivar _delegate rather than the ivar that you explicitly declared, delegate.
So if you simply delete your delegate ivar, the compiler will stop emitting this warning. If you were using the delegate ivar directly (not through the property), start using _delegate instead.
A minor variation on this option is to explicitly declare the same ivar (_delegate) that the automatic synthesis of the delegate property is creating. You can do this by replacing
#interface TheClass : TheSuperclass
id<TheDelegateProtocol> delegate
#interface TheClass : TheSuperclass
id<TheDelegateProtocol> _delegate
This works because automatic synthesis of a property will always use an ivar whose name is the property's name prefixed with an underscore. If no such ivar exists, the ivar will be generated. If it does exist, it will be used.
If instead you would prefer that your property's accessors set and get your ivar delegate you can add an #synthesize directive to your class' #implementation to tell the compiler to do just this:
#implementation TheClass
#synthesize delegate = delegate;
The line #synthesize delegate = delegate; tells the compiler to use the ivar delegate (the right hand of the assignment) in the accessors for the property delegate (the left hand side of the assignment).
You can also omit the right hand side of the #synthesize assignment and just write
#implementation TheClass
#synthesize delegate;
This works because a property with a manual #synthesize which does not explicitly specify the ivar to be gotten and set by its accessors (such as #synthesize delegate;) will use an ivar with the same name as the property, NOT prefixed by an underscore. This has to do with backwards compatibility.
There's another method and this one worked for me:
#property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained) id <MyDelegate> delegate;
You can then add this to the implementation without error:
#synthesize delegate;
Also: This is ARC compliant.

What qualifier should I use to declare a block as an ivar?

typedef void(^responseBlock)(NSDictionary*, NSError *);
#interface MyClass : NSObject
[??] responseBlock responseHandler;
What qualifier should I put in the [??] brackets?
I've read that blocks as properties should be setup with the copy qualifier...but in this case I don't need the block exposed as a property. I simply want it to remain an ivar but how can I specify copy? And also, without specifying anything what is the default qualifier used? Is it __strong as in the case with everything else?
I'm using ARC on ios5.
Yes, Blocks are objects in ObjC, so __strong is the appropriate qualifier. Since that's the default, you can in fact leave it off.
There's no way for you to specify that the Block be copied on assignment without a property -- that will be your responsibility (responseHandler = [someBlock copy];). You could declare a property that's only visible to this class itself (not available to other code) by putting a class extension in your .m file:
#interface MyClass ()
#property (copy) responseBlock responseHandler;
This (upon being synthesized) will give you the usual accessor methods, which will take care of the copy for you when you use them.
Also be aware that it's possible (and now the recommended procedure) to declare instance variables in the #implementation block. It sounds like you want this to be a private attribute (no property access), and the ivars declared there can't be seen by any other code. (Of course you don't need to do this if you're using a property; #synthesize will create the ivar for you.)
#implementation MyClass
responseBlock responseHandler;
// Continue with implementation as usual