Rails 3 - model issue, foreign key - ruby-on-rails-3

I have two models, Like and Photo.
class Like < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :photo, :class_name => "DataLike", :foreign_key => "photo_id"
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :likes
And now I try to execute this query:
query = Like.select(:photo_id).joins(:photo).count
But I am still getting this error:
uninitialized constant Like::DataLike
Could anyone help me, please, what I am doing wrong?
Thank you so much

You don't seem to have a DataLike model, my best guess is that you want to link to the Photo model:
class Like < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :photo, :foreign_key => "photo_id"
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :likes
If you leave out the :class_name option, the Photo model is inferred. It's used to specify the class of the linked model, in case it is different from the association name.


has_many :condition multiple models how to use join here?

I have the following model structure:
Model Visitor
class Visitor < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many: triggers
Model Trigger
class Trigger < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :visitor, :inverse_of => :triggers
belongs_to :event, :inverse_of => :triggers
Model Event
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many: triggers
I am trying to setup a custom association in Visitor model like so:
has_many: triggers_that_pass_some_condition ,:class_name => "Trigger",
:conditions => ["triggers.some_column >= events.some_column"]
The problem is that it doesn't work .. I am guessing I have to do some kind of join to compare columns of two separate models (that are associated with each other)
I have tried
triggers.some_column >= triggers.event.some_column
That does not work either. Anyone has any suggestions? thanks!
Try the following code..
class Trigger < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :event
belongs_to :visitor
# Visitors.rb
has_many :triggers_with_condition, -> { includes(:event).where(some_trigger_column >= event.some_event_column)}, class_name: "Trigger"
Make sure you first add the correct association between Visitor and Trigger in your model setup. From there, you can add a custom association as follows:
class Visitor < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :approved_triggers, -> { includes(:events).where("events.something = ?", true).references(:events) }, class_name: 'Trigger', inverse_of: :visitor
class Trigger < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :visitor, inverse_of :triggers
Right now your Trigger class holds no association to a Visitor.
Thanks to the clue from Darpa, I eventually settled on this:
has_many :custom_trigger, {:class_name => "Trigger", :include => :event,
:conditions => ["triggers.some_column >= events.another_column"]}

Uniqueness validation with a has_many relationship

My model structure is as follows:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :charts
class Chart < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
has_many :chart_data
class ChartDatum < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :chart
ChartDatum has an attribute called 'name' which needs to be unique for each client.
I tried using "validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:chart_id]" but this helped me getting a unique key for a particular chart but not for all charts for a particular client. I am looking for something like "validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:client_id]" but obviously with the current structure it will not work out.
Could someone please help me?
Since you need unique name for chart_data for each client, you can try writing a custom validation for name something like this :
class ChartDatum < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :chart
validates :name, :uniqueness => true, unless => :unique_for_client?
def unique_for_client?
client = self.chart.client

Rails Association (belongs_to) dilemma

I have a User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :cards
and a Card model:
class Card< ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => "owner_id"
the card model also has an attribute called "owner_id", which I'd like to use in way like this:
Card.first.owner which will retrieve the User which owns that card
my problem as that, I know that rails will automagically connect the id's in the association but that doesnt happen.
in the CardController, rails get stuck in the create action on the line
and says unknown attribute: user_id
I've done db:migrate and it still won't work.
must I do as follows for it to work?
#card = Card.new(params[:card])
or am I missing something?
First of all, you don't need a owner_id column for this. All you need is
class User
has_many :cards
This will give you #user.cards
class Card
belongs_to :owner, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "user_id"
This will give you #card.owner

has_many :through causes error: HasManyThroughSourceAssociationMacroError

I need to assign students (users) to classes (studentclasses)
I have a simple many-to-many relationship using 3 tables:
studentclasses (lesson details)
users (user... student info)
studentclass_users (Join table containing user_id and studentclass_id)
I'm using has_many :through and my models look like the following:
class Studentclass < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :studentclass_users
has_many :users, :through => :studentclass_users
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
...more here...
has_many :studentclass_users
has_many :studentclasses, :through => :studentclass_users
class StudentclassUsers < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :studentclass
belongs_to :user
For testing purposes, I'm just using a hidden field in my studentclass new view partial to tack on a user id when creating the class and it is as follows:
<%= hidden_field_tag "studentclass[user_ids][]", 29%>
And in my studentclass controller:
def new
#studentclass = Studentclass.new
def create
#studentclass = Studentclass.new(params[:studentclass])
My params comes back:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"MjBTf4rtcyo8inADrSxPZB3vLOKtlZRVFlQJJzfCqWs=", "studentclass"=>{"class_title"=>"hjhkj", "user_ids"=>["29"]}, "commit"=>"Save"}
which seems fine but I get the following error:
NameError (uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughSourceAssociationMacroError):
I think this is something simple with naming maybe? Any help would be appreciated

Two has_may association with Same model Rail 3

Hi im quite beginner in rails. i have a problem suggestion will be appreciated.
i have two model "user" and "asset"
an "asset" is created by a "user" and asset" can be assigned to a "user" schema is
Asset { id,name,creator_id,assigned_to_id,price,...}
User{ id,name,....}
now in Asset model class association are
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :creator ,:class_name=>'User'
belongs_to :assigned_to, :class_name=>'User' ,:foreign_key=>'assigned_to_id'
and User Model is
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#any validation and other stuff
has_many :assets #did not specify either this association is for creator , or assigned_to user.how can is specify that??
now in Asset show view i can obtain creator name with
but can't assigned_to name
#asset.assigned_to.name =>(error is )undefined method `first_name' for nil:NilClas
#asset.assigned_to_id.name=>(error is) undefined method `first_name' for 1:Fixnum
any suggestion how can i make double association with same model
ok solution was in my last comment.
Multiple relation with same model
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :creator ,:class_name=>'User'
belongs_to :assigned_to, :class_name=>'User'
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :created_assets, :foreign_key => 'creator_id', :class_name => 'Asset'
has_many :assigned_assets , :foreign_key => 'assigned_to_id', :class_name => 'Asset'