Entity Framework Context Not Working - vb.net

I am trying to figure out Entity Framework but I keep running into issues with the context. I create my .edmx file and it works fine but when I try to declare my context on my pages Visual Studio will not find them. My .edmx file is called YCLModel.edmx and my connectionstring for it is YCLEntites.
I try to declare the context as:
Dim yclcontext as new YCLEntites
I have also tried going into design mode and dragging from the toolbox but when I select my named connection it gives me the following error:
The metadata specified in the connection string could not be loaded.
Consider rebuilding the web project to build assemblies that may
contain metadata. The following error(s) occurred:
Unable to load the specified metadata resource.

Do you have your .edmx file defined in a separate project other than your web project? If so, you should copy the connection string data from the app.config of your project to your web project.

The issue was the edmx file was in the app_data folder.


NETSDK1152 Error for _ViewImports.cshtml files

After upgrading my WebApp from NET5 to NET6, when trying to push my WebApp to the Azure AppService, I get the NETSDK1152 error:
Found multiple publish output files with the same relative path:
The projects in Question are Razor Class Libraries (Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor"), which all get referenced by a regular Web App (). The files in question are _ViewImport.cshtml files to contain common usings/imports for my Views. They only have their standard properties which never got changed by me (Action -> Content, Copy to Output Directory -> Do not Copy).
Before updating to NET6, everything worked flawlessly, both on my local machine as well as on Azure (both publishing and running the application). After my upgrade to .NET6, I started receiving the error mentioned above.
However, this ONLY occurs when I use the publish functionality (or when the CI/CD is triggered by pushing to the remote git repo). If I use dotnet publish locally, everything seems to be published just fine.
Trying the usual recommendation, of turning off the error (as proposed, for instance, here), did not solve anything for me.
Apart from either getting rid of the _ViewImport.cshtml files altogether, or restructuring the project, I am lost with regards how to potentially solve this issue while keeping the structure as is.
The .NET SDK (6.0.100 Preview 1) generates a new error (NETSDK1152) in cases where files from different source paths would be copied to the same file path in the publish output. This can happen when a project and its project references include a file with the same name that's included in the publish output.
Old Behavior
Both files were copied to the same destination. The second file to be copied overwrote the first file, and which file "won" was mostly arbitrary.
In some cases, the build failed. For example, when trying to create a single-file app, the bundler failed with an ArgumentException, as shown in the following build output:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.100-preview.5.20258.6\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(962,5): error MSB4018: The "GenerateBundle" task failed unexpectedly. [C:\repro\repro.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.100-preview.5.20258.6\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(962,5): error MSB4018: System.ArgumentException: Invalid input specification: Found multiple entries with the same BundleRelativePath [C:\repro\repro.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.100-preview.5.20258.6\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(962,5): error MSB4018: at Microsoft.NET.HostModel.Bundle.Bundler.GenerateBundle(IReadOnlyList`1 fileSpecs) [C:\repro\repro.csproj]
New behavior
Starting in .NET 6, MSBuild removes duplicate files that are copied to the publish folder if both the source and destination are the same. If there are any remaining duplicates, a NETSDK1152 error is generated and lists the files that are duplicated.
Reason for change
Duplicate files in the publish output sometimes caused build breaks or unpredictable behavior.
Recommended action
Ideally, you should update your project to avoid situations where multiple files with the same name are copied to the publish output. The error message includes the name of the duplicate file. Some causes for duplicate files include:
An ASP.NET Core project that references an ASP.NET Core web service, and each has its own appsettings.json file.
A project item where CopyToOutputDirectory is unnecessarily set to Always.
Binary log files can be useful for finding the cause of the duplicated files.
Alternatively, you can set the ErrorOnDuplicatePublishOutputFiles property to false.

LINQPad and <connectionStrings configSource="..." /> and error 80131904

Recently I've changed all .config files in our family of .NET projects to share the common DB connectivity:
<connectionStrings configSource=".\connectionStrings.config" />
where connectionStrings.config is supplied by pre-build event.
It seems to me that LINQpad 4.55.03 (Premium edition) does not support such kind of connection string externalization - it needs embedded connection string definition.
The file connectionStrings.config is on the path set in LINQPad's propeties, it is also copied to target bin folder where .dll with DB Context resides, LINQpad's connection test has succeeded, LINQpad is able to list entities from DB, but no query can bee executed at all - the result is error 80131904.
I got around by using linqpad.config, copying section with real definitions there. I had to clear path to config file in the connection properties.
Is there a way to refer app.config as I did before or is linqpad.config only way to make it running?
Thanks, pf
Yes, you must use LINQPad.config.
LINQPad.exe.config is for the LINQPad GUI.
LINQPad.config is for your queries.
When you test a connection that loads custom assemblies, LINQPad should use the LINQPad.config file. It sounds like it's using the LINQPad.exe.config in your case. What kind of connection is it?

Reference VB.NET DLL in Kofax Document Validation Script

We are working on a validation script for Kofax Capture 9.0 / 10.0 in VB.NET 3.5.
We know how to create a script using the Admin Module, and how to get it operational.
The problem is that we need to reference a dll, located on a remote machine. (GAC is no option) This dll holds abstract classes we need in each validation script.
Even when putting the dlls locally (copy local), the Validation Module (index.exe) immediately throws the "cannot find reference" exception, even though the project compiled perfectly.
I guess the basic question comes down to: where do we put the dlls, in order for the Validation Module to find them?
The simple answer is to put the dll in the same folder as the application because this is one of the places which .NET will probe when trying to find it. The Validation module is run from the Capture bin directory which will be something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\CaptureSS\ServLib\Bin\". This would need to be done on each client using Validation.
If you have a more complicated scenario, you could look implementing the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve Event and using Assembly.LoadFile to get the assembly from a custom location, but the using the bin path is less complicated.
If you end up having further trouble, you can troubleshoot by using the Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe) which can tell you more details about why the assembly failed to load and where .NET tried to search for it. Assembly loading can fail for reasons other than just the path.
For more detail on how .NET loads assemblies, see the following:
How the Runtime Locates Assemblies
Locating the Assembly through Codebases or Probing
We found a solution: add all library files as "links" to the project. (Add --> Existing File --> small arrow next to "Add" --> Add as Link)
This ensures the files are compiled when you build the project. The Kofax Validation Module can now find the files, whereas when referencing the file, it could not. Why it could not, remains a mystery...

add more than one service reference for one application

I am unable to add more than one service reference to same class.
using testApp.ServiceReference1;
using testApp.ServiceReference2;
but ServiceReference2 cannot be used as namespace here
Is it possible or not??
Open the reference.cs file under the ServiceReference2 folder (Show All Files in visual studio). The namespace for the generated types will be in that file.

troubles with generating a service reference

I have to build a .Net application that consumes a bunch of web service. This web service runs under weblogic. The WSDL of the web services mention a XSD file that describes the types.
When I try to add a "Service reference" with VS studio, I have some errors :
Warning 1 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.XmlSerializerMessageContractImporter
Error: Schema with target namespace 'http://mycustomer/ws/types' could not be found.
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='http://mycustomer/ws/wsdl']/wsdl:portType[#name='lbWebPT'] C:\Projects\mycustomerproject\Service References\ClientService\Reference.svcmap
X3 for the portType, Binding and port elements of the wsdl file.
I was guessing this was because of the missing types defined in the xsd file. To workaround this error, and also to avoid duplicate code, I run the following command on my xsd file (in a pre-build event command line) :
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\xsd.exe" "$(ProjectDir)xsdofmycustomer.xsd" /namespace:"MyCustomer.WebServices.Types" /c /o:"$(ProjectDir)."
this command successfully produces a code file with the types and with the correct namespace defined in the XmlRootAttribute.
this code has been put a dedicated VS project. The project where I'm trying to reference the service reference this project. However, the error is still occurring.
What can I do to solve my problem ?
PS: I was able to partially solve my problem using svcutil.exe pathtowsdl pathtoxsd, but I'd like to be able to maintain the reference in VS for ease of use.
I'm not a fan of using project Service References because of the cruft the proxy generator inserts by default. But, if you really want to use Service References for your project then you need to merge the contents of the wsdl & xsd files into a single file. The Service Reference UI assumes all the data it needs to generate the proxy is in the file you give it. SvcUtil is more flexible as you found out. You should able to replace the wsdl:import element with a wsdl:types element that contains the xsd file contents (without the xml directive of course). Next, you enter the path to the file in the address textbox of the Add Service Reference dialog and you should be good to go with Visual Studio catered proxy goodness.