Get tweet from the user? - objective-c

What is the best way to get twitts from the user on iPhone. Is it possible to get twitts with help of search twitter API? twitter search api doc
I need load more than 20 twitts.

Tweets are returned from Twitter's servers in JSON format. There are a half-dozen JSON libraries for cocoa, all very good.
Fetching tweets can be done using a simple URL request, for unauthenticated tweet data (e.g. users tweets are public). e.g.
Or if you need access to tweets that might be private, you are going to have to log in, probably using OAuth. I would suggest a twitter library. MGTwitterEngine, for example.
If you can go iOS 5 only, you can use the new built in Twitter Framework


How do i get user images on twitter using Twitter API?

I'm trying to download users timeline images (including tweets images). How do i get user images on twitter using Twitter API.
This API proved all the details about a single tweet. If any possible solution to get all images from a standard twitter app. Or this feature only available in premium account ?
You can do this using the v2 User timeline endpoint:
twurl "/2/users/786491/tweets?max_results=100&expansions=attachments.media_keys&media.fields=url,media_key"
You can retrieve up to 3200 of the user's most recent Tweets using this method. You can get additional information by adding further fields and expansions to the request, if you need them.

Twitter API 1.1 - Retrieving tweets of other users

I am working on a project, that compiles the tweets of 4 or 5 different twitter accounts related to a particular subject - and I do not control them.
This was possible with the 1.0 API. A simple ajax call to the API would return the JSON, and off you went.
With the implementation of OAuth for Version 1.1, it seems as though it is no longer possible to retrieve the tweets from accounts you do not own.
My question, is there a work around using the current API to retrieve tweets from another user? Perhaps using the GET search/tweets interface?
The API call you need is statuses/user_timeline
As the documentation says
Returns a collection of the most recent Tweets posted by the user indicated by the screen_name or user_id parameters.
So, if you want all of my tweets, you would call
You will need to be authenticated with the Twitter API. I suggest that you use a library for your preferred language.

Login Via Twitter

It has been almost a month and I couldn't figure this out.
I am developing a social network application and I want the users to be able to log in via their Twitter and Facebook account Like the screenshot below:
The Facebook is done, and I am stock with the twitter, Note that these pictures are actually set as a buttons.
What I want exactly is:
The user can be able to login (sign up) on the application using their Twitter and I will retrieve the basic information from Twitter API "Name,Username,Profile picture" in my application and store them in my database.
Note: I am using Parse and I already have a table call user.
Please help me :'(
It sounds like you haven't tried anything with Twitter yet.
If this were my code, I'd probably use the Twitter API to login, which they introduce you to here.
Or you can use one of the handy Objective-C libraries they've listed here

How publish Hootsuite on Google+ Pages stream?

I want to achieve the same as Hootsuite, publish a post in a PAGE STREAM. But I don't know even where to look for it. It looks like Hootsuite is using the API, because they prompt an open Auth authentication where the user selects and authorize what this APP can do with his data.
With the PHP client I've been able of posting in the user APP stream (different from the user main stream) using moments class, and get data from the user using plus class client, both from the PHP library available here:
But I don't know how to write in a user's page. Does anyone knows or can point me where to go to, at least, publish on main Google+ page stream as Hootsuite? Thanks.
The Google+ Pages API is currently available to a limited number of parters only, including HootSuite. You can request access to the API at but there is no guarantee when, or even if, Google will approve your access.
Although you can use the HootSuite console to post messages to Google+ pages (see, it isn't clear if you can use the HootSuite API to do so.

Twitter - Stream vs GET search

What is the main differences between "annonymous" GET search and "authorized" stream search of tweets? What about limitations? Which method is more suitable for searching tweets with concrete entities (expanded_url)?
Also is there any reason why should I use OAuth authentification? I mean this script:
With an OAuth link to a user, you can see a user's private tweets as well as their public tweets. OAuth is also needed to post tweets. If all you're interested in doing is looking at people's public tweets, then OAuth is not needed.