In JavaScript, I want to hover over a radio button and have it output the value of that radio button? - radio-button

I hover over the button and it hopefully outputs the value of the radio button into a paragraph below. I tried the below code but it's not working. I was hoping 'this' as the ID would mean the ID of what element activated the event.
function showDegree() {
var classInput = document.getElementById(this).value;
document.getElementById('classOutput').innerHTML = classInput;

In your posted code, "this" refers to the current scope, which would be the function showDegree. If you want to have a reference back to the element that threw the event:
Try this:
function showDegree(evt) {
var event = window.event || evt;
var source = || event.srcElement;
document.getElementById('classOutput').innerHTML = source.value;
Then your event listener can be called like so:
<input type="radio" name="degree" value="some value" onmouseover="showDegree(event)" />


Polymer 2.0 capture long press on dynamically generated paper-cards

Issue: How to select multiple paper-cards and know which ones is selected on user long press/tap on the card.
I have dynamically generated paper-cards and I render them on the page using template Dom-repeat. At present I have included checkboxes on each paper-card so that the user can select those checkbox associated with the paper-card. That way the user on the screen can select multiple cards on which I can action the next functionality.
I guess the better user experience will be that the user be able to tap or click on the paper-card and be able to hold his finger/mouse for say .5sec and be able to select that card rather than checkbox style selection.
If I am able to get a working code snippet of how a multiple paper-card selection is used then I will be able to provide a better UX for the app.
Current Code Snippet:
(here I am using a paper-icon-button to get the user selected paper-card element).
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{itemsList}}" as="item">
<paper-card style="float:center; width: 95%" class$="
{{_computeCardColorTran(item.type)}}" data-index$="{{item._id}}">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:arrow-drop-down" style="color:
grey;" id$="bttn#{{item._id}}" item="[[item]]" on-
<iron-image class="pad"
style="" >
What I wish to have (something like below) -->
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{itemsList}}" as="item">
<paper-card style="float:center; width: 95%" class$="
{{_computeCardColorTran(item.type)}}" data-index$="{{item._id}}"
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:arrow-drop-down" style="color:
grey;" id$="bttn#{{item._id}}" item="[[item]]" on-
<iron-image class="pad"
style="" >
And in script javascript function in dom-module I can extract the paper-card selected
function callFunctionUserPressedForLong(e){
var id = e.model.item._id;
console.log('User pressed for long time on the paper-card = '+ id);
function doSomeDiffAction(e){
var id = e.model.item._id;
console.log('Not a long press event. User taped or clicked paper card button. Do different action e.g. open popup. = '+
You have to use on-down and on-up events from Polymer and watch time diff between these two events yourself.
In example below, on-down and on-up event functions are the same for both components (paper-card and paper-icon-button). Inside the on-down function (_onDown), the current time is saved to variable. Inside on-up method (_onUp) is detection for tap/click on button (if time diff between on-down and on-up is <0.5s and event target is the element with id=bttn#{{item._id}} and long-press somewhere inside paper-card (including paper-icon-button).
_onDown(e) {
this.startTime =
_onUp(e) {
let id = e.model.item._id;
//stopPropagation because this is otherwise called twice - from paper-card and from paper-icon-button
let id = "1"
if ( - this.startTime > 500) {
console.log(`long press somewhere inside paper-card :: id=${id}`);
} else if ( == `bttn#${id}`) {
console.log(`Not a long press event. User taped or clicked paper card button :: id=${id}`);
<paper-card on-down="_onDown" on-up="_onUp">
<paper-icon-button on-down="_onDown" on-up="_onUp">Tap me</paper-icon-button>

JS onmousedown limited to left-click

I have built a sort of picture gallery in JS. On given img and p elements, the onmousedown events calls two functions: it loads a new image and a new description (see below)
But, as opposed to what I was thinking, the onmousedow it is triggered by right-click too. I don't like this and I'd love to limite the onmousedown event to the left-click of the mouse.
Is there any way to do this?
Many thanks for your help.
<img style="max-width: 100%; cursor:pointer;" src="../../img/picture1.jpg" alt="text" title="click me"
id="showgallery" onmousedown="changeimg(); changedscrpt()" />
enter code here
<p class="myclass" style="text-align: center;" id="imgdescription">Description</p>
You should move out calls to changeimg() and changedscrpt() to separate method which would evaluate first whether left mouse was pressed, something like that:
onmousedown="checkAndChange(event, this)";
function checkAndChange(e, obj)
if (leftMousePressed(e))
function leftMousePressed(e)
e = e || window.event;
var button = e.which || e.button;
return button == 1;
If the right mouse button will be pressed, JavaScript will not do anything (will not change next image).

<xe:djextNameTextBox> how to programmatically add a new entry?

I have a name picker attached to the input but also want to allow type-ahead in a second field attached to the name picker, and then add the selected entry in the type-ahead control to the dojo name text box control.
In the typeahead onchange event, I can get the value of it and I can get the values in the Name Text Box control, but each entry in the NameTextBox is a spanned link like this:
<SPAN tabIndex=0 val="**abbreviatedNotesName**"><A class=lotusFilter tabIndex=-1 href="javascript:;">**commonNotesName**<SPAN class=lotusClose>x</SPAN></A></SPAN>
Do I need to re-write the innerHTML of the NameTextBox, and guess at the commonname from the typeahead result? Or, is there a better way? Thanks for any help/suggestions.
Here's the code:
<div id="copyToRow">
<div class="namePickerContainer">
<xe:namePicker id="namePicker1" for="fld_copyto_recipients">
<xe:dominoNABNamePicker addressBookSel="all"
<xe:dominoViewNamePicker labelColumn="$1"
viewName="($VIMPeople)" databaseName="#{javascript:viewScope.personalNAB;}"
<xp:div id="copyToContainer" styleClass="addresseeContainer">
<xe:djextNameTextBox id="fld_copyto_recipients"
value="#{sendFilesDoc.file_CopyToRecipients}" multipleSeparator=","
style="min-height:1.5em;" multipleTrim="true">
<xp:inputTextarea id="copyto_typeahead">
<xp:typeAhead mode="partial" minChars="1"
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="copyToRow">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var copyTo = XSP.getElementById("#{id:copyto_typeahead}");
var result = XSP.getElementById("#{id:copyToTA}");
var newEntry = '<SPAN tabIndex=0 val="' + copyTo.value + '"><A class=lotusFilter tabIndex=-1 href="javascript:;">' + copyTo.value + '<SPAN class=lotusClose>x</SPAN></A></SPAN>';
//Format: <SPAN tabIndex=0 val="<abbreviated NotesName>"><A class=lotusFilter tabIndex=-1 href="javascript:;">common NotesName<SPAN class=lotusClose>x</SPAN></A></SPAN>
result.value = copyTo.value;
var copyToRecipients = XSP.getElementById("#{id:fld_copyto_recipients}");
//<INPUT style="MIN-HEIGHT: 1.5em" id=view:_id1:include1:fld_copyto_recipients type=text name=view:_id1:include1:fld_copyto_recipients dojoType="extlib.dijit.NameTextBox">
var copyToValue = copyToRecipients.innerHTML;
alert('copytorecipients innerHTML = ' + copyToValue);
alert('copytorecipients value = ' + document.getElementById("#{id:fld_copyto_recipients}").value); <-- undefined
var copyToArray = new Array();
var a = document.getElementsByName("#{id:fld_copyto_recipients}");
copyToArray = (a[0].value.split(','));
//copyToRecipients.value = copyToArray.join(','); <-- this does not work
alert('copyToArray value = ' + copyToArray.join(','));
result.value = copyToArray.join(',');
copyTo.value = "";
<xp:inputText id="copyToTA">
What I think was tripping me up was required validation on the NameTextBox seemed to prevent the onchange event in the typeahead from firing. Who knows? Went through a lot of iterations ... I ended up adding Tommy Valand's JS function to control when validation is triggered & that seemed to fix things.
Bound the NameTextBox to the datasource field. Bound the typeahead to a requestScope variable. The typeahead onchange event code below also does a partial refresh on a container panel that wraps the 2 inputs.
/* append the typeahead name to those already selected */
var curVals:java.util.Vector = sendFilesDoc.getItemValue("file_SendToRecipients");
requestScope.sendToTypeAhead = null;
Then in the NameTextBox onChange event that also partial refreshes the container panel:
remove duplicates that can be picked if the format of the displayed name in the right panel of the
name picker dialog doesn't match the column returned from the picker -- for instance, this will
happen on internet-style names stored in the user's personal names.nsf
e.g. FName LName <>
var thisField:javax.faces.component.UIInput = getComponent("fld_sendto_recipients");
var theNames = #Unique(thisField.getValue());
thisField.value = theNames;
So you end up with something similar to how MSN hotmail works. Just have one final issue to try to resolve and that's how to get the cursor to return to the typeahead field after either using the namepicker or making a typeahead choice. Added this code as per this post on the client onchange event of the NameTextBox but the cursor just jumps into the typeahead field but then immediately jumps out:
/* set focus back on the typeahead input -- the input is a child of the typeahead dojo widget */
/* matches any <input> that is a child of the .dijitInputField class of the <div> for the typeahead */
var el = dojo.query('div[widgetid*="sendto_typeahead"] .dijitInputField > input').at(-1)[0].focus();
Any help??? Or, suggestions for solution improvement??

Resetting a field to its default value

I want to be able to reset all text fields to their default values when a button is clicked.
What I've done so far is query for all text fields and bind a function I wrote called 'textChanged' to the change event as follows:
require(["dojo/on","dojo/query"], function(on,query){
The function is defined as follows:
function textChanged(newVal)
I found I can reset the value in the body of the function by doing the assignment: =;
If this function is triggered by a change event.
What I want to do is if a button is clicked, then I want to execute the = and am having trouble getting the context correct.
I've tried preserving the 'this' variable when it is called as well as preserving the 'newVal' parameter. If I try setting the value outside of the the context, then the update doesn't preserve. I've tried setting the 'this' value to some other value (nt = this) and the newValue to another variable (nv = newValue) and then I want to execute: =;
and although it clears the field on the form, when the form is submitted, its actual value is still the manually modified value. I noticed that the 'this' is different from when I textChanged is called from the change event verses when I call it directly in my button clicked context.
I tried calling it using 'hitch' to set the context of this to its value that it had from the change event, but that doesn't seem to set the correct context:
require(["dojo/on", "dojo/_base/lang"], function(on, lang) {
lang.hitch(nt, textChanged(nv));
To be precise - inside textChanged I display the value of 'this' using console.log(this);
When textChanged is invoked when the text changes from the UI, 'this' is:
Yet when it is invoked from clicking my button that calls it via the
lang.hitch(nt, textChanged(nv));
'this' is:
Window fauxRedirect.lsw?applicationInstanceId=guid%3A1eae6af09bf6f543%3A-6644aeb4%3A13a8a4c429e%3A-7ffe&zWorkflowState=2&zTaskId=p1&applicationId=2&zComponentName=CoachNG&zComponentId=3028.b1094dc3-da2b-461a-8d56-f6444891c174&zDbg=2#%20%20
I've confirmed that 'nt' is indeed the same '
So, I'm trying to execute the textChanged function such that 'this' is set to that value.
Or, if there is a better way to reset a field to its default from another control - that would work as well.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure of the full context of what you are trying to do, so don't know if this answers your question?
You can reset all of the widgets within a form to their default value as long as they are wrapped in a dijit/form/Form widget. If all the widgets are wrapped correctly it should be a simple matter of calling reset() on the form.
NB: This will not work for native elements (ie. standard <input> or <textarea> fields, they must be dijit/form/TextBox ...etc).
<form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" data-dojo-id="theForm">
<label for="field1">Field 1:</label>
type="text" id="field1" name="field1"
data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" value="default1"
/><br />
<label for="field2">Field 1:</label>
type="text" id="field2" name="field2"
data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" value="default2"
<br /><br />
Clicking the reset button here should reset the fields to: field1="default1" and feield2="default2".
The form is calling each widget's reset() method. If you create your own widgets you need to ensure that their reset() method works correctly (as well as the _getValueAttr() method for setting their value).

Handle button action in a list

I am trying to develop an iphone application using sencha framework .I need to show a list of items in a list.Each cell in the list holds a button also.If the user clicks on a button in a particular index, then a popover needs to be displayer near to the button .I am using the following code to do this
itemTpl : '<div class="div1"><label class = "tag-name-hdr"> {tagnamehdr} </label> <label class = "tag-name-value" style="width:55px;"> value </label> <input type="text" class ="tag-name-text" name="lname" /> <label class = "unit-name" > unit </label> <select class = "unit-name_dropdown" > <option>mg/dr</option> <option>gm/dr</option> <option>m/dr</option> </select> <input type="image" id="popupbtn" class="template_popup_button" src="Images/arrow_more_orange.png" > </div>',
listeners : {
//itemtap : function(list, index, item, e, popupbtn) {
itemtap : function(list, index, item, evt) {
if(evt.getTarget('.template_popup_button')) {
showOverlay(item, evt, index);
Now my issue is that the popover is showing for the selected cell.I need to show the popover near to the clicked button.Is there any way to get the clicked button object to show the overlay/popover near to that.Now I am passing clicked item cell object as parameter to "showOverlay",i need to pass clicked button object
Thanks in advance..
The evt variable holds information about the event. You could check if is a button (or the button you want to act upon).
Note that if all you want is a single button per cell, you could use the onItemDisclosure config option, that will add a button for you with a handler.