NSubstitute received string mismatch [closed] - nsubstitute

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Closed 9 years ago.
NSubstitute.Exceptions.CallNotReceivedException: Expected to receive call:
PromptForYesNo("Sums insured business interruption period is 653 month(s) longer than fire indemnity period.", any String)
Actually received (non-matching arguments indicated with '*' characters):
PromptForYesNo(*"Sums insured business interruption period is 653 month(s) longer than fire indemnity period.
"*, "Do you want to save?")
Can anyone see what the problem is?
To me the strings looks identical and they are, they come from the same object property.
I would appreciate some info on why this fails, thanks.

There was a line break that I didn't notice.


Getting error message "Incompatible pointer to integer conversion [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I keep getting this error message. Does this somehow need to be converted into a NSString?
It looks like your query2 object's limit property is expecting an NSInteger, and you're providing an NSNumber.

Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected. Error [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
The following code fails to compile with this error:
Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.
I can't figure it out. Please help.
Dim ExeName As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Application.Ex ecutablePath)
Application.Ex ecutablePath
There is an extraneous space here; remove it.

I need to output colored text [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
Okay, so what I want to do is directly output formatted RTF text to a Rich Text Box control in VB.NET. I don't want to find the text, select it and color it as it is not practical for what I'm doing. I've tried outputting RTF code but that isn't working either. Can I actually do this or will I have to write a dll?
Its all good! I found a different way of approaching my problem.

When will Sencha Touch 2.0 go to general availability? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
Current release is 1.1, and 2.0 is in developer preview. When is it expected to be GA.
I quote from a comment on this page: http://www.sencha.com/learn/upgrading-to-sencha-touch-2-pr2
#Mike, our goal is to release Touch 2 Beta by early next year or
sooner. We will review our final release/GA date based on the
feedback we get from the beta.

Breaking a simple Captcha [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
For testing purpose, I need to break this captcha:
As you can see, this is a very simple captcha with only 4 digits of numbers. Any sample code will be highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
Step 1. download image
Step 2. Run image through simple OCR software. There are MANY different ones with full api's you can buy.
Step 3. Done.
Note: I have no problem providing this information because, quite frankly, it's extremely easy to figure out.