Preprocessor Directive in xib? - objective-c

Despite searching all over the place, I can't find the answer to my question. So let's see how good y'all are. :)
I'm working on an app that uses an NSPopover which is only available in 10.7 Lion but I want the app to compile for 10.5 and higher. I'm using a preprocessor directive to wrap the related popover code which seems to do the trick... However, the last piece I'm still getting errors on is the .zib in Interface Builder. How do I go about cleaning up the errors shown in the Issues Navigator stating "Class Unavailable: NSPopover on Mac OS X versions prior to 10.7"?
#property (assign) IBOutlet NSPopover *popover;
The above works in xxx.h and xxx.m's, but how do I get around the .xib errors?
Despite the error (Red), it builds successfully. However am I wrong to expect the 10.7 features (popover) to work in 10.7 because they don't... What am I missing here?

You shouldn't use preprocessors for this but check for availability at runtime using NSClassFromString(). The preprocessor runs at compile time, thus it won't detect what system the app is being run on.
Create three nibs, one for each of 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 and load the one you need (or do it in code), but pick which one at run time, not compile time, e.g.
MyVC *vc = nil;
if (NSClassFromString(#"NSPopover"))
vc = [NSViewController initWithNibName:#"MyVC-Lion" bundle:nil];
else if (/* check for 10.6+ only features */)
vc = [NSViewController initWithNibName:#"MyVC-SL" bundle:nil];
vc = [NSViewController initWithNibName:#"MyVC" bundle:nil];
// ...

Not a real answer to your question, apologies, but 2 possible workarounds: isn't it possible to create 2 versions of your xib, and depending on the target, compile on or the other? This would be a bit more work to maintain, but if your UI is pretty stable, this should be the easiest way.
Or you could add your "10.7 specific" UI component(s) programmatically instead of using the IB. If you just have one or a few popovers, it shouldn't be to difficult to do, and the proprocessor guards would work fine.


How do I re-define size/origin of app window in code, overriding nib/xib file parameters, with Obj-C, Xcode 11.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.15.2 (Catalina)?

I'll try to keep it short. I want to create a 3D FPS game, just for myself, that can run on multiple platforms, but I figured that to keep it simple, perhaps it is best to start off with something that is exclusively for macOS. I opted for Objective-C because
(a) Window Application projects in Xcode can only be coded either in Obj-C or Swift (since we are dealing with Cocoa API) and
(b) Obj-C is closer to old-school then Swift.
But before I learn to draw/render 2D-shapes on the window's canvas by writing code, I have to learn to invoke an application window with its properties set to my liking. I've spent hours doing research and experimenting with chunks of code. This is what I've tried: I open with
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
Then I go with ...
NSWindow *window = [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows] firstObject];
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.origin.x = 100;
frame.origin.y = 200;
frame.size.width = 100;
frame.size.height = 500;
[window setFrame: frame display: YES];
... and close with ...
NSApplicationMain(argc, argv); // runs the win display function.
return (0) ;
But no visible changes. Nothing really gets reset. So instead of (1) I tried ...
NSWindow *window = [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows] firstObject];
NSPoint newOrigin;
newOrigin.x = 400;
newOrigin.y = 100;
[window setFrameOrigin : newOrigin];
Still nothing. Then instead of (2) I tried:
NSWindowController* controller = [[NSWindowController alloc]
[controller showWindow:nil];
Great. Now it's spitting out something I don't understand, especially since I'm new to Obj-C:
2020-02-08 21:53:49.782197-0800
tryout_macApp2[14333:939233] [Nib Loading] Failed
to connect (delegate) outlet from
(NSWindowController) to (AppDelegate): missing
setter or instance variable
I remember dicing around with an ApplicationDelegate, with CGSizeMake(), etc., but it just made the experience really inundating and frustrating. Nothing happened. Then there are NSView, NSViewController, and other classes, which is really mindboggling and begs the question: why are there so many classes when all I want to do is override the preset origin of the window and the dimensions preset by the MainMenu.xib file? (By the way, this project is derived from a Window Application project provided by Xcode.)
I really can't think of anything else to add to give you the entire picture of my predicament, so if you feel that something is missing, please chime in.
[Edit:] Moving forward to phase 2 of my project here: How do I paint/draw/render a dot or color a pixel on the canvas of my window with only a few lines in Obj-C on Mac OS X using Xcode?.
The short answer is that main() is too early to be trying to do this. Instead, implement -applicationDidFinishLaunching: on your app delegate class, and do it there. Leave main() as it was originally created by Xcode's template.
After that, I would say to obtain the window (if there's only going to be one main one), it's better to add an outlet to your app delegate and then, in the NIB, connect that outlet to the window. Then, you can use that outlet whenever you want to refer to the window.
Also, make sure that Visible at Launch is disabled for the window in the NIB. That's so you configure it as you want before showing it.
For a more complex app, it's probably better to not put a window into the Main Menu NIB. Instead, make a separate NIB for the window. Then, load it using a window controller object and ask that for its window.
I love Objective-C but also feel your pain, it has this testy ability to frustrate you endlessly.
I have not really developed a game but let me try and point you in the right direction. I think you need a UIViewController.
Now each UIViewController has a built in UIView that sort of represents the visible portion of it. You can use this or add a UIView and use that, whichever depends on your implementation. For now I'd suggest add a separate UIView and use that rather. Once you're comfortable you can then move the implementation to the UIViewController's view if you need to.
Anyhow, for now, create a UIView subclass, say MyGame or something, as for now all your code will end up there.
To do all of the above is not easy, especially if its the first time. If you can follow some tutorial it will be great. Even if the tutorial just adds a button, you can use it and replace the button with your view.
Anyhow, now that you've got that running and the view you've added shows up in green or some other neon colour just to verify that you can indeed change its properties, you're good to go.
Now you start. In MyGame, implement the
message, grab the context through
and start drawing lines and stuff on it, basically the stuff I understand you are interested in doing. You can also, through the same context, change the origin of what you are doing.
Hope this helps.

How to import and use Swift Pod Framework in Objective-C Project

I've been trying to checkout CocoaPods new framework setup to get some Pods going and I'm having trouble using the Swift one's in my Objective-C project.
First things first, this is CocoaPods prerelease 0.35, you can read about how to use and install it here.
Here's my current Podfile:
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
pod 'SLPagingViewSwift'
MBProgressHUD is a common spinning indicator, and SLPagingViewSwift is a random project I found by typing Swift into the cocoapods search. Here's the ViewController.m In my project:
#import "ViewController.h"
#import SLPagingViewSwift;
#import MBProgressHUD;
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
// Works just fine
MBProgressHUD *hud = [[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view];
[self.view addSubview:hud];
[hud show:YES];
// Causes Error -- Won't build
SLPagingViewSwift *sl = [[SLPagingViewSwift alloc] init];
Here's the SLPagingViewSwift declaration:
class SLPagingViewSwift: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate {
As you can see, it inherits from UIViewController, so it shouldn't be a problem to just allocate it and initialize it. If I add the file separately as just a file, the above code runs just fine. I know it works.
How can I use a pure Swift Framework created by CocoaPods in a pure Objective-C class?
Mostly I've been trying various imports. Apple recommends the #import style here
But I have been trying multiple other varieties:
// Compiler Error
#import <SLPagingViewSwift/SLPagingViewSwift.h>
// Builds Fine -- Doesn't Work
#import <SLPagingViewSwift/SLPagingViewSwift-Swift.h>
#import "SLPagingViewSwift-Swift.h"
I've also been trying a few other Swift libraries from time to time to see if I could make anything click.
I don't see anything on the Cocoapods issues that can help this, I also didn't find anything in their blog / release stuff.
If I add the SLPagingViewSwift.swift file separately to the project the old fashioned way, it works just fine.
I think you have to declare the swift class as public, otherwise it is treated as an internal class and can be only be seen within the same module, and this could be the reason why adding it to the same project as files work, but as a framework doesn't. Other thing that occurs to me is that the framework may need to add #objc in front of the class declaration so that it can be seen within objective-c classes. Also reading Apple's guide of Mix and Match between objective c and swift it says that when you import an external framework, you need to make sure the Defines Module build setting for the framework you’re importing is set to Yes. Have you checked with any of those options?
Jus use the
#import SwiftModuleName;
Syntax, and make sure the functions you want to use are public (and #objc)
In my case there was no “use_frameworks!” into podfile (old project).
I added it and then I was able to use import like that
#import "PODNAME-Swift.h"
and use classes from pod.
But finally I wasn't able to use that swift pod, because of lack objective c exposition. I believe this will be the issue in many cases.

Parse Starter Project for iPad

I know it's very vague and is asking a lot but does anyone know how to convert the standard iOS starter project from iPhone to iPad (both is best)? Or does anyone know where I can download one. I am a new iOS developer and am trying to start learning with Parse.
I am referring to this project
P.S. Just because this question isn't perfect doesn't mean you have to go and down vote and flag it for removal I don't have a lot of points already no need to lose even more :)
Not being able to see this sample project, it's hard to say for certain what it will take.
At bare minimum go into your project summary, and select "Universal" for the device support.
Above and beyond that, it just depends on what the app is and how it's structured. For NIBs, you will want a NIB for iPhone and one for iPad. I find it easy to abstract this away so that I can simplify my view loading:
MyController *myController = [[MyController alloc] initWithView:#"MyControllerView" bundle:nil];
Then in a category, I'd define initWithView similar to:
#implementation UIViewController (Universal)
-(id) initWithView:(NSString *)view bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundle{
bool isIpad = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad;
NSString *nibName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#_%#", view, (isIpad ? #"iPad" : #"iPhone")];
return [self initWithNibName:nibName bundle:nibBundle];
But, that's just one aspect of supporting both devices. In reality the subject is rather specific to the app you're working on. Things like OS support (e.g., am I only targeting iOS 6 or higher) play a factor in things.
I have solved it now, if anyone needs the files email me I would upload them but I dont want my MediaFire and other accounts to be removed if I run into copyright issues.

UIScrollView does not scroll when an object is inside

I made a UIScrollView inside a UIViewController I have like 5 ViewControllers my problem is in the 4th one.
The UIScrollView I made does scroll when I put notting it it (so no label no button, no objects at all) but when I put even a label (or anything) in the UIScrollView it stops working.
I have try'd making the same thing in a new project, for some reason it does work I think it has something to do with the fact that it is in the 4th ViewController and the new one I made, was made, in the First automatically made viewcontroller.
I do not yet have a answer please help.
My code:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface viewcontroller : UIViewController
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIScrollView *ScrollerMdon;
#synthesize ScrollerMdon;
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *) nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *) nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName: nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
return self;
[ScrollerMdon setScrollEnabled:YES];
[ScrollerMdon setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320,1000)];
[super viewDidLoad];
In xcode viewcontroller connection inspector my outlet ScrollerMdon is connected with *Scroll View(*which I inserted in my viewcontroller)
In xcode UIScrollView connection inspector my Referencing outlet ScrollerMdon is connected with viewcontroller.
Please help me I have been trying to solve this for 5 hours.. I can't stand it anymore.
I try to make it possible for a single viewcontroller to hold like 17 textboxes I see no other way than doing it with a UIScrollView if there are any suggestions I would be really happy.
I have try'd to make it all aggain putting the same class on a different view controller and the other way around, I kinda rewrote the code and everything it's exactly the same as what I made in the other project but it does not work.(when an object is inside..)
2 foto's of my program.
Srry for the small and bad images, for some reason they moved without my permision but it is enough information I guess.(I use VMWare 8 with os x leopard on it)
foto 1
foto 2
Me Scrolling without items:
Me desperately Scrolling with items:
Since I can only post 2 hyperlinks you have to open these yourself.
PS. please upvote this if you do not know the answer for I need a answer and there will probably be more viewers if it gets upvoted, ty.
I am now copying my entire code and build of the app in a different project hope this wil work :S.
I had the SAME exact problem that I ran into yesterday. Drove me nuts for hours... This was a brand new project that I just started like a week or so ago.
The thing is, I had another project that had the exact same setup essentially that I had started last summer that has no problems. Tabbed application, VC that has a UIScrollView with many uiviews, labels, images etc... works great.
So what changed from that project to this project? The version of Xcode that I started the project out in. The project from last summer did NOT have the AutoLayout enabled as an option. This new one did ( Xcode 4.6 ).
If I turn off "Use AutoLayout" for the entire project it works fantastic.
In the Utilities panel, click on the File Inspector tab. In the section for "Interface Builder Document" you'll see a checkbox for "Use AutoLayout". De-select that and re-build your app. Just found this trick not more than 10 minutes ago for my own project -- works great.
Hope this works for your project... good luck!
I found the solution it might not be the perfect solution but it works.
The problem seemed to be somewhere in my first project since I could make it work in other projects,
so I copy'd my entire project to a different project and this way it worked.
This solution won't explain what is wrong but I think it will solve your problem.
Copy the elements from the new project you created to the old one and replace the affected view controller. Copy also the class.
There must be something wrong with your connections but with the info you provided is impossible to check.
If that doesn't work then it must be something in the navigation (doubt it) or in some custom code you have on the class (very difficult if all the code you have is in the viewDidLoad as you've shown).

Upgrading app from IOS4 to IOS5

I have an IOS5 app which uses following function
[self.presentingViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
and who works perfectly on IOS4 but suddenly I discovered that this function doesn't exists on IOS5 so I had to use this other equivalent one
[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]
Now I've got the following issue: IOS4 users are not able to install my app due to this non existing function in IOS4 and what is even worse, the app is available on Apple's App Store but is only functional of IOS5 users. Another related issue us that the app suddenly stopped working on iPads equipped with Wifi, those connected to 3G networks operate normal.
Is there anything I missed trying to compile this new app version?
Thanks in advance!
You can check for existence of the property like this:
if([self respondsToSelector:#selector(presentingViewController)])
[self.presentingViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Code it this way:
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(parentViewController)])
[self.parentViewController ...];
[self.presentingViewController ...];
(This is uncompiled, untested, etc.)
The point is that you can (and should) test for capabilities, and then act accordingly. In this case, if the iOS5 method is available, use that one. If not, use the old one, which also means its a pre-iOS5 device.
The way to go is twofold:
compiling your app against the latest SDK version, but also set the deployment target to the oldest version that you want to support; this will ensure that the app is listed properly in the App Store;
checking before using any method/feature that is only available on a later version; this will ensure that you app will not crash and can be done by means of conditional compilation, e.g.:
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] respondsToSelector:#selector(beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:)])
UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] eginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{}];
// Perform work that should be allowed to continue in background
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
this is quite convoluted if you have to do it in many places. You may have a look at this very good post to learn how to improve upon that example.
I have built a category that add presentingViewController on iOS 4.
(It disables itself on iOS 5.)
It works seamlessly; Just include 2 files.
Please see backward-modal.
I hope this benefits you as much as it does to me; It makes your code more clean!