ejabberd auto allow subscription - objective-c

I have installed and run ejabberd successfully. I've tested the chat function and it works well.
I have a problem with the 'Add Buddy' process. When I add a buddy, the buddy has to manually approve the request. I would like to skip this step and have all buddy requests to be approved automatically.
I'm getting a presence type of 'subscribe' for authorization requests. How can I authorize a buddy programmatically? I'm using objective c.

Ok I found the answer to my question.
Basically, just follow the protocol on http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc3921.html#sub and programmatically send a subscribe request.


Can you add a Nagios Acknowledgment URL to Slack messages

I'm new to nagios and my first task has been slack integration. I am using the Nagios created plugin for Slack and everything is working correctly as far as posting the message in the channels for both hosts and services. I want to add an acknowledgment URL to the message that gets sent to slack, so our team can just acknowledge through the slack message. I have tried adding the URL in various places, like the host/service definitions so I could then call it in the command Slack_notification_handlers. Is it possible to add said acknowledgement urls with the current methods I'm using? or is this something I'm going to have to make myself?

Social tables authorization and authentication flow

As per the documents received writing down the flow of authorization for version 4.0:
1. call authorize service to get the authorization code back.
2. read the 'code' value for the authorization_code.
3. use this authorization_code to get 'access_token' using '4.0/oauth/token'.
4. for the subsequent calls use 'access_token'.
Please confirm if my understanding above is correct.
My question:
- What will happen when access_token expires? Do we need to go to above flow again?
- the URLs are https does it need certificates?
- what will be the redirect_uri if i want to test in my dev?
I suggest reading a bit about OAuth 2.0 flow. Here's a decent article/example that I would start with from Digital Ocean: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-oauth-2
But to answer your specific questions:
when the access_token expires you need to make an additional request to Social Tables with the refresh_token -- here's an example: click here. In short, yes you need to use the refresh token to get a new access token which you'll use for subsequent requests
No, you do not need to configure any certificates on your end. These are done via SSL+HTTPS and are ready to go.
The redirect_url for local development can be set to your local running server. You can set it to http://localhost:<port> and that will work just fine.

How to receive webhook signal from 3rd party service

I'm using a SaaS for my AWS instance monitoring and Mandrill for email sending/campaigns.
I had created a simple chart with Zapier but I'd rather like to host it myself. So my question is:
How can I receive a webhook signal from Mandrill and then send it to Datadog from my server? Then again I guess hosting this script right on the same server I'm monitoring would be a terrible idea...
Basically I don't know how to "receive the webhook" so I can report it back to my Datadog service agent so it gets updated on their website.
I get how to actually report the data to Datadog as explained here http://docs.datadoghq.com/api/ but I just don't have a clue how to host a listener for web hooks?
Programming language isn't important, I don't have a preference for that case.
Here you can find how to add a new webhook to your mandrill account: https://mandrillapp.com/api/docs/webhooks.php.html#method=add
tha main thing here is this:
$url = 'http://example/webhook-url';
this is your webhook URL what will process the data sent by mandrill and forward the information to Datadog.
and this is a description about what mandrill will send to your webhook URL: http://help.mandrill.com/entries/21738186-Introduction-to-Webhooks
a listener for webhooks is nothing else then a website/app which triggers an action if a request comes in. Usually you keep it secret or secure it with (http basic) authentication. E.g. create a website called http://yourdomain.com/hooklistener.php. You can then call it with HTTP POST or GET and pass some data like hooklistener.php?event=triggerDataDog or with POST and send data along with the body. You then run a script or anything you want to process that event.
A "listener" is just any URL that you host where you can receive data that is posted to it. Keep in mind, since you mentioned Zapier, you can set up a trigger that receives the webhook data - in this case the listener URL is provided by Zapier, and you can then send that data into any application (or even post to another webhook). Using Zapier is nice because it doesn't require you to write the listener code that receives the hook data and does something with it.

How to connect backend service with philips hue bridge remotely?

I'm looking to write a philips hue service that needs to allow users to register their hue bridge with my service. This service would change the color of bulbs based on an event. I'm aware that I can use IFTTT but in this scenario, I'd like to not use IFTTT and I'd like to register my website with philips hue's apps.
Any idea how I can do this? Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: Not sure why I was down voted but I definitely did do my research. I looked on philips hue's developer website and couldn't find anything that was explicit on their APIs. I also looked through the iOS SDK and didn't see any methods that would trigger the pairing routine for remote devices. So far, the only example I have of this working (outside of Philips' products is the IFTTT service, which allows for an entry to be added into the 'My Apps' section).
TLDR: I wrote an API: https://github.com/jarvisinc/PhilipsHueRemoteAPI
I answered this question on my technical blog (http://blog.paulshi.me/technical/2013/11/27/Philips-Hue-Remote-API-Explained.html), which I will post here:
The question actually comes as two part:
Remote Control
I haven't figure out a reliable way to do authentication automatically. The following procedures needs to be automated: The idea is to fake as official iOS APP which has the ability to control remotely when enabled. We will need to get BRIDGEID and ACCESSTOKEN to pass the authentication step for remote control.
Find your BRIDGEID from https://www.meethue.com/api/nupnp. (or in My bridge page on the meethue website and by clicking on "Show me more")
Right click on "BACK TO THE APP" and write down ACCESSTOKEN inside the link it redirect to
Basically it is a hack to get your access token. You fake your app as the official iOS Hue App, and ask for access token that way. I am not sure there is an easier way out there, if you do know one, please do comment below.
You can potentially automate it by doing simulated log-in session and grab the the ACCESSTOKEN by scraping the page content. But I consider it highly unreliable because any change to the official page will likely break it.
I wrote this script that allows the automation of getting ACCESSTOKEN as of today, but I don't guarantee it will work tomorrow for the reason I explained above :P
Currently, this OAUTH process only works with official apps. There might be a slight chance that they will open it to other 3rd party apps.
Remote Control
Once authentication is done, this part can be done automatically. There are 2 known private endpoints for sending control command and getting all the status related to the hue bridge.
Sending Command Endpoint:
POST https://www.meethue.com/api/sendmessage
Getting Status Endpoint:
GET https://www.meethue.com/api/getbridge
Sending Command Endpoint
URL: https://www.meethue.com/api/sendmessage
Method: POST
URL Parameters:
token=**ACCESSTOKEN** (which you obtained earlier)
Request header
clipmessage={ bridgeId: "**BRIDGEID**", clipCommand: { url: "/api/0/**APIENDPOINT**", method: "**METHOD**", body: **JSONCOMMAND** } }
BRIDGEID is the same one you obtained earlier
APIENDPOINT the same as official API /api/<username>/*** by removing /api/<usename>/ part
METHOD PUT/GET/POST/DELETE the same 4 method as official API. Despite GET really doesn't work since all response from the Sending Command Endpoint is 200 explained in the following part, while DELETE is not tested
JSONCOMMAND The actual command body for example {"on":true}
Getting Status Endpoint
URL: https://www.meethue.com/api/getbridge
Method: GET
URL Parameters:
Request header
Current limitation is you cannot immediately know from the response whether your control command succeeded like the official API. All the response you get from calling the Sending Command Endpoint is pretty much always <200> if you are doing it correctly. But you can always pull all the status related to the Hue bridge from the Getting Status Endpoint.
Remote Control API
I wrote Philips HUE Remote API to specifically solve the remote control problem.
Enjoy :)
For full documentation please refer to this excellent paper:
Hacking Lightbulbs: Security Evaluation of the Philips Hue Personal Wireless Lighting System by Nitesh Dhanjani
I did some investigation by following the steps of #paul-jianer-shi however the access token are not shown in the generated HTML.
I think the Hue Portal has been updated and removed the way it potentially shows the access token.
I wrote a blog post about doing Remote Hue operations by reusing the access token of another application, like IFTTT. The main change is how to get your hands on that access token. The token in shown in the 'My Apps' section of the Hue Portal. Check the (De-activate) link. It contains the access token.
Next step will be to let Hue Portal trust my own app.
Philips plan to make the remote API available to 3rd parties(it's already used by IFTTT and meethue.com).
There is currently a form on the developer website to request an early access(must login):

UserAuthentication via Flattr-REST: No PIN returned?

I'm trying to write a new application using the Flattr REST-API version 1 (not the beta v2). The application acquires a request token at first, which seems to work properly. But I run into a problem authenticating the user. The link created for authentication looks like this:
Clicking the link everything seems alright. Information about the application and the scope requested is shown, but clicking "Authenticate", there's no pin code, but the following error from https://flattr.com/apps/pincode/MY_REQUEST_TOKEN:
Something went wrong. Please try again
BUT now the Application IS in the authorized application list of the user though that doesn't really help if the user can't get the pin code...
The Application type is set to client. It's the first time I try to work with the API so I'm not sure if I miss anything important? Would be grateful for some help.
Just as an update: We finally changed to API v2. Getting Authorization for our application feels a bit clumsy, as we set the redirecturi to some webpage, where we display the returned code and let the user copy&paste it into our client application... we kind of made our own pincode-flow :/
If possible, please use the v2 api, which uses oauth2 + bearer token.
However, the new API doesn't support authentication using the pincode flow.
As stated by Maike this is probably a bug that has surfaced yet again :(
I'll create an internal bug ticket and try to get it fixed.
The pincode isn't a feature planned. You can use the oauth2 "implicit grant" to authenticate the resources owner. This isn't documented at the moment but is possible.
When you do the request to https://flattr.com/oauth/authorize you pass the response_type token instead of code. This will append a access_token fragment in your callback URL. In your http client it might be possible to catch the 302 from our server and parse the access_token from the fragment.
All this requires a http client in your application whom you can control the flow inside your app.