Move data from one table to another every night SQL server - sql

I have this scenario i have a staging table that contains all the record imported from a XML file .Now i want to move this data based on verification like if the record is already in the other table update the record other wise insert the new record. i want to create a job or scheduler in SQL Server that do this for me every night without using any SSIS packages.

Have you tried using the MERGE statement?

SSIS really is an easy way to go with something like this, but if necessary, you can set up a a SQL server agent job. Take a look at this MSDN Article. Basically, write your validation code in a stored procedure, then create a job with a TSQL job step which calls that stored procedure.


How to set up a staging table in SQL with SSIS dataflow?

I am trying to create a dataflow in SSIS where the source data originates from an excel file and reaches to a temporary staging table in a SQL server where I can add various stored procedures to the data.
The dataflow that I have created stores the data permanently on what is supposed to be the staging area.
I would like to get some ideas on creating the staging table in SQL with the SSIS dataflow.
your question is a bit confusing. I suppose that you are maybe trying to make the data loaded in the table of the staging area temporary without keeping the past loaded data.
If I'm right what you're trying to accomplish is a "full resfresh" data flow.
From your description I assume you alerady have the staging table (so no nedd to CREATE it) but you need to truncate it at every run. You can achive this by using a Execut SQL Task element to the control flow with a TRUNCATE TABLE <YOUR TABLE NAME> in it. The data flow loading the data must be in dependency of this task with the result of truncating your table at every run.
If you need to CREATE a table you can do it in the control flow with the Execute SQL Task (you can execute any kind of query with this task), rember to set correctly the connection manager of the task.

SSIS Incremental Load-15 mins

I have 2 tables. The source table being from a linked server and destination table being from the other server.
I want my data load to happen in the following manner:
Everyday at night I have scheduled a job to do a full dump i.e. truncate the table and load all the data from the source to the destination.
Every 15 minutes to do incremental load as data gets ingested into the source on second basis. I need to replicate the same on the destination too.
For incremental load as of now I have created scripts which are stored in a stored procedure but for future purposes we would like to implement SSIS for this case.
The scripts run in the below manner:
I have an Inserted_Date column, on the basis of this column I take the max of that column and delete all the rows that are greater than or equal to the Max(Inserted_Date) and insert all the similar values from the source to the destination. This job runs evert 15 minutes.
How to implement similar scenario in SSIS?
I have worked on SSIS using the lookup and conditional split using ID columns, but these tables I am working with have a lot of rows so lookup takes up a lot of the time and this is not the right solution to be implemented for my scenario.
Is there any way I can get Max(Inserted_Date) logic into SSIS solution too. My end goal is to remove the approach using scripts and replicate the same approach using SSIS.
Here is the general Control Flow:
There's plenty to go on here, but you may need to learn how to set variables from an Execute SQL and so on.

How to move record from one server to another server in a efficient way on daily basis?

I want to move the record from one server to another server on certain criteria.
I don't want to move all the records, I will do some filter on records that which I want
I have to move the records on daily basis.
That server is not in local network.
So If I make stored procedure using linq server, it is possible to move the records. But I don't think it is good way. Is there any other way to solve this issue?
what about BCP Utility?.
I don't have such awareness about it, Is it good performance to export and import for bulk data?
Do the following things :
1. Create Linked server
2. writer Query
Let Server1 with IP:
Server2 with IP:
You want to move data from Server1 to Server2 then first add Server2 at Server1
The Write Query Like
Insert into
select * from where isactive=1
====================Create Linked Server =====================
You can add linked server and create procedure for moving records as per your filter criteria.Then schedule sql job on daily basis.
Sample Link for Creating Job
Second option:-
Please create Web service .In that service do this functionality .First fetch the data from target server and then insert to source server.Run this webservice in daily basis using timer or HangFire

Need to update the Destination table when Source tables updates

I have a report which uses some tables with large data. We Wrote a stored procedure to get the required data from the tables and prcoess the report output table. Since the data volume is large, we dont want to call the procedure to call entire source tables data whenever any updates happened in them. We need to update only the 'updated/changed rowsin source table into destinationtable.
what is best way to do this in Sql Server?
Thanks for the Help.
You can definetely use table triggers
Please check SQL Server Trigger Example to Log Changes
There is also a solution called CDC (Change Data Capture) in SQL Server
You can also investigate CDC

Table Variables in SSIS

In one SQL Task can I create a table variable
DELCARE #TableVar TABLE (...)
Then in another SQL Task or DataSource destination and select or insert into the table variable?
The other option I have considered is using a Temp Table.
CREATE TABLE #TempTable (...)
I would prefer to use Table Variable so that it remains in memory. But can use temp table if it is not possible to use table variable. Also I cannot use the record set destination as I need to preform straight SQL tasks on it later on.
The use case that this is trying to solve is essentially performing a transformation in the stead of BizTalk. There is a very large flat file to flat file transformation that BizTalk has to transform unfortunately the data volume would produce unacceptable load on the BizTalk server so the idea is to off load it to SSIS. However, it is not a simple row to row transformation, there are different types of rows which have relations to each other. The first task in SSIS is to load the row into appropriate (temp) tables, then in the second data task a select is preformed with the correct format for output.
You could use some of the techniques in this post:
especially the ones about using RetainSameConnection=TRUE on the connection manager.
I would be interested to see more information about what use case you have that requires you to write out data to a temp table or table variable before further SSIS processing. Couldn't you take care of all of the SQL required steps in your source query before you start processing the dataflow with SSIS?
Table variables are not kept solely in memory and can be written to disk under memory pressure. I tend to use table variables for very small lookups. If you Need to push a table into SQL Server due to necessary and complex transformations, then use a 'permanent' temp table that is truncated within the SSIS package prior to insert. Simple and will get what you need done.
The SSIS package would be run in a job. I assume it runs inside a SQL job. In that case, using a temp table won't harm. SQL Jobs are generally run after office hours so it does not matter.