How to move record from one server to another server in a efficient way on daily basis? - sql

I want to move the record from one server to another server on certain criteria.
I don't want to move all the records, I will do some filter on records that which I want
I have to move the records on daily basis.
That server is not in local network.
So If I make stored procedure using linq server, it is possible to move the records. But I don't think it is good way. Is there any other way to solve this issue?
what about BCP Utility?.
I don't have such awareness about it, Is it good performance to export and import for bulk data?

Do the following things :
1. Create Linked server
2. writer Query
Let Server1 with IP:
Server2 with IP:
You want to move data from Server1 to Server2 then first add Server2 at Server1
The Write Query Like
Insert into
select * from where isactive=1
====================Create Linked Server =====================

You can add linked server and create procedure for moving records as per your filter criteria.Then schedule sql job on daily basis.
Sample Link for Creating Job
Second option:-
Please create Web service .In that service do this functionality .First fetch the data from target server and then insert to source server.Run this webservice in daily basis using timer or HangFire


Copy a subset of data from remote database to local SQL Server

I have a remote database that I want to copy on my local SQL Server.
IMPORTANT: I only want a sample data (1k rows for instance) from each table, and there are about 130 different tables.
I have tried to use the export data procedure in SSMS. Put simply, I go to TASKS> EXPORT DATA > CHOSE SOURCE (the remote db)> CHOSE DESTINATION (my local db) > CHOSE THE TABLES TO COPY > COPY
What I have tried:
I've tried to write down in this tool the SQL query like
But on the mapping step, it puts every result within a single table instead of creating the 130 different output tables.
FYI, the above procedure is taking 2min for one table. Doing it one by one for each table will take 130 *2min = 4hours and half... plus it is so boring
Do you have any idea for resolving this situation?
Thank you
If you only want a subset you are going to have problems with foreign keys, if there are any in your database.
Possible approaches to extract all data or a subset
Use SSIS to extract the data from the source db and load into your local db
Write a custom application that does the job. (You can use SQL Bulk Copy)
If you purely wan't to do do it in SSMS you can create a linked server on your local server to the remote server.
This way you can do something like this if the tables or not yet created on your local server:
INSERT INTO [dbo].Table1
FROM [yourLinkedServer].[dbo].[Table1]
Changing the INTO table and FROM table for each table you want to copy.

Getting data from different database on different server with one SQL Server query

Server1: Prod, hosting DB1
Server2: Dev hosting DB2
Is there a way to query databases living on 2 different server with a same select query? I need to bring all the new rows from Prod to dev, using a query
like below. I will be using SQL Server DTS (import export data utility)to do this thing.
Insert into Dev.db1.table1
Select *
from Prod.db1.table1
where table1.PK not in (Select table1.PK from Dev.db1.table1)
Creating a linked server is the only approach that I am aware of for this to occur. If you are simply trying to add all new rows from prod to dev then why not just create a backup of that one particular table and pull it into the dev environment then write the query from the same server and database?
Granted this is a one time use and a pain for re-occuring instances but if it is a one time thing then I would recommend doing that. Otherwise make a linked server between the two.
To backup a single table in SQL use the SQl Server import and export wizard. Select the prod database as your datasource and then select only the prod table as your source table and make a new table in the dev environment for your destination table.
This should get you what you are looking for.
You say you're using DTS; the modern equivalent would be SSIS.
Typically you'd use a data flow task in an SSIS package to pull all the information from the live system into a staging table on the target, then load it from there. This is a pretty standard operation when data warehousing.
There are plenty of different approaches to save you copying all the data across (e.g. use a timestamp, use rowversion, use Change Data Capture, make use of the fact your primary key only ever gets bigger, etc. etc.) Or you could just do what you want with a lookup flow directly in SSIS...
The best approach will depend on many things: how much data you've got, what data transfer speed you have between the servers, your key types, etc.
When your servers are all in one Active Directory, and when you use Windows Authentification, then all you need is an account which has proper rights on all the databases!
You can then simply reference all tables like server.database.schema.table
For example:
insert into server1.db1.dbo.tblData1 (...)
select ... from server2.db2.dbo.tblData2;

Keeping temp tables in memory after switching servers?

How can I get #tempTable to stay in memory after switching servers. Is this possible?
Select *
into #tempTable
from dbo.table
I have data in server 1 that I want to compare in server 2, but I only have readonly access to server 2 (so I can't just move my data there), and the table in server 2 is too big to move to server 1. This is why I want to know how to keep a temp table in memory after connecting to a new server.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
What you write is possible, but it just creates a temporary table on the server where the table is.
You probably want:
select *
into #Server2Table
from server2.database.dbo.table
You can then use #Server2Table in additional queries on the same connection where you copied it (such as the same window in SSMS or the same job step or the same stored procedure). If you need it in a more permanent location, either use a global temporary table (starts with ##) or a "real" table.
This requires the ability to link servers, using something like:
sp_addlinkedserver server2
You would run this on server1. Perhaps your DBA will need to set it up.
I have found that queries often run faster when loading cross-server tables into a temporary table. This is not because temporary tables are stored in memory. This is because there is more information available about a table on a local server for the SQL optimizer to take advantage of.
You could export the data from your query and import that into a database on your first server. You can use the SQL server import/export wizard. Bit convoluted, but if this happens a lot you can use SSIS to automate this move or even simply tick the 'Save this package' box. Once you have the data in your first server you can do whatever you like with it.

Getting SQL Server values from a view on a different server

I have access to a View called (vw_table) on Server1. I want to get the data
from this view (few million records) into a table on server2.
I tried
SELECT * INTO ##TempTable
This gets the data in to ##TempTable.
Now how can I move it to a different server (server2) and to a different database?
I want Table2 in Server2 to have the data from VW_table.
I appreciate your help.
you cant direct access another server like this.
You have to options to solve your problem:
Configure a linked server on server1 to access server2 then you do: select * from mylinkedserver..table
Create a SSIS package to read data from server1 and insert on server2
Like Lemak said, you can't pass temporary tables around like this. You either need to have a Linked Server and copy the data directly into the table, or you need to export the data and import it into the table using SSIS.

Move data from one table to another every night SQL server

I have this scenario i have a staging table that contains all the record imported from a XML file .Now i want to move this data based on verification like if the record is already in the other table update the record other wise insert the new record. i want to create a job or scheduler in SQL Server that do this for me every night without using any SSIS packages.
Have you tried using the MERGE statement?
SSIS really is an easy way to go with something like this, but if necessary, you can set up a a SQL server agent job. Take a look at this MSDN Article. Basically, write your validation code in a stored procedure, then create a job with a TSQL job step which calls that stored procedure.