Buddypress in Thesis Theme - buddypress

Does anyone more brilliant than me know how to install Buddypress on the Wordpress Thesis Theme Framework. :D Thanks everyone!
J Winton

I'm pretty sure that Thesis isn't compatible with Buddypress. We tried a while ago and ended up going for a theme that works with BP out of the box. (Currently, we're using DynamiX on one of our sites: http://themeforest.net/item/dynamix-premium-wordpress-theme/113901)


sketchup ruby api reset settings

Good afternoon!I'm new to programming , I started learning the sketchup ruby api, and after a few days of experiments, some functions stopped working in the program(I can definitely call dynamic components )Who knows what I've done and how to fix it?(Reinstalling sketchup didn't help)Version : SketchUp Pro 2017 17.0.18899 (x64).I apologize for my English, I do not know it well . Thank you to everyone who will help!
You have to re-activate Dynamic component from the extension panel?

Theming Prestashop 1.5.3

Already about two weeks, I'm looking for a normal and adequate self-learning tutorial on Prestashop 1.5.3 theming. On official presta web-site i find some small presentation of the material about theming, but it very small info for it.
Who know where can i find more detailed info about prestashop 1.5.3 theming?
Sincerely, John!
PrestaShop is a french project, you'll find some resources in french. But in english, apart the official doc :
The best way to begin is to duplicate the default theme and hack it. After that you well understand structure and assigned smarty variables, you'll be able to start a theme from scratch.

Is there a web UI for modifying I18n locales for Rails 3?

I'm looking for a way to modify the values of I18n yml files for locales via web gui, is there some gem for that?
A gem that mimics Twitter Translation Center github.com/badrit/translation_center
Tolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails 4 applications
Yes, I modified the Newsdesk's translate plugin for using with Rails 3:
There's also tolk written by the creator of rails:
In http://rst-it.com we also had problems with finding the right solution, so we decided to make an activeadmin translation panel with interface similar to http://www.localeapp.com/.
Currently we are in design stage (first draft is on https://github.com/KMPgroup/active_I18n) but next week we will have working solution.
I will post here info when we lunch it, but in the meantime you can check https://github.com/KMPgroup/active_I18n and tell us what you think or even write an issue - the more feedback at the beginning the better.
This looks promising too:
I think I will give it a try. Anyone has experience with this service?

FrontRow tutorial for Xcode

I was wondering if there was a basic tutorial to get me started on coding a FrontRow plug-in / add-on using Xcode.
I searched Google a couple of times, but I haven't found a tutorial on this subject so far.
After some more searching, I found this Wiki-page about creating an app for the Apple TV.
As far as I can tell now, it's a good base to start a FrontRow app too.
If someone else may find a better tutorial, please let me know.
Doesn't really seem to work on my system.

Does anyone know which gallery script is used here?

I came across this website and really liked their gallery, not sure if the script is in-house or came from some free/commercial script out there ?
Looks like it's Flash based. There are plenty of javascript galleries that can do some really cool stuff. Below has a list of many
Its AutoViewer: