MATLAB parallel computing setup - optimization

I have a quad core computer; and I use the parallel computing toolbox.
I set different number for the "worker" number in the parallel computing setting, for example 2,4,8..............
However, no matter what I set, the AVERAGE cpu usage by MATLAB is exactly 25% of total CPU usage; and None of the cores run at 100% (All are around 10%-30%). I am using MATLAB to run optimization problem, so I really want my quad core computer using all its power to do the computing. Please help

Setting a number of workers (up to 4 on a quad-core) is not enough. You also need to use a command like parfor to signal to Matlab what part of the calculation should be distributed among the workers.
I am curious about what kind of optimization you're running. Normally, optimization problems are very difficult to parallelize, since the result of every iteration depends on the previous one. However, if you want to e.g. try and fit multiple models to the data, or if you have to fit multiple data sets, then you can easily run these in parallel as opposed to sequentially.
Note that having many cores may not be sufficient in terms of resources - if performing the optimization on one worker uses k GB of RAM, performing it on n workers requires at least n*k GB of RAM.


How can computational requirements be compared?

Calculating the solution to an optimization problem takes a 2 GHz CPU one hour. During this process there are no background processes, no RAM is being used and the CPU is at 100% capacity.
Based on this information, can it be derived that a 1 GHz CPU will take two hours to solve the same problem?
A quick search of IPC, frequence, and chip architecture will show you this topic has been breached many times. There are many things that can determine the execution speed of a program (without even going into threading at all) the main ones that pop to mind:
Instruction set - If one chip has an instruction for multiplication, than a*b is atomic. If not, you will need a lot of atomic instructions to perform such an action - big difference in speed, which can prove to make even higher frequency chips slower.
Cycles per second - this is the frequency of the chip.
Instructions per cycle (IPC) - what you are really interested is IPC*frequency, not just frequency. How many atomic actions can you can perform in a second. After the amount of atomic actions (see 1), on a single threaded application this might act as you expect (x2 this => x2 faster program), though no guarantees.
and there are a ton of other nuance technologies that can affect this, like branch prediction which hit the news big time recently. For a complete understanding a book/course might be a better resource.
So, in general, no. If you are comparing two single core, same architecture chips (unlikely), then maybe yes.

An example: Am I understanding GPU advantage correctly?

Just reading a bit about what the advantage of GPU is, and I want to verify I understand on a practical level. Lets say I have 10,000 arrays each containing a billion simple equations to run. On a cpu it would need to go through every single equation, 1 at a time, but with a GPU I could run all 10,000 arrays as as 10,000 different threads, all at the same time, so it would finish a ton this example spot on or have I misunderstood something?
I wouldn't call it spot on, but I think you're headed in the right direction. Mainly, a GPU is optimized for graphics-related calculations. This does not, however, mean that's all it is capable of.
Without knowing how much detail you want me to go into here, I can say at the very least the concept of running things in parallel is relevant. The GPU is very good at performing many tasks simultaneously in one go (known as running in parallel). CPUs can do this too, but the GPU is specifically optimized to handle much larger numbers of specific calculations with preset data.
For example, to render every pixel on your screen requires a calculation, and the GPU will attempt to do as many of these calculations as it can all at the same time. The more powerful the GPU, the more of these it can handle at once and the faster its clock speed. The end result is a higher-end GPU can run your OS and games in 4k resolution, whereas other cards (or integrated graphics) might only be able to handle 1080p or less.
There's a lot more to this as well, but I figured you weren't looking for the insanely technical explanation.
The bottom line is this: For running a single task on one piece of data, the CPU will normally be faster. A single CPU core is generally much faster than a single GPU core. However, they typically have many cores and for running a single task on many pieces of data (so you have to run it once for each), the GPU will usually be faster. But these are data-driven situations, and as such each situation should be assessed on an individual basis to determine which to use and how to use it.

Embarassingly parallelizable computation with CUDA, how to start?

I need to accelerate many computations I am now doing with PyLab. I thought of using CUDA. The overall unit of computation (A) consists in doing several (thousands) entirely independent smaller computations (B). Each of them involves, at their initial stage, doing 40-41 independent, even smaller, computations (C). So parallel programming should really help. With PyLab the overall (A) takes 20 minutes and (B) takes some tenth of a second.
As a beginner in this realm, my question is what level I should parallelize the computation at, whether at (C) or at (B).
I should clarify that the (C) stage consists in taking a bunch of data (thousands of floats) which is shared between all the (C) processes, and doing various tasks, among which one of the most time consuming is linear regression, which is, too, parallelizable! The output of each procedure (C) is a single float. Each computation (B) consists basically in doing many times procedure (C) and doing a linear regression on the data that comes out. Its output, again, is a single float.
I'm not familiar with CUDA programming so I am basically asking what would be the wisest strategy to start with.
An important consideration when deciding how (and if) to convert your project to CUDA is what type of memory access patterns your code requires. The GPU runs threads in groups of 32, called warps, and to get the best performance, the threads in a warp should access the memory in some basic patterns, that are described in the CUDA Programming Guide (included with CUDA). In general, the more random the access patterns, the more likely the kernel is to become memory bound. In that case, the compute power in the GPU cannot be fully utilized.
The other main case when the compute power in the GPU cannot be fully utilized is if there is conditional logic and loops that causes the threads in a warp to run through different code paths, as the GPU has to run all the threads in the warp through each code path.
If you find that these points may cause issues for your code, you should also do some research to see if there are known alternative ways to implement your code to run better on the GPU (this is often the case).
If you see your question about at which level to parallelize the computation in the light of the above considerations, it may become clear which choice to make.

OpenCL optimization and apparnt PCI bus limitations?

I'm writing a program using JOGL/openCL to utilize the GPU. I have code that kicks in when we work with data sizes which is suppose to detect the available memory on the GPU. If there is insufficient memory on the GPU to process the entire calculation at once it will break the process up into sub process with X number of frames which utilizes less then the max GPU global memory to store.
I had expected that using the maximum possible value of X would give me the largest speed up by minimizing the number of kernels used. Instead I found using a smaller group (X/2 or X/4) gives me better speeds. I'm trying to figure out why breaking the GPU processing into smaller groups rather then having the GPU process the maximum amount it can handle at one time gives me a speed increase; and how I can optimize to figure out what the best value of X is.
My current tests have been running on a GPU kernel which uses very little processing power (both kernels decimate output by selecting part of input and returning it) However, I am fairly certain the same effects occur when I activate all kernels which do a larger degree of processing on the value before returning.
The short answer is, it's complicated. There are many factors at play. These include (but are not limited to):
Amount of local memory you are using.
Amount of private memory you are using.
A limit on the max number of work groups the Symmetric Multiprocessor is able to handle at once.
Exceeding register limits, causing memory access slow-down.
And many more...
I recommend you check out the following link:
In particular, check out section 5.3. Dynamic Partitioning of SM Resources. This text is meant to be general purpose, but uses CUDA for its examples. However, the concepts still apply just the same to OpenCL.
This text comes from the following book:
For what its worth, I found this book to be very informative. It will give you a deeper understanding of the hardware that will allow you to answer questions like this.
PCI-e are full duplex bi-directional. i think that means you can write as you read. in which case, if you're doing very little processing, you may be seeing a gain because you're overlappings reads with writes.
consider a total size of N. in one work unit you do:
write N
process N
read N
total time proportional to: process N, transfer 2N
if you split this in two with parallel read/write you can get:
write N/2
process N/2
read N/2 and write N/2
process N/2
read N/2
total time proportional to: process N, transfer 3N/2 (saving N/2 transfer time)

Algorithmically suggest best node to perform demanding computation

At work we perform demanding numerical computations.
We have a network of several Linux boxes with different processing capabilities. At any given time, there can be anywhere from zero to dozens of people connected to a given box.
I created a script to measure the MFLOPS (Million of Floating Point Operations per Second) using the Linpack Benchmark; it also provides number of cores and memory.
I would like to use this information together with the load average (obtained using the uptime command) to suggest the best computer for performing a demanding computation. In other words, its 3:00pm; I have a meeting in two hours; I need to run a demanding process: what node will get me the answer fastest?
I envision a script which will output a suggestion along the lines of:
Such suggestion should favor fast computers (high MFLOPS) if the load average is low and, as load average increases for a given node, it should favor available nodes instead (i.e., I'd rather run in a slower computer with no users than in an eight-core with forty dudes logged in).
How should I prioritize? What algorithm (rationale) would you use? Again, what I have is:
Load Average (1min, 5min, 15min)
MFLOPS measure
Number of users logged in
RAM (installed and available)
Number of cores (important to normalize the load average)
Any thoughts? Thanks!
You don't have enough data to make an well-informed decision. It sounds as though the scheduling is very volatile: "At any given time, there can be anywhere from zero to dozens of people connected to a given box." So the current load does not necessarily reflect the future load of the machines.
To properly asses what hosts someone should use to minimize computation time would require knowing when the current jobs will terminate. If a powerful machine is about to be done doing most of its jobs, it would be a good candidate even though it currently has a high load.
If you want to guess purely on the current situation, you can do a weighed calculation to find out which hosts have the most MFLOPS available.
MFLOPS available = host's MFLOPS + (number of logical processors - load average)
Sort the hosts by MFLOPS available and suggest them in a descending order.
This formula assumes that the MFLOPS of a host is linearly related to its load average. This might not be exactly true, but it's probably fairly close.
I would favor the most recent load average since it's closer to the current/future situation, whereas, jobs from 15 minutes ago might have completed by now.
Have you considered a distributed approach to computation? Not all computations can be broken up such that more than one cpu can work on them. But perhaps your problem space can benefit from some parallelization. Have a look at Hadoop.
You don't need to know FLOPS. beowulf modules paralell computing center has I go to has the script for sure
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