reading excel data by column using VB.NET -

I have never read from an excel file in VB.NET before so sorry if anything is off.
I am downloading an .csv file from a vendors ftp service that has 8 columns
( style # - mfr.item # - description - metal type - availability - center weight - total weight - retail value )
I am trying to retrieve all data in the rows bellow style # and retail value
there are roughly 4,649 rows
I am not sure how to do this.
I load the excel file using the
Dim eApp As excel.Application
Dim eBook As excel.Workbook
Dim eSheet As excel.Worksheet
Dim eCell As excel.Range
eApp = New excel.Application
eBook = eApp.Workbooks.Open(localFile)
eSheet = eBook.Worksheets(1)
eCell = eSheet.UsedRange
Can anyone help me on what I need to do next? I have browsed google for a few hours now and have not gotten anything to work, just return an object name.

You are so almost there! Here are two ways.
Way #1: Add the following, after the eCell = eSheet.UsedRange:
Dim eCellArray as System.Array = eCell.Value
Then get the values via eCellArray(r,c), where r is the row and c is the column (each starting from 1).
Way #2: Use this expression to get the value of a cell:
CType(eCell(r,c),Excel.Range).Value ' For Option Strict, or just to get IntelliSense to work.
or simply

You can, for example, access the cells in a range like this:
Dim iRow as Integer = 1
Dim iCol as Integer
Dim rng as Excel.Range = getYourRangeFromSomewhere()
Dim rngCell as Excel.Range
For iCol = 1 To 10
rngCell = rng.Cells(iRow,iCol)
Debug.Print rngCell.Value


VBA Excel: Different colors in one line diagram depending on value

I'm looking for a way to have three different colors in the same line chart of a diagram in Excel, depending on the values themselves or where they are from (from which sheet f.e).
Till now, I have the following code:
Sub ChangeColor()
Dim i As Integer
Dim IntRow As Integer
Dim r As Range
IntRow = ActiveChart.ChartObjects("Cash").Count
For i = 2 To IntRow
Set r = Cells(2, i)
If r.Value < 3000 Then
Selection.Border.ColorIndex = 5
Selection.Border.ColorIndex = 9
End If
End Sub
However, the if statement is not considered and the color of the whole line changes only whenever I change the first ColorIndex. I have no idea, how to color parts of the line depending on the values in the underlying table.
Moreover, by defining IntRow as ActiveChart.ChartObjects("Cash").Count I'm not able to get the length of my array. This problem can be solved by manual counting and declaring IntRow as an Integer, however, the version above seems nicer (if that is possible of course).
I appreciate any help! Thank you.
You can read the values directly from the chart series:
Sub ChangeColor()
Dim cht As Chart, p As Point, s As Series
Dim i As Integer
Dim numPts As Long
'access the chart directly - no select/activate required
Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Cash").Chart
'reference the first series
Set s = cht.SeriesCollection(1)
'how many points in the first series?
numPts = s.Points.Count
'loop over the series points
For i = 1 To numPts
Set p = cht.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i)
p.Border.ColorIndex = IIf(s.Values(i) < 3000, 5, 9)
End Sub

Excel VBA CountA method on named range

I've built a name range for 20 cells so that I can input a new list of projects which will vary from 1 to 20. I want to write a macro so that it reads the number of projects and creates the correct number of tabs, and names the tab after the project name listed in the named range. I've done all of this except I can't get the countA function to work. The named range is csCount. if I change the For loop to the correct number in one instance (if I put 7 because right now I have 7 projects) the loop and macro are correct. I want to make it more dynamic using the countA. Thank you very much for the help.
Sub generateDepartments()
Dim tabs As Integer
Dim sName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim csCount As Variant
tabs = Application.CountA(csCount)
j = 5
i = tabs
For i = 2 To Application.CountA(csCount)
sName = Cells(j, 3).Value
Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(i)).Name = sName
j = j + 1
End Sub
First you need to create a variable to access your named range: Set csCount = ActiveWorkbook.Names("csCount").RefersToRange or Set csCount = ActiveSheet.Range("csCount")
Then use Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(csCount)
Also, is better to define as a Range instead of Variant Dim csCount As Range

Get Cell Value in Excel from Range

How can I extract the value of a cell from a range object? It seems like it should be simple. This Stackoverflow question and answers did not really help. Here is what I want to do but it fails every time with an exception on row.columns(0,0).
Dim rdr = oFindings.Range
For Each row As Excel.Range In rdr.Rows
Dim Account = row.Columns(0,0).value2.tostring
' Do other stuff
To make it work I had to implement this code:
For Each row As Excel.Range In rdr.Rows
ndx = 0
For Each cell As Excel.Range In row.Columns
If ndx = 0 Then Account = NS(cell.Value2)
' Do other stuff
ndx += 1
That seems like such a kludge. What is the secret?
Most of the problems have already been alluded to, but here is the answer with code.
Dim rdr As Excel.Range = oFindings.Range
For Each row As Excel.Range In rdr.Rows
'explicitly get the first cell as a range
Dim aCell As Excel.Range = row.Cells(1, 1)
'explicity convert the value to String but don't use .String
Dim Account as string = CStr(aCell.Value2)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Account) Then
' Do other stuff
End If
Using aCell.Value2.toString will fail if the cell is empty because Value2 will be Nothing. Instead use CStr(aCell.Value2) which won't fail. But then you need to test if the string is null or empty before using the value.

Getting the cell value of two string variables

I have a 2D chart in Excel. I need to get the value of a cell using two string variables. The chart looks like this:
Document person1 person2
Text1 5 8
Text2 2 1
Text3 9 6
After looking online I am finding this difficult because:
the values are strings, not integers;
the strings will change depending on which person and document combination comes up.
This should be the only code that is relevant:
Dim document as string
Dim person as string
Dim oExcel as excel.application
Dim oWB as workbook
Set oExcel = New Excel.application
Set oWB = ("C:")
oExcel.Visible = True
oWB.Sheets ("sheet1").Cells(documemt, person)
Assuming that document and person are string variables that hold string representations of integers (e.g. document = "1", person = "2") then something like
oWB.Sheets ("sheet1").Cells(val(document), val(person))
will work. If the contents of the string variables are more complicated then you would need to do some parsing of those strings.
Assuming by "2d Chart" you mean a table in a Worksheet, and that person would be the full text "person1", or "person2", etc. and likewise for document, then perhaps this function will do the trick.
Function FindDocPerson(person As String, document As String) As Variant
Const MatchExact As Integer = 0
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim table As Excel.Range
Set table = ws.UsedRange
Dim docRange As Excel.Range
Set docRange = table.Columns(1).Offset(1, 0).Resize(table.Columns(1).Rows.Count - 1)
Dim personRange As Excel.Range
Set personRange = table.Rows(1).Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, table.Columns.Count - 1)
Dim personIndex As Long
Dim docIndex As Long
On Error GoTo errHandler
personIndex = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(person, personRange, MatchExact) + 1
docIndex = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(document, docRange, MatchExact) + 1
FindDocPerson = table.Cells(docIndex, personIndex).Value2
Exit Function
FindDocPerson = VBA.CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA)
End Function
calling syntax:
Dim result As Variant
result = FindDocPerson("person2", "text1")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(result) Then
' handle it
' found it
End If
There is a typo in your code,
oWB.Sheets ("sheet1").Cells(documemt, person)
documemt should be document
All that aside though it is unclear what you want to do, can you give a little more description please?
All we know is you need to get the value of a cell using two string variables and that it could be a string or a number. The code you posted doesn't give much more of a hint to your goal.
To convert between strings and numbers you can use CLng to convert to a long number or CStr to convert to a string. eg CLng("3") = 3 and CStr(3) = "3"
In your code this:
Set oWB = ("C:")
Doesn't work because you are trying to open a workbook without specifying a name, I also note the ("C:") is spaced far to the right of the command call which leads me to believe this is has been typed freestyle ie not in the VBE. This makes it even harder to decode into your requirements.
Lastly, this code:
Set oExcel = New Excel.application
Why are you starting another session of Excel from Excel VBA code? Is this code somewhere other than Excel ie Outlook / Access / PowerPoint / Word / Business Objects etc etc.

How to find and replace multiple values in Excel?

I have for example a column of 18000 domains and another list with 210.000 domain which those 18000 domains can be found. I need to do smth like CTRL + H, for find and replace, and in the find field I need to add the entire 18000 domains: smth like * *, * *, * * and replace them with blank space. Tried this with find and replace from excel but it doesn't work to add more than 1 value in the Find field. How can i do it for multiple values?
VBA solution
You will need to change the two sheet references (data and edit sheet) data = source, edit = destination. I've also set the replace string to a variable so you can change this from an empty string if required.
If you need any other logic (ie Trim the strings before compare or a change to the strings case comparison) the code should be reasonably easy to tweak.
Hope this helps.
Sub ReplaceValues()
Dim dataSht As Worksheet
Dim editSht As Worksheet
Dim dataRange As Range
Dim dataColumn As Long
Dim editColumn As Long
Dim dataEndRow As Long
Dim editEndRow As Long
'sheet that holds all the values we want to find
Set dataSht = Sheet2
'sheet we want to edit
Set editSht = Sheet1
Dim replaceValue As String
'replace value is empty string
replaceValue = ""
'set the column of the data sheet to A
dataColumn = 1
'set the colmun of the sheet to edit to A
editColumn = 1
dataEndRow = dataSht.Cells(dataSht.Rows.count, dataColumn).End(xlUp).Row
editEndRow = editSht.Cells(editSht.Rows.count, editColumn).End(xlUp).Row
'this is the range of the data that we're looking for
Set dataRange = dataSht.Range(dataSht.Cells(1, dataColumn), dataSht.Cells(dataEndRow, dataColumn))
Dim count As Long
Dim val As String
For i = 1 To editEndRow
val = editSht.Cells(i, editColumn).Value
count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dataRange, val)
If count > 0 And Trim(val) <> "" Then
editSht.Cells(i, editColumn).Value = replaceValue
End If
Next i
End Sub
You can use wildcards with find/replace. So in your situation you should be able to use something like
domain* in the find what Field and nothing in the Replace field