T-SQL looping procedure - sql

I have the following data:
ID Date interval interval_date tot_activity non-activity
22190 2011-09-27 00:00:00 1000 2011-09-27 10:00:00.000 265 15
I have another table with this data:
Date ID Start END sched_non_activity non_activity
10/3/2011 12:00:00 AM HBLV-22267 10/3/2011 2:02:00 PM 10/3/2011 2:11:00 PM 540
Now, in the second table's non_activity field, I would like this to be the value from the first table. However, I need to capture the tot_activity - non_activity where the intervals(in 15 min increments) from the first table, fall in the same time frame as the start and end of the second table.
I have tried setting variables and setting a loop where for each row it verifies the starttime by interval, but I have no idea how to return a variable with only one record, as I keep getting errors that my variable is getting too many results.
I have tried looking everywhere for tutorials and I can't find anything to help me out. Anyone have any pointers or tutorials on looping they could share?

You need to generate the interval end dates somehow; I'm assuming that there is always a record in the first table with a 15 minute interval record. In this case, an example would look like this:
;WITH Intervals
,DATEADD(ms,840997,Interval_date) AS interval_end
--Select query for Validation
-- b.[Date]
-- ,b.ID
-- ,b.Start
-- ,b.sched_non_activity
-- ,i.nonactivity
--JOIN Intervals AS i
--ON b.Start >= i.Interval_date
--AND b.[END] <= i.interval_end
SET non_activity = i.nonactivity
JOIN Intervals AS i
ON b.Start >= i.Interval_date
AND b.[END] <= i.interval_end
Obviously, you might need to tweak this depending on the exact circumstances.


How to make a group query to select multiple rows?

I have a DateTime column (timestamp 2022-05-22 10:10:12) with a batch of stamps per each day.
I need to filter the rows where stamp is before 9am (here is no problem) and I'm using this code:
SELECT * FROM tickets
WHERE date_part('hour'::text, tickets.date_in) < 9::double precision;
The output is the list of the rows where the time in timestamp is less than 9 am (50 rows from 2000).
2022-05-22 08:10:12
2022-04-23 07:11:13
2022-06-15 08:45:26
Then I need to find all the days where at least one row has a stamp before 9 am - and here I'm stuck. Any idea how to select all the days where at least one stamp was before 9 am?
The code I'm trying:
SELECT * into temp1 FROM tickets
WHERE date_part('hour'::text, tickets.date_in) < 9::double precision
ORDER BY date_part('day'::text, date_in);
Select * into temp2
from tickets, temp1
where date_part('day'::text, tickets.date_in) = date_part('day'::text, temp1.date_in);
Update temp2 set distorted_route = 1;
But this is giving me nothing.
Expected output is to get all the days where at least one route was done before 9am:
2022-05-22 08:10:12
2022-05-22 10:11:45
2022-05-22 12:14:59
2022-04-23 07:11:13
2022-04-23 11:42:25
2022-06-15 08:45:26
2022-06-15 15:10:57
Should I make an additional table (temp1) to feed it with the first query result (just the rows before 9am) and then make a cross table query to find in the source table public.tickets all the days which are equal to the public.temp1?
Select * from tickets, temp1
where TO_Char(tickets.date_in, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
= TO_Char(temp1.date_in, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
or like this:
FROM tickets
SELECT date_in FROM TO_Char(tickets.date_in, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = TO_Char(temp1.date_in, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
Ideally, I'd want to avoid using a temporary table and make a request just for one table.
After that, I need to create a view or update and add some remarks to the source table.
Assuming you mean:
How to select all rows where at least one row exists with a timestamp before 9 am of the same day?
FROM tickets t
SELECT FROM tickets t1
WHERE t1.date_in::date = t.date_in::date -- same day
AND t1.date_in::time < time '9:00' -- time before 9:00
AND t1.id <> t.id -- exclude self
ORDER BY date_id; -- optional, but typically helpful
id being the PK column of your undisclosed table.
But be aware that ...
... typically you'll want to work with timestamptz instead of timestamp. See:
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
... this query is slow for big tables, because it cannot use a plain index on (date_id) (not "sargable"). Related:
How do you do date math that ignores the year?
There are various ways to optimize performance. The best way depends on undisclosed information for performance questions.

Big Query Loop through Start and End date

I have a table with Start and end date with the Interval of 6 months. Below is one example:
Row start_date end_date
1 2018-09-18 2019-03-18
2 2019-03-18 2019-09-18
3 2019-09-18 2020-03-18
I have a master table (which is very big), So I have loop through this start_date and end_date and insert the record selected into the different table. Below is the sample query.
create table dataset.t1 (v1,v2,v3,create_dt);
insert into dataset.t1 (v1,v2,v3,create_dt) select v1,v2,v3,create_dt
from dataset.t2 where create_dt >= (select start_date from dataset.t1)
and create_date < (select end_date from dataset.t1)
When I tried with Loop I am getting below error:
Query error: Scalar subquery produced more than one element at.
Could anyone please help me on how to implement this. My final goal is to improve performance by dividing the date into different ranges.
On the error that you've got, the problem is your (select start_date from dataset.t1) returns more than one element, not sure what you want to achieve but in order for the subquery to work, it should be something like (select MIN(start_date) from dataset.t1).
I don't understand your loop because nothing seems changed in your loop (beside you're inserting something to t1), you should think about when your loop should exit.
The below works in SQl server. You will have to find Big data equivalent for cursor. You can use an array to hole the start & end dates and loop through.
You can create a temporary table for storing the Start date & Enda date and called it #temp_db. Open a cursor and fetch the first start date & end date into a variable.from #temp_db.
select start_date,end_date into #start_date,#end_date from #temp_db
Execute the Sql:
Insert into #new_tbl
select * from #src_tbl where create_dt >= #start_date and create_dt < #end_date.
For every record, fetched from the #temp_db, start inserting into a new table/same table as per your request.
When there is no more row to fetch from your#temp_db..you would have inserted all the records into the #new_tbl.

Query to find out entries where dates don't overlap

Can anyone help me create a query which will populate a list of DJs who are not already booked in.
My user will select a start date (and time), and an end date (and time) - and then click a button to select a DJ.
I only want those DJs which are available between those time slots to appear in the list.
Here are the two tables which are involved
all I need in the listbox is the DJ Number, and the DJ Name
So far I have this... but it isn't working:
SELECT tblDJ.DJ_No AS [DJ ID], tblDJ.DJ_Name AS Name FROM tblDJ
WHERE (((tblDJ.[DJ_No]) Not In
(SELECT tblBooking.[FK_DJ_No]
FROM tblBooking
WHERE ( (tblBooking.End_Date) >= 01-04-2020 19:30:00 )))) ....etc....
I'm just entering a date in here for now, but obviously it will be stored in a variable once implemented.
Implementing OVERLAPS of two intervals would look like:
1st_start_date <= 2nd_end_date and 1st_end_date >= 2nd_start_date
where 1st and 2nd values are markers of different events.
You could use that logic in combination with NOT EXISTS to discard those djs that are unavailable at a given time:
select dj_no, dj_name
from tbldj d
where not exists (
select 1
from tblbooking b
where b.fk_dj_no = d.dj_no
and b.start_date <= #END DATE#
and b.end_date >= #START DATE#
You just need to replace #START DATE# and #END DATE# with your values.
This does work because there are following assumptions:
Start date of the first event is prior to end date of that event
Start date of the second event is prior to end date of that event
Which seems logical, right?
The date in the SQL needs to be wrapped between two # in order for MS-Access to recognize it as a date:
select *
from tblDJ
where DJ_No not in
select FK_DJ_No
from tblBooking
where End_Date >= #2020-04-01 19:30:00#
Other than that you query will work.

Find rows in a database with no time in a datetime column

During testing I have failed to notice an incorrect date/time entry into the database on certain orders. Instead of entering the date and time I have only been entering the date. I was using the correct time stamp createodbcdatetime(now()) however I was using cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" to enter it into the database.
I am lucky enough to have the order date/time correctly recorded, meaning I can use the time from the order date/time field.
My question being can I filter for all rows in the table with only dates entered. My data below;
Table Name: tbl_orders
uid_orders dte_order_stamp
2000 02/07/2012 03:02:52
2001 03/07/2012 01:24:21
2002 03/07/2012 08:34:00
Table Name: tbl_payments
uid_payment dte_pay_paydate uid_pay_orderid
1234 02/07/2012 03:02:52 2000
1235 03/07/2012 2001
1236 03/07/2012 2002
I need to be able to select all payments with no time entered from tbl_payments, i can then loop around the results grabbing the time from my order table add it to the date from my payment table and update the field with the new date/time.
I can pretty much handle the re-inserting the date/time. It's just selecting the no time rows I'm not sure about?
Any help would be appreciated.
The following is the select statements for both orders and payments and if they need to be joined.(just fyi)
SQL Server 2008, Cold Fusion 9
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_payment ON (dbo.tbl_orders.uid_orders = dbo.tbl_payment.uid_pay_orderid)
FROM dbo.tbl_orders
Select the records where the hours, minutes, seconds and millisecond value is zero.
select *
from table
where datePart(hour, datecolumn) = 0
and datePart(minute, datecolumn) = 0
and datePart(second, datecolumn) = 0
and datePart(millisecond, datecolumn) = 0
You can probably get those values by casting to time and checking for 0:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE CAST(datetimecolumn AS TIME) = '00:00'
That may not be particularly efficient though, depending on how smart SQL Server's indexes are.
Something like this should work:
WHERE CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, dbo.tbl_payment.dte_pay_paydate, 101) AS DATETIME) =
This will return all rows where the time is missing.

SQL Query data issues

I have the following data:
ID Date interval interval_date tot_activity non-activity
22190 2011-09-27 00:00:00 1000 2011-09-27 10:00:00.000 265 15
I have another table with this data:
Date ID Start END sched_non_activity non_activity
10/3/2011 12:00:00 AM HBLV-22267 10/3/2011 2:02:00 PM 10/3/2011 2:11:00 PM 540
Now, in the second table's non_activity field, I would like this to be the value from the first table. However, I need to capture the tot_activity - non_activity where the intervals(in 15 min increments) from the first table, fall in the same time frame as the start and end of the second table.
I have the following so far:
SELECT 1.ID, 1.Date, 1.interval, 1.interval_date, 1.tot_activity, 1.non_activity,
1.tot_activity - 1.non_activity AS non_activity
table2 AS 2 ON 1.Date = 2.Date AND L.ID = Right(2.ID,5)
Where 1.interval_date >= 2.Start AND 1.interval_date < 2.End
ORDER BY 1.ID, 1.interval_date
With this, I can already see I will be unable to capture if a start from table 2 is at 15:50, which means that I need to capture interval 15:45.
is there any way of doing this through queries, or should I be using variables, and doing the check per interval. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
I think you are asking too much from a query here.
What i would do is treat the two tables as lists ordered by time stamps and solve the problem programatically (ie not with a single query)
For example, create a function that traverses the first table in 15min increments and find the best match in the second table (i am guessing this is what you are trying to do). Implement your function to return the same results set as your query above or store it in a temporary table. Select from the result set. T-SQL is your friend :)
I'm having a tough time understanding your issue, but you might have better luck with the DATEDIFF function:
DATEDIFF(SECOND, 1.interval_date, 2.Start) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(SECOND, 1.interval_date, 2.End) <= 0
I apologize if I'm not catching your drift. If I'm missing something, could you try to clarify a little bit?