protobuf-net v2 and Monotouch : How does it mix? - wcf

I have been trying to use protobuf-net with MonoTouch but I have no idea how, and despite having heard that it is possible, I haven't been able to find any tutorial or any example that actually work.
It was confirmed by Marc Gravell on his blog that it does work on MonoTouch. I have also looked through the blogs of the two people he states in this article, but I haven't found anything related to protobuf.
Having no lead on the subject, i decided to download protobuf-net and try it out anyway. So I created the following object for testing purposes :
public class ProtoObject
public ProtoObject()
public byte[] Bytes { get; set; }
and I tried to send it through WCF from a service running on windows using a [ServiceContract] interface with
ProtoObject GetObject();
but the instance of ProtoObject recieved on the device is always null. This is not really unexpected since i have read that to make protobuf-net work with WCF you need to modify the app.config/web.config.
It's a little hard to accomplish since a MonoTouch project has no app.config, but I did not yet give up. To replace the app.config, I tried to add the ProtoEndpointBehavior to the client's endpoint's behaviors programmatically, and there I hit a wall. ProtoBuf.ServiceModel.ProtoEndpointBehavior, available on .NET 3.0 implementation of protobuf-net is not available on the iOS release.
How would I go about using protobuf-net to deserialize objects received from a windows-based WCF endpoint using protobuf-net serialization.

It is actually pretty much the same as described in this blog entry by Friction Point Studios. Since meta-programming on the device is not really an option, the trick is to pre-generate a serialization dll. This can be done by creating a small console exe (this is just a tool - it isn't designed to be pretty) that configures a RuntimeTypeModel (by adding the types you are interested in), and then call .Compile(...):
var model = TypeModel.Create();
model.Add(typeof (ProtoObject), true);
model.Compile("MySerializer", "MySerializer.dll");
This generates a serializer dll; simply reference this dll (along with the iOS version protobuf-net), and use the serializer type in the dll to interact with your model:
var ser = new MySerializer();
ser.Serialize(dest, obj); // etc

Just to bring this up to date there are a few issues with using WCF + Protobuf on MonoTouch. As you have observed the current releases of System.ServiceModel and protobuf light for ios don't include all the necessary bits.
However if you go and get the full System.ServiceModel from the Mono repository on GitHub and build it against the full Protobuf source then you can get it to work; I have done so.
You need to generate a serialisation assembly using the precompile tool then edit the ProtoOperationBehavior attribute to give it some way to reference your serialisation assembly. All the changes are too extensive to document here but it can be done and it is a lot faster than DatacontractSerializer which is pretty awful on iOS.


Akka Remote shared classes

I have two different Java 8 projects that will live on different servers and which will both use Akka (specifically Akka Remoting) to talk to each other.
For instance, one app might send a Fizzbuzz message to the other app:
public class Fizzbuzz {
private int foo;
private String bar;
// Getters, setters & ctor omitted for brevity
I've never used Akka Remoting before. I assume I need to create a 3rd project, a library/jar for holding the shared messages (such as Fizzbuzz and others) and then pull that library in to both projects as a dependency.
Is it that simple? Are there any serialization (or other Akka and/or networking) considerations that affect the design of these "shared" messages? Thanks in advance!
Shared library is a way to go for sure, except there are indeed serialization concerns:
Akka-remoting docs:
When using remoting for actors you must ensure that the props and messages used for those actors are serializable. Failing to do so will cause the system to behave in an unintended way.
For more information please see Serialization.
Basically, you'll need to provide and configure the serialization for actor props and messages sent (including all the nested classes of course). If I'm not mistaking default settings will get you up and running without any configuration on your side, provided that everything you send over the wire is java-serializable.
However, default config uses default Java serialization, which is known to be quite inefficient - so you might want to switch to protobuf, kryo, or maybe even json. In that case, it would make sense to provide the serialization implementation and bindings as a shared library - either a dedicated one or a part of the "shared models" one that you mentioned in the question - depends if you want to reuse it elsewhere and mind/don't mind having serailization-related transitive dependencies popping all over the place.
Finally, if you allow some personal opinion, I would suggest trying protobuf first - it's binary format (read: efficient) and is widely supported (there are bindings for other languages). Kryo works well too (I have a few closed-source akka-cluster apps with kryo serialization in production), but has a few quirks with regards to collection/map handling.

How to wire up WCF Service Application, Unity and AutoMapper

I have been playing around the last couple of days with different solutions for mapping DTO's to entities for a VS2013, EF6, WCF Service App project.
It is a fairly large project that is currently undergoing a major refactoring to bring the legacy code under test (as well as port the ORM from OpenAccess to EF6).
To be honest I had never used AutoMapper before but what I saw I really liked so I set out to test it out in a demo app and to be honest I am a bit ashamed that I have been unable to achieve a working solution after hours of tinkering and Googling. Here is a breakdown of the project:
WCF Service Application template based project (.svc file w/code behind).
Using Unity 3.x for my IoC container and thus creating my own ServiceHostFactory inheriting from UnityServiceHostFactory.
Using current AutoMapper nuget package.
DTO's and DAL are in two separate libraries as expected, both of which are referenced by the service app project.
My goal is simple (I think): Wire up and create all of my maps in my composition root and inject the necessary objects (using my DI container) into the class that has domain knowledge of the DTO's and a reference to my DAL library. Anyone that needs a transformation would therefore only need to reference the transformation library.
The problem: Well, there are a couple of them...
1) I cannot find a working example of AutoMapper in Unity anywhere. The code snippet that is referenced many times across the web for registering AutoMapper in Unity (see below) references a Configuration class that doesn't seem to exist anymore and I cannot find any documentation on its deprecation:
container.RegisterType<AutoMapper.Configuration, AutoMapper.Configuration>(new PerThreadLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(typeof(ITypeMapFactory),
TypeMapFactoy>().RegisterType<IConfiguration, AutoMapper.Configuration>().RegisterType<IConfigurationProvider,
AutoMapper.Configuration>().RegisterType<IMappingEngine, MappingEngine>();
2) Where to create the maps themselves... I would assuming that I could perform this operation right in my ServiceHostFactory but is that the correct place? There is a Bootstrapper project out there but I have not gone down that road (yet) and would like to avoid it if possible.
3) Other than the obviously necessary reference to AutoMapper in the DTO lib, what would I be injecting into the instantition, the configuration object (assuming IConfiguration or IConfigurationProvider) and which class I am injecting into the constructor of the WCF service to gain access to the necessary object.
I know #3 is a little vague but since I cannot get AutoMapper bound in my Unity container, I cannot test/trial/error to figure out the other issues.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
So I now have a working solution that is testing correctly but would still like to get confirmation that I am following any established best practices.
First off, the Unity container registration for AutoMapper (as of 11/13/2013) v3.x looks like this:
.RegisterType<ConfigurationStore, ConfigurationStore>
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager()
, new InjectionConstructor(typeof(ITypeMapFactory)
, MapperRegistry.AllMappers())
.RegisterType<IConfigurationProvider, ConfigurationStore>()
.RegisterType<IConfiguration, ConfigurationStore>()
.RegisterType<IMappingEngine, MappingEngine>()
.RegisterType<ITypeMapFactory, TypeMapFactory>();
Right after all of my container registrations, I created and am calling a RegisterMaps() method inside of ConfigureContainer(). I created a test mapping that does both an auto mapping for like named properties as well as a custom mapping. I did this in my demo app for two reasons primarily:
I don't yet know AutoMapper in a WCF app hosted in IIS and injected with Unity well enough to fully understand its behavior. I do not seem to have to inject any kind of configuration object into my library that does the transformations and I am still reading through the source to understand its implementation.
As I understand it, there is a caching mechanism at play here and that if a mapping is not found in cache that it will create it on the fly. While this is great in theory, the only way I could then test my mappings that were occurring in my composition root was to do some sort of custom mapping and then call Mapper.Map in the library that performs mapping and returns the DTO.
All of that blathering aside, here is what I was able to accomplish.
WCF Service App (composition root) injects all of the necessary objects including my DtoConversionMapper instance.
The project is made up of the WCF Service App (comp root), DtoLib, DalLib, ContractsLib (interfaces).
In my ServiceFactoryHost I am able to create mappings, including custom mappings (i.e. map unlike named properties between my DTO and EF 6 entity).
The DtoConversionMapper class lives in the DtoLib library and looks like this: IExampleDto GetExampleDto(ExampleEntity entity);
Any library with a reference to the DtoLib can convert back and forth, including the Service App where the vast majority of these calls will take place.
Any guiding advice would be greatly appreciated but I do have a working demo now that I can test things out with while I work through this large refactoring.
Final Update
I changed the demo project just a little by adding another library (MappingLib) and moved all of my DTO conversions and mappings to it in a static method. While I still call the static method in my composition root after the Unity container is initialized, this gives me the added flexibility of being able to call that same map creation method in my NUnit unit test libraries, effectively eliminating any duplication of code surrounding auto mapper and makes it very testable.

API are only interface for referencing library classes or library classes themselves

I google this topic but I couldn't find the proper answer. I understand API as only Interface class that referencing library files to be used by other applications from other platforms. But someone told me that APIs are library files themselves.
I'm a novice to this topic so that suggest any answers to me, please.
In my opinion, an API is just a collection of interfaces. It is independent from implementation. Of course, usually, a standard implementation exists and is "associated" with the API but if the implementation is linked to the API, the API is not linked to the implementation.
If you take the example of Java, you'll notice that the API ( ) only show protected and public fields/constructors/methods/... It is not showing private stuff.
The API is reduced to what is visible for the user which is somehow the definition of an interface. The implementation is hidden.
What might be confusing is that the API is generated from the implementation but that doesn't mean that the API is the implementation.
I might be wrong but I think things are usually going like this:
An private API is defined (it is specification, so, it can be source code or any descriptive file)
An implementation is developed based on the private API
A public API is generated from this implementation and is published
The implementation is published as a Framework / Toolbox / or whatever the name
Developers use the public API to build their application and they choose the best implementation (which is generally the one from which it was generated).
Fell free to comment if you disagree ;)

F# wsdl type provider error?

Although I love the idea of F# type providers my first serious attempt to use them crashed hard.
I was going to connect to a service (WCF) with WsdlService<"http://someurl/some.svc?wsdl">
It fails epicly with:
The type provider
reported an error: tmp6E6C.cs(9409,26): error CS0644:
'System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler' cannot derive from
special class 'System.MulticastDelegate'
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll: (Location
of symbol related to previous error)
and a lot of other warnings which probably are not relevant:
tmp6E6C.cs(290,28): warning CS0436: The type
'System.Data.DataRowState' in
'c:\Users\someuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E6C.cs' conflicts with the
imported type 'System.Data.DataRowState' in
'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.Data.dll'. Using
the type defined in 'c:\Users\someuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E6C.cs'.
tmp6E6C.cs(9427,17): (Location of symbol related to previous warning)
Is this a known feature ;-) or am I using it wrong?
I unfortunately cannot post the WSDL, and its rather large with a lot of types in it so I must admit I am somewhat lazy and have not trimmed it down either. OTOH if I did know what part of the WSDL was offending or creating this error I would of course have put it here.
To change the WSDL is not an option either, so I am mainly interested in knowing why F# WSDL type providers can not handle this (WCF) WSDL, or what I am doing wrong.
It works excellent when consumed by C# and svcutil.exe from VS2010.
I have tried all the params to the WsdlTypeProvider and they do give the same result (except ForceUpdate of course). Should I be consuming these services in another way with F#?
Added info (since I am new and didnt want to answer. dont ask why :):
Thank you all answering/commenting.
I did go partly this way may self (manually using svcutil). As I tried to say above, I tried to use svcutil by hand, and it fails when compiling the generated C# code (in a library besides the F#).
That is, I did the following:
1) Create the contract by setting up a reference in VS 2010 GUI. This works as expected
2) Try to create it by using svcutil from cmd-line. Then the compile of that file fails with same error.
As it seems from my point of view what happens in svcutil from cmd-line and what happens when using svcutil (or what is used) from the GUI adding the same service does not generate the code with the same parameters. I guess this is partly controlled by the fact that what I try to consume is a WCF service and not a "clean" WSDL/webservice, and the type provider assumes that I try to use a "clean" webservice.
I did not manage to find any params for svcutil takeing care of this, or any possible combinations of params, not saying that I did try all permutations of combinations, but trying the ones probable based upon (trying to) deep reading the documentation of svcutil (and I am not entirley new at using it from cmd-line).
So far I have concluded that it is some "missing" params to svcutil which causes this, and that the F# type provider is not at fault. I would still very much like to solve it somehow, still using F# type providers, but a fallback is to generate the code by GUI in C# and then reference that part of code in F# again. That is not the elegant solution I was trying to achieve, since I do have a lot of services and I would very much like to create such a nice way of prototyping and testing those services.
Another fallback would of course also give up the whole F# part and just go with some unit-testing etc., but that again is defating the purpose of sneaking in F# and learning at same time ;-)
The WSDL type provider (and a few others) are using SvcUtil in the background to do the heavy lifting. If you open ProcExp of taskmgr or some similar tool, you can see the SvcUtil process getting spawned after pasting the TP code into Visual Studio. With ProcExp at least, you can see the full command line with arguments which was used.
So find out exactly what SvcUtil command line was invoked by the TP for your service, and check if it works outside of the F# environment.
The fact that SvcUtil works from C#/VS 2010 is interesting. I assume if you are using F# TPs you are on VS 2012 right now. If so, the version of SvcUtil itself might be different, which could be related.
The specific error would appear to be the same as explained here, so you might have some incomplete annotations in your service code.
I am not able to leave this issue ...
I have now done the following:
Run svcutil with plain vanilla setting: svcutil http://some.address/some/path.svc
Run with some more setting: svcutil /r:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.5\System.dll" /r:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.5\System.Data.dll" http://some.address/some/path.svc
This does generate the follwowing differences in the C# file (it is present in 1) and not present in 2) obviously):
namespace System.ComponentModel
using System;
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
public partial class PropertyChangedEventHandler : System.MulticastDelegate
public PropertyChangedEventHandler(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) :
base(info, context)
namespace System.Data
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name="DataRowState", Namespace="")]
public enum DataRowState : int
Detached = 1,
Unchanged = 2,
Added = 4,
Deleted = 8,
Modified = 16,
Which again makes the file compile in 2) and is as expected otherwise.
The somewhat strange part then is: Why isnt System.dll used in F# wsdl providers when running svcutil? System.Data.dll I kind of understand, since that isnt default used when running svcutil (at least according to the documentation).
OTOH I think also that the documentations says that IF the assemblies are in the GAC it should use them. So how do I verify they are there, and/or load them to the assembly if not?
Running gacutil -i System.dll (on version 4.5 of the System.dll) gives:
Failure adding assembly to the cache: An attempt was made to load a
program with an incorrect format.
Is it some 64/32 bit issue? (Im on a 64 bit windows if that does have any relevance)
Or to rephrase the problem: How do I get System.dll and System.Data.dll to part of the references when running svcutil when I cannot add the references directly through the WsdlProvider-part?
Im pretty sure it does not use System.dll since if I add the collectiontype param to wsdlprovider:
WsdlService<"http://some.url/some/path.svc", "c:\\temp\\wsdl\\some.wsdlschema", true, ".", true, true, false, false, "System.Collections.Generic.List'1">
it also complains with the following:
The type provider
reported an error: Error: No type could be loaded for the value
System.Collections.Generic.List'1 passed to the /collectionType
option. Ensure that the assembly this type belongs to is specified via
the /reference option.
which should have been available directly if System.dll was referenced (I think).
Any ideas to further investigate or solve this issue?

Creating an Objective-C API

I have never made an API in objective-c, and need to do this now.
The "idea" is that I build an API which can be implemented into other applications. Much like Flurry, only for other purposes.
When starting the API, an username, password and mode should be entered. The mode should either be LIVE or BETA (I guess this should be an NSString(?)), then afterwards is should be fine with [MyAPI doSomething:withThisObject]; ect.
So to start it [MyAPI username:#"Username" password:#"Password" mode:#"BETA"];
Can anyone help me out with some tutorials and pointer on how to learn this best?
It sounds like what you want to do is build a static library. This is a compiled .a file containing object code that you'll distribute to a client along with a header file containing the interface. This post is a little outdated but has some good starting points. Or, if you don't mind giving away your source code, you could just deliver a collection of source files to your client.
In terms of developing the API itself, it should be very similar to the way you'd design interfaces and implementations of Objective-C objects in your own apps. You'll have a MyAPI class with functions for initialization, destruction, and all the functionality you want. You could also have multiple classes with different functionality if the interface is complex. Because you've capitalized MyAPI in your code snippet, it looks like you want to use it by calling the class rather than an instance of the class - which is a great strategy if you think you'll only ever need one instance. To accomplish this you can use the singleton pattern.
Because you've used a username and password, I imagine your API will interface with the web internally. I've found parsing JSON to be very straightforward in Objective-C - it's easy to send requests and get information from a server.
Personally I would use an enum of unsigned ints rather than a NSString just because it simplifies comparisons and such. So you could do something like:
enum {
And then call:
[MyAPI username:#"Username" password:#"Password" mode:MYAPI_MODE_BETA];
Also makes it easy to check if they've supplied a valid mode. (Must be less than NUM_MYAPI_MODES.)
Good luck!