MVCContrib Grid - Sort(GridSortOptions, prefix) not generating links for sorting - mvccontrib-grid

I'm trying to use two grids in the same page and following what I found here:
Has anyone else had a problem with the Sort() method not generating links?
The sorting was working before but it was sorting both grids the same way. The only thing I have changed is added the Bind attributes as the page above instructs and added the prefix to the call to Sort.

So the mvccontrib grid code checks if the SortOptions has been populated and if the column is sortable. If false, no links.
Apparently the BindAttribute causes the default model binder to NOT populate the paramter objects first time through which in this case meant my GridSortOption parameters were both null.


Show all variables and their values in VBA during runtime

In my current project in Access VBA, I created a window which works like a console and now I am trying to add a possibility to display any public variable. It should work like:
Show_var [variable_name]
So it should be like in the direct window where i can type:
? pVar.variable_A
I found out that using
I can display the number of lines within a module or form so I thought perhaps I could somehow find the variables there, cycle through them and when the correct one is found, its value can be shown. OFC I could make a Select Case Statement where all variables are included but that is not the way I want to do it because it is complicated and must be changed every time update my public variable list.
There are so many problems that I think you are out of luck. Let me just list some of them:
There is no way to get a list of all variables - that would mean you would need access to the internal symbol table.
As a consequence, you would have to read the code (CodeModule lets you read the code of a module), and write an own parser to fetch all declarations (hopefully you use Option Explicit)
AFAIK, the is no method that can access the content of a variable via it's name.
Even if there would be any such method: What would you do with different data types, arrays and especially with objects.
If a user runs into problems, often it is a runtime error. If you don't handle that errors with some kind of error handler, the only option if a user cannot enter the debugger is to press "End" - which would destroy the content of all variables.
You have to deal with scope of variables, you can have several variables with the same name and you will likely have lots of variables that are out of scope in the moment you want to dump them.

Can I use filters in Intellij structural search to reference variable counts?

I am trying to create a custom inspection in IntelliJ using structural search. The idea is to find all methods that have one or more parameters, of which at least one is not annotated. Bonus: Only hit non-primitive types of parameters.
So far, I have created the following Search Template:
$MethodType$ $Method$(#$ParamAnnotation$ $ParameterType$ $Parameter$);
using these filters and the search target "complete match":
$Parameters$: count[1,∞]
$ParamAnnotation$: count[0,0]
However, this only hits methods without any parameters annotated. I want it to also match methods where only some parameters have an annotation but others don't.
Is it possible to reference the count of one variable in the filter of another, e.g. by using script filters? If so, how?
You can do this by creating a Search Template like this:
$MethodType$ $Method$($TypeBefore$ $before$,
#$ParamAnnotation$ $ParameterType$ $Parameter$,
$TypeAfter$ $after$);
$Parameters$: count=[1,1] // i.e. no filter
$ParamAnnotation$: count=[0,0]
$before$: count=[0,∞]
$after$: count=[0,∞]
This will find all method with at least one parameter without annotation.

suppress list elements that have already been encountered

Hi I have a velocity template that I am trying to edit
it currently has a block that looks like
#foreach( $element in $myList )
$element.field1 ($element.field2) issued by $element.field ($element.field4 )
the problem is some elements in the list are duplicated and I need to suppress the duplicates.
psuedo code for what I want is
for each element in list
if element is not in displayed
display element
add element to displayed
can someone point me in the right direction?
This kind of logic (de-duplication) is probably something to be avoided in your view (Velocity) layer. Following Model-View-Controller, it would be better to have this logic managed by controller classes, leaving the Velocity template to simply render the data structure it is passed.
For example, by using a data structure such as a java.util.Set, duplicates would not be admitted and so there would be no need for the template to de-duplicate.
Personally I found Rob Harrop's Pro Jakarta Velocity a really good guide to MVC, especially Chapter 4 "Using Velocity in an MVC environment".
Have the model use a Set, have your controller code populate the set, and then the simple loop in your template code can be used as it is now.
In general, the less logic you implement in your view layer, the better. It will also make your code easier to test, so you can verify its behaviour without having to fire up the presentation components, app servers etc etc.
If there really is no choice and the logic absolutely must be written in the template, then the following implements the psuedocode presented:
#set($displayed = [])
#foreach( $element in $myList )
$element.field1 ($element.field2) issued by $element.field ($element.field4 )
#set($ignore = $displayed.add($element))
Note the messiness with #set($ignore = $displayed.add($element)) - this has to be done to suppress the output from java.util.List's add() method (boolean) from being output. Another reason not to write this in template code!
Of course, you would also need to make sure that equals() is correctly implemented on the type added to the list so that the List operations - contains() and add() work correctly.
Definitely an inferior solution to the MVC approach above, but presented as an option of last resort.

populating 0LOGSYS from transformation rule

I am trying to populate the infoobject 0LOGSYS in a DSO when a load from a datasource occurs. The idea being that you could tell what sourcesystem the data was loaded from that is needed for a certain requirement. As of now I have a routine set up on a transformation rule for 0LOGSYS. No syntax errors, everything runs during the load, but no data is populated. Tried to debug but for some reason my BREAKPOINT is not getting picked up.
Here is the code that I have placed in the routine. Also, I am trying to do this without assigning any source field so maybe that is causing an issue. Not sure though.
i_source_system = G_S_MINFO-LOGSYS
e_soursysid = RESULT
id_not_found = 1.
Solved this a different way. There are runtime attributes that can be pulled from any request via the methods of "if_rsbk_request_admintab_view" which is instanciated automatically at the beginning of each transformation routine. Here is the code that I put in the routine.
*declaring a local variable like the result type LOGSYS
Data: lvSource like RESULT.
*runs a method to get the source system from the runtime attributes of
*the request
*"p_r_request" is an instance of "if_rsbk_request_admintab_view" which
*has many different methods for runtime attributes
lvSource = p_r_request->GET_LOGSYS( ).
RESULT = lvSource.
If this is the complete source code, it's not surprising that nothing is returned. You declare a new structured variable named G_S_MINFO, don't assign any value to it and return its contents. Unless you deleted the steps from your code sample that are supposed to fill the variable with values, it would be a grave bug if anything else than an initial value was returned.
EDIT: Even with the updated code, I still doubt this will work. Now you pass G_S_MINFO-LOGSYS to a function module that supposedly looks up some system ID without initializing it. Garbage in, garbage out. Or in this case, initial value in, initial value out.

How to use the data store to set a toolbar title in Sencha Touch

I am trying to set the toolbar item dynamically. So far I have a back button that resets the toolbar title to 'start' if the user chooses to go back.
But the following code won't work:
menuList.on('itemtap', function(dataView, index, item, e){
It tries to use a variable called 'title' out of my data store array. This works great for providing text to my Ext.List items. But the above code sets the toolbar title to the string '{title}' without even thinking of it being a variable.
Can you help me out?
List's use templates so items within curley braces get evaluated... you'll need to pass a reference to a variable without quotes. You haven't provided enough code for me to tell you where that information would be. If you already have a variable in scope called title that you put the data into then you can just reamove the '{ and }' ... otherwise you'll need to get the data you need from your store through some means, like Ext.StoreMgr or [appname].stores
Two things. 1) You will really want to get used to digging into the ST source code. In this case, if you look at the code for "setTitle", you will see that its argument is interpreted as straight HTML, not a template. So you can't use curly bracket syntax here. 2) Note that the type of the "item" argument to the event handler is an Element (i.e. ST's representation of the DOM object, not the selected datastore object. So that's not going to help you. However, the "index" arg gives you an easy way to get the appropriate object from the store. i.e.
I really don't know why, but it works if you put up to variables: One for the record and one for the value inside that record. There is a detailed explanation in the