NSFetchedResultsController with relationship not updating - objective-c

Let's say I have two entities, Employee and Department. A department has a to-many relationship with an employee, many employees can be in each department but each employee only belongs to one department. I want to display all of the employees in a table view sorted by data that is a property of the department they belong to using an NSFetchedResultsController. The problem is that I want my table to update when a department object receives changes just like it does if the regular properties of employee change, but the NSFetchedResultsController doesn't seem to track related objects. I've gotten passed this issue partially by doing the following:
for (Employee* employee in department.employees) {
[employee willChangeValueForKey:#"dept"];
/* Make Changes to department object */
for (Employee* employee in department.employees) {
[employee didChangeValueForKey:#"dept"];
This is obviously not ideal but it does cause the employee based FRC delegate method didChangeObject to get called. The real problem I have left now is in the sorting a FRC that is tracking employee objects:
NSEntityDescription *employee = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:#"Employee" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:#"department.someProperty" ascending:NO];
This works great and sorts the employees correctly the first time it's called, the problem is that when I make changes to some property of a department that should change the sorting of my employee table, nothing happens. Is there any nice way to have my employee FRC track changes in a relationship? Particularly I just need some way to have it update the sorting when the sort is based on a related property. I've looked through some similar questions but wasn't able to find a satisfactory solution.

The NSFetchedResultsController is only designed to watch one entity at a time. Your setup, while it makes sense, it a bit beyond what the NSFetchedResultsController is currently capable of watching on its own.
My recommendation would be to set up your own watcher. You can base it off the ZSContextWatcher I have set up on GitHub, or you can make it even more straightforward.
Basically, you want to watch for NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification postings and then reload your table when one fire that contains your department entity.
I would also recommend filing a rdar with Apple and asking for the NSFetchedResultsController to be improved.

Because the NSFetchedResultsController is designed for one entity at a time, you have to listen to the NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification in order to be notified about all entity relationship changes.
Here is an example:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(managedObjectsDidChangeHandler(notification:)), name: .NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChange, object: mainManagedContext)
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChange, object: mainManagedContext)
#objc fileprivate func managedObjectsDidChangeHandler(notification: NSNotification) {

This is a known limitation of NSFetchedResultsController: it only monitors the changes of you entity's properties, not of its relationships' properties. But your use case is totally valid, and here is how to get over it.
Working Principle
After navigating a lot of possible solutions, now I just create two NSFetchedResultsController: the initial one (in your case, Employee), and another one to monitor the entities in the said relationship (Department). Then, when a Department instance is updated in the way it should update your Employee FRC, I just fake a change of the instances of affiliated Employee using the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate protocol. Note that the monitored Department property must be part of the NSSortDescriptors of its NSFetchedResultsController for this to work.
Example code
In your example if would work this way:
In your view controller:
var employeesFetchedResultsController:NSFetchedResultsController!
var departmentsFetchedResultsController:NSFetchedResultsController!
Also make sure you declare conformance to NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate in the class declaration.
In viewDidLoad():
override func viewDidLoad() {
// [...]
employeesFetchedResultsController = newEmployeesFetchedResultsController()
departmentsFetchedResultsController = newDepartmentsFetchedResultsController()
// [...]
In the departmentsFetchedResultsController creation:
func newDepartmentsFetchedResultsController() {
// [specify predicate, fetchRequest, etc. as usual ]
let monitoredPropertySortDescriptor:NSSortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "monitored_property", ascending: true)
request.sortDescriptors = [monitoredPropertySortDescriptor]
// continue with performFetch, etc
In the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods:
That's where the magic operates:
func controller(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>, didChange anObject: Any, at indexPath: IndexPath?, for type: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, newIndexPath: IndexPath?) {
if controller == departmentsFetchedResultsController {
case .insert, .delete, .update:
managedObjectContext.performAndWait {
let department = anObject as! Department
for employee in (department.employees ?? []) {
// we fake modifying each Employee so the FRC will refresh itself.
let employee = employee as! Employee // pure type casting
employee.department = department
This fake update of the department of each impacted employee will trigger the proper update of employeesFetchedResultsController as expected.

I haven't seen posts that directly addressed this issue in SwiftUI. After trying solutions outlined in many posts, and trying to avoid writing custom controllers, the single factor that made it work in SwiftUI—which was part of the previous post from harrouet (thank you!)—is:
Make use of a FetchRequest on Employee.
If you care about, say, the employee count per department, the fake relationship updates did not make a difference in SwiftUI. Neither did any willChangeValue or didChangeValue statements. Actually, willChangeValue caused crashes on my end.
Here's a setup that worked:
import CoreData
struct SomeView: View {
#FetchRequest var departments: FetchedResults<Department>
// The following is only used to capture department relationship changes
#FetchRequest var employees: FetchedResults<Employee>
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(departments) { department in
DepartmentView(department: department,
// Required: pass some dependency on employees to trigger view updates
totalEmployeeCount: employees.count)
//.id(employees.count) does not trigger view updates
struct DepartmentView: View {
var department: Department
// Not used, but necessary for the department view to be refreshed upon employee updates
var totalEmployeeCount: Int
var body: some View {
// The department's employee count will be refreshed when, say,
// a new employee is created and added to the department
Text("\(department) has \(department.employees.count) employee(s)")
I don't know if this fixes all the potential issues with CoreData relationships not propagating to views, and it may present efficiency issues if the number of employees is very large, but it worked for me.
An alternative that also worked for establishing the right employee count without grabbing all employees—which may address the efficiency issue of the above code snippet—is to create a view dependency on a NSFetchRequestResultType.countResultType type of FetchRequest:
// Somewhere in a DataManager:
import CoreData
final class DataManager {
static let shared = DataManager()
let persistenceController: PersistenceController
let context: NSManagedObjectContext!
init(persistenceController: PersistenceController = .shared) {
self.persistenceController = persistenceController
self.context = persistenceController.container.viewContext
func employeeCount() -> Int {
var count: Int = 0
context.performAndWait {
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Employee")
fetchRequest.predicate = nil
fetchRequest.resultType = NSFetchRequestResultType.countResultType
do {
count = try context.count(for: fetchRequest)
} catch {
fatalError("error \(error)")
return count
And the main View becomes:
import CoreData
struct SomeView: View {
#FetchRequest var departments: FetchedResults<Department>
// No #FetchRequest for all employees
var dataManager = DataManager.shared
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(departments) { department in
DepartmentView(department: department,
// Required: pass some dependency on employees to trigger view updates
totalEmployeeCount: dataManager.employeeCount())
//.id(dataManager.employeeCount()) does not trigger view updates
// DepartmentView stays the same.
Again, this may not resolve all possible relationship dependencies, but it gives hope that view updates can be prompted by considering various types of FetchRequest dependencies within the SwiftUI views.
A note that DataManager needs NOT be an ObservableObject being observed in the View for this to work.


How does lower level module and higher level module communicate in golang

In the following code, I have a lower level module RelationshipBrowser defined a FindAllChildrenOf method and I have a struct Relationships that has the property relations which is a slice and another struct named Research which as the property browser. I declared a receiver function FindAllChildrenOf for Relationships and another receiver function Investigate for Research, I think my question is, when I implement the logics in the function Investigate it's clearly calling the browser interface to trigger the function FindAllChildrenOf and go automatically knows that I am referring to type Relationship. My confusion is, how does RelationshipBrowser and Relationships connect in this context while they seem to have no connection?
const (
Parent Relationship = iota
type Person struct {
name string
type Info struct{
from *Person
relatiionship Relationship
to *Person
// low-level module
type RelationshipBrowser interface{
FindAllChildrenOf(name string)[]*Person
type Relationships struct{
relations []Info
func (r *Relationships)AddParentAndChild(parent,child *Person){
r.relations = append(r.relations, Info{parent,Parent,child})
r.relations = append(r.relations, Info{child,Child,parent})
func (r *Relationships)FindAllChildrenOf(name string)[]*Person{
result:= make([]*Person,0)
for i,v:= range r.relations{
if v.relatiionship == Parent && v.from.name==name{
result = append(result, r.relations[i].to)
return result
// high-level module
type Research struct{
// break DIP
// relationships Relationships
browser RelationshipBrowser
func (r *Research)Investigate(){
// relations:= r.relationships.relations
// for _, rel := range relations{
// if rel.from.name == "John" && rel.relatiionship == Parent{
// fmt.Println("John has a child called", rel.to.name)
// }
// }
for _,child:=range children{
fmt.Println("John has a child called", child.name)
func main(){
parent:= Person{"John"}
child1:= Person{"Chris"}
child2:= Person{"Matt"}
relationships:= Relationships{}
r := Research{&relationships}
go automatically knows that I am referring to type Relationship.
Yes, because Go knows the exact address of the RelationshipBrowser, so it can know everything if it want.
You can know everything too, through the reflection, see https://go.dev/blog/laws-of-reflection
In your code, you explicitly pass the address here:
r := Research{&relationships}
RelationshipBrowser and Relationships connect together by this address, because Research think of it as a RelationshipBrowser, but it's actually a Relationships.
I just figured out that by calling r.Investigate, the program knows I am referring to the Relationship struct. I am still a go beginner, so the learning curve is deep.

CalendarKit - EventView has no member data

I've tried to replicate the "Usage" section of CalendarKit's documentation and I simply can't get the EventView.data when the user selects an EventView.
My controller conforms to DayViewController and the EventViews display normally on the DayView on my screen.
override func dayViewDidSelectEventView(_ eventview: EventView) {
print("Event has been selected: \(eventview.data)")
This is the method being executed when the user presses the EventView and the only problem is that "eventview has no member data". I've checked the definition of the library class and it really has no data member or no methods that would extract the event or anything.
Basically the question is - How do I get the event data here?
I understand that this is simple and I thank you for sparing some time in order to help.
thank you for your question. The documentation is not up-to-date, I'll make sure to update it.
Please, use the following approach to get the EventDescriptor which would help you identify the event in your application model layer. For example, you could use userInfo dictionary to store an event identifier.
override func dayViewDidSelectEventView(_ eventView: EventView) {
guard let descriptor = eventView.descriptor as? Event else {
print("Event has been selected: \(descriptor) \(String(describing: descriptor.userInfo))")
// You can use the userInfo dictionary to identify which event has been selected

NSManagedObject custom accessors / get

I have two objects, forms and customers. A job has forms a form can have child forms. What I'd like to do is, because the form relationship is recursive and only the top form has the relationship to the job, in my Form NSManagedObject I'd like to return the topmost 'parentForm.job' if self.job is nil.
import "Form.h"
import "Job.h"
#implementation Form
// Insert code here to add functionality to your managed object subclass
Usually in non managed objects I'd do
-(Job *)job
if (!_job && self.parentForm)
return self.parentForm.job;
return _job;
But alas no _properties due to being dynamic... Obviously I can't do this
-(Job *)job
if (!self.job && self.parentForm)
return self.parentForm.job;
return self.job;
How do I create an accessor for dynamic properties in this instance?
Thanks a bunch.
from Avi's comment
-(Job *)job
Job *job = [self primitiveValueForKey:#"job"];
if (!job && self.parentForm)
return self.parentForm.job;
return job;

Observe every item in RACSequence

I have a method on ParentViewModel which returns an RACSequence of ViewModel objects like so:
- (RACSequence *) viewModels
return [self.models.rac_sequence map:^id(Model *model) {
return [[ViewModel alloc] initWithModel: model];
Each of the ViewModels has a state property on which is an enum and has 3 states: NotStarted, InProgress and Completed. When all the ViewModels in my sequence have the state Completed I know ParentViewModel is valid. I have a validSignal on the ParentViewModel which I want to derive the fact that is valid from the viewModels sequence. At the moment I have this code:
BOOL valid = [[self viewModels] all:^BOOL(ViewModel *vm) {
return vm.state == Completed;
Which gives me an indicator if all ViewModels in the sequence are valid. How can I then turn this into a RACSignal which will update every time the state property on one of the ViewModels changes?
You need first to turn state into a RACSignal, and then everything is easy from that point.
The final code will be something like the following:
RACSignal *valid = [[RACSignal combineLatest:
[[self viewModels] map:^id(ViewModel *viewModel) {
return RACAbleWithStart(viewModel, state);
map:^(RACTuple *states) {
return #([states.rac_sequence all:^BOOL(NSNumber *state) {
return state.unsignedIntegerValue == Completed;
The first block maps each of your view models into a signal that observes the state property (with the starting value as first value of the signal).
combineLatest: will take a collection of RACSignals and will create a new signal that fires everytime one of the underlaying signals changes, and sends a RACTuple with the value of each signal.
That RACTuple is then converted into a RACSequence, and we can generate a value of #YES or #NO depending if all the values are Completed or not.
I think the result is the signal you were looking for.
(Disclaimer: I’m new to ReactiveCocoa, so there may be an easier way).

How find out if I'm an NSButton with buttonType NSSwitchButton?

I'm subclassing NSButtonCell to customize the drawing (customizable theme). I'd like to customize the way checkboxes and radio buttons are drawn.
Does anyone know how to detect whether a button is a checkbox or radio button?
There is only -setButtonType:, no getter, and neither -showsStateBy nor -highlightsBy seem to give any unique return values for checkboxes that don't also apply to regular push buttons with images and alternate images.
So far I've found two (not very pretty) workarounds, but they're the kind of thing that'd probably get the app rejected from MAS:
Use [self valueForKey: #"buttonType"]. This works, but since the method is not in the headers, I presume this is something Apple wouldn't want me to do.
Override -setButtonType: and -initWithCoder: to keep track of the button type when it is set manually or from the XIB. Trouble here is the XIB case, because the keys used to save the button type to disk are undocumented. So again, I'd be using private API.
I'd really like this to be a straight drop-in replacement for NSButtonCell instead of forcing client code to use a separate ULIThemeSwitchButtonCell class for checkboxes and a third one for radio buttons.
A button does not know anything about its style.
From the documentation on NSButton
Note that there is no -buttonType method. The set method sets various button properties that together establish the behavior of the type. -
You could use tag: and setTag: (inherited by NSButton from NSControl) in order to mark the button either as a checkbox or a radio button. If you do that programatically then you should define the constant you use. You can also set the tag in Interface Builder, but only as an integer value (magic number).
In initWithCoder, here is my adaptation of the BGHUDButtonCell.m solution, updated for Mac OS Sierra:
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
if ( !(self = [super initWithCoder: aDecoder]) ) return nil;
NSImage *normalImage = [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:#"NSNormalImage"];
if ( [normalImage isKindOfClass:[NSImage class]] )
DLog( #"buttonname %#", [normalImage name] );
if ( [[normalImage name] isEqualToString:#"NSSwitch"] )
bgButtonType = kBGButtonTypeSwitch;
else if ( [[normalImage name] isEqualToString:#"NSRadioButton"] )
bgButtonType = kBGButtonTypeRadio;
// Mac OS Sierra update (description has word "checkbox")
NSImage *img = [self image];
if ( img && [[img description] rangeOfString:#"checkbox"].length )
bgButtonType = kBGButtonTypeSwitch;
This is strange to me that it's missing from NSButton. I don't get it. That said, it's easy enough to extend NSButton to store the last set value:
import Cocoa
public class TypedButton: NSButton {
private var _buttonType: NSButton.ButtonType = .momentaryLight
public var buttonType: NSButton.ButtonType {
return _buttonType
override public func setButtonType(_ type: NSButton.ButtonType) {
_buttonType = type
Swift 5.5
This is my approach. I use a standard naming convention in my app that relies on plain language identifiers. All my UI elements incorporate their respective property names and what type of UI element is associated with the property. It can make for some pretty long IBOutlet and IBAction names, but remembering tag numbers is way too complicated for me.
For example:
#IBOutlet weak var serveBeerCheckbox: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var headSize0RadioButton: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var headSize1RadioButton: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var headSize2RadioButton: NSButton!
\\ etc.
If there are UI properties that need to be stored, I name those without the type of UI element:
var serveBeer: Bool = true
var headSize: Int = 1
Bare bones example:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var serveBeerCheckbox: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var headSize0RadioButton: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var headSize1RadioButton: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var headSize2RadioButton: NSButton!
var serveBeer: Bool = true
var headSize: Int = 1
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
#IBAction func buttonClicked(button: NSButton) {
guard let identifier = button.identifier else { return }
if identifier.rawValue.contains("Checkbox") {
switch button.identifier {
case serveBeerCheckbox.identifier:
// Do something with the Checkbox
serveBeer = (serveBeerCheckbox?.state == .on)
// Another checkbox button
} else if identifier.rawValue.contains("RadioButton") {
switch button.identifier {
case headSize0RadioButton.identifier:
headSize = 0
case headSize1RadioButton.identifier:
headSize = 1
case headSize2RadioButton.identifier:
headSize = 2
} // You could continue checking for different types of buttons
print("Serve beer? \(serveBeer ? "Sure!" : "Sorry, no.")")
if serveBeer {
switch headSize {
case 1:
print("With one inch of head.")
case 2:
print("With two inches of head!")
print("Sorry, no head with your beer.")
As you can see, one could write a very generic method that can work on any type of UI element and use the rawValue of the identifier string with .contains() to isolate the type of element being worked with.
I have found using this approach allows me to initialize a UI with a lot of different elements pretty quickly and efficiently without having to recall tag numbers.