RDLC rendered to PDF ignores Strikethrough formatting - pdf

So, I have a local .rdlc file with some text formatted using strikethrough formatting. My issue is quite simple to explain, but I do not know if it is just a limitation of PDF, or a bug with the .rdlc exporting to PDF.
When I write this code:
var localReport = new LocalReport();
byte[] pdf = localReport.Render("PDF");
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("MyReport.pdf", pdf);
None of the strike-through formatted text transfers over the the .pdf file properly.
If instead, I export to Word using .Render("Word"), the strikethrough does work on the .doc format. So, I know it isn't a problem with the .rdlc report itself.
Has anyone encountered this? Any solutions or workarounds?

I found this: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlreportingservices/thread/b35ca474-046d-4a38-a765-6c38c3d33105/
which suggests that missing strikethrough in PDFs was a known limitation. (But as mentioned in comments to the question, I couldn't reproduce with 2008r2.)
The two workarounds given there look painful.
(A) finding a font which itself as the strikethrough built into each
glyph/character. (B) trying to mimic a strikethrough using a line
report item. Note that for (B) overlapping items are supported only in
PDF, Print & TIFF formats.
I suppose if it were mine, I would play around with option B if the text is a small amount. Also, it may be worth test some of the html passthrough enabled when a placeholder is set to render as HTML. Maybe using a strikethrough style there would work?

While exporting RDLC report on word, I faced this issue. So while fetching data I replaced style for Strike formatting with strike tag from HTML and it worked.


Extract text using iTextSharp with different PDF page labels

I am trying to extract text from PDF using iTextSharp but I get null reference error while trying to call GetTextFromPage:
My guess would be that iTextSharp somehow interprets page label incorrectly as it is indeed strange:
Or is it due danish letters in the text?
However, I am able to extract text from different languages.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: The problem could also be used fonts and their custom encoding:

How to bold a text in PDF?

I'm developing a new function to "my" program. This function is able to write PDF files by the simple way, making a simple text file with some codes of PDF standard.
I'm trying to understand how it works yet, but my first problem is about how to apply bold on some line of my document.
I've already downloaded the PDF REFERENCES GUIDE, but I've not found nothing about it.
Any idea?
PDF is not like HTML where you can apply formatting tags for emphasis. As you've read in the PDF reference, all that you do in PDF is to setup a graphics environment (colours used, fonts used, etc) and then put text on the page.
If you want to have something show in bold, use a font that is bold. If you want to have something show in italic, use a font that is italic.
Older software used dirty tricks to create "bold-alike" text, but the good (and easy) way to do it is to make sure you select the correct font before you start drawing text.

Tinymce html2pdf

I have been searching for this but i can't start coding or change configuration because i can't quite understand the concept. Can you help me know where to start?
i have a tinymce editor with different fonts. When i saved it the the text(with its font) was saved in html format. I am converting the html format to pdf by using html2pdf plug in but there was an "TCDPF Error: can not include ''". I have tested all the fonts in my tinymce editor but only Arial works with the html2pdf. I know that you can set the font in html2pdf by using
but this means the text will be saved in one font only. Here comes my problem because in my text each word has different fonts. What should i do? i appreciate any help. :) please understand, i am just a novice
I would use some other tool to create a pdf, what about a ghostscript solution?

Creating RTF text for clipboard and sharing DataPackage in WinRT

I'm sure this is just a google search away, but I can't find the right search terms to find what I'm looking for.
I've created a DataPackage that has both HTML annd plain text content. I've used this in my copy and my sharing code and it works fine. I now want to create RTF output as some apps don't seem to accept HTML clipboard content.
I'm looking for a good guide to making RTF text that can be added to the DataPackage. I just need simple formatting including changing the font family, font size, font weight and adding newlines. The data comes from a list of objects taht I want to serialise as RTF, not from a text control on the screen.
WordPad outputs fairly clean RTF and some other text editors do as well. If that's not enough, you can download the RTF Specification 1.9.1 although like any specification that's probably overkill for what you're doing.
You can also use the SaveToStream method on the Document property of a RichEditBox from a Metro style app to share out as well.

Is it possible to make a Telerik report based on an existing PDF?

I have a lengthy PDF time tracking document that was printed out and used in a paper process to schedule appointments. Now this paper process is being converted to an online application and this application needs to generate reports in the same format as the PDF document (this time programatically inserting values into rows instead of having someone write them on the piece of paper).
My question is this, is possible to somehow import the layout of that PDF document into Telerik reporter's designer? Otherwise, is there some sort of an intermediary tool that I can use to make the layout more exportable?
Just to clarify, I am not trying to save my reports as PDF but trying to use a given PDF's layout to create a similar looking report in Telerik.
Any tips would be very welcome.
Thank you very much!
There are numerous tools for extracting text or images from pdf files, but I am pretty sure nothing exists to extract the layout of a pdf. The pdf format is just text and symbols with coordinates. There is no layout to extract.