Why can't you use a object property as an index in a for loop? (MATLAB) - oop

Below is an example that doesn't work in Matlab because obj.yo is used as the for loop's index. You can just convert this to the equivalent while loop and it works fine, so why won't Matlab let this code run?
classdef iter_test
yo = 1;
function obj = iter_test
function run(obj)
for obj.yo = 1:10

Foreword: You shouldn't expect too much from Matlab's oop capabilities. Even though things have gotten better with matlab > 2008a, compared to a real programming language, oop support in Matlab is very poor.
From my experience, Mathworks is trying to protect the user as much as possible from doing mistakes. This sometimes also means that they are restricting the possibilities.
Looking at your example I believe that exactly the same is happening.
Possible Answer: Since Matlab doesn't have any explicit typing (variables / parameters are getting typed on the fly), your code might run into problems. Imagine:
$ a = iter_test()
% a.yo is set to 1
% let's overwrite 'yo'
$ a.yo = struct('somefield', [], 'second_field', []);
% a.yo is now a struct
The following code will therefore fail:
$ for a.yo
I bet that if matlab would support typing of parameters / variables, your code would work just fine. However, since you can assign a completely different data type to a parameter / variable after initialization, the compiler doesn't allow you to do what you want to do because you might run into trouble.

From help
"properties are like fields of a struct object."
Hence, you can use a property to read/write to it. But not use it as variable like you are trying to do. When you write
for obj.yo = 1:10
then obj.yo is being used as a variable, not a field name.
compare to actual struct usage to make it more clear:
EDU>> s = struct('id',10)
for s.id=1:10
s =
id: 10
??? for s.id=1:10
Error: Unexpected MATLAB operator.
However, one can 'set' the struct field to new value
EDU>> s.id=4
s =
id: 4
compare the above error to what you got:
??? Error using ==> iter_test
Error: File: iter_test.m Line: 9 Column: 20
Unexpected MATLAB operator.
Therefore, I do not think what you are trying to do is possible.

The error is
??? Error: File: iter_test.m Line: 9 Column: 20
Unexpected MATLAB operator.
Means that the MATLAB parser doesn't understand it. I'll leave it to you to decide whether it's a bug or deliberate. Raise it with TMW Technical Support.
EDIT: This also occurs for all other kinds of subscripting:
The following all fail to parse:
a = [0 1];
for a(1) = 1:10, end
a = {0 1};
for a{1} = 1:10, end
a = struct('a', 0, 'b', 0);
for a.a = 1:10, end
It's an issue with the MATLAB parser. Raise it with Mathworks.


Cannot interpolate trying to emulate EXPORT_OK Tag

I cannot interpolate ::GLOBAL::EXPORT($var)::. What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to play with exports because they are hard to optimize sometimes.
I try to produce tags for a group of constants.
In reality a few constants are in visible in module scope, but some of them are in a TAG just to separate them and to use them on demand.
But the objective of my question is just to understand why I cannot interpolate what should seem to be very easy.
The error is an exception with new; I've lost the trace for now.
See the code below.
unit module TestImports;
sub bar is export { say "bar sub" }
sub baz is export { say "baz sub" }
my $var = 'He heu hey';
my $aar = 'He heu hey';
my $vaa = 'He heu hey';
my $kar = 'He heu hey';
my $vor = 'He heu hey';
constant A = 333;
constant APPART is export(:AP) = 174;
constant COLOR_A = 24;
constant COLOR_B = 84;
constant COLOR_C = 88;
constant COLOR_D = 92;
constant COLOR_E is export(:SPECIAL)= 144;
constant COLOR_F = 98;
constant COLOR_G = 118;
constant COLOR_H = 214;
constant COLOR_I = 800;
my package EXPORT::MYTAG {
#filter the colors;
my %c = TestImports::.grep(*.key.match(/^ ( COLOR_ <[A..Z]>+ ) $ /));
#filter allready in TAG exported : so we exclude those that we do not want.
my %e = EXPORT::.grep( *.key.grep( none /^ : ( ALL || DEFAULT || MYTAG ) $ /));
#This nearly works but will fail for :SPECIAL Tag because it's yet exported :(
for %c {
next if .key eq 'EXPORT';
OUR::{.key} := .value;
#NOTE: So we must exclude, :SPECIAL (and ev. others) building a loop with e.
#IF i did well red the doc ALL SPECIAL should be in GLOBAL::EXPORT::SPECIAL::%(kv);
::GLOBAL::EXPORT::SPECIAL::.raku.say => WORKS; ==> (COLOR_E(80)) SO:
for %e.kv -> $k,$v {
::GLOBAL::EXPORT::($k)::.raku.say; #SHOULD WORK but does not: WHY.
Main script just for testing is this one.
#!/bin/env raku
use TestImports :DEFAULT, :MYTAG :AP ;
#Most of the time : Everything works!but it should work always
say INTER;
say TestImports::A;
This answer is barely an answer, but then your question is barely a question, so perhaps it all balances out. ;)
Cannot interpolate trying to emulate EXPORT_OK Tag
I googled "EXPORT_OK". It's Perl. Simple forms of it seem simple. Why aren't you just sticking with simple tagging?
I cannot interpolate ::GLOBAL::EXPORT($var)::
There's no such package as GLOBAL::EXPORT. The EXPORT generated by Rakudo is a lexical package (declared with my) not a global package (declared with our). Your EXPORT::MYTAG package is explicitly declared with my.
::GLOBAL::EXPORT($var) attempts to call a package as if it were a function which won't work either. But that's presumably just a typo.
At a guess you meant EXPORT::($var) or something like that.
I don't know what you really want because your code doesn't compile and is too long and messy.
I'm trying to play with exports because they are hard to optimize sometimes.
If you mean Perl exports, Raku isn't Perl.
If you mean Raku exports, and mean performance, then please share your --profile results. If you mean some other aspect of optimizing, then please clarify what that is.
In reality a few constants are in visible in module scope, but some of them, are in a TAG just to separate them and to use them on demand.
The constant declarator has an implicit our declarator by default. If you don't want that, put my in front, i.e. my constant ....
But the objective of my question is just to understand wy i cannot interpolate what should seam to be very easy.
If the above hasn't answered your question, please produce a much shorter and cleaner version of your question and then we might be able to help.
The error is an exception with new, i'v lost the trace for now.
The error I see in your deleted "answer" is:
Failure.new(exception => X::NoSuchSymbol.new(symbol => "GLOBAL::EXPORT::SPECIAL"))
That's a Failure value (which is an error value containing an unthrown exception that allows code to continue to run provided nothing tries to use the error value as if it were OK).
It says there's no such symbol (NoSuchSymbol) as GLOBAL::EXPORT::SPECIAL. That's correct, because there is no such symbol/package, as explained near the start of this answer.
I see this in your comments under your deleted "answer":
I think the example is too long
Yes. I'm pretty sure that, whatever it is that you're trying to ask, it should be askable in less than 10 lines of code. See Minimal Reproducible Example for further guidance on how best to ask a question.
But I suspect the primary problem is more basic than that.
If you are experiencing problems with Raku exporting, then it seems likely that you're just using it incorrectly.
If you are using it correctly, then the first thing to do, before thinking about trying to optimize anything, is to use --profile in accord with Knuth's dictum that "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" and share your results.

Make interpreter execute faster

I've created an interprter for a simple language. It is AST based (to be more exact, an irregular heterogeneous AST) with visitors executing and evaluating nodes. However I've noticed that it is extremely slow compared to "real" interpreters. For testing I've ran this code:
i = 3
j = 3
has = false
while i < 10000
j = 3
has = false
while j <= i / 2
if i % j == 0 then
has = true
j = j+2
if has == false then
puts i
i = i+2
In both ruby and my interpreter (just finding primes primitively). Ruby finished under 0.63 second, and my interpreter was over 15 seconds.
I develop the interpreter in C++ and in Visual Studio, so I've used the profiler to see what takes the most time: the evaluation methods.
50% of the execution time was to call the abstract evaluation method, which then casts the passed expression and calls the proper eval method. Something like this:
Value * eval (Exp * exp)
switch (exp->type)
eval ((AdditionExp*) exp);
I could put the eval methods into the Exp nodes themselves, but I want to keep the nodes clean (Terence Parr saied something about reusability in his book).
Also at evaluation I always reconstruct the Value object, which stores the result of the evaluated expression. Actually Value is abstract, and it has derived value classes for different types (That's why I work with pointers, to avoid object slicing at returning). I think this could be another reason of slowness.
How could I make my interpreter as optimized as possible? Should I create bytecodes out of the AST and then interpret bytecodes instead? (As far as I know, they could be much faster)
Here is the source if it helps understanding my problem: src
Note: I haven't done any error handling yet, so an illegal statement or an error will simply freeze the program. (Also sorry for the stupid "error messages" :))
The syntax is pretty simple, the currently executed file is in OTZ1core/testfiles/test.txt (which is the prime finder).
I appreciate any help I can get, I'm really beginner at compilers and interpreters.
One possibility for a speed-up would be to use a function table instead of the switch with dynamic retyping. Your call to the typed-eval is going through at least one, and possibly several, levels of indirection. If you distinguish the typed functions instead by name and give them identical signatures, then pointers to the various functions can be packed into an array and indexed by the type member.
value (*evaltab[])(Exp *) = { // the order of functions must match
Exp_Add, // the order type values
Then the whole switch becomes:
1 indirection, 1 function call. Fast.

Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite

I am using Xilinx ISE 10.1 to run some verilog code. In the code I want to write the register values of 3 registers in a file, cipher.txt. The following is the code snippet:
if (clk_count==528) begin
f1 = $fopen("cipher.txt", "w");
$fwrite(f1, "clk: %d", clk_count[11:0]);
$fwrite(f1, "plain: %h", plain[31:0]);
$fwrite(f1, "cipher: %h", cipher[31:0]);
At the end of execution, the contents of cipher.txt is found as:
clk: %dplain: %hcipher: %h
There is no other error encountered, but a warning comes up corresponding to the 3 fwrite's:
Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite.
Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite.
Parameter 3 is not constant in call of system task $fwrite.
The values of the registers clk_count and cipher change on every clock cycle (value of register plain remains constant throughout), and the values are written to cipher.txt when clk_count equals 528 (indicated by the if statement)
Can anybody provide some insight and/or help me get past this hurdle?
It appears that ISE expects the arguments to $fwrite to be constant. The warnings are referring to clk_count[11:0], plain[31:0], and cipher[31:0], which are not constant. By definition they are changing each cycle so they are not known at compile time. This also explains why they are not printing and you are seeing %d and %h in the output.
There is nothing to my knowledge in the Verilog spec that requires the arguments to $fwrite be constant. The same code works as expected with Cadence Incisive. My guess is that it's a limitation of ISE, so you may want to check with Xilinx.
Possible work-arounds:
1) Use $swrite to create a string with the proper formatting. Then write the string to the file.
2) Try using an intermediate variable in the calls to $fwrite. Maybe the part-selects are throwing it off. e.g.
integer foo;
foo = clk_count[11:0];
$fwrite(... , foo , ...);
Either of those might work, or not.
Out of curiosity, if you remove the part-selects, and try to print clk_count without the [11:0] , do you get the same warnings?

matlab subsref: {} with string argument fails, why?

There are a few implementations of a hash or dictionary class in the Mathworks File Exchange repository. All that I have looked at use parentheses overloading for key referencing, e.g.
d = Dict;
d('foo') = 'bar';
y = d('foo');
which seems a reasonable interface. It would be preferable, though, if you want to easily have dictionaries which contain other dictionaries, to use braces {} instead of parentheses, as this allows you to get around MATLAB's (arbitrary, it seems) syntax limitation that multiple parentheses are not allowed but multiple braces are allowed, i.e.
t{1}{2}{3} % is legal MATLAB
t(1)(2)(3) % is not legal MATLAB
So if you want to easily be able to nest dictionaries within dictionaries,
as is a common idiom in Perl and is possible and frequently useful in other languages including Python, then unless you want to use n-1 intermediate variables to extract a dictionary entry n layers deep, this seems a good choice. And it would seem easy to rewrite the class's subsref and subsasgn operations to do the same thing for {} as they previously did for (), and everything should work.
Except it doesn't when I try it.
Here's my code. (I've reduced it to a minimal case. No actual dictionary is implemented here, each object has one key and one value, but this is enough to demonstrate the problem.)
classdef TestBraces < handle
% not a full hash table implementation, obviously
methods(Access = public)
function val = subsref(obj, ref)
% Re-implement dot referencing for methods.
if strcmp(ref(1).type, '.')
% User trying to access a method
% Methods access
if ismember(ref(1).subs, methods(obj))
if length(ref) > 1
% Call with args
val = obj.(ref(1).subs)(ref(2).subs{:});
% No args
val = obj.(ref.subs);
% User trying to access something else.
error(['Reference to non-existant property or method ''' ref.subs '''']);
switch ref.type
case '()'
error('() indexing not supported.');
case '{}'
theKey = ref.subs{1};
if isequal(obj.key, theKey)
val = obj.value;
error('key %s not found', theKey);
error('Should never happen')
function obj = subsasgn(obj, ref, value)
%Dict/SUBSASGN Subscript assignment for Dict objects.
% See also: Dict
if ~strcmp(ref.type,'{}')
error('() and dot indexing for assignment not supported.');
% Vectorized calls not supported
if length(ref.subs) > 1
error('Dict only supports storing key/value pairs one at a time.');
theKey = ref.subs{1};
obj.key = theKey;
obj.value = value;
end % subsasgn
Using this code, I can assign as expected:
t = TestBraces;
t{'foo'} = 'bar'
(And it is clear that the assignment work from the default display output for t.) So subsasgn appears to work correctly.
But I can't retrieve the value (subsref doesn't work):
??? Error using ==> subsref
Too many output arguments.
The error message makes no sense to me, and a breakpoint at the first executable line of my subsref handler is never hit, so at least superficially this looks like a MATLAB issue, not a bug in my code.
Clearly string arguments to () parenthesis subscripts are allowed, since this works fine if you change the code to work with () instead of {}. (Except then you can't nest subscript operations, which is the object of the exercise.)
Either insight into what I'm doing wrong in my code, any limitations that make what I'm doing unfeasible, or alternative implementations of nested dictionaries would be appreciated.
Short answer, add this method to your class:
function n = numel(obj, varargin)
n = 1;
EDIT: The long answer.
Despite the way that subsref's function signature appears in the documentation, it's actually a varargout function - it can produce a variable number of output arguments. Both brace and dot indexing can produce multiple outputs, as shown here:
>> c = {1,2,3,4,5};
>> [a,b,c] = c{[1 3 5]}
a =
b =
c =
The number of outputs expected from subsref is determined based on the size of the indexing array. In this case, the indexing array is size 3, so there's three outputs.
Now, look again at:
What's the size of the indexing array? Also 3. MATLAB doesn't care that you intend to interpret this as a string instead of an array. It just sees that the input is size 3 and your subsref can only output 1 thing at a time. So, the arguments mismatch. Fortunately, we can correct things by changing the way that MATLAB determines how many outputs are expected by overloading numel. Quoted from the doc link:
It is important to note the significance of numel with regards to the
overloaded subsref and subsasgn functions. In the case of the
overloaded subsref function for brace and dot indexing (as described
in the last paragraph), numel is used to compute the number of
expected outputs (nargout) returned from subsref. For the overloaded
subsasgn function, numel is used to compute the number of expected
inputs (nargin) to be assigned using subsasgn. The nargin value for
the overloaded subsasgn function is the value returned by numel plus 2
(one for the variable being assigned to, and one for the structure
array of subscripts).
As a class designer, you must ensure that the value of n returned by
the built-in numel function is consistent with the class design for
that object. If n is different from either the nargout for the
overloaded subsref function or the nargin for the overloaded subsasgn
function, then you need to overload numel to return a value of n that
is consistent with the class' subsref and subsasgn functions.
Otherwise, MATLAB produces errors when calling these functions.
And there you have it.

== Operator and operands

I want to check whether a value is equal to 1. Is there any difference in the following lines of code
Evaluated value == 1
1 == evaluated value
in terms of the compiler execution
In most languages it's the same thing.
People often do 1 == evaluated value because 1 is not an lvalue. Meaning that you can't accidentally do an assignment.
if(x = 6)//bug, but no compiling error
Instead you could force a compiling error instead of a bug:
if(6 = x)//compiling error
Now if x is not of int type, and you're using something like C++, then the user could have created an operator==(int) override which takes this question to a new meaning. The 6 == x wouldn't compile in that case but the x == 6 would.
It depends on the programming language.
In Ruby, Smalltalk, Self, Newspeak, Ioke and many other single-dispatch object-oriented programming languages, a == b is actually a message send. In Ruby, for example, it is equivalent to a.==(b). What this means, is that when you write a == b, then the method == in the class of a is executed, but when you write b == a, then the method in the class of b is executed. So, it's obviously not the same thing:
class A; def ==(other) false end; end
class B; def ==(other) true end; end
a, b = A.new, B.new
p a == b # => false
p b == a # => true
No, but the latter syntax will give you a compiler error if you accidentally type
if (1 = evaluatedValue)
Note that today any decent compiler will warn you if you write
if (evaluatedValue = 1)
so it is mostly relevant for historical reasons.
Depends on the language.
In Prolog or Erlang, == is written = and is a unification rather than an assignment (you're asserting that the values are equal, rather then testing that they are equal or forcing them to be equal), so you can use it for an assertion if the left hand side is a constant, as explained here.
So X = 3 would unify the variable X and the value 3, whereas 3 = X would attempt to unify the constant 3 with the current value of X, and be equivalent of assert(x==3) in imperative languages.
It's the same thing
In general, it hardly matters whether you use,
Evaluated value == 1 OR 1 == evaluated value.
Use whichever appears more readable to you. I prefer if(Evaluated value == 1) because it looks more readable to me.
And again, I'd like to quote a well known scenario of string comparison in java.
Consider a String str which you have to compare with say another string "SomeString".
str = getValueFromSomeRoutine();
Now at runtime, you are not sure if str would be NULL. So to avoid exception you'll write
//do stuff
to avoid the outer null check you could just write
if ("SomeString".equals(str))
//do stuff
Though this is less readable which again depends on the context, this saves you an extra if.
For this and similar questions can I suggest you find out for yourself by writing a little code, running it through your compiler and viewing the emitted asembler output.
For example, for the GNU compilers, you do this with the -S flag. For the VS compilers, the most convenient route is to run your test program in the debugger and then use the assembeler debugger view.
Sometimes in C++ they do different things, if the evaluated value is a user type and operator== is defined. Badly.
But that's very rarely the reason anyone would choose one way around over the other: if operator== is not commutative/symmetric, including if the type of the value has a conversion from int, then you have A Problem that probably wants fixing rather than working around. Brian R. Bondy's answer, and others, are probably on the mark for why anyone worries about it in practice.
But the fact remains that even if operator== is commutative, the compiler might not do exactly the same thing in each case. It will (by definition) return the same result, but it might do things in a slightly different order, or whatever.
if value == 1
if 1 == value
Is exactly the same, but if you accidentally do
if value = 1
if 1 = value
The first one will work while the 2nd one will produce an error.
They are the same. Some people prefer putting the 1 first, to void accidentally falling into the trap of typing
evaluated value = 1
which could be painful if the value on the left hand side is assignable. This is a common "defensive" pattern in C, for instance.
In C languages it's common to put the constant or magic number first so that if you forget one of the "=" of the equality check (==) then the compiler won't interpret this as an assignment.
In java, you cannot do an assignment within a boolean expression, and so for Java, it is irrelevant which order the equality operands are written in; The compiler should flag an error anyway.