How to get Range of Pan/Tilt/Zoom in PTZ Cameras? - camera

I have to write APIs for Panasonic WV-SC385 Network IP Camera. I searched a lot for getting Ranges of Pan/tilt/zoom, But I did not find any useful material. I will appreciate if somebody here provides me cgi command lists for WV-SC385. Thanks

You need to requests the API from Panasonic, as far as I remember they had developer portal and they do have these APIs documented. Another option is to use network sniffer to intercept and identify those commands and then check camera's web server JavaScript code in order to see the ranges of interest.


Connecting to an API using Power Bi

I am trying to connect to an API using Power BI. I am doing this by clicking on the Get Data then choosing Web, typing the URL address of the site. It comes with the list of API links created when I drill to any of them I cannot see anything. Is this the correct way of doing it? Many Thanks for your help
For querying REST APIs, that's the correct way of doing it yes. But in your case, it might be an issue with the API itself or that you need more details in the query? It's hard to troubleshoot without vieweing the API documentations.
If you then press on Advanced, you can then include further details for your request if needed.
I will include some screenshots below of how to choose the Web connector.

Advertising Platform

I'm 100% sure that this isn't the right form to post a question like this, but I hope someone on here has the answer to my question.
Is there advertising platform that sends a true or false response dependent on if the user finishes the ad video to the server so I can add points to the users account.
(I don't need help adding points, or creating a point system, just an advertising platform that would be easy to integrate with the videos on my site)
I understand if this isn't the right forum for this, if someone could point me in the right direction. Before you say anything, yes I have googled, just can't find anything that suits my needs.
You need a video player that supports the VAST protocol
VAST provides a common protocol that enables ad servers to use a
single ad response format across multiple publishers/video players
This format allows to specify the so-called tracking elements - URIs that would be called once a particular events occurs. You can manually provide a VAST xml response with a tracking element for a video completion event.
Also consider using DFP to serve your video ads - it's free up until a certain traffic volume and would track everything you might need

Track how often link was clicked

I am currently running a website where I promote different coffees from pubs in my city. On my website I have links to the different coffees.
I have recently seen some of this links being shared on Facebook and other social networks.
So I was wondering if it is somehow possible to track how often one of this links are being clicked?
I have tried using redirects to my site but Facebook uses my pictures in the previews, whereas I don't want this because it is misleading.
I have seen that this works with Bitly so it must somehow be possible?
And there are of course different services providing this, but it would be nice if it would run without any foreign services.
So basically I am looking for a solution which will let me know how often a link, origination from my site was clicked in Facebook, Google+ or any other forum.
There definitely is. Try looking into Google Analytics, it will show you show much data from your personal websites and links that it can blow your mind! Here is the link
Google Analytics helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a
complete picture of your audience and their needs. Track the routes
people take to reach you and the devices they use to get there with
reporting tools like Traffic Sources. Learn what people are looking
for and what they like with In-Page Analytics. Then tailor your
marketing and site content for maximum impact.
You can even get a free package to use!
Hope this helps!
Yes you have plenty of analytical options.
Something as straight forward as Google Analytics for example.
If you are using cpanel on your hosts server, you even have options such as AWSTATS, which will also provide information.
If all else fails you can even use post data stored in your apache / nginx logs.
Since you have amended your question you might want to check out this tool. It is not google. :)
It is called Click Meter and performs Link Tracking and provides click reports, etc

understanding http ajax requests in chrome developer tools

I'm not a developer but an internet marketer - so forgive me for what is I'm sure a very basic question. In my career, it's useful when looking at website marketing to better understand what tools are used, such as Google Analytics for example. Most of the time this is quite simple - just view source and you'll see in the source code the javascript snippet.
I use the ghostery plugin to make this a bit easier, but what I don't understand about http requests is how ghostery reports a technology as being used, such as the ad server DoubleClick for example, but I can't see any code in the source code that references Doubleclick. This happens a lot but it's most often with ad server technologies.
When I look using Chrome Dev Tools, I do in fact see that the call was made by viewing the Source tab.
My question is this and it's really a general question where I'm trying to better understand how calls are made back and forth between the browser and all the various servers and services:
How, in Chrome Tools do I find what code made the call to load the resource, such as DoubleClick. I can't find anything in the source code, which tells me I don't fully understand how interactions are working.
I think from search StackOverflow that is is a xmlhttp call but I'm not sure about that, maybe it's cookies - I just don't know how this is working. At the end of the day, I don't like not understanding how this all works, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the write direction.
In the Network panel, find your request of interest. The Initiator column will contain a reference to the code that has initiated loading the associated resource.

How to interact with the Panoramio API using services?

I'm writing a location base client and would love to integrate Panoramio with my client, now the problem is that I can't find a way to interact with the Panoramio using a ~REST-like service.
I know they do have an API but it's mostly for embedding the content into a website and not as to interact thru me code (at least from documentation)
Have any of you hacked a way thru this?
I am writing the clients natively for android and iphone in case you are wondering.
well it seems like the answer came a bit fast... and although this is easily accessible thru their website it is discussed in their forum and even google has posted about it in their geo developer blog
a sample request to get images from a bounding box will go along the lines of the following example:
Update: I have found also the official page to their data api.
hope it helps!