I've just altered wamp to use my external hard drive to use a folder in there as the DOcumentRoot.
The problem being, as all my sites are in seperate folders ie i:/www/sitename/public_html/
the folder public_html is not showing and I cannot access it. Is there a setting somewhere maybe in the htconf so I can access these folders.
Phil Jackson
If your WAMP config has an entry along these lines:
UserDir public_html
I believe you will have to remove it. If not, or if that doesn't help, we probably need some more details about your config, and exactly what is happening.
I have a static website on an Apache server. I have an folder (who's name I don't give out to anyone else) that I don't want anyone to randomly stumble upon. Is there any way to have directory listing under a different page?
To clarify, I have directory listing turned off at the root folder of example.com. In the subfolder that correspondes to example.com/folder1/, I have another .htaccess that allows directory listing. However, I don't want someone who types in example.com/folder1/index.html or the equivalent to see the directory listing. I want them to have to go to example.com/folder1/otherindex.html to see the listing.
Is this possible with Apache?
Should be
DirectoryIndex filename
in your .htaccess
I made virtualhost like: here. My directory is in my home folder. When I try to enter my new domain or anywhere I get 403 error:/
What happened?
You can give the details of the error in the log file
apache probably need read access to the following documents:
I answer this question in the case you are still stuck.
I presume that you have set the permissions the correct way. The next step is to check if your home folder is encrypted? If so this might be your problem. Put you files in an folder outside of the home folder and give the permissions needed to access the folder.
I am trying to upload two files to a webserver so my teacher can see it. I am using winsp since my filezila doesnt work. But for some reason it is telling me that i don't have access to that page. Can anyone tell me why is it doing that.Here is a picture of my screen.
I am just not understanding why it is telling me that i don't have to access it.
If I had to take a guess, that public_html folder is your public directory where you should put things that anybody can get to (like through a browser). You have your files outside of that directory, so your page can't access them.
It's an educated guess, as I have seen a fair amount of server configurations that name the public web folder as such (other common names are "www" and "httpdocs")
Problem definitly isn't in code. There is error while uploading files. Can you connect to FTP regulary? If you can. Look for Active or Passive file transfer to FTP. Also if you can upload files, files must be in public_html folder to be visible from browser.
Active or passive
First read Neal comment.
second, you should probably copy the files into the /public_html folder, instead of the / (root) folder.
I have had a look to see if this has been answered but to no avail.
Perhaps is so obvious that it doesn't need answering?
I have made a subdomains folder on my server where I want to keep all my subdomains in.
Does this folder have to be in the public_html folder or can I have this folder on the root (same level as the public_html folder)?
I know this works as I have tried it, but is this good practice?
The reason I ask is because the subdomains can be access like a subfolder
e.g. www.mywebsite.com/subdomains/aNewSubdomain
Many thanks
If you can configure your web server freely, you can put the folder anywhere you like; actually, it is good not to have it in the public_html folder because that way, all subdomains would be accessible as sub folders of the main domain.
Sorry for the newbie question...
When I go to http://www.plans4boats.com/scripts/youtubeplayer/ in Google Chrome, I can see a full listing of the files there. What should I do if I don't want any old hacker to just come in and view/copy my source codes? Does it have something to do with htaccess?
I discovered that putting a blank index.html file in the folder helps for THAT folder, but it still leaves all subfolders vulnerable.
What should I google for more information on how to set up my server to prevent this?
Just set Options -Indexes for that particular directories either in an .htaccess file or a <Directory> or <Location> container.
What you need to do is turn of Directory Listing for your specific server. I don't know what server you're using so I can't walk you through it, but just google your server name and how to disable directory listing.
I created a file called .htaccess and put the following contents:
IndexIgnore /