Performance Point Filter Problem After Instillation SharePoint 2010 SP1 - sharepoint-2010

I am annoyingly facing Web Control Rendering error after deploying SharePoint 2010 SP1 and Aug 2010 patch. I have created Custom Performance Point Filter as per Pps2010RefSample provided by Microsoft and created a custom rendered class (as filter.RendererClassName = typeof(CustomFilter).AssemblyQualifiedName;) instead of MultiSelectTreeViewControl.
In this class I simply override the Render method and added only one line:
output.Write("<input type='text'ID='myControlID' />");
But when I open the Dashboard webpage it throwing me following error:
An exception occurred while rendering a Web control. The following diagnostic information might help to determine the cause of this problem:
Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BpmException: There was a problem preparing the WebPart for display. PerformancePoint Services error code 20700.
How can I resolve the issue?

The filter url in the dashboard designer that populates is wrong, you have to copy and paste the correct location to the webpart filter. /sites//Lists/PerformancePoint Content/1_.000

Thanks for your reply.
This re-checked but it is not the case. The filter is referenced with correct URL. I found that it was happening due to Farm. My server load balancing was forwarding my request to another server on Farm which do not have access to assembly.
Now the problem is resolved.


SSRS / Report Viewer - parameters greyed out / reports not rendering

Our production server did an automatic update last week and since then we have issues with our reporting. No code has changed whatsoever.
The setup is we have SSRS2008 reports that are viewed via a reportviewer control (version 10). Server has IIS7 and SQL2008R2. Since the updates we have 2 scenarios:
For reports without any parameters the loading icon appears for a few seconds, then goes away but nothing is rendered. You can see the report viewer control toolbar etc (all disabled) and white space where the report should be. No Errors.
For our reports with dependant parameters you can select the first parameter and thereafter the other parameters are all greyed out and you cant make a selection. Also no errors.
All reports run ok from within report manager.
Not sure if its related but after the update, the server restarted and after that the SQL Server service would not start - gave an error. Turned out we had to disable the VIA protocol in the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Once we did this the service started but also no idea why this occurred as we have never changed protocols etc.
From the reporting services log:
Unhandled exception: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerHttpRuntimeClientDisconnectionException: A client has disconnected from the Report Server Web service application domain ReportManager_MSSQLSERVER_0-2-130461711338880624. No corrective action is required. An error code has been submitted to ASP.NET to release the connection. The error code is 800708CA. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: This network connection does not exist. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800708CA)
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
Have you tried running the report in ReportViewer.aspx ?
This could be a variation of the
'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' error
bug. It occurs when you have more than 1'000 parameters in a MULTIVALUE dropdown, and is brought to you by a SQL-Server security update.
You can solve it by adding aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys to the web.config entries (your application & ReportServer):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns="">
<add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="50000"/>
Otherwise I'd look at the server version and figure out if service-pack 2 is missing.

IIS 6.0 preventing "PUT" & "DELETE" method types on WCF 4.0 web service calls (403 Forbidden)

I am a developer trying to assist my server admin in figuring out how to get this issue corrected.
But I have an app that is using WCF 4.0 configure-less setup to make RESTful webservices calls. Everything works fine locally but when pushed to my server all PUT and DELETE requests return a 403 forbidden error.
After searching around I've been unable to find anything that seems to work, and I'm not sure if there is some logs that would help figure this out, I'm not a server guy and apparently neither is my "server guy". So any tips on where to point him or what might be causing this would be greatly appreciated.
You would need to add the verbs to the appropriate handler on IIS 6. The below links explain on how to achieve it.
Steps as below:
1. Right click the Virtual Directory in IIS
Select 'Properties'
Click 'Configuration...'
Search for .svc in the 'Application Extensions' list
Select '.svc' (if this is not present, then you need to add it by clicking Add and using the same path for the executable as is used for the .aspx extension)
Click 'Edit ...'
In the 'Verbs' list select 'All Verbs'
MSDN Forums
Setting Application mapping on IIS 6

local work but hosting on AppHarbor can not query SQL Server

So I have my web.config connection string pointing to my SQL Server on appharbor - from local (running Visual Studios) I can login and the memberships works. However from the build that is on the hosting side I get sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
This is strange because I made a new user from local and check with SQL Server Management Studio whether or not the data has been added to the hosting server and it WORKS.
From my latest build I get the error:
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
which is weird because they both point to the same server...
Anyone have an idea of what I am doing incorrectly?
ASP.NET MVC project has the "HandleErrorAttribute" on by default. You should remove it from FilterConfig.cs in App_Start Folder to see the actual error rather than the handled response.
It's located in the RegisterGlobalFilters method where filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); should be removed.
AppHarbor has a FAQ to help you troubleshoot deployment errors like these. In particular, you should inspect the "Errors" interface on AppHarbor and disable customErrors. Please elaborate the question if the FAQ doesn't help you solve the problem.

Search broken in SharePoint 2010

Search in SharePoint throws an error, NullReferenceException, whether using the Search box on a normal page or even just loading the Advanced Search page.
I was originally getting System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException and Round Robin Service Load Balancer EndpointFailure errors in the SharePoint ULS logs whenever I tried to search. I examined IIS and determined that the Web Apps existed. I stopped and started the Search Query and Site Settings Serviec on the server. That was the last I saw of the EndpointFailure and ServerTooBusyException errors.
However, a new error showed up. This time is was a System.NullReferenceException from SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(). KB Article 976462 looked promising, until further research showed that it adds the AllowInsecureTransport property in the SecurityBindingElement class, and changes the value from its default of False to True. However, this property exists and is already set to True in my environment.
I found this same problem, however deleting the Search Service Apps and Proxies, recreating them and performing an IISRESET did not fix my problem.
When the Advanced Enterprise Search page is brought up, an error is returned to the screen: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This is the log entry out of the ULS:
CoreResultsWebPart::OnInit: Exception initializing: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(EventArgs e)
Internal server error exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(EventArgs e) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(EventArgs e)
Can you have a look at your search topology? Check the status of the following components:
Administration Component
Crawl Component
Query Component
It should be on-line. If it's not, click on Modify Topology and re-provision it.
Navigate to centraladmin:port/_admin/FarmServers.aspx, and check the status of your servers. It should say No action required for all servers - if it says Upgrade required, then run the product and configuration wizard on WFE and app servers depending upon your SP servers.
There may be some rogue entry in your config DB which may be causing this. As you have already re-provisioned search there may be some orphan DB causing the issue. Navigate to centraladmin:port/_admin/databaseStatus.aspx. If you don't see old orphan search DBs here, please delete the search service application, access the above URL again and check if its there. If it is then run the following PowerShell command to remove orphan DBs:
$orphanedDB = Get-SPDatabase | where{$_.Name -eq "MySearchDatabase"}
I had a similar problem and following Vinod's answer noticed that the "Search Alert Status" in Search Administration was disabled (I intended it to be). Enabling it fixed the issue, meaning that the search pages now render. I was then able to disable the "Search Alert Status" again and the pages continue to work fine.
Hope this helps someone else before they reset / restart services as suggested elsewhere on the web.
I got the same error, restarting SharePoint server fixed my problem.
I just encountered the same problem, and fixed it by:
I verified that the SharePoint Web Services site existed in IIS, and that SecurityTokenServiceApplication existed as a virtual directory.
In my case, I found that the application pool that powered it was stopped due to bad creds. I fixed the creds, bounced the pool, and bounced the site.
That still didn't resolve the issue, so I moved into Sharepoint Central Admin, went to Application Management -> Manage Service Applications.
I clicked on Search Service Application and created a new crawl for my local sites, and did a full index.
Finally I clicked through all of the pieces in the search application topology, changed nothing, but applied topology changes when I was done.
That combination of things fixed it for me.

Search Server Express Topology Problem

Lately I've installed Search Server Express 2010. After configuring it, I tried to test search functionality - content was crawled, and found by the search mechanism, so it was OK. Problem occured when I went entered Topology for Search Service Application: Search Service Application(Central Administration -> Manage services on server -> SharePoint Server Search -> Modify Topology). I can do everything there, but when I click Cancel or Apply Topology Changes it throws me an error:
An unhandled exception occurred in the
user interface.Exception Information:
An update conflict has occurred, and
you must re-try this action. The
object SearchConfigWizardContext
was updated by 'my_user_name', in the w3wp (1488)
process, on machine 'server_name'. View the tracing
log for more information about the
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft
SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID:
Does anybody had similar problem and knows what can be wrong?
Problem was solved by reinstalling the Search Server Express.