How to add comments etc to django-photologue photos? - photos

I am trying to make use of a powerful feature in photologue which is batch uplad. The app comes with Pinax but not fully implemented. Pinax only makes use of 'Photos'. I want to add all comment,avatar, tags etc which come in a 'photo' page into the photos that are originally uploaded through zip upload.
I could not find any resources about this integration. So appreciate your hints.

Have you looked at the documentation at This describes the gallery upload feature.


SiteCore DAM assets not optimized

I am using sitecore DAM for assets management(images and docs). Are the images optimized? When I run lighthouse, it shows the images are not optimized. This does not give any info ! Any help is much appreciated. Thank you
In Content Hub, each asset has a set of renditions that comes OOTB. Typically preview and thumbnails are optimized for web use.
Here is documentation for the OOTB renditions:
Now lets say you needed a particular rendition size you wanted to create for that asset, that is something you can do very easily with custom renditions:
You can even add new default renditions that can be produced on upload of new assets in the media processing. You can make it any size or even specify a new file format output. Check out this section for more detail:
I would also take some time to read up on use of public links:

Multiple comment plugin loading on Blogger

on my blog I’m using from a long time the IntenseDebate pluging as commenting system in place of the default one.
I would replace it with Google+ comment system but I don’t want to lose all comments already left by the users via IntenseDebate, so I would figure out if there’s any way to load on the old posts the IntenseDebate pluging in place of the default Google+.
As possible solution, I’m thinking something like a tag in the html post code that (if defined) load the IntenseDebate pluging.
What do you think?
its not posible to migrate IntenseDebate comment on google plus. Their is one solution that you can use multiple comment system in your blogger blog. just few month ago i had written trick for the same. I hope that this will be useful to you.

Does google index script tags as content when using handlebars.js

If you use the standard handlesbar.js implementation, does Google view the content within the custom script tags as content, script or unknown content?
If you're in doubt, do in pure HTML. Unfortunately, Google should ignore this. I looked about, and all I heard is that this application was not made ​​to be searchfriendly.
In fact, Google undestand and even follow links created via Javascript, but handlebarsjs is very more complex.
Possible solution
A strong suggestion that I make to you is load a simplified version with some content in plain simplified and after use handlebarsjs, so at then at least do not let google completely blind. But thsi version should be used also to end user, because google Will know if you show a diferent content just for Googlebot.
Possible solution 2
Exist a way to make websites that rely heavily on AJAX still work in Making AJAX Applications Crawlable

Joomla: Allowing a user to upload an image

Alright so I learned that to have an upload button on a page, what you do is basically call a php file (call is upload.php) that would upload a file to the server. I have no idea where I am supposed to put the php file inside the server so I can call it.
I feel stupid because I can't find any answers online. I am getting very frustrated and confused because I am told I need to create a database but I have no idea how to edit a database in Joomla. I took a class in SQL so I don't have to learn about that. I just don't know where it is. I was also told I need to make a component. But this is confusing because all I want to do is have an upload button that will upload an image to the server.
I understand your frustration. I've got the basic idea on what you are trying to do. Here are a couple of options:
You might wanna take a look at Joomla! Extensions Directory ™. You might just find there a component or a module that already does this for you.
If you want to do it on your own, than you need to create a small module or a component inside Joomla! Please refer to the Joomla! Documentation or tutorials on this topic. Please note that you won't get this working instantly, because you first need to understand how Joomla! works. So your upload.php file will go in your module / component files. I don't think you need to do any SQL.
Now the part with "allowing a user" is a bit confusing... you want to "allow" any user to upload things to your server or just let's say, registered users? Generally uploading scripts need to be very strong from the security point of view. If this is the case, that you need to do a search for Joomla! ACL
You can simply create a form and add the "media" field type.
You can also opt for the "file" field types to allow different types of fields.
Both fields can be added using the Joomla Component Creator:
And you might also want to take a look at K2 which has an excellent image upload functionality that allows scaling of images into three different sizes.

Find all Delicious posts using Yahoo! Pipes from ALL users

I'd like to try to create a Yahoo Pipe that will return ALL of the articles, urls, and # of saves on Delicious which are tagged with the category, for instance, 'sushi'.
Is that possible? (I know I can do it with my own tags, or with those in my network. And I know I can simply go to Delicious and push the load more button until I exhaust the list.)
But a json structure or an XML output file would be so much easier to process.
Would anybody have a clue how to get this?
In order to access delicious data in your application, you’ll need to get a Yahoo! API key and configure it to use delicious social bookmarking. You can do this by creating a project for your application. are examples at this second link showing something similar to what you are trying to do.
Read more here: