remote ejb call trapped in the lookup in linux server - glassfish

I'm using glassfish 3.1.1 with an application client container called via java web start.
My program is not working , it remain glued in the lookup() and never pass it .
Context c = new InitialContext()
geo = (GeoBeanRemote) c.lookup("java:global/server_side/server-ejb/GeoBean");
System.out.println("end lookup");
I have already tested this in a windows server and it worked perfelcty but now , in the production server (ubuntu 11.04) it doesn't .
How can i fix this ?

It sounds like you might be having some routing issues. I suggest verifying your RMI port is open. The default is 3700.


H2-console in r2dbc-h2 driver

I am using R2DBC-H2 driver, and my UR.L is spring.r2dbc.url=r2dbc:h2:mem:///customer
Using this configuration, SpringBoot starts fine, however, I can not access the h2-console.
Does anybody know why, and how I can fix it?
If I understand the source code of H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration correctly, the h2 console auto configuration from spring boot does not work in a reactive environment.
#ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = Type.SERVLET)
public class H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration {
You can confirm this by yourself by changing the type of your web application to SERVLET (for example, by adding spring-boot-starter-web as a dependency) which will activate the route to the h2 console (if enabled in the application properties). The h2-console route endpoint will start working again.
As the whole code seems very servlet-specific, I don't know how to properly fix this problem.
H2 Console depends on traditional Jdbc drivers, not compatible with Spring WebFlux stack.
If you are developing a WebFlux application, you can use H2 as a standalone database, ane use H2 Console freely.
Following the official Getting Started guide to start H2 Database and H2 Console.
Set your spring.r2dbc.url to the database url you are running in the first step.
NOTE: Do not use a Memory DB here.

Getting a "Error Connecting to server (111): Connection refused" from CloudAMQP

I am prototyping a message queue solution developed using CodeIgniter. The code is hosted on a GoDaddy basic shared hosting plan and connects to a trial instance of RabbitMQ on CloudAMQP. I use the videlalvaro/php-amqplib library.
The solution worked fine for a few days and yesterday I started getting a connection refused error. No changes to the code, in fact the same code running on my local machine works fine and connects to CloudAMQP.
This leads me to believe that the problem could be with GoDaddy hosting. Have spent about 48 hours trying to work around this and my project is now stalled.
Does anyone have any ideas? My only option now is to move to a different hosting service and try but that's a major step and I wanted to be sure I'm not missing something small.
The relevant part of the code below:
$url = parse_url("amqp://");
//Masking the user name and password for here
$conn = new AMQPStreamConnection(
$url['host'], //host - CloudAMQP_URL
5672, //port - port number of the service, 5672 is the default
$url['user'], //user - username to connect to server
$url['pass'], //password - password to connect to the server
substr($url['path'], 1) //vhost
For those who may face a similar problem, this could have been because of hosting on GoDaddy (could apply to any hosting service) where presumably access to post 5672 is not allowed. I moved to AWS and everything is working fine.
This question can be closed (not sure how that happens).
Thank you zaq178miami, your inputs helped.

SignalR cannot connect to Azure Redis on SSL

I am currently hosting my redis cache server on Azure, and have signalR relying on it as the backbone using the following...
This works find on port 6379 (non-SSL) but my chat app breaks when I try to connect to the SSL port (6380) of my Azure Redis server, and the hub is never started. What could be the cause of this issue? Or am I doing something wrong?
This is the error that appears on /signalr/connect in my browser
You can try this:
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.UseRedis(new RedisScaleoutConfiguration(connectionString, "YourServer"));
And connection string something like:
Make sure you are using SignalR built with StackExchange.Redis (latest is gratest ;)
I upgraded the signalr core library to version and used the below syntax, works like a charm.
var redisServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.RedisServer].ToString();
var redisServerPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.RedisServerPassword].ToString();
var connectionString = $"{redisServer},password={redisServerPassword},ssl=True,abortConnect=False";
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.UseRedis(new RedisScaleoutConfiguration(connectionString, "APIIdentifierString"));
In case anyone else hits the issue, it seems that the default connection string provided by the Azure portal contains abortConnect=False.
Once I've removed that part, things started working for me.

unable to delete osb_server1 in the osb

There are scripts that build the admin server, then create clusters, managed servers, machines etc and when this domain is built, it is seen that an additional phantom server osb_server1 with port 8011, is getting built that isn't attached to any cluster or any machine.
This is built when the wlsb.jar was being referenced during one of the scripts.
Once after the admin server is up and running and we have other managed servers as well, Was trying to remove osb_server1 and this error creeps up
Errors must be corrected before processding
There are like 120 default deployments on OSB that are targeted to osb_server1, was trying to retarget them to another server, but that is also throwing an error ...
Any ideas ???
That's due to the weird behaviour/bug of the standard osb template. There is a discussion here.
I didnt follow the steps given by Oracle(as in the URL). What I did was,
I keep the default osb_server1, and make it part of the cluster during the domain creation(ie, it's the first server). Once the domain is created, I re-set the osb_server1 to the desired value. That way the singleton services will still be deployed to the 1st server and others to cluster. Using WLST:
set('ListenPort', osb1_listen_port)
set('Name', osb1_name)
cd('/Servers/' + osb1_name + '/ServerDiagnosticConfig/osb_server1')
set('Name', osb1_name)

can't enable net.tcp port sharing

I'm doing my dev work on a Window 7 x64 machine, deploying to a Windows 2008 x32 server. At the moment I'm adding WCF services to some internal apps so that we can build smaller clients using net.tcp bindings that report to the user what the server is doing without running multiple instances of the server. To cut back on how much administration the apps will require, I tried enabling port sharing on my first server app. I'm using the app to self-host the WCF service so they can be easily moved from one server to another if necessary. Here's the code starting the server:
Dim _service_host As ServiceHost
Dim active_server_address As Uri = New UriBuilder("net.tcp", "localhost", CInt(My.Settings.ServerPort)).Uri
_service_host = New ServiceHost(GetType(UpdateServiceOps), active_server_address)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IUpdateService), New NetTcpBinding With {.Name = "endpoint_tcp"}, "MiddlewareEndpoint")
_service_host.Description.Behaviors.Add(New ServiceMetadataBehavior)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding, "mex")
That works great. When I change it to what's below, however, I get an error. Here's the code:
Dim _service_host As ServiceHost
Dim active_server_address As Uri = New UriBuilder("net.tcp", "localhost", CInt(My.Settings.ServerPort)).Uri
_service_host = New ServiceHost(GetType(UpdateServiceOps), active_server_address)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IUpdateService), New NetTcpBinding With {.Name = "endpoint_tcp", .PortSharingEnabled = True}, "MiddlewareEndpoint")
_service_host.Description.Behaviors.Add(New ServiceMetadataBehavior)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding, "mex")
I get the following error when I put a breakpoint at the last line: Unable to automatically step into the server. Connecting to the server machine 'nettcpportsharing' failed. The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. The Try...Catch block housing that code says the exception type is AddressAlreadyInUseException...but when I run netstat I don't see anything else listening on that address. There's no occurrence of 'nettcpportsharing' anywhere in my solution. I've checked to make sure that the Net.Tcp Port Sharing service is started. Any ideas?
I think this may be a permissions issue. Please see the associated article which explains how to configure the port sharing service to support self-hosted services.
(For production purposes I would strongly recommend using IIS Hosting with WAS anyway - it makes management of the services much cleaner and you get dynamic startup/shutdown for free.)