Accessing Label which is drawn on the worksheet - vba

I draw a simple label control directly onto the excel worksheet. But I can't seem to find any way to access it via code in the VBA editor. Is this even possible?

You may have drawn an ActiveX label or a Forms label. If it was the first label on the sheet then the following code will pick up the default "label1" name and either objActiveXLabel or objFormslabel will refer to your control
You could also experiment recording macros with the VBA recorder when inserting labels as this will give you pointers to the label type, and how to manipulate the label
Dim objActiveXLabel As OLEObject
Dim objFormsLabel As Shape
On Error Resume Next
Set objActiveXLabel = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("Label1")
Set objFormsLabel = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Label 1")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not objActiveXLabel Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Found an ActiveX label", vbExclamation
If Not objFormsLabel Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Found an Forms label", vbExclamation


Unhighlighting text (and preserve all other font settings)

Thanks to 2 posts (here and here), I know how to highlight text of a textbox in PowerPoint with VBA code.
However, the problem of unhighlighting text remains unsolved. I tried to set properties of a non-highlighted textbox to TextRange2.Font (e.g. .TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Highlight.SchemeColor = -2) but receive errors when trying so (The typed value is out of range).
Can someone help to solve this issue, please?
Additionally, when changing the highlight color
(e.g. TextRange2.Font.Highlight.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 175)) the formatting of my textbox changes, so the font is changing its color from my preset white to black and the font size gets smaller. Is there any way to preserve the original settings for the textbox? Is this happening due to the access of .TextRange2 and not .TextRange?
Thanks for your help!
In PowerPoint 2019/365 it is possible to remove highlight by using built-in Mso "TextHighlightColorPickerLicensed".
This code sample illustrates how to unhighlight text in selected shapes. It finds Runs containing highlighting, selects them and removes highlight by programmatically invoking Command Bar "Highlight" button.
Preconditions: PowerPoint 2019 or 365. Presentation must be opened with window.
Option Explicit
Sub UnhighlightTextInSelectedShape()
Dim sh As Shape
For Each sh In ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
UnhighlightTextInShape sh
End Sub
Sub UnhighlightTextInShape(sh As Shape)
On Error GoTo Finish
Dim highlightIsRemoved As Boolean
Dim tf As TextFrame2
Set tf = sh.TextFrame2
Dim r As TextRange2
highlightIsRemoved = True
For Each r In tf.TextRange.Runs
If r.Font.Highlight.Type <> msoColorTypeMixed Then
' Indicate that text contains highlighting
highlightIsRemoved = False
' The text to un-highlight must be selected
If Application.CommandBars.GetEnabledMso("TextHighlightColorPickerLicensed") Then
' This Mso toggles highlighting on selected text.
' That is why selection must contain highlight of the same type
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("TextHighlightColorPickerLicensed")
' Unhighlighting May invalidate number of runs, so exit this loop
Exit For
Exit Do
End If
End If
Loop Until highlightIsRemoved
If Not highlightIsRemoved Then
MsgBox "Unhighlighting is not supported"
End If
End Sub
Sometimes Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso() method gives access to features not available via PowerPoint API.
The MsoId is displayed in tooltip text in PowerPoint options window:

Ignore Text Boxes on Spellcheck

I’m trying to create a macro that will only spellcheck specific cells. I have succeeded in spellchecking the cells, but for some reason the spellcheck wizard keeps running afterwards and tries to check any text boxes on my spreadsheet.
Below is the code:
Selection.CheckSpelling SpellLang:=1034
Updating code with suggestions, however the code is still spellchecking text boxes:
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Const dummyCell = "Z999" 'address of an empty cell
Dim cellsToCheck As Range
Set cellsToCheck = ws.Range("C8")
Union(Range(dummyCell), cellsToCheck).CheckSpelling
I cycled through and it is spellchecking the text boxes before the actual range specified in "CellsToCheck".
Programmatically check spelling of a single cell without the dialog box
If you want to programmatically check the spelling on a single cell, and you don't want the Spelling dialog box to display you can use the CheckSpelling method as it applies to the Application object.
Sub checkSpelling_NoDialog()
Dim correctlySpelled As Boolean, textToCheck As String
textToCheck = Range("A1")
correctlySpelled = Application.checkSpelling(textToCheck)
If Not correctlySpelled Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Spelling of: " & textToCheck
MsgBox "Correct Spelling of: " & textToCheck
End If
End Sub
Programmatically check spelling of a single cell with the dialog box
If you do want the Spelling dialog box to display but only want to check one cell, you need to "trick Excel". Excel is designed to, if you've only selected one cell, assume you actually want to check the entire worksheet.
Sub checkSpelling_WithDialog()
Const dummyCell = "Z999" 'address of an empty cell
Dim cellsToCheck As Range
Set cellsToCheck = Range("A1")
Union(Range(dummyCell), cellsToCheck).checkSpelling
End Sub
More information on the CheckSpelling method is outlined here and here.

Referencing Charts By Name Only in PowerPoint VBA

I have been searching for hours to try to find the answer to this question, but to no avail, so I'm hoping I can find the answer here.
I want to create a variable that refers to a pre-existing chart in PowerPoint so I can start automating its data. I want to refer to the chart by its name to make things very easy, but no matter what I do I cannot seem to give PPT a satisfactory Chart address.
I have tried almost every possible variation of the below, but without success:
Dim chrtPP As PowerPoint.Chart
Set chrtPP = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Charts("Chart3")
Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
You need to reference the shape by name (a 'Shape" in PowerPoint is actually any object that is on a slide and can be a simple shape, textbox, table, chart, group, media clip etc.). If you're on PowerPoint 2010 and higher, press Alt+F10 to open the selection pane to find the name of the selected chart object. It may be a standard chart object or a chart within a placeholder object. You can then reference the chart as follows:
Option Explicit
Sub ChartStuff()
Dim oShp As Shape
Dim oCht As Chart
Set oShp = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("Chart 3")
If oShp.HasChart Then
Set oCht = oShp.Chart
End If
' Do stuff with your chart
If oCht.HasTitle Then Debug.Print oCht.ChartTitle.Text
' Clean up
Set oShp = Nothing
Set oCht = Nothing
End Sub
The key in programming PowerPoint is to ignore the object name in the Object Model for 'Shape' as it's very misleading!

VBA: Code not running after ToggleFormsDesign

I have the following code in VBA (MS Word), that is meant to run after I click in a button, named cmdFormPreencher inserted in my Document:
Private Sub cmdFormPreencher_Click()
If ActiveDocument.FormsDesign = False Then
End If
End Sub
The purpose of the code above is to delete that button inserted in my document.
But when I run the code only the button is selected. When I tried to figure out what is happening by debugging, it showed me the code runs until ActiveDocument.ToggleFormsDesign and not running the code remaining
Is this a bug of VBA, or am I doing something wrong? If so, how can I get around this problem?
Note: The ActiveX button is not in Header and Footer. The Text Wrap is set to In Front of Text
When I try to run a macro, activating FormDesign, Selecting the ActiveX button and then deleting, I get this code:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
ActiveDocument.Shapes("Control 52").Select
End Sub
But when I run this code nothing happens...
This is by design. When an Office application is in Design Mode code should not run on an ActiveX object that's part of the document.
I take it this is an ActiveX button and in that case, it's a member of the InlineShapes or Shapes collection - Word handles it like a graphic object. It should be enough to delete the graphical representation, which you can do by changing it to display as an icon instead of a button.
For example, for an InlineShape:
Sub DeleteActiveX()
Dim ils As word.InlineShape
Set ils = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1)
ils.OLEFormat.DisplayAsIcon = True
End Sub
You just have to figure out how to identify the InlineShape or Shape. You could bookmark an InlineShape; a Shape has a Name property.
EDIT: Since according to subsequent information provided in Comments you have a Shape object, rather than an InlineShape, the following approach should work:
Dim shp As word.Shape
Set shp = ActiveDocument.Shapes("Shape Name") 'Index value can also be used
Note that Word will automatically assign something to the Shape.Name property, but in the case of ActiveX controls these names can change for apparently no reason. So if you identify a control using its name instead of the index value it's much better to assign a name yourself, which Word will not change "on a whim".
Activate Design Mode.
Click on the control to select it
Go to the VB Editor window
Ctrl+G to put the focus in the "Immediate Window"
Type the following (substituting the name you want), then press Enter to execute:
Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name = "Name to assign"
Use this Name in the code above

View slide title in Powerpoint VBA editor

In the Powerpoint VBA editor, we get a list of slides in the VBA project window, categorised under "Microsoft PowerPoint Objects". This list will include slides that have ActiveX controls on them.
The slides appear with numbers on them ("Slide1", "Slide3", etc), and these numbers look like they are based on the order in which the slides were added to the presentation - not the actual order of the slides in the current presentation. However, the title or name of the slides is not included. This makes it confusing to work with, and difficult to find the slide that has the control one wants to work with.
In Excel VBA, the layout of the editor is the same, with a list of worksheets. However, in Excel the name of the sheet is shown in brackets after the sheet number. So if Sheet1 is called "MyDataSheet", it will show up as "Sheet1 (MyDataSheet)".
How can I achieve something similar in Powerpoint? Is there are way to control the name/title that is used to display each slide in the Powerpoint editor?
This is one of the oddities of the PPT object model. Each slide has an internal name that's assigned by PPT at the time the slide is created. That's what you see in the IDE. Each slide also has a .Name property that's initially the same as the slide name assigned by PPT, but that you can change programmatically.
PPT still shows the assigned name under "Microsoft PowerPoint Objects" but if you look at the Properties window of the IDE (press F4 to display it) you'll see (and can edit) the slide's .Name property. This would let you know which slide you've selected in the IDE.
You could also run a bit of code to change the .Name property in a way that reflect's the slide order:
Sub Thing()
Dim oSl As Slide
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
oSl.Name = "SLIDE_" & CStr(oSl.SlideIndex)
End Sub
If you want to get a bit fancier, you can have it pick up the slide's title (if any) as the .Name and use SLIDE_index as the .Name if not:
Sub Thing()
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim sTemp As String
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
sTemp = SlideTitle(oSl)
If Len(sTemp) > 0 Then
oSl.Name = oSl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
oSl.Name = "SLIDE_" & CStr(oSl.SlideIndex)
End If
End Sub
Function SlideTitle(oSl As Slide) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
SlideTitle = oSl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Exit Function
SlideTitle = ""
GoTo NormalExit
End Function
One thing to be careful of here is that PPT may or may not complain if you try to give two slides the same .Name property. In other words, you may want to make sure that your slide titles are unique. There might be other issues (characters that aren't allowed in .Name for example).