SSH tunneling puzzle - ssh

I am trying to tunnel vnc through putty (on win vista) to an ssh server on fedora 14. Normal vnc connections work but the tunnel just terminates immediately. My server config file:
VNCSERVERS="2:Robert 3:Christina 4:Lan 5:Simon"
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1280x800 -localhost"
VNCSERVERARGS[3]="-geometry 1280x800 -localhost"
VNCSERVERARGS[4]="-geometry 1280x800 -localhost"
VNCSERVERARGS[5]="-geometry 1024x600 "
Nothing of significance is being been reported in any of the logs except for the sshd log on the server which prints out one of the following lines: sshd[8993] error connect_to port 5902: failed except I'm actually not trying to connect to 5902. whichever port I try to tunnel to gives the same error.

Problem solved! It turned out that having the having the standard vnc ports forwarded as well as the ssh ports forwarded was causing the issue somehow. (I don't understand how or why at the moment)


tigervnc not connecting with localhost

stuck from a couple of days. In ubuntu i'm creating vncserver with command line [tigervnc]
vncserver -localhost yes
to secure connection from only localhost.
vnc is successfully created with port - 5901.
Im using putty to establish SSH tunnelling,
SSH tunnel
in realVNC viewer in using
But it gives error saying connection refused.
I want to establish a SSH tunnel with only localhost in order to avoid the brute force attack, getting too many authentication failure errors.
What am i doing wrong. Please guide me.
Note : connection works fine if i use vncserver -localhost no. But for security reasons i dont want this
to allow connection from localhost only and to avoid brute-force attack in these any settings need to change in vnc-config or something.
Did a hell of research, couldn't resolve. StackOverflow is the last hope.
Localhost is
You have to create SSH TCP FORWARD to localhost (or, not
There is how I use this on my linux desktop, from a shell terminal.
ssh -fL 9091:localhost:5900 user# sleep 2 &&
xvncviewer localhost:9091

QEMU SPARC VM - SCP to localhost

I have to use QEMU VM to emulate SPARC. I've been trying to SCP my finished assignment to my localhost, but I seem to be unable to. Whenever I try:
scp user#ipv4address:~/
I get this error:
ssh: connect to host ipv4address port 22: Connection refused
I've opened up port 22, and still continue to get this error.
I assume there's something simple I'm missing, but I can really see what it is.
If there are any suggestions, I'd be grateful to hear them.
It's not enough to have the port "open" in the firewall. The "connection refused" message usually means that there is no process listening on the port. I'd recommend checking to see if you actually have an ssh server running on the localhost.

how to create reverse ssh tunnel to docker-toolbox which binds to

I recently started using docker toolbox on windows and its been quite a hard experience. A lot of things are different compared to running docker on linux as here docker is actually running inside virtual machine.
one of the issues i was still not able to resolve is how to create reverse ssh tunnel to my docker-toolbox VM and bind it to (or to docker0 interface)
i have docker toolbox 1.10.2 and am running windows 7.
motivation: I have mysql server running on my windows machine and i would like to connect to it from my docker containers.
problem: i first tried connecting directly to (the ip of my host windows box inside my containers) ... however that doesnt work. i think the reason is that my windows box is blocking all external connections to it. i cant change windows firewall settings as those are managed by domain.
workaround: i setup ssh connection to my VM (boot2docker inside virtualbox) with putty and i try to setup reverse proxy:
i check the "Remote ports do the same" under SSH tunnels in putty
source port i enter
destination i enter localhost:3306
i check "remote" radio button
i then ssh to boot2docker ... netstat -natp | grep 3306 shows me its actually bound to
i opened /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config
i set GatewayPorts yes
i restard sshd with /usr/local/etc/init.d/openssh restart
i get disconnected ... when i create new connection and netstat -natp | grep 3306 i see 3306 is still bound to only
same settings in putty (and in sshd_config) work on my debian box ... but not inside boot2docker.
any idea whats wrong ? thanks a lot.

Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 52698

I'm using SSH to access my university's afs system. I like to use rmate (remote TextMate), which requires SSH tunneling, so I included this alias in my .bashrc.
alias sshr=ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698
It has always worked until now.
I had the same problem. In order to find the port that is already open, you have to issue this command on the '' computer:
sudo netstat -plant | grep 52698
And then kill all of the processes that come up with this (replace xxxx with the process ids)
sudo kill -9 xxxx
(UPDATED: changed the option to be -plant as it is a nice mnemonic)
I had another SSH connection open. I just needed to close that connection before I opened my SSH tunnel.
Further Explanation:
Once one ssh connection has been established, subsequent connections will produce a message:
Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 52698
This message is harmless, as the forward can only be set up once and one forward will work for all ssh connections to the same machine. The original ssh session that opened the forward will stay open when you exit the shell until all remote editing sessions are finished.
I experienced this problem, but it was while connecting to a server on which I don't have sudo priviliges, so the top response suggesting runing sudo netstat ... wasn't feasible for me.
I eventually figured out it was because there were still instances of rmate running, so I used ps to list the running processes and then kill -9 pid (where pid is the process ID for rmate).
This solved my problem reported here as well. To avoid this notification "AllowTcpForwarding" should be enabled in SSH config.
In my case, the problem was that the remote system didn't have DNS properly set up, and it couldn't even resolve its own hostname. Make sure you have a working DNS in /etc/resolv.conf at the remote system.

How can I set up SSH tunneling to access a webserver behind a firewall?

How would I access a webserver behind a firewall? I'm developing an application for this webserver which is not yet open to the public.
Someone walked me through this before, so I know it can be done. However, it has been about four months and I haven't been able to do it again.
I'm using Putty to connect to the remote machine. From that machine I can open the site http://dev.server.address:83 using Firefox. However, I want to be able to open http://localhost:80 on my machine to see the same page.
I'm using the server address and port 83 for the "source port"
I'm using localhost:80 for the "destination port"
You need to enter "80" into Source port and dev.server.address:83 to Destination.
[And don't forget to click the "Add" button before you leave the configuration screen. If you don't click that, PuTTY doesn't actually create a tunnel. I fell for that gotcha quite a few times myself]
Have you tried using instead of localhost:80? I don't use PuTTY, but when I use SSH on my machine, I have to specify instead of localhost.
Do you have a webserver running on your local machine? If that is listening on port 80 http://localhost:80 wont work. Alternatively try mapping the source to a different port (12345 for eg.) and then try http://localhost:12345 in your browser.
On Linux you can also make it happen with:
$ ssh -f -R 83:localhost:80 user#dev.server.address
Provided that you have an SSH account named "user".