Is there a way to implement ajax search with dojo data grid component? - dojo

I am using dojox.grid.DataGrid and to render a grid. I want to implement a record search. Is there any way to do this?
After loading the page someone can search through the 'search form' above the grid. when the search button is pressed it will refresh/reload the grid data returned from the server according to the form values.
Please check the illustration.

You need to apply the filter() method on the DataGrid instance. Here you'll find the exact answer to your problem:


sitefinity form populate dropdownlist from API

I would like to create a form and add a dropdown list widget that will pull its choices from an API. I don't see any setting for that where would I call the API? what I was able to find is from 2014 so I think its outdated.
It's cake... just use a regular input, then on the page use a Javascript widget and wire it up into a dropdown.
Use whatever JS component you want
Just a note though, give your input a cssclass name that will let you easily find it with the javascript.
I have a post on this

ODOO Communication between widgets

How can I communicate between multiple widgets?
I have 2 widgets on the same page, and when clicking on one of the first widget button, I need to modify the content of the second widget.
Can anyone help me?
I extend FieldMany2One (selectbox) and ListView. What I need is, when select an option in FieldMany2One, I need to update content in ListView. What I need is to get an instantiated widget into another widget.
In method reinit_value of FieldMany2One widget, I need to get instance of the ListView.
Best regards,

Display tag ver 1.2

I have an issue with displaytag 1.2 and struts.
I am using pagination of display tag. when i 'go' in page 2 and I click sumbit I lost all the value of the list.
How can I keep track of those values?
I mean, in my action i have only the value of the elements current displayed, I need all the value.
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
If you use the value list pattern as they said at their site then you need to handle partial values from your customized class which will implement the org.displaytag.pagination.PaginatedList interface.
But there is another way too where you don't have to do anything except giving some parameter.
Read this Doc carefully

Get selected item of ListBox on another page

I have made an application with two pages. When the user clicks an item on the listbox of the first page, the second page is supposed to show up with details about the clicked item.
I have a problem with accessing the selected item in the listbox of the first page from the second page.
How can I get this working?
You can't do that, because after navigation the first page no longer exists. You have to pass that value first:
How to pass values (parameters) between XAML pages?
Easiest way - to pass data by navigation parameter, it is just like GET HTTP method, Nokia has an example of how to do it here.
Second way - to store value in IsolatedStorage, for example in IsolatedStorageSettings , here Microsoft topic about it.

Passing Parameters From Page-to-page

I have a filter that is used to populate a grid view and the url will conain: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2
It will then have a link to page 2, which allows them to edit something.
I then want them to click a link that will send them back to the gridview under the same parameters of: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2
Is this possible? How do I hold on and fill in the URL values so it knows how to refill the grid view accordingly??
Thank you!!
Well since you're using MVC, you should add parameters to your Grid controller that allow you to pass in parameters, then the url would look like this:
Then in your code you just need to read the parameters while you're filling the grid and apply the appropriate logic.