Property/Synthesize errors - objective-c

Sorry to keep asking basic questions here but I don't know where else to go. Wrote some code with a slider, textfield and buttons for incrementing the slider to demonstrate key value coding. Everything worked find. The next step was to use 'property' and 'synthesize' in place of the accessor and setter methods;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface KVCController : NSObject {
int fido;
#property(readwrite, assign) int fido;
#implementation KVCController
#synthesize fido;
- (id)init{
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:5] forKey:#"fido"];
NSNumber *n = [self valueForKey:#"fido"];
NSLog(#"fido = %#", n);
return self;
I get an incomplete implementation error on #implementation KVCController. If I put the get and set methods for 'fido' in it clears up.
The second error occurs with #synthesize fido;. It says property must be declared in the implementation. Everything is copied correctly out of the book and near as I can tell, it looks just like all the other uses of property and synthesize I have looked at. Anyone have any ideas on what I am missing or doing wrong?
Xcode 4.1 automatically creates a delegate class which I usually ignore if I am not working on delegates. I created my own class for the KVC exercise and just added the property/synthesize declarations to it with appropriate modifications and got the errors. I just put the property/synthesize declarations into the delegate class, moved my IBAction code to the appropriate places, redid the bindings, and erased the class I created and everything worked fine. Do property/synthesize declarations need to be treated like delegate material?

incomplete implementation means you have a -(void)something that may be defined in your header that you are not using in your #implementation. Make sure that you do not have any unused methods listed in your header. if you do, either remove them from the header, or create the method in your implementation.
- (void) dosomething
/* blank for now */
if you have -(void)dosomething in your implementation, define it in your header.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface KVCController : NSObject {
int fido;
#property(readwrite, assign) int fido;
- (void) dosomething;


What is the proper way to declare a global variable in Objective-C

So, I was wondering what the proper way to declare a global variable is in an iOS Project.
I don't want it set as a property, because the variable should not be accessible from outside the class.
I am going to provide a few ways I have seen, let me know which is the proper way, and if there is another way that is better.
This way I add the global variable inside curly braces after the #interface declaration in the implementation file .m. Then I can initialize the variable in the viewDidLoad
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController () {
int globalVariableTest;
#implementation ViewController
Another way I add the global variable inside curly braces after the #implementation declaration in the implementation file .m. Again intializing in the viewDidLoad
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController {
int globalVariableTest;
Another way is adding the variable after the #implementation without the curly braces, also this allows me to set the intial value without the viewDidLoad
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController
int globalVariableTest = 1;
Another way is to add the variable after the #interface inside the header file .h
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
int globalVariableTest;
So if there is a better way please let me know, all help will be appreciated!
Declaring variables inside curly braces is actually declaring an instance variable or "ivar" for short. That is, a variable that's local to instances of your class.
This used to only be possible after #interface declarations, which is why you sometimes see it there. This changed around Xcode 4 so that you can now do it after #implementation also. As far as I'm aware, this is just stylistic preference. ivars are never accessible outside a class (in theory. Technically, everything is accessible to everything in C), so defining them in the .h won't make them public. It does expose an implementation detail, though, which is why most code I see now that uses them puts them in the #implementation.
But I don't see them much in code anymore. Because when you define a #property what is actually happening under the covers is an ivar, a getter method, and a setter method are all actually being synthesized for you. The getter and setter methods just get the value of the ivar and set the value of the ivar, respectively.
So if what you want is something that has the same scope as a property, but doesn't come with the -myVar and -setMyVar: methods, then this is the right way to go.
But you probably shouldn't want that. There are a whole bunch of reasons that it's nice to only access ivars through accessor methods. It lets you override functionality, translate values, and all the other sorts of fun things abstraction affords you.
If what you want is a #property that isn't accessible outside the class, just declare it in a class extension:
//In MyClass.m
#interface MyClass()
#property NSNumber *myProperty;
#implementation MyClass
//All your implementation stuff here.
Because it's not in the .h file, it won't be "visible" to other classes (In theory. See above about everything being visible in C).
If on the other hand, what you really truly want is something that is really truly global (hint: you shouldn't. Global variables are generally a smell of bad design), you need to define it at the top of your file outside any #interface or #implementation blocks.
Another related tidbit: To define a "global" variable with a scope limited to a given file, look into C's static keyword. It's interesting.
You can use a singleton class to create/share (read / write) all variables across different classes (view controller).
#interface SharedVariables : NSObject {
NSDictionary *dicti_StackSites;
NSDictionary *dicti_UserMe;
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *dicti_StackSites;
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *dicti_UserMe;
#import "SharedVariables.h"
#implementation SharedVariables
#synthesize dicti_StackSites;
#synthesize dicti_UserMe;
+(id)sharedVariablesManager {
static SharedVariables *sharedVariablesClass = nil;
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedVariablesClass == nil) {
sharedVariablesClass = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedVariablesClass;
-(id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
dicti_StackSites = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
dicti_UserMe = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
-(void)dealloc {
Usage from any other class
#import "SharedVariables.h"
SharedVariables *sharedManager = [SharedVariables sharedVariablesManager];
//to get sharedManager.dicti_StackSites
//to set sharedManager.dicti_StackSites = ...

Creating an Instance of Class in IOS 6 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I have an app with several storyboard views, each with a separate viewcontroller. I want to be able to use my own class in all views in the storyboard. This will make the code in each viewcontroller much cleaner and the whole app easier to debug etc. The class will contain variables and methods.
The overall aim for me is to collect data from the user via buttons and then store these in a database. It will be possible to view and amend data, as well as generating statistics.
As most variables and methods will be used in different views and at different times, I would like to separate all these in separate files.
I can also tell you that this is not a lazy short-cut attempt from me, I have surfed the internet for many, many hours reading hundreds of posts etc and I am still nowhere nearer a solution.
Any input is very much appreciated!
Thank you for taking your time to read this...
SomeClass.h has the following code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
NSString *dataOne;
NSString *dataTwo;
NSString *dataThree;
- (void) SetDataOne: (NSString*) dataOneReceived;
- (void) SetDataTwo: (NSString*) dataTwoReceived;
- (void) SetDataThree: (NSString*) dataThreeReceived;
- (void) saveSomeData;
SomeClass.m has the following code:
#import "SomeClass.h"
#implementation SomeClass
- (void) SetDataOne: (NSString*) dataOneReceived {
dataOne = dataOneReceived;
- (void) SetDataTwo: (NSString*) dataTwoReceived {
dataTwo = dataTwoReceived;
- (void) SetDataThree: (NSString*) dataThreeReceived {
dataThree = dataThreeReceived;
- (void) saveSomeData {
// Here I do stuff with dataOne etc…
SomeView.h has the following code:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "HeadViewController.h"
#import "SomeClass.h"
#interface SomeView : UIViewController
// contains stuff not needed to show here
- (IBAction)Done:(id)sender;
SomeView.m has the following code:
#import "SomeView.h"
#import "SomeClass.h"
#interface SomeView ()
#implementation SomeView
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
SomeClass *someClassObject = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// Other standard methods omitted
- (IBAction)Done:(id)sender {
[someClassObject SetDataOne: #”whatever text”];
[someClassObject SetDataTwo: #”whatever text”];
[someClassObject SetDataThree: #”whatever text”];
[someClassObject SaveSomeData];
Error Msg for all the above: ”Use of Undeclared Identifier ’someClassObject’
Comment: You can see the error message I get at the end of the code above. I have no clue what I am doing wrong. I have looked at a lot of examples on how to create and call classes, but cannot seem anything that solves my problem. Also, I see that some of the put the ”SomeClass *someClassObject = [[SomeClass alloc] init];” in the ”main.m file”. If I understand correctly, that file is the first one to load when app starts. If so, then I cannot place it there as I will have to create instances of my class in several different views and other times than when the app starts. That is why I have placed it in the viewDidLoad-method.
A couple of thoughts:
You've made someClassObject a local variable of the viewDidLoad method. Looks like you meant to make it a class instance variable (or, better, a private class property, which will have the instance variable synthesized for you). Thus:
#interface SomeView ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) SomeClass *someClassObject;
#implementation SomeView
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.someClassObject = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
- (IBAction)done:(id)sender {
[self.someClassObject setDataOne: #"whatever text"];
[self.someClassObject setDataTwo: #"whatever text"];
[self.someClassObject setDataThree: #"whatever text"];
[self.someClassObject saveSomeData];
// should resolve the Error Msg for all the above: ”Use of Undeclared Identifier ’someClassObject’
BTW, as a matter of convention, your method names should start with a lowercase letter (e.g. setDataOne not SetDataOne, done rather than Done, etc.), as illustrated above.
If you're going to write your own setters, setDataOne, setDataTwo, etc., you might as well remove those three instance variables, remove your three setData___ methods, and replace the three instance variables with class properties (and let the compiler synthesize not only the instance variables, but the setters, too).
someClassObject is set inside viewDidLoad and because it is not stored anywhere inside the view will be deleted at the end of that very same method
You should add your object inside each header file's interface section like this:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "HeadViewController.h"
#import "SomeClass.h"
#interface SomeView : UIViewController
SomeClass *someClassObject;
// contains stuff not needed to show here
- (IBAction)Done:(id)sender;
Then when you instantiate someClassObject inside ViewDidLoad it will persist throughout that view.

Objective-C protocol property compiler warning

I can't get rid of compiler warning when I define property inside protocol. Strange thing is that I have two properties defined, and I only get warnings for the second one (which is object type, while the first property is value type).
Here is screenshot:
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this warning, and why it is generated? The code is working normally, it is just this warning that annoys me :)
In your program, the property is called view. There must be a getter called view and a setter called setView. If you do not use #synthesize you must supply these two methods, and this is the reason of the compiler warning.
The code is working normally because you do not reference the property using dot notation or call the getter and setter methods.
Your issue is that the compiler cannot find an implementation for the properties you defined in the protocol.
For this reason, it is not recommended to add properties to a protocol, instead, you would define just a simple method to access the property, and one to set it. That would give you the proper error messages, and while you couldn't use dot-notation, it keeps the warnings in the right place.
Alternatively, you could do something like this (not recommended, but for educational reasons):
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#protocol myProto
#property (assign) int myProperty;
#implementation NSObject(myProto)
-(int) myProperty
return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, "myProperty") intValue];
-(void) setMyProperty:(int) myProperty
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, "myProperty", [NSNumber numberWithInt:myProperty], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
#interface MyObj : NSObject<myProto>
#implementation MyObj
#dynamic myProperty;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MyObj *myObj = [MyObj new];
myObj.myProperty = 10;
NSLog(#"%i", myObj.myProperty);

Objective-C : How may I hide a class member from outside the class?

I'm fighting with something and I don't find any satisfying solution.
I have a class with a "myMutableArray" member.
I would like the class to manage itself adding and removing items from the array, so I don't want any other class being able to access the member and call NSMutableArray methods on it.
In an ideal situation, I would like to have a private getter (to be able to call self.myMutableArray) and a public setter for this member.
Do you know how I may achieve this ?
In other words :
I would like other classes
be able to call
- [oneInstance setMyMutableArray:thisArray]; // set
- oneInstance.myMutableArray = thisArray; // set using setter
- thisArray = oneInstance.myMutableArray; // get
- [oneInstance addItem:anItem]; // add
not being able to call :
- [oneInstance.myMutableArray add:etc...] // add
I would like my class
be able to call
- self.myMytableArray = [NSMutableArray array]; // set
- thisArray = self.myMytableArray ; // get
Thank you.
Is there any reason you need the public setter? It sounds like the class itself owns the array. You'd probably be better off not providing any public property access to the field, and making a public method which copies the values into your private field.
// public interface, in the .h file
#interface MyClass : // superclass, protocols, etc.
- (void) setSomething:(NSArray *)values;
// private interface, not in the .h
#interface MyClass ()
#property (/* attributes */) NSMutableArray *myMutableArray;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myMutableArray = myMutableArray_;
- (void) setSomething:(NSArray *)values
[self.myMutableArray setArray:values];
#interface Foo : NSObject
#property(readonly, retain) NSArray * myReadonlyArray;
- (void) addItem: (Item *) anItem;
- (BOOL) publiclyDoSomething;
#interface Foo()
#property(readwrite, retain) NSMutableArray * myMutableArray;
- (void) doSomethingInPrivate;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize myMutableArray = myMutableArray_;
- (void) addItem: (Item *) anItem
// assuming myMutableArray_ was already iniitialized
[self.myMutableArray addObject: anItem];
- (NSArray *)myReadonlyArray
return self.myMutableArray;
... rest of methods (including the public/private) implementations ...
Some details:
Objective-C has "instance variables", not "member variables".
The above defines a public getter and private setter that is synthesized automatically. For clarity's sake, I also added a public method and a private method.
"Public" and "private" in Objective-C are defined entirely by visibility to the compiler. The setter for myMutableArray and the method doSomethingInPrivate are only private because their declarations in an #interface cannot be imported.
self.myMutableArray and [self myMutableArray] do the same thing; the . syntax is merely short hand for an equivalent method call (with a few edge case details beyond this question)
#property in the #interface is purely short hand for method declarations (with a bit of extra metadata).
#interface Foo() is a class extension and not a category. It exists for exactly the purpose demonstrated above; to extend the #interface of a class with additional declarative information whose scope should be limited. It can appear in a header file that, say, you only import in your library's implementation to create library-private functionality.
#dynamic is used when you neither #synthesize an #property nor provide a conventional method implementation. It is not needed otherwise!
I'm probably forgetting something.

Can an inherited #property not satisfy a <protocol> #property?

I've got a protocol:
#protocol Gadget <NSObject>
#property (readonly) UIView *view;
- (void) attachViewToParent:(UIView *)parentView;
And an "abstract" base class, with an implementation (as a getter, not shown) of -(UIView *)view:
// Base functionality
#interface AbstractGadget : NSObject {
UIView *view;
#property (readonly) UIView *view;
But when I implement the Gadget protocol in a subclass of AbstractGadget, like so:
// Concrete
#interface BlueGadget : AbstractGadget <Gadget> {
- (void) attachViewToParent:(UIView *)parentView;
#implementation BlueGadget
- (void) attachViewToParent:(UIView *)parentView {
I get a compiler error telling me "warning: property 'view' requires method '-view' to be defined." I can make this go away using #dynamic, or adding a stub method:
- (UIView *) view {
return [super view];
But I just want to know if I'm doing something that's not supported, something I shouldn't be doing, or if it's just a limitation / bug in the compiler?
By declaring the property as #dynamic you are telling the compiler that the property getter (and setter if required) are implemented elsewhere (potentially at runtime). This sounds like a perfectly reasonable use case to me.
See The Docs for more information.
I also came across this exact issue. This is one of situations that #dynamic is there for.
Here is the rule for variable, property and synthesize in objective-C:
If you have a property, you must have a #synthesize or you declare #dynamic and write the getter and setter method yourself.
So, because you have a property called view, you have to declare #synthesize. That should be it. Nothing to do with #protocol, inheritance