Debugging an app outside XCode on different version of OSX (view exceptions, logs, ...) - objective-c

I'am developing on Lion 10.7 an XCode 4.2 beta.
I need to test my app on Snow Leopard and catch crashes, NSLog etc, without XCode.
In Snow Leopard the 10.7 SDK is missing, and I can't compile and use the embedded debugging suite of XCode.
What should I do?

From what I understand, I think you need to download the Xcode 4.2 beta for both Lion and Snow Leopard. These are two different versions. Get them from the Mac App Store or Apple's Developer website.

Just Discovered that Console will trace all my app NSLog / crashes.


How to easily test cocoa app on different version of mac osx?

I have a macbook air 2011 version and have 10.8.x installed on it. I used xcode 4.6 to develop an app, I tested it using this machine and worked perfectly fine.
I want my app to support 10.6 (snow leopard) and 10.7 (lion) as well (I set my deployment target to 10.6 and base sdk to 10.7) , so in order to test it, I compiled my app using my macbook (again, 10.8 mountain lion) and copy the app to my other 10.6 machine (hackintosh).
Testing on 10.6 is a pain in the butt, I have learnt a few tricks tried to make the testing easier (ie. implementing redirectConsoleLogToDocumentFolder so that all NSLog will be added to the console.log), however sometimes my app will cause a segmentation fault, which can't be caught by try catch, and I really had no clue what caused the problem.
My questions are:
1. how to easily test my app (with ARC enabled) on a 10.6 machine without xcode? I have installed xcode 4.2 on snow leopard, however it doesn't support arc and couldn't compile, even I downloaded the 10.7 sdk and put it into my xcode folder.
2. are there any other tricks you can share with me, to make the testing on 10.7/10.6 easier?

How to make an app use Growl on Lion and Notification Center on Mountain Lion?

I am making an app that uses notification center on mountain lion. I included support for growl on snow leopard and lion. How do I make it so the binary will be able to run on both and not require 2 separate .app bundles.
I guess you would be building an app against the Growl framework and 10.7, and then have code to check at startup if Notification Center is available (which it will be on 10.8+) and use that instead. There is a very similar question about the process here.

iPhone 5.1 App using OpenCV crashes due to "nonatomic" not found

I'm developing an iOS App which targets iOS 5.1+. I'm using XCode 4.5 on Mac OS X 10.8 and I do own an iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.1. The app needs OpenCV, which I have successfully built from sources according to a tutorial in the OpenCV-Documentation.
Here is what happens:
When I start up the application I get an exception:
dyld: Symbol not found: _objc_setProperty_nonatomic
The error does not occur with iOS 6, but with iOS 5.1 in both the simulator and on a real device.
What is that? Is it related to OpenCV? Does it have to do something with incompatibilities between iOS / the iPhone / XCode??
EDIT: My development target is set to 5.1. The Base SDK is 6.0. I copied an SDK für 4.3 (which is the lowest version that XCode 4.5 will support) from another Mac and set development target as well as the base SDK to 4.3. Did not work either (it did not even build then).
I did not an update, the project has been started from scratch using XCode 4.5 initially.
Meanwhile I also found a tip to use gnulibc++ instead of libc++, but that also resulted in that the project did not build at all.
I built a test project and found the same issue. OpenCV is being built with a deployment target of ios6, this is a known issue, and a fix is pending review, see

Obtaining 10.6 Base SDK for Xcode 4.5.2

How can I obtain and use 10.6 as base SDK in Xcode 4.5.2?
I downloaded Xcode 4.5.2 from the Mac App Store (through a link on the Apple developer site).
Is there a way I can somehow download the 10.6 SDK separately and start using it as a base SDK?
Strangely enough, I can download the documentation for the 10.6 SDK through Xcode's Preferences window, but not the SDK itself. Any ideas?
No, you can't download the 10.6 SDK separately.
Is there a reason you can't use the 10.8 or 10.7 SDK?
Keep in mind that just because you build against the 10.8 SDK, that doesn't mean you can't also have that built application work on 10.8, 10.7 and 10.6. (This is often a cause of confusion among new developers). You control backwards-compatibility through the Deployment Target setting like shown in the image below.
By default, the deployment target is generally set to the same version of OS X as the SDK is, but changing it to 10.6, for example, should allow it to run on a machine with OS X 10.6. (Of course, you should really test to make sure that's the case).
Download xcode with MacOSX10.6.sdk. Now copy MacOSX10.6.sdk inside /Applications/
Its also working fine with Xcode 5.0.

Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5.1 organizer reads my iPhone with a yellow dot?

SO I have Xcode 4.2 and my iPhone 4S is running iOS 5.1 . I have an app that I want to test out in my iPhone but when I connect my iPhone to my Mac it reads the device with the Provisioning Profile and everything, but it displays a yellow dot next to the device (iPhone) list. All this is in the Organizer Window.
I also have an App ID. I just need help on how to fix the yellow dot so It can change to a green dot?
This thing worked for me
First I ran the project in xcode 3.2.5 and the project ran on iOS 5.1!!!! Later i disconnected the device and again ran the project on xcode 4.2 on snow leopard and it started working with out nay problem.Dont know how this worked
I was having snow leopard and old xcode 3.2.5