Map char to int in Objective-C - objective-c

I have a need to map char values to int values in Objective-C. I know NSDictionary is out because it deals with reference types, and these are values. The map will be used while iterating through an NSString. Each character in the string will be converted to an integer value. All the integers will be summed together.
Using NSDictionary seems like a bad fit because of all the type coercion I'd have to do. (Converting values types, char and int, to reference types.)
I figure I'll have to drop down to C to do this, but my experience with C libraries is very limited.
Is there something most C developers use that will map char values to int values?
Edit for clarification
The C# equivalent would be a Dictionary<char,int>.
In pseudocode, I'd like to the following:
for (int i = 0; i < [string length]; i++) {
char current = [string characterAtIndex:i];
int score = map[current]; // <- I want map without boxing
// do something with score

Char to int?
char aChar = 'a';
int foo = (int) aChar;
Done. No need for a hash or anything else. Even if you wanted to map char -> NSNumber, an array of 256 char's (char being a signed 8 bit type) is very little overhead.
(Unless I entirely misparsed your question -- are you asking for (char*)? ... i.e. C strings? Show some code.).

If I understand correctly, you want to store chars and ints in a dictionary, as keys and values. However, NSDictionary only accepts objects. The solution? Wrap the chars and ints in the NSNumber object:
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],
[NSNumber numberWithChar:'a'],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:2],
[NSNumber numberWithChar:'b'],
Or if you don't want boxing, why not just make a function that takes chars and returns ints?
int charToScore(char character)
switch (character) {
case 'a':
return 1;
case 'b':
return 2;
return 0;

#Pontus has the correct answer in Objective-C, but if you're willing to use C++, you can use std::map<char, int> (or the still-slightly-nonstandard unordered_map<char, int>.)
To use C++ from within Objective-C, you must rename the file from Whatever.m to tells GCC that the file contains Objective-C++, which allows you to use the Objective-C syntax with C++ underpinnings.


objective-c - Why can I assign values to pointers?

I understand pointers work with addresses and not the data itself. This is why I need to use the address-of (&) operator below as I need to assign the address of num to the pointer and not the actual value of num (40).
int num = 40;
int *numPtr = &num;
Therefore i'm confused as to why I can do this.
NSString *str = #"hello";
I've created a pointer str but instead of giving it an address i'm able to assign it some data, a literal string.
I thought pointers could only hold memory addresses so why am I able to directly assign it some data?
For someone trying to get their head around pointers and objects this is very confusing.
No you are not assigning a literal string to it, # makes a NSString object with the string value hello.
In most C languages strings are just an array of char, where char is a primitive type like int like in your example.
There is a reason you put an # before string literals (when you want an NSString and not a C string) in objective-c
#"String" is basically equivalent to [NSString stringWithCString:"string"] which returns a pointer to an NSString object containing the value "string"
It is the same way 1 is a c type integer, but #1 is a NSNumber representing the value of 1. If you see an # it means "this is shorthand for creating an object". (#[] for NSArrays, #{} for NSDictionarys, #(), #123, #YES, #NO for NSNumbers, and #"" for NSString)
C does not have strings. Usually char arrays are used to represent them.
NSString *str = #"hello";
can be thought of as short hand (literal) for:
char charArray[] = "hello";
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:charArray length:sizeof(charArray) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // disregard character encoding for this example
unichar bla[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
str = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:bla length:sizeof(bla)];
So an object is created and thus you need a pointer.

New NSNumber literals

Since there is new NSNumber literals in Objective-C that you can use, for instance:
NSNumber *n1 = #1000; // [NSNumber numberWithInt:1000]
But it doesn't seem to be possible to use together with enums? I have tried:
typedef enum {
MyEnumA = 0,
} MyEnum;
NSNumber *n2 = #MyEnumA; // [NSNumber numberWithInt:MyEnumA]
But I get a compiler error saying:
Unexpected '#' in program
I don't understand why it doesn't work since an enum is an int?
Is there a way to make this work?
For named constants, you need to use #(MyEnumA).
You need to use:
NSNumber *n2 = #(MyEnumA);
I know it's odd, but it's just the way it is. I can't think off the top of my head but I assume the parser needs the parentheses in order to distinguish between different syntax.
What I tend to do is to use parentheses always. That works with normal numbers as well as enums as well as equations like:
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
NSNumber *n = #(a*b);
Others have explained what the proper syntax is. Here's why:
#blah is called the "literal" syntax. You use it to make objects wrapping a literal, like a char, BOOL, int, etc. that means:
#42 is a boxed int
#'c' is a boxed char
#"foo" is a boxed char*
#42ull is a boxed unsigned long long
#YES is a boxed BOOL
All of the things following the at sign are primitive values. MyEnumValue is not a literal. It's a symbol. To accommodate this, generic boxing syntax was introduced:
You can put a bunch of things inside the parentheses; for the most part, any sort of variable or expression ought to work.

NSString (or NSArray or something) to variable parameter list of C (char *) strings

Is there any easy way to convert an Objective-C holding class of NSStrings into parameters for a function accepting a variable list of char *? Specifically I have a function like:
-(void)someFunction:(NSSomething *) var
that I want to forward to a C function like
void someCFunction(char * var, ...)
Is there an easy way to go about this?
No, you can only do what you want if the number of arguments you're passing is known at compile time. If you just want to convert a single string, use the -UTF8String message:
// Example with two strings
NSString *str1 = ...;
NSString *str2 = ...;
someCFunction([str1 UTF8String], [str2 UTF8String]); // etc.
But if the number of strings will vary at runtime, you'll need to use a different API, if one is available. For example, if there's an API that took an array of strings, you could convert the Objective-C array into a C array:
// This function takes a variable number of strings. Note: in C/Objective-C
// (but not in C++/Objective-C++), it's not legal to convert 'char **' to
// 'char *const *', so you may sometimes need a cast to call this function
void someCFunction(const char *const *stringArray, int numStrings)
// Convert Objective-C array to C array
NSArray *objCArray = ...;
int numStrings = [objCArray count];
char **cStrArray = malloc(numStrings * sizeof(char*));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cStrArray[i] = [[objCArray objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String];
// Call the function; see comment above for note on cast
someCFunction((const char *const *)cStrArray, numStrings);
// Don't leak memory
This would do the trick:
NSString *string = #"testing string"
const char * p1=[string UTF8String];
char * p2;
p2 = const_cast<char *>(p1);
Yes, this can be done, and is explained here:
How to create a NSString from a format string like #"xxx=%#, yyy=%#" and a NSArray of objects?
And here:
With modifications for ARC here:
How to create a NSString from a format string like #"xxx=%#, yyy=%#" and a NSArray of objects?
Also, variable arguments are not statically or strongly typed, as the other poster seems to be suggesting. In fact, there is no clear indication in the callee of how many arguments you really have. Determining the number of arguments generally breaks down into having to either specify the number by an count parameter, using a null terminator, or inferring it from a format string a la (s)print* . This is frankly why the C (s)print* family of functions has been the source of many errors, now made much much safer by the XCode / Clang / GCC compiler that now warns.
As an aside, you can approach statically typed variable arguments in C++ by creating a template method that accepts an array of an unspecified size. This is generally considered bad form though as the compiler generates separate instances for each size of array seen by by the compiler (template bloat).

Using many integers in Objective-C

I'm new to programming, I have some basic python programming from college, I am familiar with some of the OOP basics and would like some help with managing large amounts of integers. I have 88 of them. 7 will be used for capturing user input and the other 81 will be used for a specific calculation. Instead of writing the following code:
int currentPlace;
int futurePlace;
int speed;
int distance;
int place1 = 1;
int place2 = 2;
int place3 = 3;
// etc...
int place81 = 81;
And then later coming back to the integers and asking user defined questions such as:
NSLog(#"What place is the runner in?");
scanf("%i", &currentPlace);
NSLog(#"What place does the runner finish in?");
scanf("%i", &futurePlace);
NSLog(#"What is the distance of the track?");
// doing some math
NSLog(#"The runner is running at "i" MPH.",speed);
I remember there being an easier way to use the integers but I keep thinking enums or typedefs.
I'd like for the user to pick a number and not have to run a huge if statement to get the work done to cut the size of the program as much as possible.
This is my first "on my own" application so any helpful pointers would be great.
I haven't understood why you need all these place's, but I also assume that an array would be easier to use here. You can use either NSArray or NSMutableArray. The difference between them is that an NSArray instance can't be changed after being created (you can't add/remove elements) unlike an NSMutableArray.
Using NSArray
NSArray *places = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1], [NSNumber numberWithInt:2],[NSNumber numberWithInt:3], ..., [NSNumber numberWithInt:81], nil];
nil at the end means the end of the contents of an array. [NSNumber numberWithInt:1] returns an int given as an argument (we can't straight give an int to the array, as an array expects an object as an argument.
You can access the contents of the array using:
[places objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)];
Remeber that an array starts counting with 0, so if you want to get 5, you have to do this
[places objectAtIndex:4];
Using NSMutableArray
I suggest that you should use this option.
It's easier to use for here.
NSMutableArray *places = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 1; i < 81; i++)
[places addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
Then you can access data the same way as in the NSArray:
[places objectAtIndex:0];
This will return 1. You can start the for-cycle with 0. After that the index of an array will correspond to the integer inside, so
[places objectAtIndex:5];
will actually return 5.
Are you thinking of a C array?
int myPlaces[81];
for (int i=0; i<81; i++) {
myPlaces[i] = 0;

Multi-character character sequence in 3rd party library

I'm using a 3rd party library for an iOS project I work on, and I'm down to one warning left in the project, namely on this line of code
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:'oaut']
And the warning is
Multi-character character constant
I suck at C, so I don't know how to fix this, but I'm sure the fix is relatively easy. Help?
EDIT: More context.
#implementation MPOAuthCredentialConcreteStore (KeychainAdditions)
- (void)addToKeychainUsingName:(NSString *)inName andValue:(NSString *)inValue {
NSString *serverName = [self.baseURL host];
NSString *securityDomain = [self.authenticationURL host];
// NSString *itemID = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#.oauth.%#", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier], inName];
NSDictionary *searchDictionary = nil;
NSDictionary *keychainItemAttributeDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: (id)kSecClassInternetPassword, kSecClass,
securityDomain, kSecAttrSecurityDomain,
serverName, kSecAttrServer,
inName, kSecAttrAccount,
kSecAttrAuthenticationTypeDefault, kSecAttrAuthenticationType,
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:"oaut"], kSecAttrType,
[inValue dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], kSecValueData,
if ([self findValueFromKeychainUsingName:inName returningItem:&searchDictionary]) {
NSMutableDictionary *updateDictionary = [keychainItemAttributeDictionary mutableCopy];
[updateDictionary removeObjectForKey:(id)kSecClass];
SecItemUpdate((CFDictionaryRef)keychainItemAttributeDictionary, (CFDictionaryRef)updateDictionary);
[updateDictionary release];
} else {
OSStatus success = SecItemAdd( (CFDictionaryRef)keychainItemAttributeDictionary, NULL);
if (success == errSecNotAvailable) {
[NSException raise:#"Keychain Not Available" format:#"Keychain Access Not Currently Available"];
} else if (success == errSecDuplicateItem) {
[NSException raise:#"Keychain duplicate item exception" format:#"Item already exists for %#", keychainItemAttributeDictionary];
EDIT 2: They were attempting to meet the requirements of this by creating that NSNumber:
#constant kSecAttrType Specifies a dictionary key whose value is the item's
type attribute. You use this key to set or get a value of type
CFNumberRef that represents the item's type. This number is the
unsigned integer representation of a four-character code (e.g.,
In C and Obj-C the single-quote ' is used only for single-character constants. You need to use the double-quote: "
Like so:
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:"oaut"]
That covers the warning, but there's also a semantic issue here. Although a single character constant, such as 'o', can be treated as an integer (and can be promoted to an unsigned long long), a "string" (char * or char []) cannot, which means you can't use "oaut" as an argument to numberWithUnsignedLongLong:
I guess the four-character code is supposed to be treated as an integer, i.e., the 8 bits of each char put in place as if they together were a 32-bit int:
char code[] = "oaut";
uint32_t code_as_int = code[0] | (code[1] << 8) | (code[2] << 16) | (code[3] << 24);
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:code_as_int]
although I'm not sure which endianness would be expected here, nor why this is calling for an unsigned long long, unless just to be certain there are enough bits.
Rudy's comment, now that I think of it, is correct -- multi-character constants are allowed by some compilers for exactly this purpose (it is "implementation-defined" behavior).
'oaut' (single quotes) is a character, so the compiler tries to interpret it as a multi-byte character but can't make any sense of it. That explains the error message.
I guess that if you gave a proper string, like #"oaut", you'd get another error message, since numberWithUnsignedLongLong: expects an unsigned long long, not a string or a character. Are you trying to pass a variable with the name "oaut"? If so, use
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: oaut];
If not, then please explain what "oaut" is.
'oaut' may actually be the original value. There are/were multi-character character constants in C. Using a (4 byte) char, used as int and promoted to unsigned long long would then be possible. This must be old code. It seems such code was accepted by CodeWarrior.
Assuming that really a multi-char char const was meant, 'oaut' looks like a "magic number" and this value was chosen because it is the beginning of "oauth". I guess it should either be value 0x6F617574 or 0x7475616F.
#Josh Caswell 's answer is partially right, the simplest and "official" solution is:
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:'oaut']
unsigned int's length is 32-bit in both 32-bit and 64-bit cpu, there's a practical example from Apple: