Dojo scope question for store.query with ItemFileWriteStore - dojo

I am writing a method to grab the lowest unique id in an ItemFileWriteStore. I have a boolean to tell me when I reach my condition, but I can't get the scope correct.
The function call works as I expect, apart from when newIdOkay is set to true, it is not recognised in the while loop.
Please can you explain why and what I have to do to get this right?
Many thanks
Here is my code:
function checkNewId( size ) {
if( size == 0 ) {
console.log('found new ID!');
newIdOkay = true;
function addContentItem( store ) {
// New ID
var newIdOkay = false;
var newId = 0;
while( newIdOkay == false && newId < 8 ) {
store.fetch({ query: {id:newId}, onBegin: dojo.hitch(this, "checkNewId"),
start:0, count:0, sync:true });

To understand the reason, you need to have basic understanding of identifier resolution and scope chain in JavaScript. I recommend you to read this article:
Regarding you question, in the function addContentItem, the check in the while loop is tested against the identifier newIdOkay which is in the of the activation object corresponding to this function execution context. In the function checkNewId, the identifier newIdOkay you set is in the global object. So these two are not the same one. An easy fix is to move the newIdOkay in addContentItem function to the global scope.
var newIdOkay = false;
function checkNewId( size ) {
if( size == 0 ) {
console.log('found new ID!');
newIdOkay = true;
function addContentItem( store ) {
// New ID
var newId = 0;
while( newIdOkay == false && newId < 8 ) {
store.fetch({ query: {id:newId}, onBegin: dojo.hitch(this, "checkNewId"),
start:0, count:0, sync:true });


Photoshop Scripting: Relink Smart Object

I'm working on a script that should go through a photoshop document and relink all visible linked objects to a new specified file. I've gotten the loop working so that it cycles through every layer and collects only the visible layers, but for the life of me I can't find if there's a method available to relink a smart object. The closest I've found is this script:
but when it gets to desc3.putPath(idnull, new File(newFile));, it spits out an error indicating that the functionality may not be present in the current Photoshop version. The script itself is 4 years old so it may be out of date.
Any help would be appreciated!
MY script as it stands is below:
var files = File.openDialog("Please select new linked file");
var selectedFile = files[0];
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = [];
var allLayers = collectAllLayers(doc, allLayers);
function collectAllLayers (doc, allLayers)
for (var m = 0; m < doc.layers.length; m++)
var theLayer = doc.layers[m];
if (theLayer.typename === "ArtLayer")
collectAllLayers(theLayer, allLayers);
return allLayers;
var visibleLayers = [];
for (i = 0; i < allLayers.length; i++)
var layer = allLayers[i];
if (layer.visible && layer.kind == LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT)
for (i = 0; i < visibleLayers.length; i++)
var layer = visibleLayers[i];
Note: I am aware that this script currently may be error-prone if you don't know exactly how it works; I'm not intending to publish it at this time so I'm not super concerned with that at the moment. Mostly I just need the core functionality to work.
I used an AM function for getting visible smart objects — it works much faster. But if you want you can use yours. The important bit is relinkSO(path);: it'll also work in your script (just don't forget to select a layer: activeDocument.activeLayer = visibleLayers[i];)
Note that it works similar to Photoshop Relink to File command — if used on one instance of Smart Object all the instances are going to be relinked. If you want to relink only specific layers you'll have to break instancing first (probably using the New Smart Object via Copy command)
function main() {
var myFile = Folder.myDocuments.openDlg('Load file', undefined, false);
if (myFile == null) return false;
// gets IDs of all smart objects
var lyrs = getLyrs();
for (var i = 0; i < lyrs.length; i++) {
// for each SO id...
// select it
// relink SO to file
// embed linked if you want
function getLyrs() {
var ids = [];
var layers, desc, vis, type, id;
layers = 0;
catch (e)
layers = 1;
while (true)
ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), layers);
desc = executeActionGet(ref);
catch (err)
vis = desc.getBoolean(charIDToTypeID("Vsbl"));
type = desc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("layerKind"));
id = desc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("layerID"));
if (type == 5 && vis) ids.push(id);
return ids;
} // end of getLyrs()
function selectById(id) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), id);
desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID('null'), ref);
executeAction(charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
} // end of selectById()
function relinkSO(path) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID('null'), new File( path ) );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerRelinkToFile'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
} // end of relinkSO()
function embedLinked() {
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerConvertToEmbedded'), undefined, DialogModes.NO );
} // end of embedLinked()
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory("relink SOs", "main()");

Use Cecil to insert begin/end block around functions

this simple code works fine and allows to add a BeginSample/EndSample call around each Update/LateUpdate/FixedUpdate function. However it doesn't take in consideration early return instructions, for example as result of a condition. Do you know how to write a similar function that take in considerations early returns so that the EndSample call will be executed under every circumstance?
Note that I am not a Cecil expert, I am just learning now. It appears to me that Cecil automatically updates the operations that returns early after calling InsertBefore and similar functions. So if a BR opcode was previously jumping to a specific instruction address, the address will be updated after the insertions in order to jump to the original instruction. This is OK in most of the cases, but in my case it means that an if statement would skip the last inserted operation as the BR operation would still point directly to the final Ret instruction. Note that Update, LateUpdate and FixedUpdate are all void functions.
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if ((method.Name == "Update" || method.Name == "LateUpdate" || method.Name == "FixedUpdate") &&
method.HasParameters == false)
var beginMethod =
module.ImportReference(typeof (Profiler).GetMethod("BeginSample",
new[] {typeof (string)}));
var endMethod =
module.ImportReference(typeof (Profiler).GetMethod("EndSample",
BindingFlags.Static |
Debug.Log(method.Name + " method found in class: " + type.Name);
var ilProcessor = method.Body.GetILProcessor();
var first = method.Body.Instructions[0];
type.FullName + "." + method.Name));
ilProcessor.InsertBefore(first, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, beginMethod));
var lastRet = method.Body.Instructions[method.Body.Instructions.Count - 1];
ilProcessor.InsertBefore(lastRet, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, endMethod));
changed = true;
as a Bonus, if you can explain to me the difference between Emit and Append a newly created instruction with the same operand. does Append execute an Emit under the hood or does something more?
I may have found the solution, at least apparently it works. I followed the code used to solve a similar problem from here:!msg/mono-cecil/nE6JBjvEFCQ/MqV6tgDCB4AJ
I adapted it for my purposes and it seemed to work, although I may find out other issues. This is the complete code:
static bool ProcessAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
var changed = false;
var moduleG = assembly.MainModule;
var attributeConstructor =
var attribute = new CustomAttribute(attributeConstructor);
var ramjet = moduleG.ImportReference(typeof(RamjetProfilerPostProcessedAssemblyAttribute));
if (assembly.HasCustomAttributes)
var attributes = assembly.CustomAttributes;
foreach (var attr in attributes)
if (attr.AttributeType.FullName == ramjet.FullName)
Debug.LogWarning("<color=yellow>Skipping already-patched assembly:</color> " + assembly.Name);
return false;
foreach (var module in assembly.Modules)
foreach (var type in module.Types)
// Skip any classes related to the RamjetProfiler
if (type.Name.Contains("AssemblyPostProcessor") || type.Name.Contains("RamjetProfiler"))
// Todo: use actual type equals, not string matching
Debug.Log("Skipping self class : " + type.Name);
if (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType.FullName.Contains("UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour"))
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if ((method.Name == "Update" || method.Name == "LateUpdate" || method.Name == "FixedUpdate") &&
method.HasParameters == false)
var beginMethod =
new[] { typeof(string) }));
var endMethod =
BindingFlags.Static |
Debug.Log(method.Name + " method found in class: " + type.Name);
var ilProcessor = method.Body.GetILProcessor();
var first = method.Body.Instructions[0];
type.FullName + "." + method.Name));
ilProcessor.InsertBefore(first, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, beginMethod));
var lastcall = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, endMethod);
FixReturns(method, lastcall);
changed = true;
return changed;
static void FixReturns(MethodDefinition med, Instruction lastcall)
MethodBody body = med.Body;
var instructions = body.Instructions;
Instruction formallyLastInstruction = instructions[instructions.Count - 1];
Instruction lastLeaveInstruction = null;
var lastRet = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ret);
for (var index = 0; index < instructions.Count - 1; index++)
var instruction = instructions[index];
if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret)
Instruction leaveInstruction = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave, lastcall);
if (instruction == formallyLastInstruction)
lastLeaveInstruction = leaveInstruction;
instructions[index] = leaveInstruction;
FixBranchTargets(lastLeaveInstruction, formallyLastInstruction, body);
private static void FixBranchTargets(
Instruction lastLeaveInstruction,
Instruction formallyLastRetInstruction,
MethodBody body)
for (var index = 0; index < body.Instructions.Count - 2; index++)
var instruction = body.Instructions[index];
if (instruction.Operand != null && instruction.Operand == formallyLastRetInstruction)
instruction.Operand = lastLeaveInstruction;
basically what it does is to add a Ret instuction, but then replace all the previous Ret (usually one, why should it be more than one?) with a Leave function (don't even know what it means :) ), so that all the previous jumps remain valid. Differently than the original code, I make the Leave instruction point to the EndSample call before the last Ret

OQL syntax to refer to an object?

I find required objects in visualvm v1.3.8:
filter(heap.objects("java.lang.String"), "/hibernate\\.ejb\\.naming/(it.toString())")
they shown as:
java.lang.String#32669 - hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy_delegator
java.lang.String#34021 - hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy
java.lang.String#39522 - hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy_delegator
How can I refer to individual object from result set in OQL syntax? My attempts fail:
select heap.findObject("java.lang.String#34021")
select heap.findObject("#34021")
select heap.findObject("34021")
I may use trick with objectid(...):
"{id: objectid(it), ref: it}")
and then reuse id with heap.findObject(4077522088) like syntax.
UPDATE 2022 Seems VisualVM enumerates each type separately and consistently so iteration of heap.objects("...", false) should lead to the right object:
function objectnum(clazz, num) {
if (typeof clazz !== 'string') { return undefined; }
if (Math.floor(num) !== num) {
var split = clazz.split("#");
if (split.length != 2) { return undefined; }
clazz = split[0];
num = parseInt(split[1]);
if (num < 1) { return undefined; }
var iter = heap.objects(clazz, false);
var i = 0;
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
i += 1;
var next = iter.nextElement();
if (num === i) { return next; }
return null;
// Usage:
objectnum("char[]", 456);

Variable Assignment Issues

Good Day Everyone, I am working on a script and it works really well, but there is just this one error that i just cannot figure out. What am i overlooking? I will post the error and code below.
Here is the error:
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable gameOverScore of Score has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the gameOverScore variable of the Score script in the inspector.
Score.Start () (at Assets/2dspaceshooter/Scripts/Score.js:10)
Here is the script:
#pragma strict
var gameOverScore:GUIText;
var gameGUI:GameObject;
private var score:int = 0;
private var isGameOver = false;
function Start () {
gameOverScore.guiText.enabled = false;
guiText.text = "Score: " + score.ToString();
function addScore () {
score += 10;
guiText.text = "Score: " + score.ToString();
function doGameOver () {
isGameOver = true;
guiText.text = null;
gameOverScore.guiText.enabled = true;
gameOverScore.guiText.text = "Score: "+score;
Not that I really recognize your script as simple JavaScript, but it may be that you confuse an object Score with the lower case version score

JScript.NET private variables

I'm wondering about JScript.NET private variables. Please take a look on the following code:
import System;
import System.Windows.Forms;
import System.Drawing;
var jsPDF = function(){
var state = 0;
var beginPage = function(){
state = 2;
var out = function(text){
if(state == 2){
var st = 3;
MessageBox.Show(text + ' ' + state);
var addHeader = function(){
return {
endDocument: function(){
state = 1;
beginDocument: function(){
var j = new jsPDF();
beginPage 2
header 2
endDocument 2
if I run the same script in any browser, the output is:
beginPage 2
header 1
endDocument 1
Why it is so??
Just a guess, but it appears that JScript.NET doesn't support closures the same way as EMCAScript, so the state variable in endDocument() isn't referencing the private member of the outer function, but rather an local variable (undeclared). Odd.
You don't have to use new when calling jsPDF here since you're using a singleton pattern. jsPDF is returning an object literal so even without new you'll have access to the beginPage and endDocument methods. To be perfectly honest I don't know what the specifications call for when using new on a function that returns an object literal so I'm not sure if JScript.NET is getting it wrong or the browser. But for now try either getting rid of the new before jsPDF() or change your function to this:
var jsPDF = function(){
var state = 0;
var beginPage = function(){
state = 2;
var out = function(text){
if(state == 2){
var st = 3;
MessageBox.Show(text + ' ' + state);
var addHeader = function(){
this.endDocument = function(){
state = 1;
this.beginDocument: function(){
That will allow you to use the new keyword and create more than one jsPDF object.
I've come across the same problem. In the following code, the closure bound to fun should contain only one variable called result. As the code stands, the variable result in the function with one parameter seems to be different to the result variable in the closure.
If in this function the line
result = [];
is removed, then the result in the line
return result;
refers to the result in the closure.
var fun = function() {
var result = [];
// recursive descent, collects property names of obj
// dummy parameter does nothing
var funAux = function(obj, pathToObj, dummy) {
if (typeof obj === "object") {
for (var propName in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
funAux(obj[propName], pathToObj.concat(propName), dummy);
else {
// at leaf property, save path to leaf
return function(obj) {
// remove line below and `result' 3 lines below is `result' in closure
result = []; // does not appear to be bound to `result' above
funAux(obj, [], "dummy");
return result; // if result 2 lines above is set, result is closure is a different variable