objective-c identifying contentView items - objective-c

Is there a way to identify unique objects within the contentView? For example, I in my mainWin I have a NSView and 2 NSButtons. Using
[[mainWin contentView] subviews];
I can get all the objects within the mainWin. This works fine for my needs if the object is a subclass of NSView and I've given it a class, for example, in this case I've named the class vHUD and when I log the object it comes back as
<vHUD: 0x146e10>
This is fine for NSViews I am creating because for the most part if I am making them they are going to serve multiple purposes (content container, being toggled around screen, etc.) and a class should be necessary. I could subclass all the buttons (under NSObject) and go that way, but it seems like a sledgehammer approach if I end up having a lot of buttons. Is there a way I can uniquely identify all of the buttons with something descriptive in IB that can then be retrieved from the object itself? I tried "description" but that didn't return anything.

Have you tried using the tag instance variable in the NSView class?


associate model data pointer with NSWindow

I have a MacOS appkit app with a LOT of different NSWindows (hundreds), and they are each created from storyboards.
Many of these NSWindows have container views with complex embedded view/view controller hierarchies.
During initialization, it's necessary to know the model object associated with any given NSWindow, so its subviews and controls can be properly initialized. Since any NSController can know its NSView, and any NSView can know its NSWindow, it would be nice for that information to stored with the NSWindow.
It would be great to set a "representedObject" for the NSWindow, but unlike NSViewController, it doesn't really have one.
Is the only real solution to create a simple custom class (derived from a small base class) for each and every NSWindow storyboard object, so NSViews & NSViewControllers down the view hierarchy can get to my model data (pointer)?
A CLARIFICATION: very few of my NSWindow objects in our hundreds of storyboards have custom classes or code derived from NSWindow. So while a Category is definitely helpful for adding an API to classes to ACCESS the model data associated with the NSWindow, it's not helpful in creating a property or instance variable and initializing it in all those NSWindow storyboards.
Our app does not use NSDocument, which would provide a facility for associating NSWindow objects with a document/model architecture. So our goal has been to allow each and every NSController and NSView to get access to the appropriate singular document model object required to initialize the view's controls.
I've been warned by Apple engineering gurus that I cannot depend on the order in which views and subviews are created and initialized. That makes passing data down into complex storyboard embedded subviews tricky and error-prone.
But -- with all UI on the main thread, it is not possible for a single application on MacOS to create, initialize, and display one storyboard AND have another storyboard initialization & display interrupt that process (at least not our user-invoked application storyboards). So the simple solution is...
...to have a temporarily set application-level global with the desired document model pointer. That, and a stack-based lock count to insure that the above assumptions are never violated. Terrible design. Efficient solution.
No one needs to remind me WHY this is not good. But if there's a better solution it has escaped my testing. I found that even viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear can't be trusted to have a solid pointer back to its NSWindow...
Without knowing your application structure; you will need a mechanism to assign the model pointer to each individual window. This will necessitate adding some code somewhere. An NSWindow subclass does seem appropriate.
In the AppKit MVC pattern, model data usually fits between the view and the view controller. Attempting to associate the model with the window is fighting against this pattern to some extent.
That being said; the Objective C runtime does allow you to add custom properties to existing classes using categories. This is achieved using Associative References. The relevant functions are:
This article has a good rundown of the benefits and downsides of that approach.

Using separate .nibs and getting logic out of App Delegate

I have a document based app using the standard template. I have two auxiliary panels in Main Menu.xib, and my main logic is currently in the App Delegate, mainly through an IBAction in App Delegate triggered by a button on one of my panels. Everything works fine, but I know it should be organised better.
I have implemented a Preferences panel as suggested by Hillegass in Chapter 12. So:
Create a custom controller called AppController containing instance
of PreferenceController. This is instantiated in Main Menu.xib
Custom PreferenceController class which is subclass of
NSWindowController. This loads the Preferences.xib
Preferences panel created in Preferences.xib
Before I get too far in the app’s development, I want to be sure I’m organising things the right way.
I want to move my main logic out of App Delegate, possibly into App Controller. I want App Controller to be in charge of showing and hiding the various panels, and I want each panel to have its own .xib.
I have created two more subclasses of NSWindowController and made them ivars of the AppController, alongside the PreferencesController eg. Panel1Controller & Panel2Controller.
My problem is that interface builder is not letting me connect an IBAction in AppController to a button on one of my panels. It only lets me connect to the .xib file’s owner, i.e. Panel1Controller in the case of Panel1.xib.
If I put the logic in Panel1Controller, how do I get at one of the other panels (say Panel2Controller?) in order to hide it?
Am I going about this the right way?
Getting very confused….
Any help much appreciated!
Just for simplicity sake I'd move all the nib elements controlled by the NSWindowController sub-classes out of the main nib and into nibs with the same name as the (NSWindowController) sub-classes that control them. DON'T expose IBOutlets or IBActions in the sub-class headers (they should be in a class extension ("#interface MyWindowController ()") in the source file for that sub-class.
Also, is the AppController a 2nd app delegate? Probably not what you want (there can only be one); you should merge its logic into the existing app delegate if that's the case.
I just came across this method.
This seems to do away with NSWindowController altogether, and make the AppController the file's owner of both .xibs. This way IB allows you to create outlets in AppController for each window, and contain actions.
I have created a very simple, two-window app using this method that hides one window when a button on the other is pressed. Before I go away and re-organise my main app, I want to be sure I'm doing this the correct, standard way, if there is one?
This page contradicts this method, by saying one window = one .xib + one NSWindowController subclass.
If you do it the latter way, how can one window talk to another, when you can't create outlets/actions in the AppController? Actions implemented in a window's NSWindowController class can't see outlets of another window, so how can they communicate?
This seems like pretty standard, basic stuff and yet I cannot find any sources which say which way is correct/best practice.
Another method I have read about here mentions using Notifications.
I'm still wondering though - which is the most common "accepted" method of loading two or more windows in separate .nibs and getting them to talk to each other? I'm surprise this info has been so hard to find.
If you're going to follow this pattern, separate AppDelegate and AppController, then your MainMenu.xib should not contain any window objects of any kind...it should just contain the application menu. Each additional window (NSWindow/NSPanel, etc.) gets its own .xib and its own NSWindowController.
There are two ways to assign references to your properties (IBOutlets) and methods (IBActions): 1) programatically, 2) via Interface Builder. Let's cover the second method!
To be able to wire things up from Interface Builder (IB) you will need a reference to the target object inside IB. For the MainMenu.xib file, this gets setup automatically: the MainMenu.xib contains an "AppDelegate" Object reference. The Object reference exposes the properties and methods in the AppDelegate class that are prefixed by the "IBAction" and "IBOutlet" macros. I write Object (with a capital O) because it is a widget available in the "Object Library" in IB.
You can easily create an instance of a custom objects inside a .xib file (via IB) by dragging an "Object" widget from the Object Library into your .xib. Then set the Object's class to that of your custom class. Once you've done this, the IBActions and IBOutlets in your custom class object will be available in IB. [Note: one thing to remember when doing this, is that when you load the xib, the object will be instantiated automatically. No need to alloc and init from within AppDelegate...you still have to call showWindow: on it].
As you mentioned, another approach is to simply have all of your additional .xib files owned by the AppController. That would be convenient, but it also gets 100% away from the architecture that you were trying to follow in the first place. In other words, if you're going to follow that style, why not just skip the separate AppDelegate and AppController in the first place, and just stick with the former (which would then be a Controller and Delegate).

Cocoa - explanation of view handling

I'm learning Cocoa at the moment, and have followed 'generic' tutorials on getting a basic form with a button and label.
With the .xib, I've added an 'Object' (instance of NSObject subclass), and have also created a ViewController class, which I connect to my view by setting Custom Class to ViewController. I then code up my ViewController.h and .m files adding a pressedButton method, and a label (myLabel). This all works OK (ie. the label updates when the button is pressed).
My question is: what am I actually doing with this process in C++ terms (a language I'm more familiar with)? As I understood it, my 'Object' (set to class ViewController) represents an instance of the .xib file (may be wrong here), and with this set to the ViewController class, I'm able to make outlets and actions in ViewController.h/.m, but I'm still not sure what's really going on behind the scenes.
Lastly, the XCode template provides an AppDelegate class 'free'. Given I'm managing my controls via my ViewController class, what would this file/object be used for - is it for application specific things that do not relate to the view itself, or is it also used to manage the controls on the form too (like you see in some tutorials I think)?
I hope, I understood the first part of your question well. The .xib (xml verison of nib file) does not represent a class or object. It is rather used to create a view object with all its subviews (each an object) and link it properly to your view controller.
It is most common and automatically generated that way, that the underlying view within your nib file corersponds to self.view (from your view controller's point of view).
You could access each view created by the nib file by navigating though the subview hierarchy of self.view. Alternatively you could define tags within nib/IB (Interface builder) to access individual view objects more easily.
"Just for your convenience" the IBOutlets were introduced. You can define an IBOutlet in the interface of your view controller and link it using IB to the dedicated object that is created using the xib file.
I am saying "Just for your covenience" because it is not really neccessary, considering other ways of addressing your view objects. But it is more than convenient and therfore strongly recommended and stimply the standard way of doing it.
You could even add further views programmatically to a form/view that was created using IB. You can change properties of those views programmatically.
The view and the subvies are created in that very moment when your view controller is initialized with a nib file using the initWithNibName:bundle: method. Then the nib file (xib these days) is opened, its content is parsed and interpreted and all views are created and added to their superviews respectively and their properties and action: selectors etc. are set accordingly. Again, the whole process is designed for your convenience. You could even create all the views etc. programmatically - witout any nib file at all. The loadView method of your custom view controller would be the appropriate place of dong so.
Second question:
AppDelegate is designed for application wide actions etc. If you can manage everything fine within your view controllers then you would not need to change anything on the AppDelegate.
It is often used as a container for variables or functions of global character (which are then properties and members of the app delegate object). Sometimes you may see it neccessary to override some of the AppDelegates methods like application:didFinishLanuncing or applicationDidBecomeActive.
Strictly spoken, UIApplicationDelegate is no class that you subclass. It is a protocol that you implement. (Very much like interfaces within Java - sort of overcoming the lack of multiple inheritance that you are familiar with from C++).

Objective-C: Refactoring code - how do I get a pointer to a view instance?

I am not very experienced with OOP so I wanted to share what I am currently doing and ask for some advice about how I should go about a couple of things.
I am currently working on a simple game that uses a 2d grid. Here is a quick overview of my class structure:
'GameBoard'- has an array of the possible cell states for the game, and methods that implement the rules.
'GameView' - has the superclass NSView, and is placed in my window as a custom view. This class is intended to read from the game board and draw the contents of the array by mapping the stares to an enumeration of images in its drawRect: method.
'GameController' - this is an intermediate class intended to initialise the game board and view, and handle the various UI controls. This class has instance variables of the 'GameBoard' and 'GameView' type.
Originally, I was doing nearly everything in the View class, and had it working fine but it started to get hard really to follow, which was my main reason for wanting to spread my code over a new class.
I have created a method in 'GameController' that initialises a new game, with some user defined parameters (removed in the snippet to save space).
-(IBACTION)initialiseGame:(id)sender {
gameBoard = [[GameBoard alloc] init...];
gameView = [[GameView alloc] init...];
What I want to do here is pass the game view a pointer to the game board instance so that I can read it's array to draw the current state of the game, something like:
Is this the right way of going about that, or should I be doing this in a different way?
My next problem with moving to the controller class is that I cannot seem to find out how to do is get a pointer to the instance of GameView that I have placed on the window in IB? Would it be better to not place the view on the window in interface builder, and instead place it on the window programatically in the initialiseGame function? If so how would I go about doing that?
I guess one other question would be, should I just scrap this idea and stick to doing everything in the GameDraw class?
Thank you very much for taking your time to read this, this is probably a very simple question to any experienced object-oriented programmer, but I cannot seem to find the answers specifically anywhere.
There's more than one way to do make this work, but here's how I would do it:
Instantiate the view once in IB. Don't invoke alloc/init yourself.
In your view controller, make an outlet for your view and connect it in Interface Builder. That's how your controller will get access to it. Your view controller will need to be the file owner — probably it already is.
Design the view to be reusable. Give it a -setGameBoard: method for the controller to invoke. Make sure the view can draw something blank when it doesn't have a game board.
Write -initializeGame: like this:
-(IBAction) initialiseGame:(id) sender {
gameBoard = [[GameBoard alloc] init...];
[gameView setGameBoard:gameBoard];

Drag-and-drop files onto an NSTableView?

I have an NSTableView which I wish to allow users to drag-and-drop video files onto. When they drop the file, it'll get added as a row in the table view.
How would I go about doing this? Currently the tableview's takes its data from an Array Controller (which takes its data from a NSMutableArray)
I found this documentation, but cannot seem to make it work..
I have..
made a "TableCon" class (which I changed to inherit from NSTableView, not NSObject)
changed the NSTableView class to TableCon
set the NSTableView's delegate outlet to that class
called registerForDraggedTypes in TableCon's init
implemented - (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender; (again in TableCon)
..but, nothing, it acts like I never changed anything (no errors), what am I doing wrong?
Edit: I've tried implementing Boaz Stuller's suggestion, and also found this description of the solution (the first reply includes the solution to the first post). So what I have done now is..
Subclass NSArrayController which feeds content to the table view (TableListCon)
Add tableView outlet to TableListCon (and pointed it at the NSTableView)
Implement validateDrop, writeRowsWithIndexes, and acceptDrop in TableListCon
Called registerForDraggedTypes on the tableView outlet.
Again, no errors/warnings, but only the awakeFromNib method seems to be called (None of the other methods are called)
NSTableView handles drag-and-drop differently from generic views, which is overall a good thing. It means that you don't have to manually handle the complicated highlighting, cell tracking and inserting behaviours that tables require.
A description of what is required can be found here. Basically, you still call -registerDraggedTypes: (generally in your -awakeFromNib method) but instead of implementing the NSDraggingDestination methods, you implement the various data source methods associated with drag and drop, which can be found here. You should not need to subclass NSTableView to implement drag-and-drop in this fashion.
Note those are data source methods. You need to hook the table view's dataSource outlet to the class that implements those methods in order for them to be called.
In addition to what Boaz said, it sounds like you're creating an NSTableView subclass and then making an instance of that subclass the delegate of NSTableView. If you're going to subclass, that subclass should be used in place of NSTableView, not in addition to it. Also, it's almost always a violation of concerns to have a view be a delegate for another object.