Need help in opening sharepoint 2010 from designer - sharepoint-2010

While i am opening the sharepoint 2010 intranet site with port number, i am successfully able to open the site from sharepoint desinger. But while i am trying to open the same site after configuring Alternate Access Mapping: For
example i am getting below error: Let me explain how i am opening the site: I have typed the url:
in the browser. Site got opened, then i went site settings, then clicked on open with designer.
unable to open the site. Possible causes:
1. The Web server many not have sharepoint Server installed.
2. The Web Server may be temprarily out of service.
3. If you are conneting through a proxy server, the proxy settings may be incorrect.
4. An error may have occurred in the Web server.
Please help somebody. your help is heartily appreicated.

Make sure
- you also add the port number.
- there isn't a machine on the network using that same domain name
- you don't have an entry in your windows hosts file that points to a different (incorrect) location.
- Try opening the site directly with SharePoint Designer instead of using the button from the ribbon
- iisreset?


Cannot search in lists

When I use in Outlook 2013, I am unable to find results that are in a list on our SharePoint site, even if I browse to list and search directly on somthing I can see exist in my list.
How come cannot find contents of lists on my SharePoint Online 2013 site?
Would you please download latest version 4.5.2.xxxx) from web site.
In the case, you still experience this issues, would you please run the same query (at the same scope) from SharePoint web Interface with IE.
If you get the expected result inside IE, please attach a screen shot and please gather the communication information between client ( and SharePoint server – we usually rely on Fiddler network tracing tool Please download and install it. If your Sharepoint site uses HTTPS secure protocol – after installing Fiddler, please go under ‘Tools -> Fiddler Options’, select ‘HTTPS’ tab and enable the checkboxes (Capture HTTPS Traffic, Decrypt HTTPS Traffic, Ignore Server Certificate Errors).
If installed and configured successfully – restart Outlook, and reproduce the problem (run the query) . You should requests being registered in fiddler. Once the trace log is generated, save it via File -> Save All Sessions… and attach the generated .saz file
---- Jean

InfoPath 2010 publish issues; resolved with reboot

I receive the following error message about 50% of the time when trying to publish an InfoPath 2010 form template to my corporate SharePoint site:
The image text reads:
Infopath canot save the following form:
This document library was either renamed or deleted, or network problems are preventing the file from being saved. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.
The thing that is odd about this is that I can resolve the problem by rebooting my system and reauthenticating to the site. I am then able to republish my template at least once.
Things I have tried:
Clearing my SSL state in Internet Explorer, reauthenticating to SharePoint in the browser
Starting InfoPath from the run prompt with the following switches: infopath /cache clearall
Rebooting (always fixes the issue - would like to avoid this)
My corporate SharePoint site sits on a different domain than my desktop. This could be an issue here, but I don't know why it would persist after reauthenticating.
This topic may fit more neatly on the SharePoint SE site, but the potential for networking related problems made me feel the need to post it to SO.
For me, I was able to resolve by closing out of IP and then bringing up Task Manager and killing a still living IP process. Opening IP and republishing. No reboot required.
Hope this helps someone.
This issue occurs because the Desktop Experience feature is not enabled on the Windows Server 2008 R2 server. Therefore, connections cannot be made from the Windows Server 2008 R2 server to the SharePoint server.

Security notification bar

I need to add a web reference in Visual Studio 2012 (because service reference generates a blank reference CS and I have given up after hours of googling).
When I go to add the web reference (add service reference → advanced → add web reference) and enter the WSDL URL I get the IE Notification Bar in the dialog with the message:
To help protect your security, your web browser has blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. The option to "Download file" does not work.
I've changed IE security settings to minimum and added the domain to the list of trusted sites but did not have any effect. I also uninstalled IE10 completely and still get the notification bar. I am using Windows 8.
Anyone shed any light on this or had any success adding a web reference in VS 2012?
If you can download the WSDL with your browser, download it and save it to a file. You can then reference it from Visual Studio by pointing it to that file. Or you can use svcutil.exe or wsdl.exe to generate a proxy from the commandline.

Error Trying to Save from Excel to Sharepoint Library

I am trying to save an Excel 2010 file to a Sahrepoint 2010 document library but keep getting the error:
"You can't open this location using this program. Please try a different location"
Googling this suggests enabling "Desktop Experience" on the server which I have done. All Excel services are activated.
Has anyone come across this and been able to resolve successfully? I am wondering if this is more security related but the security set-up looks fine.
Any suggestions?
I think that there are potentially a couple of things that could solve this problem depending on your set-up.
You are right that a lot of internet advice is to enable desktop experience, but if you are not running on the server or if you have already done this then one of the suggestions below could help.
This is only for dev environments however.
If you are running on the server and trying to use your app as admin then configuring IE ESC to turn off enhanced security for Admins should help
If you are running off server and have the issue and do not want to turn off IE ESC (on the server) for users then you need to enable a mechanism to allow auto-logon, either through integrated security (i.e. you are part of the domain), accessing through an anon web-site port on your SharePoint app (set-up anon web access in SharePoint) or set up and store a WebDav link and use that as the open/save URL.
My (unconfirmed) theory is that there is some auto-login going on in the background that hinders a streamlined office integration. Most of the time, SharePoint will be set up with Kerberos (not NTLM) or be in anon mode so enabling desktop experience if running on the server will be the best first step to try.
Hope this helps.
The problem is that the full path to the file is too long.
I had this problem with a PowerPoint presentation. The full path to the file was over 275 characters. When I shortened the file name to bring the full path under 250 characters, I was able to open the file normally.

Why am I am getting 404 errors when I try to access my newly-installed CruiseControl.NET Dashboard?

I've just got to the bottom of this, and couldn't find the problem documented anywhere, so thought I would post the question (and answer) for future reference:
I've just installed CruiseControl.NET on a (virtual) Windows Server 2003 and I can't access the Dashboard. CruiseControl (ccnet.exe) runs fine, and IIS6 is up and running, and the the CruiseControl installation installed the Dashboard app under Default Web Sites as "ccnet". It's pointing to the dashboard folder, and the dashboard files are visible in IIIS Manager, but when I try to access http://localhost/ccnet I get a 404: Page Not Found error. I get this whether I use IE or Chrome, or try to Browse the site from IIS Manager.
What's wrong?
ASP.NET was Prohibited, and needed to be Allowed - in IIS Manager, click on Web Service Extensions under the server, select ASP.NET and click Allow.