Disadvantages of using Texture Cache / Image2D for 2D Arrays? - optimization

When accessing 2D arrays in global memory, using the Texture Cache has many benefits, like filtering and not having to care as much for memory access patterns. The CUDA Programming Guide is only naming one downside:
However, within the same kernel call, the texture cache is not kept coherent with respect to global memory writes, so that any texture fetch to an address that has been written to via a global write in the same kernel call returns undefined data.
If I don't have a need for that, because I never write to the memory I read from, are there any downsides/pitfalls/problems when using the Texture Cache (or Image2D, as I am working in OpenCL) instead of plain global memory? Are there any cases where I will lose performance by using the Texture Cache?

Textures can be faster, the same speed, or slower than "naked" global memory access. There are no general rules of thumb for predicting performance using textures, as the speed up (or lack of speed up) is determined by data usage patterns within your code and the texture hardware being used.
In the worst case, where cache hit rates are very low, using textures is slower that normal memory access. Each thread has to firstly have a cache miss, then trigger a global memory fetch. The resulting total latency will be higher than a direct read from memory. I almost always write two versions of any serious code I am developing where textures might be useful (one with and one without), and then benchmark them. Often it is possible to develop heuristics to select which version to use based on inputs. CUBLAS uses this strategy extensively.


Is it better to store uniform descriptors in a single buffer or use seperate buffers for each frame?

My application has a max of 2 frames in flight. The vertex shader takes a uniform buffer containing matrices. Because 2 frames could potentially be rendering at the same time I believe I need to have separate memory for each frame's uniform buffer.
Is it preferable to create a single buffer than holds the uniforms of both frames and use an offset within the buffer to do updates. Or is it better that each frame have its own buffer?
Technically you can do either; it ultimately boils down to what makes the most sense implementation-wise. Provided you can ensure that you're not overwriting buffer data that's still active (and being consumed on the GPU), one memory allocation would be sufficient. It's a big advantage of the Vulkan API (since you have full control) but it does make life more complicated.
In my use-case, I use pages of allocations (kinda like a heap model) where I allocate on demand and return blocks when they're done (basically, if a reference is removed, I age out for however many frames of buffering I have and then free the block). This is targeted at uniform buffers that change infrequently.
For per-draw uniform data, I use push constants - this might be worth looking at for your use-case. Since the per-instance matrix is "use once then discard" and is relatively small, this actually makes life simpler, and could even have a performance benefit, to boot.

How to write to the image directly by CPU when load it in Vulkan?

In Direct3D12, you can use "ID3D12Resource::WriteToSubresource" to enable zero-copy optimizations for UMA adapters.
What is the equivalent of "ID3D12Resource::WriteToSubresource" in Vulkan?
What WriteToSubresource seems to do (in Vulkan-equivalent terms) is write pixel data from CPU memory to an image whose storage is in CPU-writable memory (hence the requirement that it first be mapped), to do so immediately without the need for a command buffer, and to be able to do so regardless of linear/tiling.
Vulkan doesn't have a way to do that. You can write directly to the backing storage for linear images (in the generic layout), but not for tiled ones. You have to use a proper transfer command for that, even on UMA architectures. Which means building a command buffer and submitting to a transfer-capable queue, since Vulkan doesn't have any immediate copy commands like that.
A Vulkan way to do this would essentially be a function that writes data to a mapped pointer to device memory storage as appropriate for a tiled VkImage in the pre-initialized layout that you intend to store in a particular region of memory. That way, you could then bind the image to that location of memory, and you'd be able to transition the layout to whatever you want.
But that would require adding such a function and allowing the pre-initialized layout to be used for tiled images (so long as the data is written by this function).
So, from ID3D12Resource::WriteToSubresource docunentation I read it performs one copy, with marketeze sprinkled on top.
Vulkan is an explicit API, which does perfectly allow you to do an one-copy on UMA (or on anything else). It even allows you to do real zero-copy, if you stick with linear tiling.
UMA may look like this: https://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/displayreport.php?id=4919#memorytypes
I.e. has only one heap, and the memory type is both DEVICE_LOCAL and HOST_VISIBLE.
So, if you create a linearly tiled image\buffer in Vulkan, vkMapMemory its memory, and then produce your data into that mapped pointer directly, there you have a (real) zero-copy.
Since this is not always practical (i.e. you cannot always choose how things are allocated, e.g. if it is data returned from library function), there is an extension VK_EXT_external_memory_host (assuming your ICD supports it of course), which allows you to import your host data directly, without having to first make a Vulkan memory map.
Now, there are optimally tiled images. Optimal tiling is opaque in Vulkan (so far), and implementation-dependent, so you do not even know the addressing scheme without some reverse engineering. You, generally speaking, want to use optimally tiled images, because supposedly accessing them has better performance characteristics (at least in common situations).
This is where the single copy comes in. You would take your linearly tiled image (or buffer), and vkCmdCopy* it into your optimally tiled image. That copy is performed by the Device\GPU with all its bells and whistles, potentially faster than CPU, i.e. what I suspect they would call "near zero-copy".

Non power of two textures and memory consumption optimization

I read somewhere that XNA framework upscales a texture to nearest power of two size and then sends that to VRAM, which, provided it's how it really works, might be not efficient when loading many small (in my case 150×150) textures, which essentially waste memory with unused texture data resulting from upscaling.
So is there some automatic optimization, or should I make my own implementation of it, like loading all textures, figuring out where the "upscaled" space is big enough to hold some other texture and place it there, remembering sprite positions, thus using one texture instead of two (or more)?
It isn't always handy to do this manually for each texture (placing many small sprites in a single texture), because it's hard to work with later (essentially it becomes less human-oriented), and not always a sprite will be needed in some level of a game, so it would be better if sprites were in a different composition, so it should be done automatically.
There are tools available to create what are known as "sprite sheets" or "texture atlases". This XNA sample does this for you as part of a content pipeline extension.
Note that the padding of textures only happens on devices that do not support non-power-of-two textures. Windows Phone, for example. Modern GPUs won't waste the RAM. However this is still a useful optimisation to allow you to merge batches of sprites (see this answer for details).

Scattered-write speed versus scattered-read speed on modern Intel or AMD CPUs?

I'm thinking of optimizing a program via taking a linear array and writing each element to a arbitrary location (random-like from the perspective of the CPU) in another array. I am only doing simple writes and not reading the elements back.
I understand that a scatted read for a classical CPU can be quite slow as each access will cause a cache miss and thus a processor wait. But I was thinking that a scattered write could technically be fast because the processor isn't waiting for a result, thus it may not have to wait for the transaction to complete.
I am unfortunately unfamiliar with all the details of the classical CPU memory architecture and thus there may be some complications that may cause this also to be quite slow.
Has anyone tried this?
(I should say that I am trying to invert a problem I have. I currently have an linear array from which I am read arbitrary values -- a scattered read -- and it is incredibly slow because of all the cache misses. My thoughts are that I can invert this operation into a scattered write for a significant speed benefit.)
In general you pay a high penalty for scattered writes to addresses which are not already in cache, since you have to load and store an entire cache line for each write, hence FSB and DRAM bandwidth requirements will be much higher than for sequential writes. And of course you'll incur a cache miss on every write (a couple of hundred cycles typically on modern CPUs), and there will be no help from any automatic prefetch mechanism.
I must admit, this sounds kind of hardcore. But I take the risk and answer anyway.
Is it possible to divide the input array into pages, and read/scan each page multiple times. Every pass through the page, you only process (or output) the data that belongs in a limited amount of pages. This way you only get cache-misses at the start of each input page loop.

What causes page fault and how to minimize them?

When examining a process in Process Explorer, what does it mean when there are several page faults? The application is processing quite a bit of data and the UI is not very responsive. Are there optimizations to the code that could reduce or eliminate page faults? Would increasing the physical RAM of the system make a difference?
Increasing the physical RAM on your machine could result in fewer page faults, although design changes to your application will do much better than adding RAM. In general, having a smaller memory footprint, and having things that will often be accessed around the same time be on the same page will decrease the number of page faults. It can, also, be helpful to try to do everything you can with some bit of data in memory all at once so that you don't need to access it many different times, which may cause page faults (aka thrashing).
It might also be helpful to make sure that memory that is accessed after each other is near to each other (eg if you have some objects, place them in an array) if these objects have lots of data that is very infrequently used, place it in another class and make the first class have a reference to the second one. This way you will use less memory most of the time.
A design option would be to write a memory cache system, lazy creating memory (create on demand). such cache would have a collection of pre-allocated memory chunks, accessed by their size. For example, an array of N lists, each list having M buffers.each list is responsible to bring you memory in a certain size range. (for example, from each list bringing you memory in the range of 2^i (i = 0..N-1). even if you want to use less then 2^i, you just dont use the extra memory in the buffer.
this would be a tradeoff of small memory waste, vs caching and less page faults.
another option is to use nedmalloc
good luck