jquery form plugin - jquery-forms-plugin

I am trying to use jquery.form.js and for some reason I am unable to call my php script. At least I can't tell if I am or not. What does it look like I am doing this incorrectly?
$('#profilepicbutton').live('change', function(){
$("#preview").html('<img src="loader.gif" alt="Uploading...."/>');
target: '#preview'
The Form...
<form id="registerpt3" action="register3.php" method="post">
<input name="profilepicinput" type="file" id="profilepicbutton" />
<button type="submit" class="button">Save</button>
I never seem to call my php function. Which is corectly labeled above. How do you call an action using Jquery.Form.js? Am I doing this incorrectly?

...should be...


Simple web form text field returns nothing

I'm running into a really baffling problem where I have an extremely simple (read, newbie trying to understand) web form. The form looks like this:
<form id="myform">
<input type="text" name="t" id="t" />
<input type="submit" id="sub" value="Submit" />
Then I have some also very simple js that I just want to use to check what the value is that the user has before doing some other things and submitting.
function search()
var form = document.querySelector("form");
s = form.elements[0].value;
What I don't understand is why, whatever I do, the first alert shows type "text" like I want, and the second one returns nothing at all. It doesn't matter what's in the field, when I submit, it goes away before the javascript even catches it.
I also tried
document.forms["myform"].addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
And it seemed to have no effect on the fact that the page always submits when I refresh, but it did stop my button from submitting.
;tldr I just want the text value from my text field so I can do some validation, but it's always empty.
Let me know if I can "close" questions. The problem was how I bound the function to the button, which I hadn't even considered. Be careful with those "()"
You may have to change the keyword "search" to something else like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doSearch() {
var t = document.getElementById('t');
Then this will work:
<input type="text" name="t" id="t" />
<input type="submit" id="sub" value="Submit" />
do search

Pass UTC offset into controller route

Fairly new to ASP.NET CORE, come from WPF background.
Having some trouble understanding how to pass local variables around.
I have a form:
<span id="clock"></span>
<form asp-action="Create" asp-controller="Session" method="post" asp-route-session="#Model.Session">
<input asp-for="#Model.Session.ClientId" class="form-control" style="display: none" />
<ejs-dropdownlist id="clinics" dataSource="#Model.LinkableClinics" placeholder="Select Clinic" popupHeight="220px" ejs-for="#Model.Session.ClinicId">
<e-dropdownlist-fields text="Name" value="ClinicId"></e-dropdownlist-fields>
<ejs-dropdownlist id="employees" dataSource="#Model.LinkableEmployees" placeholder="Select Employee" popupHeight="220px" ejs-for="#Model.Session.EmployeeId">
<e-dropdownlist-fields text="Name" value="EmployeeId"></e-dropdownlist-fields>
<ejs-datetimepicker id="startdatetimepicker" placeholder="Select a date and time" ejs-for="#Model.Session.StartTime"></ejs-datetimepicker>
<ejs-datetimepicker id="enddatetimepicker" placeholder="Select a date and time" ejs-for="#Model.Session.EndTime"></ejs-datetimepicker>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Create Session" class="btn btn-primary" />
and I would like to add asp-route-offset to my form but I can't figure out how to pass a locally calculated variable into this routing.
This is a post, so I can't just use Url.Redirect() custom url builder.
I've also tried to add a hidden field and run a calculation inside the "value"
<input asp-for="#Model.Session.Offset" class="form-control" style="display: none" value="getValue()"/>
I'm calculating my offset in my <script> section as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = loaded;
function loaded() {
var clockElement = document.getElementById("clock");
function updateClock(clock) {
clock.innerHTML = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
I've tried setting variables or the #Model object here, but nothing seems to want to stick.
Anyone have experience trying to pass a variable like this? Or a better way to pass UTC offset into my timestamp?
You're trying to mix and match things happening server-side and client-side. Your script which gets the offset runs client-side, after the server has sent the response. Your Razor code runs server-side, before the client has even received the page.
Long and short, if you want to update the value, you have to do it via client-side means, namely JavaScript:
document.getElementById('#Session_Offset').value = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
You can't use something like asp-route-offset at all, because the offset is coming from the client and can't be used to generate the post URL. As a result, you'll need to stick with the hidden input approach.

Prestashop smarty make a form for user and save the input fields to the database?

In Prestashop I am doing a module. In that module I have view file(smarty template). In smarty I am doing form so that user can submit the form from frontend. Now when user makes fill the form and clicks on submit then the form should save all the vales to thae database. So for that in smarty I made a form like this
<div id="content" class="form-wrapper" >
<div class="form-content">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Name" /> <br />
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" placeholder="email"/> <br />
<input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" placeholder="Phone Number"/> <br />
<input type="submit" name="submit-query" id="submit-enquiry" value="submit" />
and in the file where the values will be submitted I have made my code like this
include '../../../config/settings.inc.php';
include '../../../config/defines.inc.php';
include '../../../config/config.inc.php';
if(Tools::getValue('submit-query')) {
$this->_html .=$this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated successfully'));
else {
$this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('You Have Some Errors'));
Now when doing click on my submit button It is showing error like this
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in file.php on line 11
Now can someone kindly tell me what is the issue here and how can I make a form in smarty for frontend users so that they can submit the form and the value will be stored to the database. Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable. Thanks
First I would recommend to do the processing inside of your module, e.g. in init() function, you can get your module link using $this->context->link->getModuleLink('myModuleName'); and add it to the form action attribute, all variables can be assigned using $this->context->smarty->assign().
Storing values in database is quite a wide question. You have to provide some more details about it.
Check some tutorials from Prestashop e.g. Creating a Prestashop Module. You will find most of your answers there.

Using attachFile and Submit

I have the following HTML:
<form action="upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
Select a file to upload:
<input type="file" name="file"/>
<input type="hidden" name="USER_NAME" id="USER_NAME" value="user_name"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
I'm having a couple of problems.
Firstly, in the entry field (named "file") I want to set the name of the file to upload. I can do that just with WebElement.type(), but I get a warning about using attachFile. I'm happy to use that, but when I do so I get the error:
com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.
My second problem is that if I set the content of the entry field by type(), the submit button doesn't work. I can get the WebElement by css, but neither click() or submit() works. Nothing happens at all when I do either.
Thanks in advance for any help, and apologies for dumbness.

How to stay in Current Page

I have one form of user name and password fields followed by submit button. How do I stay in current page after clicking submit button without reloding page?
Any help is appreciated.
Try tis if you need a sumit button.
<input type="submit" onclick="return false" />
But you may want to use a simple clickable button if you don't wan't to sumbit your form on click... in this case, this should do the trick:
<input type="button" />
There are a couple of options. First of all in the markup for the submit button you can return false:
<input type="submit" onclick="return false;" />
The problem with the approach above is that it will cancel the submit, not sure if that's desired or not. Another approach you can take is to use something like jQuery to do an ajax request.
To do that you'd need to include jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
Then change your submit button to a regular button:
<input type="button" onclick="doAjaxCall();" />
The javascript function doAjaxCall would then be something like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doAjaxCall() {
$.ajax({ url: "destinationurl.aspx", success: function(){
alert('success! insert success javascript code here');