Help Visual Basic mixing characters -

I'm making an application that will change position of two characters in Word.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim str As String = File.ReadAllText("File.txt")
Dim str2 As String() = Split(str, " ")
For i As Integer = 0 To str2.Length - 1
Dim arr As Char() = CType(str2(i), Char())
For ia As Integer = 0 To arr.Length() - 1 Step 2
Dim pa As String
pa = arr(ia + 1)
arr(ia + 1) = arr(ia)
arr(ia) = pa
Next ia
For ib As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
File.WriteAllText("File2.txt", arr(ib))
Next ib
File.WriteAllText("File2.txt", " ")
Console.Write(" ")
Next i
End Sub
End Module
For example:
Input: ab
Output: ba
Input: asdasd asdasd
Output: saadds saadds
Program works good, it is mixing characters good, but it doesn't write text to the file. It will write text in console, but not in file.
Note: Program is working only with words that are divisible by 2, but it's not a problem.
Also, it does not return any error message.

Your code is overwriting the file that you have already written with a single space (" ") each time round.
You should only open the file once, and append to it using a stream writer:
Using output = File.CreateText("file2.txt")
' Put the for loop here.
End Using
There are some other things wrong with your code. Firstly, use For Each instead of For, this makes your code much more simple and readable. Secondly, try to avoid For loops altogether where possible. For instance, instead of iterating over the characters to output them one at a time, just create a new string from the char array, and write that:
Dim shuffledWord As New String(arr)
Some of your types are plain wrong, i.e. you are using String in places instead of Char. You should always use Option Strict On. Then the compiler will not tolerate such code.
You should also prefer to use framework methods over VB-specific methods. This makes it easier to understand for C# programmers, and also makes it easier to translate and change (that is, use the Split method of strings instead of a free function, use ToCharArray instead of a cast to Char() …).
Finally, use meaningful variable names. str, str2 and arr are particularly cryptic because they don’t tell the reader of the code anything of interest about the variables.
Sub Main()
Dim text As String = File.ReadAllText("File.txt")
Dim words As String() = str.Split(" "c)
Using output = File.CreateText("file2.txt")
For Each word In words
dim wordChars = word.ToCharArray()
For i As Integer = 0 To wordChars.Length - 1 Step 2
Dim tmp As Char = wordChars(i + 1)
wordChars(i + 1) = wordChars(i)
arr(i) = tmp
Dim shuffledWord As New String(wordChars)
output.Write(shuffledWord + " ")
Console.Write(huffledWord + " ")
End Using
End Sub


VB.NET - Delete excess white spaces between words in a sentence

I'm a programing student, so I've started with as my first language and I need some help.
I need to know how I delete excess white spaces between words in a sentence, only using these string functions: Trim, instr, char, mid, val and len.
I made a part of the code but it doesn't work, Thanks.
enter image description here
Knocked up a quick routine for you.
Public Function RemoveMyExcessSpaces(str As String) As String
Dim r As String = ""
If str IsNot Nothing AndAlso Len(str) > 0 Then
Dim spacefound As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 1 To Len(str)
If Mid(str, i, 1) = " " Then
If Not spacefound Then
spacefound = True
End If
If spacefound Then
spacefound = False
r += " "
End If
r += Mid(str, i, 1)
End If
End If
Return r
End Function
I think it meets your criteria.
Hope that helps.
Unless using those VB6 methods is a requirement, here's a one-line solution:
TextBox2.Text = String.Join(" ", TextBox1.Text.Split(New Char() {" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
Online test:
String.Split() splits a string on a specific character or substring (in this case a space) and creates an array of the string parts in-between. I.e: "Hello There" -> {"Hello", "There"}
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries removes any empty strings from the resulting split array. Double spaces will create empty strings when split, thus you'll get rid of them using this option.
String.Join() will create a string from an array and separate each array entry with the specified string (in this case a single space).
There is a very simple answer to this question, there is a string method that allows you to remove those "White Spaces" within a string.
Dim text_with_white_spaces as string = "Hey There!"
Dim text_without_white_spaces as string = text_with_white_spaces.Replace(" ", "")
'text_without_white_spaces should be equal to "HeyThere!"
Hope it helped!

For Loop: changing the loop condition while it is looping

What I want to do is replace all 'A' in a string with "Bb". but it will only loop with the original string not on the new string.
for example:
and it stops there because the original string only has a length of 3. it reads only up to the 3rd index and not the rest.
Dim txt As String
txt = output_text.Text
Dim a As String = a_equi.Text
Dim index As Integer = txt.Length - 1
Dim output As String = ""
For i = 0 To index
If (txt(i) = TextBox1.Text) Then
output = txt.Remove(i, 1).Insert(i, a)
txt = output
TextBox2.Text += txt + Environment.NewLine
End If
End Sub
I think this leaves us looking for a String.ReplaceFirst function. Since there isn't one, we can just write that function. Then the code that calls it becomes much more readable because it's quickly apparent what it's doing (from the name of the function.)
Public Function ReplaceFirst(searched As String, target As String, replacement As String) As String
'This input validation is just for completeness.
'It's not strictly necessary.
'If the searched string is "null", throw an exception.
If (searched Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("searched")
'If the target string is "null", throw an exception.
If (target Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("target")
'If the searched string doesn't contain the target string at all
'then just return it - were done.
Dim foundIndex As Integer = searched.IndexOf(target)
If (foundIndex = -1) Then Return searched
'Build a new string that replaces the target with the replacement.
Return String.Concat(searched.Substring(0, foundIndex), replacement, _
searched.Substring(foundIndex + target.Length, searched.Length - (foundIndex + target.Length)))
End Function
Notice how when you read the code below, you don't even have to spend a moment trying to figure out what it's doing. It's readable. While the input string contains "A", replace the first "A" with "Bb".
Dim input as string = "AAA"
While input.IndexOf("A") > -1
input = input.ReplaceFirst(input,"A","Bb")
'If you need to capture individual values of "input" as it changes
'add them to a list.
End While
You could optimize or completely replace the function. What matters is that your code is readable, someone can tell what it's doing, and the ReplaceFirst function is testable.
Then, let's say you wanted another function that gave you all of the "versions" of your input string as the target string is replaced:
Public Function GetIterativeReplacements(searched As String, target As String, replacement As String) As List(of string)
Dim output As New List(Of String)
While searched.IndexOf(target) > -1
searched = ReplaceFirst(searched, target, replacement)
End While
Return output
End Function
If you call
dim output as List(of string) = GetIterativeReplacments("AAAA","A","Bb")
It's going to return a list of strings containing
BbAAA, BbBbAA, BbBbBbA, BbBbBbBb
It's almost always good to keep methods short. If they start to get too long, just break them into smaller methods with clear names. That way you're not trying to read and follow and test one big, long function. That's difficult whether or not you're a new programmer. The trick isn't being able to create long, complex functions that we understand because we wrote them - it's creating small, simpler functions that anyone can understand.
Check your comments for a better solution, but for future reference you should use a while loop instead of a for loop if your condition will be changing and you're wanting to take that change into account.
I've made a simple example below to help you understand. If you tried the same with a for loop, you'd only get "one" "two" and "three" printed because the for loop doesn't 'see' that vals was changed
Dim vals As New List(Of String)
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < vals.Count
If vals(i) = "two" Then
End If
i += 1
End While
If you do want to replace one by one instead of using the Replace function, you could use a while loop to look for the index of your search character/string, and then replace/insert at that index.
Sub Main()
Dim a As String = String.Empty
Dim b As String = String.Empty
Dim c As String = String.Empty
Dim d As Int32 = -1
Console.Write("Whole string: ")
a = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Replace: ")
b = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Replace with: ")
c = Console.ReadLine()
d = a.IndexOf(b)
While d > -1
a = a.Remove(d, b.Length)
a = a.Insert(d, c)
d = a.LastIndexOf(b)
End While
Console.WriteLine("Finished string: " & a)
End Sub
Output would look like this:
Whole string: This is A string for replAcing chArActers.
Replace: A
Replace with: Bb
Finished string: This is Bb string for replBbcing chBbrBbcters.
I was going to write a while loop to answer your question, but realized (with assistance from others) that you could just .replace(x,y)
Output.Text = Input.Text.Replace("A", "Bb")
'Input = N A T O
'Output = N Bb T O
Edit: There is probably a better alternative, but i quickly jotted this loop down, hope it helps.
You've said your new and don't fully understand while loops. So if you don't understand functions either or how to pass arguments to them, I'd suggest looking that up too.
This is your Event, It can be a Button click or Textbox text change.
'Cut & Paste into an Event (Change textboxes to whatever you have input/output)
Dim Input As String = textbox1.Text
Do While Input.Contains("A")
Input = ChangeString(Input, "A", "Bb")
' Do whatever you like with each return of ChangeString() here
textbox2.Text = Input
This is your Function, with 3 Arguments and a Return Value that can be called in your code
' Cut & Paste into Code somewhere (not inside another sub/Function)
Private Function ChangeString(Input As String, LookFor As Char, ReplaceWith As String)
Dim Output As String = Nothing
Dim cFlag As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 0 To Input.Length - 1
Dim c As Char = Input(i)
If (c = LookFor) AndAlso (cFlag = False) Then
Output += ReplaceWith
cFlag = True
Output += c
End If
Console.WriteLine("Output: " & Output)
Return Output
End Function

Need To Extract String After '#' & Before ' ' (Blank Space) Multiple Times

I'm working on extracting twitter/facebook style mentions from a textbox.
So far, here's my code:
Dim a As String = TextBox1.Text + " "
Dim b As Char() = a.ToCharArray
Dim c As String
Dim l As Integer = TextBox1.Text.Length
Dim temp As Integer = 0
Dim nex As Integer = a.IndexOf(" ")
For i = 0 To l - 1
If b(i) = "#" Then
temp = 1
ElseIf temp = 1 Then
temp = 2
End If
If temp = 2 Then
c = a.Substring(i, nex).Trim() 'nex needs be replaced with next space on 2nd or nth loop
temp = 0
nex = a.IndexOf(" ") + nex
End If
Now this works great if the entered text is- #one #twwo #three. (If
the next strings are greater in length.) But doesn't work elsewhere.
Also, there is probably going to be content between two #mentions so I'm not willing to change the b(i).
I'm sure there's a much more efficient way to do this.
This is a job for regex. The pattern #\w+ should do nicely.
For Each m As Match In Regex.Matches("#testing this is a #test", "#\w+")
Will print out #testing and #test.
This pattern basically means "Find everything that starts with an '#' followed by one or more 'word characters'."
Regex is a very powerful tool for searching strings, you can read more about it on MSDN.

Longest Common substring breaking issue

Hi I have a function that finds the longest common substring between two strings. It works great except it seems to break when it reaches any single quote mark: '
This causes it to not truly find the longest substring sometimes.
Could anyone help me adjust this function so it includes single quotes in the substring? I know it needs to be escaped someplace I'm just not sure where.
String 1: Hi there this is jeff's dog.
String 2: Hi there this is jeff's dog.
After running the function the longest common substring would be:
Hi there this is jeff
Edit: seems to also happen with "-" as well.
It will not count anything after the single quote as part of the substring.
Here's is the function:
Public Shared Function LongestCommonSubstring(str1 As String, str2 As String, ByRef subStr As String)
subStr = String.Empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(str1) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) Then
Return 0
End If
Dim num As Integer(,) = New Integer(str1.Length - 1, str2.Length - 1) {}
Dim maxlen As Integer = 0
Dim lastSubsBegin As Integer = 0
Dim subStrBuilder As New StringBuilder()
For i As Integer = 0 To str1.Length - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To str2.Length - 1
If str1(i) <> str2(j) Then
num(i, j) = 0
If (i = 0) OrElse (j = 0) Then
num(i, j) = 1
num(i, j) = 1 + num(i - 1, j - 1)
End If
If num(i, j) > maxlen Then
maxlen = num(i, j)
Dim thisSubsBegin As Integer = i - num(i, j) + 1
If lastSubsBegin = thisSubsBegin Then
lastSubsBegin = thisSubsBegin
subStrBuilder.Length = 0
subStrBuilder.Append(str1.Substring(lastSubsBegin, (i + 1) - lastSubsBegin))
End If
End If
End If
subStr = subStrBuilder.ToString()
Return subStr
Catch e As Exception
Return ""
End Try
End Function
I tried it with dotnetfiddle and there it is working with your Code you posted. Please activate your warnings in your project. You have function with no return value and you return an integer or a string. This is not correct. How are you calling your function?
Here is my example I tested for you:
Your code works perfectly like Regex! As far as I can see, there is really nothing wrong with your code.
Here I even tested it under more severe case:
Public Sub Main()
Dim a As String = ""
Dim str1 As String = "Hi there this is jeff''s dog.-do you recognize this?? This__)=+ is m((a-#-&&*-ry$##! <>Hi:;? the[]{}re this|\ is jeff''s dog." 'Try to trick the logic!
Dim str2 As String = "Hi there this is jeff''s dog. ^^^^This__)=+ is m((a-#-&&*-ry$##! <>Hi:;? the[]{}re this|\ is jeff''s dog."
LongestCommonSubstring(str1, str2, a)
End Sub
Note that I put '-$#^_)=+&|\{}[]?!;:.<> all there. Plus I tried to trick your code by giving early result.
But the result is excellent!
You could probably put more actual samples on the inputs which give you problems. Else, you could possibly describe the environment that you use/deploy your code into. Maybe the problem lies elsewhere and not in the code.
The quickest way to solve this would be to use an escape code and replace all the ' with whatever escape code you use

search for filenames in textfiles

I have a powershell script that pulls out lines containing ".html" ".css" and so forth
however what I need is to be able to strip out the entire filename
using a pattern.... the entire pattern is returned example
.........\.html returns
my answer came in VB (with a bunch of work and even more research) I wanted to share with you all the results, it's not pretty but it works. is there an easier way?
I have commented the code to help in understanding.
Private Sub find()
Dim reader As StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(openWork.FileName)
Dim a As String
Dim SearchForThis As String
Dim allfilenames As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim first1 As String
Dim FirstCharacter As Integer
'Dim lines As Integer
SearchForThis = txtFind.Text
a = reader.ReadLine 'reader.Readling
If a = "" Then
a = reader.ReadLine
End If
If a Is Nothing Then 'without this check the for loops run with bad data, but I can't check "a" without reading it first.
For FirstCharacter = 2 To a.Length - SearchForThis.Length ' start at 2 to prevent errors in the ")" check
If Mid(a, FirstCharacter, SearchForThis.Length) = SearchForThis Then ' compare the line character by character to find the searchstring
If Mid(a, FirstCharacter - 1, 1) <> ")" Then ' checks for ")" just before the searchstring (a common problem with my .CSS finds)
For y = FirstCharacter To 1 Step -1
If Mid(a, y, 1) = Mid(a, FirstCharacter + SearchForThis.Length, 1) Then ' compares the character after searchstring till I find another one
Dim temp = Mid(a, y + 1, (FirstCharacter + SearchForThis.Length) - 1 - y) ' puts the entire filename into variable "temp"
allfilenames.Append(temp & Chr(13)) 'adds the contents of temp (and a carrage return) to the allfilenames stringbuilder
y = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until a Is Nothing
Document.Text = allfilenames.ToString
End Sub
(updating for comments... thanks for the input)
each line in the .css search file looks something like this.
addPbrDlg.html:12:<link rel=stylesheet href="swl_styles-5.0o-97581885.css" TYPE="text/css">
addPbrDlg.html:727: html(getFrame(statusFrame).strErrorMessage).css('color','red');
for this I want to return
but not return
basically I want to strip out the file names from HTML code
but if I use a pattern like
it would return something like
t href="swl_styles-5.0o-97581885.css
Finally... there are some variables that I don't need to worry about (due to my personal situation) like I know that all web pages are ".html" all images are ".gif" there are ".css" and ".js" files as well that I want to pull. But because the designers are extremely consistant I know that there aren't any surprise files (.jpg or .htm)
I can also assume that if there is a single quote after the filename, there will be a single quote before. same with double quote.
Thanks for your input so far... I appreciate your time and knowledge.
You need to use Regex and do something like this
Dim files = Regex.Matches("<your whole file text>", "Your regex pattern");
Your regex pattern will look something like this "\Asrc="".+((\.html)|(\.css))"")". This is probably wrong but when you get that straight follow with
Dim fileList as new List(of String)
For Each file as Match in files
' strip " src=" " and last " " "
fileList.Add(file.Value.Substring(5, file.Value.Length - 6))