search for filenames in textfiles -

I have a powershell script that pulls out lines containing ".html" ".css" and so forth
however what I need is to be able to strip out the entire filename
using a pattern.... the entire pattern is returned example
.........\.html returns
my answer came in VB (with a bunch of work and even more research) I wanted to share with you all the results, it's not pretty but it works. is there an easier way?
I have commented the code to help in understanding.
Private Sub find()
Dim reader As StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(openWork.FileName)
Dim a As String
Dim SearchForThis As String
Dim allfilenames As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim first1 As String
Dim FirstCharacter As Integer
'Dim lines As Integer
SearchForThis = txtFind.Text
a = reader.ReadLine 'reader.Readling
If a = "" Then
a = reader.ReadLine
End If
If a Is Nothing Then 'without this check the for loops run with bad data, but I can't check "a" without reading it first.
For FirstCharacter = 2 To a.Length - SearchForThis.Length ' start at 2 to prevent errors in the ")" check
If Mid(a, FirstCharacter, SearchForThis.Length) = SearchForThis Then ' compare the line character by character to find the searchstring
If Mid(a, FirstCharacter - 1, 1) <> ")" Then ' checks for ")" just before the searchstring (a common problem with my .CSS finds)
For y = FirstCharacter To 1 Step -1
If Mid(a, y, 1) = Mid(a, FirstCharacter + SearchForThis.Length, 1) Then ' compares the character after searchstring till I find another one
Dim temp = Mid(a, y + 1, (FirstCharacter + SearchForThis.Length) - 1 - y) ' puts the entire filename into variable "temp"
allfilenames.Append(temp & Chr(13)) 'adds the contents of temp (and a carrage return) to the allfilenames stringbuilder
y = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until a Is Nothing
Document.Text = allfilenames.ToString
End Sub
(updating for comments... thanks for the input)
each line in the .css search file looks something like this.
addPbrDlg.html:12:<link rel=stylesheet href="swl_styles-5.0o-97581885.css" TYPE="text/css">
addPbrDlg.html:727: html(getFrame(statusFrame).strErrorMessage).css('color','red');
for this I want to return
but not return
basically I want to strip out the file names from HTML code
but if I use a pattern like
it would return something like
t href="swl_styles-5.0o-97581885.css
Finally... there are some variables that I don't need to worry about (due to my personal situation) like I know that all web pages are ".html" all images are ".gif" there are ".css" and ".js" files as well that I want to pull. But because the designers are extremely consistant I know that there aren't any surprise files (.jpg or .htm)
I can also assume that if there is a single quote after the filename, there will be a single quote before. same with double quote.
Thanks for your input so far... I appreciate your time and knowledge.

You need to use Regex and do something like this
Dim files = Regex.Matches("<your whole file text>", "Your regex pattern");
Your regex pattern will look something like this "\Asrc="".+((\.html)|(\.css))"")". This is probably wrong but when you get that straight follow with
Dim fileList as new List(of String)
For Each file as Match in files
' strip " src=" " and last " " "
fileList.Add(file.Value.Substring(5, file.Value.Length - 6))


Cut String inside Quotation Mark

I have this String:
"[" & vbCrLf & " ""APPLE""" & vbCrLf & "]"
The only thing I need is APPLE.
I tried a few options with Split, Trim, Left and more, but they didn't work very well.
Thank you very much!
As the comments above have said, there's not enough information to give an answer without making assumptions, which could be wrong. I've assumed you want to extract the value between two quotation marks, regardless of what else is before or after.
If that's what you want, try this:
Dim Result As String = Nothing
Dim source As String = $"[{vbCrLf}""Apple""{vbCrLf}]"
Dim FirstQuote As Integer = source.IndexOf("""")
If FirstQuote > -1 And source.Length > FirstQuote Then
Dim SecondQuote As Integer = source.IndexOf("""", FirstQuote + 1)
If SecondQuote > FirstQuote Then
Result = source.Substring(FirstQuote + 1, SecondQuote - FirstQuote - 1)
End If
End If
If Result Is Nothing Then
'Handle Invalid Format
'Process Result
End If
You would need to modify that so that you passed your source string, rather than defining it in the code. If you wanted to extract multiple words from a single string in the same format, just set FirstQuote = SecondQuote + 1, check that doesn't exceed the length of the source string and loop through again.
I am going to assume that you probably just need to get the first occurance of a string (in this case "apple") within square-brackets using split and so:
Dim AppleString As String = "This is an [Apple] or etc [...]"
⚠️ This is not a solution for all purposes !!!

Removing CR/LF at end of file in

I've searched for a solution to this, but any I've found are either doing much more than I need or are not exactly what I want.
I have files I want to append to. I need to append to the end of the last line but they all have a carriage return and so I'll end up appending to the new line if I just append as normal.
All I want is to make a subroutine that takes a file path and removes the CR/LF at the end of it, no more, no less. Any help pointing me at a solution to this would be appreciated. I'm surprised there isn't a built in function to do this.
Dim crString = Environment.NewLine '= vbCrLf
Dim crBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(crString)
Dim bytesRead(crBytes.Length - 1) as Byte
Dim iOffset As Integer = 0
Dim stringRead As String
Using fs = File.Open("G:\test.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
While iOffset < fs.Length
fs.Seek(- (crBytes.Length + iOffset), SeekOrigin.End)
fs.Read(bytesRead,0, crBytes.Length)
stringRead = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytesRead)
If stringRead = crString Then
fs.SetLength(fs.Length - (crBytes.Length * iOffset + 1))
Exit While
End If
iOffset += 1
End While
End Using
I open the text file as FileStream and set its position to the end of the file - length of the carriage return string.
I then read the current bytes while decreasing the offset until I found a carriage return or the eof has been reached.
If a CR has been found I remove it and everything what comes after.
If you don´t want that just remove the loop and check the eof only.
But there could be some vbNullString at the eof that´s why I´m using the loop.
Please note that I used UTF8 encoding in my example. If you have other encodings you have to adapt it accordingly.
test.txt before run:
test.txt after code snippet run:
EDIT: fs.SetLength part was wrong in case of last character in file was not a CR.
I have found String.Replace(ControlChars.CrLf.ToCharArray(),"") works.
Probably better ways to do it as well!

How To Remove Last Word With Slash In A Textbox VB.NET

I'm trying to remove the last word on a Label with it's slash without putting it in a String or an Array because the words are typed, looks something like this D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4 and if i click a button it should remove the Folder4 and when i click the button again it should remove the Folder3 and so on.
Dim s As String = Label5.Text
Dim r As String = Replace(s, "\", "")
Label5.Text = r
And this only removes the slash, how do i add the texts?
I tried something like this:
Replace(s, "\" & Label5.Text.TrimEnd, "")
but nothing happens. Help?
The string class has a method called LastIndexOf that tells you the index of the last character that you pass as parameter.
Then the Substring method allows you to keep only the part before that index
' Label.Text = "D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4"
Dim pos As Integer = Label.Text.LastIndexOf("\")
if pos <> -1 Then
Label.Text = Label.Text.Substring(0, pos)
End If
No need to split the input in an array and then rebuild your string.
Another method, very simple, (but that carries also an assumption) is to use the Path class
' Label.Text = "D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4"
Label.Text = Path.GetDirectoryName(Label.Text)
The assumption, of course, is in the fact, that you have a correctly typed folder name (not necessary that the folder exists though)
Idea is, to find last word by splitting the string with \ and then finding last element in the splitted array
Dim s As String = Label5.Text '"D:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4"
Dim r As String = s.Replace("\" & s.Split("\")(s.Split("\").Length-1), String.Empty)
Label5.Text=r 'Console.Write(r)
Try this:
Dim r as String = Replace(s, s.Split("\").Last(), "")
.Last() will make sure you get the last word after the "\"

Is it possible to rename the files after copying from source folder?

I copy some test images from source folder.. but i want to make their image name become "001,002" .. and so on.
For Each path As ListViewItem In listbat1.Items
For Each Ftif As String In Directory.GetFiles(path.SubItems(0).Text, "*.tif")
'For n As Integer = 0 To listbat1.Items.Count - 1
Dim Finfo As New FileInfo(Ftif)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Ftif, txtdirectory.Text & imgdir & Finfo.Name & ".tif")
Is it possible ? if so, can you help me? pls ..
If you want to rename your file using a progressive counter, then you could easily do it using the ToString with a formatting expression. In this example D3 means convert the input number to a string using three numbers and padding with zero if the number is not converted to enough character.
Dim counter as Integer = 0
For Each path As ListViewItem In listbat1.Items
For Each Ftif As String In Directory.GetFiles(path.SubItems(0).Text, "*.tif")
Dim Finfo As New FileInfo(Ftif)
Dim destFile = Path.Combine(txtDirectory.Text, imgdir, counter.ToString("D3") + ".tif")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Ftif, destFile)
Counter = Counter + 1
Notice also that building a path should always be done using the Path class

Help Visual Basic mixing characters

I'm making an application that will change position of two characters in Word.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim str As String = File.ReadAllText("File.txt")
Dim str2 As String() = Split(str, " ")
For i As Integer = 0 To str2.Length - 1
Dim arr As Char() = CType(str2(i), Char())
For ia As Integer = 0 To arr.Length() - 1 Step 2
Dim pa As String
pa = arr(ia + 1)
arr(ia + 1) = arr(ia)
arr(ia) = pa
Next ia
For ib As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
File.WriteAllText("File2.txt", arr(ib))
Next ib
File.WriteAllText("File2.txt", " ")
Console.Write(" ")
Next i
End Sub
End Module
For example:
Input: ab
Output: ba
Input: asdasd asdasd
Output: saadds saadds
Program works good, it is mixing characters good, but it doesn't write text to the file. It will write text in console, but not in file.
Note: Program is working only with words that are divisible by 2, but it's not a problem.
Also, it does not return any error message.
Your code is overwriting the file that you have already written with a single space (" ") each time round.
You should only open the file once, and append to it using a stream writer:
Using output = File.CreateText("file2.txt")
' Put the for loop here.
End Using
There are some other things wrong with your code. Firstly, use For Each instead of For, this makes your code much more simple and readable. Secondly, try to avoid For loops altogether where possible. For instance, instead of iterating over the characters to output them one at a time, just create a new string from the char array, and write that:
Dim shuffledWord As New String(arr)
Some of your types are plain wrong, i.e. you are using String in places instead of Char. You should always use Option Strict On. Then the compiler will not tolerate such code.
You should also prefer to use framework methods over VB-specific methods. This makes it easier to understand for C# programmers, and also makes it easier to translate and change (that is, use the Split method of strings instead of a free function, use ToCharArray instead of a cast to Char() …).
Finally, use meaningful variable names. str, str2 and arr are particularly cryptic because they don’t tell the reader of the code anything of interest about the variables.
Sub Main()
Dim text As String = File.ReadAllText("File.txt")
Dim words As String() = str.Split(" "c)
Using output = File.CreateText("file2.txt")
For Each word In words
dim wordChars = word.ToCharArray()
For i As Integer = 0 To wordChars.Length - 1 Step 2
Dim tmp As Char = wordChars(i + 1)
wordChars(i + 1) = wordChars(i)
arr(i) = tmp
Dim shuffledWord As New String(wordChars)
output.Write(shuffledWord + " ")
Console.Write(huffledWord + " ")
End Using
End Sub