Can't upload screenshots for my application in iTunes Connect [closed] - app-store-connect

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I try to change the screenshots of my application due to an update but apple gives me error:
A network timeout error occurred. Please try again later.
Any help?

Please switch the browser to other then mozilla ... i got the same error on mozilla ... i tried google chrome and setup new app and its good and done ... mozilla have some clashes in the new updates. .
Problem Solved .. !!

While switching to a different browser is a work around, it's not a fix. Here is the fix:
Open Safari Preferences...
Click the Privacy Tab
Next to #### websites stored cookies.... hit Details...
In the search box type Apple.
Click in the list and hit Remove.
Bob will then be your uncle.

It is definitely a browser issue. I upgraded to Firefox 7 yesterday and that is when I stopped being able to upload screenshots. I switched to Safari and had no issue uploading the images.

Definitely a Firefox 7 issue: I've been struggling with this since yesterday. Switching to Safari did the trick.


Deploy VUE application on IIS [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 10 months ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 10 months ago and left it closed:
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I'm trying to deploy a VUE frontend application on IIS.
The routing is working fine in dev mode, however, something seems to break in the routing when I host my VUE app on IIS.
When I click on a link, I want to navigate to another page within the same single-page-app without having the website to refresh.
Instead what happens is that the route in the URL updates and the page refreshes, which results in a 404 Page Not Found error.
Can someone advise how to configure IIS to handle the routing of a VUE frontend app (I'm using vue-router)?

How can I build an IOS app [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I am attempting to run my app an iOS device but I can't seem to figure it out. This is the question. I am unsure of how to add a device to run it on because I never had to do it before. I release this is a fairly simple question but I searched this site and Google very hard and was unable to find an answer that I could understand.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
First of all Go to your apple developer account and create an app certifications for development and distribution (Skip this step if you have credentials already).
Create new app identifier which you need to specify your bundle identifier.
Create or select the device which your app is going to run.
Create a signing entity (provisional profile) which is authorised for the specific app and select the created app identifier and list of device(s) to run the app. Make sure that you're using the same app identifier (Bundle identifier in your app).
Generate your certificates and that's all done from the account perspective.
Open xcode and goto preferences. Choose the account which is associated with the certification created for the app.
Refresh the account certification to download the recent copy of the certifications.
Go to build settings of your app and in the signing entity section, you'll see lot of rows. Blindly choose iOS developer (if you want to test on your device) or iOS distribution (if you want to distribute the app) and the last row, select your created provisional profile.
That's all. Start testing and sharing!!
If you want to build the app use Command+B and for running the app, use Command+R.
Hope the above steps helps you... Please do let me know, if you need more help regarding this.
here i am getting finally answer
or press command+f5 button...
You must have an iOS developer account.
Add UDID of your device to developer account.
Create iOS App IDs
Create and add Provisioning Profiles to XCode
Connect your device to Mac
Select device and run
Follow this Deploying iPhone Apps to Real Devices
read carefully the tutorial at Apple ADC site, are really well written.

List of safe mobile browsers [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a list of mobile browsers that should be considered while testing a website on mobile.
We already test the website on the following browsers:
safari/chrome on IOS.
Opera Mobile, Opera min, Android browser, Chrome and Firefox on Android
I want to know if we are missing out any important ones.
Internet Explorer for Windows phone 8/7.
Coast, Dolphin, Maxthon Web Browser for IOS.
LinkBubble, Dolphin, Maxthon Web Browser for Android.
And the Puffin Browser for IOS and Andrioid can be really useful as it allows flash media. And don't forget to check websites like regualary as the Browsers with the highest market share and change quite quickly.
Hope this has helped :)

March 2013: Paypal Sandbox login loops back to developer page [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Please login to use the PayPal sandbox feature
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Since Paypal developer changed in March 2013, I've been unable to get into the sandbox.
I logged in to the new developer site OK with my actual Paypal account details.
I managed to import my accounts into the new development site (marked worryingly as 'beta') using the link
"Looking for Sandbox? Import your test accounts to continue testing. Learn what's new."
But clicking the link 'Sandbox site' on any of the accounts results in me being taken to:
This is the link where I'm greeted with a Paypal Sandbox logo and a single link reading "Please log in to use the PayPal Sandbox features."
Clicking on this link takes you back to where you have come from - that is the developer page where I am already logged in.
I did raise a support question with Paypal, but a week has passed and it's gone unanswered, so I'm hoping someone here can tell me what I'm missing in this new version?
I'm unable to reproduce this. I'm logging into my sandbox accounts just fine. I'm also able to test things like Express Checkout without any issue.
I know that browser cache and cookies can often be a big issue on the sandbox. For example, when I first attempted to try this after seeing your post I was getting a Proxy Error when trying to load I closed and re-opened my browser, though, and then everything worked as expected. Maybe give that a shot.
As Andrew Angell points out - this crazy behaviour was down to the web browser caching. I just cleared out everything in Chrome (Tools > Clear Browsing Data) and wiped everything since the beginning of time and that's got it. Nice catch, thanks Andrew. Appreciated.
The reason every browser I tried did this, is because I've used them all with Paypal - of course - so hence they all do the same thing, leading you to thing the issue is upstream.
Clear your cache and cookie simply by pressing
It works for me.
Clearing doesn't help me with this, USE CHROME INCOGNITO MODE(new window) - it works for me :)

Mediawiki page is not appearing properly [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow.
Closed 10 years ago.
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I am facing an unique issue (possibly) on my Local Mediawiki. It's been installed on Windows XP (XAMPP server, Mediawiki 1.19.1). I have installed this as a - private wiki and added few stable extensions (like Cite, TitleKey etc.).
The problem is this wiki shows properly in my pc (localhost server) using the default vector skin but other cant view it properly. The page style/format is not appearing at all. I have tried to use monobook skin but that didnt help. Neither I am using short URL (as mentioned in the attached link) nor I have done much changes in LocalSettings.php. I am attaching a snap for more clarity. Any help would be much appreciated.
Stackoverflow answers
Image Snapshot
It worked after I changed the $wgServer in LocalSettings.php from localhost to machine Static IP. Possibly the domain name was misconfigured [as suggested by #Tgr]