Dialog display in Dojo - dojo

How to unblock the screen when a dialog being displayed?
Usually when a dialog appears underlay(screen) is blocked and gets grey coloured. But i need to provide access to underlay even a dialog appears. How to do it?

I think the easiest way to do that is to hide the underlay using css. Dojo will always give the underlay the same id as the dialog followed by _underlay. So if your dialog has the id myDialog then just add the following css somewhere:
#myDialog_underlay {
display: none;
More info can be found at http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/Dialog


is it possible to change the close icon of ngx-toastr using css in angular?

this is how it should look like
this is how it's looking right now
I want to add this close button or icon (referred in the first image link) in my toastr.
I have tried to override it by using image and icon but nothing works because it's harcoded 'x' in ngx-toastr.
I don't want to make a custom toast because I don't have enough time for that so please don't suggest me to make a custom toast.
I want to make the close button in my toastr as specified in the first figma image

Remove X button in input - Metro

I write a Metro program in Javascript. The problem is Windows8 automatically adds an X button to it. Now how to edit or remove that button? Below is my layout, the X button overlaps the email input.
Details are here:
You need to use the -ms-clear pseudo element, and style it either as you need it, or display none it:
input::-ms-clear {
display: none;
Note that you likely want to not display none it, since this removes the easy-to-touch X that removes the current input.

Webdriver: Click on button's part for open color chooser

I use Selenium to test some web-product in my company.
Product has button, which open dialog to choose color. I think it's created using 'extJS' (I'm not so sure).
But then i click to any part of that button, using Webdriver, it's always just set current selected color, but newer opened dialog window to select color.
I found similar button on some random site, which has similiar behavior.
Link to site with button on developer.yahoo.com
So in source of the page you can see, that there is no specific element for right part of button, with down-oriented arrow.
So xPath
describe button in all,right part and left part.
But every child element of this describe only left part of this button, so right part with arrow has no any specific xPath to click in my WebDriver text.
I also tried things like
driver.action.move_to(element, coordinate_right, coordinate_down).perform
but it has no effect for me.
So in general my question is :
How to open color selector window on that Yahoo page
Use the SendKeys() method and send the "down arrow" key to the control (C#):
That should open it right up.

How can I make the drop-down arrow in a Web Part menu bar always display in Sharepoint 2010?

I'm converting a Sharepoint 2007 installation to Sharepoint 2010. In 2010 each Web Part has an arrow in right side of the menu bar that only displays on mouse hover. How can I make that arrow always display? I've tried adding this to my custom CSS:
visibility:visible !important;
The visibility set by corev4.css is hidden, but when I change it to visible in my CSS I still only see the image on mouse hover. Is there some JavaScript that is controlling this action? If so, where is it and can I override it? If not, how is this arrow showing and hiding?
You should check your priority of CSS imports and make sure your custom CSS is actually being applied because the code you have is correct. I was able to verify that on a standard page, adding a webpart did not show the drop-down arrow. When I then added in your code (and actually I didn't need the !important) then the arrows were shown by default. There was no JavaScript getting in the way, it was all controlled by CSS. So the problem may be somewhere else in your code.
One thing to be aware of is that there are two ways to display webparts: with the checkbox to the right of the arrow and without. That means that the arrows will not line up vertically on the page if you have them visible by default. This may be why Microsoft chose to hide them (although it also looks cleaner in the 2010 way).

Missing [X] button in dojo dialog box to close the window

For some reason, I am not able to see the [X] button to close the dialog box.
I tested examples from dojo website. Everything works but [X] button does not show up.
What am I missing?
I've seen this before, and if I recall correctly, it has to do with the Dijit theme not being set up properly. Could it be that you're not including the appropriate CSS file for the theme you're using? Or perhaps you don't even have a theme specified in your test page?
This reference page may help: http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit-themes